Meta Liberation Arm Arc part 3-12
The doctor continues to say that Gigantomachia has endless stamina and needed no Quirk enhancements to complete duties assigned to him. When Tomura told Gigantomachia of what AFO wanted him to do and that AFO is his adoptive father...
Gigantomachia went to hit him if he wasn't saved by Kurogiri who wraps him away fast enough and they realized how difficult this is going to be fully really. Both Miruko and Hawks were back at another base that Izumi made for them secretly.
Kurogiri would give them updates on their husbands and Izumi got to be the maid of honor at her onii-chan's wedding and Todoroki was the man of honor at his aniki's wedding making them to have fun really. Tomura is soo going to be hating this really and he can't stop it.
Tomura wasn't going to be having fun as he's been trying for over a whole month to even fully get Gigantomachia's loyalty making him to hate this really as he wonders if this is what it felt like for AFO to try and get his loyalty the first time around really.
Over a month and a half of first making contact with Daruma Ujiko, Tomura and his subordinates have been fighting Gigantomachia all along. The members take turns assisting Tomura in battle. Tomura, being All For One's successor, is Gigantomachia's main target and doesn't care that other members wander off.
However, this proves to be futile as Gigantomachia is able to fight for forty-eight hours and forty-four minutes straight without end and his body grows in size during battle. He sleeps for three hours before resuming. He reveals to the League of Villains that he has a heightened sense of hearing and smell.
This makes it difficult to attack Gigantomachia even in his sleep. Keeping his word, Daruma refuses to fully help the League until Gigantomachia submits. He gives them a one-time meager allowance. Tomura hates this as they sold the rest and got enough money to live off of.
It's mid-December, Tomura, Twice and Mr. Compress try to ambush Gigantomachia in the air, but Gigantomachia counters with a powerful shockwave that sends them reeling back. Tomura and the others survive the onslaught and Gigantomachia eventually falls asleep again.
On their way to meet with the other members, Spinner reflects on how the League no longer aligns with Stain's ideals. He questions Toga on why she is still with the League. She responds that she still loves Stain, Izumi Shigaraki and Ochaco Uraraka, too.
"And that I want to 'become' them." Spinner notes how carefree she is. They come across Tomura, Twice and Mr. Compress ragged, but resting. Toga checks on Tomura's condition and her leader rests with a wicked smile on his face.
"Gigantomachia has gotten much slower since when we first fought and I truly believe I'm closer to getting him to submit." Spinner notes how Tomura's eyes still possessed the look of a determined boy chasing after his dreams.
Tomura knows for over a month and a half, he had to dodge attacks on a daily basics and he was getting tired of it really. It was making him to feel the same thing his imoto felt when she was looking after her four biological children herself really.
'I don't like it really.' At that moment, Twice receives a call from Giran, who for unknown reasons hasn't answered the League calls for weeks.
"Hey, I need to know if my damaged prosthetic arm is insured." A frustrated Mr. Compress wants to know, but split, Twice notes that Giran has been very good him since introducing him to the League and he is happy being here really.
The first thing he does when responding to the call is to reproach Giran for not picking up their calls for a long time. However, an unknown voice apologizes on behalf of the broker, because he is not responsible for that. Tomura knows mentally something is going down.
The voice on the other end speaks in a different voice and Compress wonders if Giran is using a voice changer, but Twice realizes that the speaker is someone else and asks what happened to Giran. The voice answers with 'check the news'. Compress uses his own phone to do that.
"The news talks about the mysterious appearance of five severed fingers of a hand and five pieces of clothing in five different location: Central Fukuoka, the Central High, the Shie Hassaikai Compound, Hosu City Terminal and at Ground Zero in Kamino Ward." Mr. Compress notes that all the locations are where the League has been.
The voice on the phone introduces itself as the Grand Commander of the Meta Liberation Army, Re-Destro. Tomura jokes if they are another retro freak organization that wants to make a comeback and ride the League's popularity and questions if it is because of the book.
"Actually that it is the Army that initiated the League's popularity wave." Re-Destro replies as Tomura is so going to be in trouble as he knows his imoto is going to be killing him herself if she has ever found out about this fully really.
'And she wasn't allowed to join us really.' Tomura knows Izumi is going to be throwing a fit unless he somehow let's her join them in defeating them really. Twice interrupts to ask what Re-Destro has done with Giran and what does he want.
"Giran is alive. The League that Meta Liberation Army seeks to free all Meta-Humans by dismantling the current framework of society and rebuild it so that all Meta-Humans 'can be themselves and use their abilities as they see fit'." Re-Destro told them.
Mr. Compress comments that he doesn't see why they should oppose the Army. Toga questions if they are going to help the Army like they helped the Yakuza. Tomura answers that Re-Destro should 'liberate the broker' and call back because he's busy.
"Oh, I won't let the broker go because he's not allowing us to gain valuable information of the League. I commend Giran for his resistance, destroying his client list and refusing to talk or emit emotion even while they chopped off his fingers.
However, the Army was unable to recover the deleted list since there is a lot og glitches and a girl inside of his phone is keeping us from getting the information we want." Tomura smirks making the others to recognize that look of his really.
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