Freddy Fazbear's Amusement Park Arc part 2-3
Aizawa's happy they got to enjoy themselves as teenagers really as they might not get the chance to do this very often once they are adults and they need sot be on duty twenty-four seven as Pro-Heroes, so he doesn't mind this really.
"They had a very tiring and a full adventured day really."
"You can treat them walking or running around from place to place, from ride to ride, from food stand to food stand as training their leg muscles really. They will need it to keep up with those Villains, don't they?" Aizawa fully agrees as he went to bed after dinner as he got a week off of work.
Yenndo wonders what Izumi is going to do tomorrow before he he did tell both of Aizawa and William what he heard making them to hate those thoughts as well, too. He's worried about her making him to wonder why he is feeling this way really about her.
It was making him to be so confused and annoyed by it really. Why can't he stop thinking about her? Why can't he just tell her about his feelings and have her help him understand what it is that he is feeling really? Yenndo was getting so confused and angry really.
'Why am I feeling like this really?' Yenndo thinks as everyone leaves him alone cause of the look on his face. Izumi was having a blast that whole week as she knows tomorrow they are needed to go to a summer camp really as she wished they could have stayed a bit longer.
All Might had made it look like he had fully signed her up for one for crafts only that he is supervising really. It was making her mom to agree to it and since it's for the rest of the summer, Inko doesn't mind her daughter gone for that long.
'Now I can bring man over to my apartment now really.' Izumi knows All Might is trying to keep her away from her mom, but it's not going to be possible until she noticed a sign sheet for the dormitories that Nezu is starting right after summer.
It was making her to sign herself down and she had Inko's permission for it by pretending to be her as she had self-taught herself how to do that really as she's been doing it a lot ever since she had fully signed herself up for school really and no one noticed it yet.
All Might nor Nezu would know as Izumi's is the first one signed and she can move all of her stuff fully into the dormitory as she has the shadows to expand the inside of the many bedrooms only for Alliances High as there needs to be a lot of space inside really.
And this was all before she wished for them to stay that size since it's a size of a large square ballroom. Izumi wanted to make sure there was plenty of room really since she has a lot of stuff and she fully wanted to organized it all properly.
'There is no way I'm going to let my children sleep with me in the same bed when they all fully need their own beds really. they are old enough to have their own beds now really.' Izumi thinks as she needs to know which one to get for them really.
Izumi knows life has thrown her curve balls after curve balls, but she has proven to dodge them and fight as she is now going to be making her life her own once again as the lab hasn't come for her yet proving they don't know where she is really.
It was making her to sigh of relief as she doesn't need to worry about it until they get her and enhanced her for the number of times they missed out on really. Yenndo managed to spend the last day with her as no one told them it was a date really.
It was making them to look so cute together making Izumi to not noticed as Yenndo shows his ride next which was a very long roller-coaster making her to be fully wondering as the twins won't leaving her thanks to the shadows.
Izumi actually had fun as she was smiling more and even laughing making many to smile, but the way her body is talking, the way her body tenses and the way she's preparing herself... She's not comfortable for some reason and they don't know why.
It was all fully before Glitchy explains she's waiting to be taking meaning she's been kidnapped and it's been repeated a lot really. Nezu hopes once he heard about this that she wasn't fully just experimented on like he was really as that's not right really.
Nezu doesn't want anyone to go through the same thing as he was making him to hope Izumi wasn't nor had been experimented on, but he'll know one day as it's going to be fully coming out and he's going to be pissed and shocked.
Izumi wonders why Yenndo feels nervous really as it seems he has a lot on his mind and she can't help, but feel like it's all about her, but that's being stupid as they don't know each other that much to even think like that really for each other fully.
"Hey, Yenndo? Is everything alright? You feel nervous for some reason." Yenndo takes a very deep breath and kissed her on the lips shocking everyone including poor Izumi as she froze before melted into the kiss with her eyes closed.
It was making both to be blushing and looking away fast as Izumi can't believe she kissed back while Yenndo can't believe he did that to her really making Ashido, Elizabeth, Charlie, Cassidy, Susie and Glamrock Chica to squeal as they ship them.
It was making everyone to chuckle at the four girls really as this is best thing they had ever done really. Izumi got the grand prize five times making her to have Glitchy to teleport them all to her bedroom for the time being since she's going to camp tomorrow morning fully really.
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