Hero Killer: Stain Arc part 1-3
Izumi was better now as Kage warns Aizawa that she's fully drained and she needs a couple of days of rest before coming back to school as Glitchy had fun looking after the children really. Izumi slept for a very long time to recover fully.
It was making Yenndo to worry as he can feel something is wrong meanwhile Glitchy glitches the old cast off and glitches a new one on to the older ones making them to giggle at the feeling of it as Izumi woke up and it's been two weeks.
It's making her to be very hungry and too energized to even go back to sleep as Izumi went to school and she went to class making her to see her very many friends as they all cheered she's here making her to be very confused.
Aizawa explains they were worried about her and they all fully didn't like it when she's not in the classroom. Izumi blushes as she didn't think of it like that for her whole class as she apologies to them making them to smile as she brings a lot more out of them somehow really.
Aizawa explains about the Hero Internships and how they'll be staying a week with their mentors for the week long internships. Once he was done talking, the whole class surrounds Izumi with her opining on them really.
Izumi was fast as it's making her to keep Yaoyorozu away from snake woman who does nothing, but beauty commercials and got her to be with Miruko which she made sure Bakugou did the same as he'll learn a lot more from her making him to grin feral at the idea.
She even told Kaminari to go with one who's a bit similar in Quirks and see if he can't get some tips to help him out with his own Quirk making him to nod and booked to Aizawa to ask about those with the same Quirk as him, but different making Aizawa to be surprised by this.
'Izumi really knows who can help her classmates, but how the fuck can she know who'll help who out really?' Aizawa wouldn't know as he wonders a bit about her really. Izumi helped her classmates and then it got around making many of the others to ask for her opining making her to help them.
All Might got her to the breaker room to rest for a bit as that's a lot of work she did there making her to sigh as it's better than them going to the wrong person really which All Might agrees on with her really. Nezu was impressed, but All Might was protective of her and he kept her away from him really.
'I wonder why? I'm not going to hurt the child.' Nezu would never know until it's too late. All Might explains about fully both of his bashi-sama and her friend as he got a call from him as he wants to intern her making her to think as she had to ask what he is like to proper see if she wants to or not.
All Might nods and explains how he helped up out with OFA, how he took over his training once his bashi-sama was killed and then sent him to America where he started his hero career. Izumi never asked pointed questions, just the basic to understand a person.
"So, he's a abusive trainer and he would love kicking or whooping my ass until I figured out how to properly use OFA? Nope. Not for me. I'll see if onii-chan can take me for a week and we'll do some sibling training together really." Izumi said to All Might.
'Like we use to do before.' Izumi thinks before she saw that All Might had saw the look on her face and she did have to explain as she showed her hands to her two forearms really shocking All Might as she shouldn't have those scars at all really.
"His Quirk wouldn't work on me unless he wants to save me really and I don't want to die really." All Might understands as this is bad for them both really, but at lease her onii-chan can hug her really. Izumi was happy about that cause what she said in the Sport Fest Festival is the truth.
"I understand and he wants to know more about you which is why he wanted to intern you, but he'll understand why. What me to tell him what you thought of him fully?" Izumi nods as she wasn't lying to him about what she fully thought of him really.
Izumi left the break room and she thanked All Might for both the food and the talk before he fully phoned and Izumi knows that All Might was laughing at him for that one really. Gran Torino was quiet on the other line cause the brat got him red handed with just what she thought of him really.
'Damnna it!' Recovery Girl was fully laughed as she can't believe it as Izumi said that to All Might who said it to Gran Torino.
"That girl is going to be going far, Toshinori. I haven't had her in my very domain yet and I can tell she has a very good head on her very shoulders." All Might nods as he wonders how she wasn't hurt yet by the Quirk really. Izumi had the shadows get her to her onii-chan.
It was a surprised as she didn't noticed that Stain just left and she shocked her onii-chan by saying "Boo." in his right ear and he just screams like a girl making her to laugh with Kurogiri making him to look to her shocked as he saw the shadows let her go fully really.
"I'm spending the whole week fully with you. *Glad Kage is fully pretending to be me for the whole week really* So, training like old times and then fighting some Villains as Vigilantes like usual, Onii-chan? Kurogiri is on the babysitting duties with us both and my kids?" Tomura smirks fully.
"Damn right we are, imoto!" Izumi smiles as Kurorgiri knows with her, Tomura is going to be fully learning a lot more about his Quirk and reports it to his master who doesn't mind as he'll do the plan for Tomura making Kurogiri to agree with him fully really.
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