"Crap in late"I said running to the old run down school
If only I could use my quirk in public it would make it much easier to get past all these people
It's almost the end of the day and I'm already late
I'm so good at this being nice thing
I finally made it but class was finished and some dudes were making fun of a kid in class
"Oh hi dick what's up"I said standing in front of the green haired kid
His lackies came at me but I kicked there butts
"I heard you were trying to get this kid to commit suiccied that's not very nice you know"I said still with a smile on my face
"Well he thought he could be a hero he doesn't even have a quirk"he yelled
"Well I don't have one too but I can kick your ass"I lied
He thru a punch but I caught it with my hand and stopped him
"So your going to stop picking on him or"I said taking out a blade so only he could see
"I'll just end you right here"I said as he fell to the ground and I let go of his hand
"Hey green kid you okay"I said
"Yeah I can't believe you could do that"he said
"Welp I just did what I thought was right OW"I said as the blonde guy burnt my back a little
"A are you okay"he asked
"Yes just really pissed please step outside"I said as he went outside
The room and hallway was filled with that blonde guys screams
I opened the door and walked out
"Hey in new wanna walk home together"I said
"Sure im izuku midoriya"he said
"Well hi midoriya im (y/n) (f/l/n)"I said as we walked
We got to a beige and we were walking under it when a green thing appeared from the ground and grabbed him
"Midoriya!"I said
He couldn't breath I was panicking
"LET HIM GO"I said sternly
"Rag what you going to do lady"the villain said as I pulled out a sword I keep on me at all times
But this sword wasn't normal it could damage anything even water so this guy would be easy
"Let him go or I will kill you"I said with my voice having a demonic tone
"Oh yeah how"he said and I cut his arm off and it shriveled up
"Do I have to repeat myself I have all the abilities to kill you and I don't intend on holding back"I said
I cut and cut until midoriya was free
"Midoriya"I said running to him
I held him
"You alive"I said hitting his face
God this friendship thing is hard
Then all night came and helped him
I walked with them and midoriya grabbed his leg so I grabbed it too
"Hey let go"he said
"If we do we will die"I said
"Oh yeah"he said as we landed
"Um sir I have a question"midoriya said
"Yes"he said
"Can normal people be heros"he said
Long story short the guy got a lot shorter and weaker
"What the hell man!"I said
"Look you guys can't tell anyone about this"he said
Then they started a nerd talk
But this ticked me off
"Some villains you can't beat without a quirk so you will never be a hero"he said
"Well what do you know dick!"I yelled
"(Y/n) stop"midoriya said
I could see that all might recognized my name
"Look you think you can go around crushing people's dreams when you can only fight for three hours I don't know about you but I could fight longer than you and I don't even have a quirk in fact I'll make sure midoriya'S dream comes true because
My sisters name was
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