Endeavor's Agency Arc part 1-6
It's Christmas and Izumi had fully online ordered a lot of Christmas Gifts for the whole Freddy Fazebear's Amusement Park, her family, her class, class 1-B, her eight children and for her many teachers. Izumi wanted this to be the very best Christmas that she can do for her children.
Kage would send both Tomura's and Miruko's to them for Izumi who thanked her as the fish tank is huge and all forty-five fishes are inside of it really and safe away from any open areas fully really. Many loved it fully really since Yaoyorozu used her Quirk.
Todoroki brought three more to make it even which helped out and it's the same fishes as the ones in the fish tank. Everyone had a turn feeding them each morning and cleaning the tank when it gets dirty really. A class pet fully really.
Izumi was wearing new clothing as she heads down and enjoys the Christmas party she had done for everyone as she had it all planned it for everyone as they were all fully enjoying themselves really and she wanted it that way really.
Everyone was shocked at the very amount of gifts and that they were all from Izumi really. Even both the Afton's and Emily's were fully shocked really by the gifts. Eri was told of each holiday and Izumi did it as games to have her know them all really.
Eri enjoyed it and learned a lot of new words really making Izumi to be happy as Nezu had fun with this and did small quizzes on the subjects as he has three more students and they were the same as Izumi from the same group really.
Izumi was upset as she didn't want that really for them making Jiro to hug her as she knows Izumi fully wishes she can change the past, but she can't really. Everyone feels like Izumi is going to be reminded of this group for the rest of her life really.
Toshinori was not happy as Izumi and her children deserves a better life really. Aizawa agrees as they are trying their best with Tomura and Miruko really. Both Hawks and Dabi were happy as their little boy came into the world really.
"I like that name as well, too." Dabi said as he holds Hawks on his lap making them to be happy as this bundle of life is theirs to raise. Izumi fully wonders just how everyone loves their gifts as she made sure it something they can use fully really.
Izumi smiles as they loved her presents making her to see Aizawa's look at a new Hero costume for him to where with hair elastics making him to love it as it's a mazing on how she managed to get it for him really. Toshinori got a photo album of Nana Shimura, his bashi-sama.
He was happy as he had tears going down his face making him to love it as he looks to Izumi as she got hugged by her children for their presents making her to smile to them as everyone also had gotten her gifts making her to be buried in the pile and she pops her head out.
Everyone laugh as Izumi joins in as she pops back in and makes it move before she pops out and shows two necklaces from Yaoyorozu making them to be amazed by them as it's amazing and Yaoyorozu has great taste making her to blush really.
"Thanks, Yaomama!" Izumi closed the box as a stand form the shadows shows up and Izumi placed them down on it before popping back in and then five seconds later, steam can be found coming from the pile before Izumi pops out and had a red face with swirling eyes.
"Mineta is back to being the grape pervert! Tou-san!" Toshinori took the box and grabs Mineta before he takes him to Aizawa to letcher him as Izumi never wanted to see that again. Everyone knows it was a pervert gift before they heard what Izumi called Toshinori.
"De-" Izumi pops back in as she causes the pile to shake as the steam is now gone.
"Never again will I accept gifts from Mineta until one of the girls checks it for me!" They got a answer to one of their questions. Izumi pops out and looks to Bakugou annoyed.
"Bakugou Katsuki, was this suppose to be a joke gift?" Bakugou got her condoms as a Christmas gift.
"Yenndo. That's all I'm saying. He is learning from Henry and it might pop up really. Now why did you call All Mi-" Izumi pops back in making him to glare at the pile.
"She never had a father affection since she was five which was eleven years ago. I had no problem being that figure to her really. Kage and Glitchy also had nothing against it really." That answers that question really. Izumi had gotten a lot of presents from her friends.
Any stuffies were placed in glass cases making them to know she cares for them really as she might pass them on once older really. they were still shocked at the amount of stuffies she has really making them to know they are going to be wroth a lot of money in the future.
Toshinori smiles at Izumi as Mineta was in trouble for his pervert gift making him to say in his defense it's for her to use to know what it's like before doing it for real as he had it costume made for her as Yenndo is a bigger size compared to whoever raped her.
Aizawa was still pissed about it, though he did worry when he noticed the size as wasn't going to be enjoying Izumi being sore from Yenndo as he was bigger as Izumi did draw how big it was when asked and she freaks as Yenndo is going to be six inches longer and wider really.
'Oh boy.'
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