One For All's Users from first to seventh Arc part 2-3
Grand Torino and Recovery Girl left him be and let's him think about this really. Toshinori hopes to god that Izumi wouldn't have to face AFO too soon as she needs more time to grow and get stronger, even with all of those Quirks at her disposal...
Toshinori knows she she still needs time to grow up and be happy like a very normal girl her age really. Toshinori knows it's not going to be possible as Izumi isn't normal and she will never be normal at all all fully as she has got through something she shouldn't have.
Toshinori knows it's all because of what she had to go through at such a young age really. He never wanted any kids to go through that and yet maybe hundreds or thousands did. Toshinori was upset about this as he never thought it would happen to Izumi really.
'She's the sole survivor of the very Japanese branch one and the other countries are now looking for them thanks to her talking to the souls of some of the children there and then sending them free. At least they're happy and freed.' Toshinori thinks as he sighs.
Toshinori sighs and hopes to just fucking god that Izumi doesn't have to face AFO at this time and age as she's not ready yet really to face him and she needs more time. He sighs and looks a trhe rest of the information that Glitchy has giving him really.
Hikage Shinomori: The fourth user of One For All.
He has a crack on his face near his left eye, running from across his left eye to his left lower lip. This damage came from the strain that One For All put on his body after wielding it for so long. He also seems to have light-colored hair.
Unlike the other users, Hikage chose not to confront All For One, aware of the enormous gap in power between them and instead spent his time in seclusion, training himself and strengthening One For All for his future successor to wield next.
During the final years of his life, his body started to break down and full causing scars. Hikage passed One For All onto Daigoro before dying at the age of forty. Hikage's proficiency with One For All is unknown, though he likely used it in conjunction with his given Quirk, Danger Sense. Besides Toshinori, Hikage wielded One For All the longest, a total of eighteen years.
Daigoro Banjo: The fifth user of One For All.
Daigoro was formerly known as the Pro Hero, Lariat. Described as being "super funky". His proficiency with One For All is unknown, though he likely used it in conjunction with his given Quirk, Blackwhip.
All For One attempted to steal One For All from Daigoro in the past, but failed. He gave En One For All by giving him some of his blood in the battle with All For One.
En: The sixth user of One For All.
En was a man with dark hair who wore a high collared jacket and is fairly quiet due to his attire obscuring his mouth. Little is known about En's proficiency with One For All, other than he was not capable of bringing down All For One.
The fact that All For One attempted to steal One For All from him in the past, but failed. He likely used One For All in conjunction with his given Quirk, Smokescreen. He gave Nana One For All by giving her some of his hair in a battle with All For One.
Nana Shimura: The seventh user of One For All.
Nana was a very compassionate and noble individual. She is regarded as having been a truly great and exceptional hero by incredibly powerful heroes, such as All Might and Gran Torino. Little is known about Nana's proficiency with One For All.
Other than she was not capable of bringing down All For One. Nana gave One For All to Toshinori sometime prior to her battle with All For One that resulted in her death. She likely used One For All in conjunction with her given Quirk, Float.
Toshinori was shocked as Glitchy has figure them all out, but the second user is a mystery as he doesn't know what to do really. Izumi is going to have five more Quirks to use making her to have in total sixteen Quirks in her body.
'Aizawa-kun is going to kill me for this really. Better get them on it fast and do ground control. Young Shigataki is going to be fucking needing it majorly as she's going to flip out badly.' Toshinori thinks as there is no way Izumi is going to be able to handle this.
Nezu, Sir Nighteyes, Togato, Recovery Girl, Gran Torino and Naomasa Tsukauchi was in Nezu's office as Toshinori allows them to look at the information fully that Glitchy has gotten for him and then hears his worries making them shocked.
"She had NINE Quirks forced into her, then we have her ORIGINAL Quirk and now she's going to be having an additional SIX Quirks to use from within One For All fully?! This girl just can't have a break, can she?" Sir Nighteyes said as he rubs his eyes making even Toshinori to agree.
"I'm worried to how she'll flip out about this really. She knows how to use Blackwhip unconscious as you all saw the footage of that match, but she can't remember using it or that she hurt young Monoma to the point of fully recovering inside of a wheelchair.
I don't know if that's a blessing or not." Everyone agrees as it seems she'll dream of doing it and then realized she did it and she would apologies to him for it as she shouldn't have done that to him really. Nezu looks to the camera and sighs.
"Looks like she has apologies to Monoma." He shows the video and she was actually hugging him in a private area and she was crying making him to rub her back as Kendo was there with Aizawa who was sighing about not being paid enough for this.
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