Pro-Hero Billboard and New Nomu Arc part 1-6
Aizawa told everyone fully in the dormitory that they are going to be having some visitors soon and to be on their best behaviors around them. Izumi was close to hiding her children fast making the class to stop it quick. This fear needs to go away now.
Aizawa did explain loudly that four children are with the visitors fully making Izumi to look to him as her eyes weavers making him to give a clue as she knows the four children which has her fully thinking to what he means by that.
Suddenly at twelve, the visitors Shota mentioned arrive; it is the Wild, Wild Pussycats, Kota and three unknown children which makes everyone happy. The Pussycats give Class 1-A cat paw buns making them to enjoy them all really.
Tiger apologizes to Bakugo for not being able to protect him at the Quirk Training Camp, to which Bakugou replies that he doesn't need to bring up the past. Izumi is ecstatic to see Kota again and while shaking his hands, reveals that she has been treasuring the thank you letter he sent her.
Mandalay shows Izumi the new shoes Kota brought which are red ones just like Izumi's, much to Kota's embarrassment. Izuki smiles and ruffles his hair making him to blush at her actions. Izumi also saw a cop with the other three children.
"Ah! I remember you three! I'm so glad to have gotten you three out of there really!" Everyone else, but Bakugou was confused as they don't get what Izumi means by that as Aizawa sighs and he rubs his face feeling very tired already cause of this really.
"Shigaraki Izumi?"
"Yes, sir."
"On behalf of the cops, Pro-Hero Magma-Man and the families of these children, we would like to thank you for saving them from the trafficking ring as they were going to be sent to a man for the sole pleasure of pleasuring the man themselves.
Pro-Hero Magma-Man wishes to give his thanks by having the very money checked to see if it's illegal to give the money away and if not, to give it all to you for the help you have done for him fully really by getting three out of three different trafficking rings fully.
It turns out they were ran by the same guy and he has been arrested and he'll be facing charges against by the three families and the government for this as no more trafficking rings will be happening in Japan." Everyone including Aizawa was shocked by this really.
"Please tell Magma-Man that he is welcomed and I'm happy those rings have fully been stopped. They don't deserve to go through that really. If he needs more help, I'm willing to offer it up, sir." Izumi said as she hugs the three who were hugging her tightly.
"The cafè owner also explained his part as you keep giving him a thousand yens for his help."
"He's a retired Vigilante. He fully deserves to have some help with keeping that place up since many Villains have been doing some damage to it really."
"Agreed. The kids are here to thank you and to do a play date." Kota was as well, too making Eri, Hisashi II and Izuko to have fun with their new friends really in the play room as Glitchy went to keep an eye on them for her really.
"Deku! What the fuck?! You could of gotten killed!"
"Not my first rodeo. And not my least favorite activity to do neither either." Everyone stares at her weirdly.
"What?! Me and onii-chan did this a lot back then as kids really. Mostly to help him relax from nightmares of his families death cause of stress which had unlocked his Decaying Quirk really."
"Mind explaining that a bit better." Kirishima said as that is confusing really.
"Killed family and pet dog by Quirk Accident by stress and he couldn't control it back then fully. Killed abusive father in all pure self-defense since he had a shot gun in his hands and he fired once at onii-chan. Does that help?"
"Majorly. But because of him being a Villain, we will have to arrest him, but I'll see if we can't give him therapy to help him and get him on the right road as well as placing him into the very famous "Villain Rehab Hero School" to become Pro-Hero." The cop said.
"Thanks." He nods before he left as he talks to Aizawa privately outside of the dormitory while everyone else was more shocked really.
"Eh? What? What?! Stop giving me those weird looks!" No one knows what to say to this really as Izumi is hard to understand fully really. Yaoyorozu asks why they have decided to return now, Mandalay states that it is because of the Hero Billboard Chart JP.
Due to their period of inactivity, they have dropped from the 32nd to the 411th on the billboard chart. Izumi is surprised by this drop and Kirishima assumes that the Pussycats have returned, so that they can stop their sharp decline.
Ragdoll refutes and replies that it's surprising they were able to stay in the three digits despite doing nothing for months. The Pussycats clarify they have returned due to their very high approval ratings meaning that they still have fans who are waiting to see them in action again.
The Pussycats leave to visit Class 1-B rooms. The talk of the JP Hero Billboard Chart makes Ashido to fully wonder about the very second-semester rankings. The Students are eager to watch it, as it will be presenting the new official rankings – the first without All Might – shortly.
William was told of the channel and to watch it as this would help them to know the new top ten Heroes and know who they are fully and their goals making the whole group and the newbies to watch it really as Izumi gave them a theater room and theater screen t.v to watch it all on.
'I so owe her one for this as many love it for video games, movie nights and date nights really.' William thinks as Clara agrees with him on that as so many of the group member loved it a lot and it is perfect for the size of their very large families really.
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