I felt pain every where from that power transfer and being frozen to shoto wasn't helping
I was vulnerable I couldn't use any quirks I got from others I could use some of my own but not easily in fact I would fall on the ground if I did but I had to stop kōri
"Shoto"I said
"Yes"he said
"I need to pee can you let me go"I said
He let go
"Thanks"I said running after kōri
She was beating people up
"Stupid mortals"she said
"KŌRIIIiIiIiIiI"I yelled
"what"she said
"You can't go beating up people"I said
"Oh sorry"she said
A knife with a chain connected to the end flew past my head
It flew back into a boy with brown hair and blue ish eyes hand
"That's one of us I can sense it"kōri said
"But it's a boy"I said
"So there are boy elements too you know why did you think there are only girls"kōri said
"Because the legend is called the six element sister"I said
"So there are not six of us the humans just say there are"kōri said
I know she is a god and all but she is really rude towards people talking about them like pests and parasites
"Anyway he is to strong for the both of us right now we should go"she said
"No way I wanna fight get him"I said
"Okay let him hit you the only way for you to use your power right now is to be in danger witch means they open a wound"she said
He launched t at me again and I grabbed it and hit my leg
Darkness surrounded my hands
This was going to be awesome
Kōri tried to get people to people
People surrounded us because of you see anything cool you want to go see it
Kōri made a ice wall so they couldn't see
"If you wanna see it costs ten bucks"she said
As people started paying and were able to see
He launched his knife as me a couple times I dodged
"Let's get this over with"he said as his hair turned a blacker color and his eyes went red
"(Y/n) quick stab your arm"kōri said throwing me a knife
"Wait why"I yelled
"Do it!"she said as I stabbed my arm
My hair turned (f/c) and my eyes went black.
My clothes changed into some sort of armour like stuff
I ran at him and dust covered the whole fight
I thru him above the dust and slammed him back into the ground
He got up and his hair turned into rock like stuff and his hands turned to metal and he got earth like amour
Kōri's pov
She was going to be killed sadly she had to fight a little longer so I could get enough power to stop him coming here took a lot of power
"Come on (y/n) sama just hold out a little longer"I said
She was really cute
Wait what am I thinking
Your pov
I was getting killed out here kōri was trying her bet not to get people to get hurt
"Let me in I need to help her"izuku said
I looked at him with tears when I was stabbed in the gut
"NOOO"izuku yelled
I felt my body getting heavy I couldn't keep this up forever when kōri talked in my mind
She told me something to say and i did
"(Insert spell here)"I said as shadows came from my hands and feet and pushed him back into the ice wall thanks again for that kōri
"I I will not lose to a idiot like you"he muttered
"They why don't we stop fighting or whatever and you can find a useful way to spend time"I said
"I'm sorry Hi I'm shizen"he said
"I'm (y/n) (l/n)"I said only he heard
He knew who I was but he was cool with it
Kōri took down the ice wall
"Are you okay (y/n) Sama I was really worried"kōri said running at me
"Awwww you love meeee"I said
"N no I it's not like I like you Baka"she said
I rolled my eyes she was such a tsundere
"Yeah I'm cool me and shizen made up were besties now"I said
I noticed shizen was looking at tenya and blushing
I found a reason to tease him now
"Hey (y/n) to celebrate all three of our friend ships lets all go get bento boxes"kōri said
"Yah sure"I said and she pulled me and him
To bento heaven
"Bless you kōri"of I said on my hands and knees
After we ate bento and shizen was forced to talk to tenya I walked around then decided to take another nap near the tree I was so weak from that fight I could barely do anything
I closed my eyes and saw that woman again drinking tea
"Wait why are you here again"I ask
"I don't know"she said
"Oh okay may I sit down"I asked
"Sure"she said
I sat down
"I am going to power you up again"she said
"Okay"I said as she powered me up 5%
I never would understand this woman she was so direct with things
Then I fell thru the floor
She waved as I fell into some sort of black stuff and drowned
I woke up
I hate these stupid dreams it makes me feel like there is just going to be some random plot twist or some sort of conflict at anytime
It's annoying plus I'm completely venerable in that state but I am getting stronger each time I check myself before I couldn't do any of that stuff and no one was helping me
But god did it have to hurt so bloody much i finally know how izuku kun feels
But god can't she just let me heal up a little
I looked at my hand and realized that some black stuff was on the ground and I had a note in my hand and a bracelet
"By the by if your hand starts cracking put this bracelet on oh and be safe
-love that random girl who shows up in your dreams(/0.0)/"it said
"Of course she didn't tell me that"I said putting the bracelets on
I tried I get up but it felt like everything was broken
"Oh god"I said
"(Y/n) sama are you okay"kōri said
"Yup just your mother powered me up again and I feel like I'm dying inside"I said as she helped me up
"Hey (y/n) wanna spar"katsuki said
I was up against him in matches so I thought it would be fine
"Uhh sure"I said
We walked into a open area
He ran at me and kicked but I went under and tripped him when he got up I ran and jumped up using his head and punched him while I came down and made a crater
"Oh my god I'm so sorry"I said
"Nah it's okay"he said getting up
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