Meta Liberation Army Arc part 10-12
AN: If anyone si confused about Hawks' part in LOV, he FULLY killed Best Jeanist.
Re-Destro was shocked as he can tell from the girl that she's the reason Tomura has the Serpent Dragon Quirk and that it's compellable with Decay making him to know both are over-protective of each other and will kill for each other.
Resolving to end this situation, Re-Destro decides he's done playing around and proceeds to bulk up his body at 80% Liberation, causing his body to contort and bulge until he becomes demonic like in nature.
He then releases his Super Move Stress Output Burden that tears through several city blocks in an attempt to kill Tomura. Tomura is sent flying and more hands of his relatives are shattered with the attack, this time the hands of his maternal grandparents.
Tomura begins to remember them as loving and attentive people who comforted him while he was crying. However, his words of consolation were not what Tomura really wanted to hear at that time. Tomura gets up to face Re-Destro once more.
At that moment, Re-Destro gets a panicked call from Skeptic to warn him about a League's monster that is heading towards his position. The monster is none other than Gigantomachia, sweeping everything and everyone in his path.
Despite Skeptic's warning, Re-Destro is focused on Tomura Shigaraki, surprised that he had been able to nullify his previous attack with his decay. Tomura takes the preserved hand of his father out of his pocket and tells Re-Destro that he is right about him.
"I truly exist only to destroy." The commander of the Meta Liberation Army replies that he must die then because it is impossible for there to be a future without creation and bulks up even more all, so he can destroy him.
"Who needs a future if you can't destroy to protect what is very important to you?" Re-Destro stops as he sees Tomura's eyes were very different and can tell something is off as he sees the wedding ring on his left ring finger shocking him really as Tomura begins to recall his past as Tenko Shimura.
The flashback starts when Tenko was five years old and lived in the house that his father had built with all his family. His memory begins with a stranger who takes him to his house after having a small incident with him while playing to be a Hero with his friends.
Upon learning this, his father Kotaro Shimura punishes him, expelling him to the backyard, despite Tenko's cries and his wife's pleas not to do so due to his allergies. Kotaro does not allow him to re-enter the house until he apologizes for disobeying his rule which is to forget the Heroes.
Tenko does not seem to have a Quirk, but he suffered from unknown physical changes to his body. Despite his father, his mother and grandparents are always there for him and comfort him. Tenko asked his mother; Nao Shimura if his father hates him for wanting to be a Hero.
"No, but his attitude is because he knows how difficult it is to be a Hero." One day, her sister Hana takes him to his father's office and shows him an old photo of his father with his grandmother. Hana tells Tenko that their grandmother was a Hero, and this revelation makes Tenko very happy.
Hana tries to support his dream and even says that she wants to follow his dream herself. Later, Tenko is playing with Mon, the family dog, happy to know that there was a Hero in his family. While playing, he feels an unpleasant discomfort in his hand really.
Unfortunately, Kotaro discovers that his children broken into his office and peeped at the picture of his Hero mother Nana. Tremendously angry, Kotaro demands to know who was responsible. Scared, Hana breaks down into sobs and squealed, saying it was all Tenko's idea.
This results in Kotaro beating his son, while also shaming Heroes for protecting others and abandoning their families. Tenko's suffering is watched by his other relatives, whom he begs for help but they can only witness it in horror.
Later that night, after this unpleasant event, Kotaro stares at the picture of himself with his mother and read the letter that she gave him. She apologizes for leaving him, but she had to do it for his safety because she had to face a bad man and reminds him that she will always love him no matter what.
When he finishes, his wife confronts him about what he did to Tenko, telling Kotaro that if he was going to resort to violence, then she wouldn't abide by his rules. Kotaro admits he went too far beating his son. Kotaro went too far and plans to apologies to his son tonight.
While outside, Tenko is clutching onto the family dog, saying how he hated everyone for leaving him to suffer. Suddenly, his Decay Quirk activates for the first time, causing the dog to crumble in his hands. Tenko is horrified to see this as he hears his sister call out to him.
A guilty Hana comes outside to apologize to Tenko for blaming him. Tenko tries to warn her of the danger but finds his voice has been damaged by this new phenomenon. Hana notices her brother is in pain and she runs to help him.
Hana got close to her brother, but is horrified to find their dog dead next to him and runs off in terror. A frantic Tenko tries to reach for her sister, and he ends up disintegrating her by accident as she calls for her mother before she dies.
Tenko was horrified at her death and puked at the sight. As his Quirk manifested, Tenko's grandparents and mother ran outside to see what was happening. Begging for help, Tenko tries to reach his mother, but he touches the ground and his decay spreads, accidentally killing them.
His mother tries to reach out to him to hug and comfort him, but her body falls apart before she can do it, right in front of Tenko. Kotaro is alerted by the noise and discovered his son's deed. Standing horrified, Kotaro can only stare at the scene fully really in front of him.
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