I've got you
Izuku Midoryia x scared reader.
He is just the cutest little thing, I could squish his cute little freckly cheeks forever!
Your hero name: Black Shadow
Your Quirk: Able to shift and control shadows and the ability to travel by shadows.
~ Enjoy ~
Your point of view
It was the day after the USJ attack and I was scared so much I couldn't stop shaking. What is the villains come back.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Mrs. Midoryia asked walking into the living room.
"I-I'm just worried about dad." I said quietly.
You see, I was left with the Midoryia family because my father was injured badly in the villain attack.
"He'll be fine dear, he has Recovery Girl to help him heal faster. Izuku!" She called out for her fluffy haired son.
"Yeah mom?" Deku said poking his head through the doorway.
"Come and sit with young Y/n, she so scared she's shaking." She explained, wow I hadn't even realised I was shaking.
"Okay Mom." He said walking over to me and sitting next to me on the Sofa. "Y/n. Are you okay?"
"I-I'm fine." I said shakily.
"Look. Y/n look at me." He said lightly grabbing my chin.
I looked into his green eyes and stopped shaking. I felt.... Safe knowing he was here with me.
"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Thank you Izuku." I said snuggling into him.
He then stopped and he shot up.
"S-Sorry! I didn't think! And I didn't realize what I was doing and it all kinda just happened a-and I-"
"Midoryia its fine." I interrupted him with a giggle following.
"Kids! Dinner is ready." Inko called.
"Coming!" Izuku and I called together, racing to the table.
-After dinner-
It was time to sleep I was on the sofa staring at the ceiling with tears running down my face. I couldn't stop thinking of how that Nomu broke my dad to bits.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes to stop thinking about it when I heard a creaking noise come from a floorboard.
Thinking it was a villain I cowered in the corner of the sofa and cried.
"Y/n! Its just me." Izuku said whisper shouting.
"Midoryia!" I cried. "I-I'm so scared! A-And worried about my dad! I can't handle this!" I said quietly gripping my hair.
"Hey hey hey. Come on." He sat next to my quivering body once more and wrapped his hands around me as I shook.
"You're dad will be fine. I'm sure he'll be at school in a couple of days." He said stroking my hair.
"How are you so sure? What if something goes wrong and I'm not there? It'll be my fault and I'll never see him again. And-" I was cut off by a finger pressing against my lips and an innocent smile.
"Don't over think it, you'll hurt yourself." He said with a reassuring voice.
"Sorry." Was all I said before fell into him. "I'm just so tired. And I'm jumping five feet in the air whenever I hear a small sound." I sighed.
"Would you like to come sleep in my room?" He asked, his face glowing with bright pink blush.
"That would be nice." I smiled as I embraced the warmth coming from his body.
He got up, trying to hide his blush while holding his hand out for me to grab it.
I gladly accepted and stood up, walking with him into his room.
Once we got to the side of his bed he picked me up and sat me down on the soft mattress and I laid my head on the soft feather filled pillow.
I felt the bed shift as he climbed in with me and looked over at me with his emerald green eyes.
Once again the safe feeling came to me and I smiled at the freckled broccoli boy.
I snuggled up close to him and closed my eyes drifting into slumber.
"I've got you. And I promise I won't let go."
- Five years later -
I'm a pro hero now. My father is proud of me and I have 36 sidekicks working by me.
"Black shadow! A villain was spotted down town! They're struggling to handle it!" My sidekick Nightshade said running in.
"I'm on it!" I said backing into the shadows and arriving at the scene.
I looked at what was going on in front of me and I saw what looked like a Nomu.
I growled remembering what one of those creatures did to my father.
I shifted my shadow into a bow and arrow and shot it in the back of the head to distract it.
"Step away from those citizens evil being! I will bring you to justice!"
I shifted the shadows again to a whip and I entangled his foot, with a following pull of my weapon I knocked over the Nomu and hog tied it with my whip.
"Look at you. Haven't you grown up since I last attacked." A familiar scratchy voice said walking up to me.
"N-No.. I thought you were defeated!" I said shakily as I walked backwards and fell to the ground.
"Think again. I'll be taking my Nomu now."
A portal then came out from under the Nomu and it disappeared.
"I think I'll pay your father another visit soon. Don't you worry." He said as he retreated through a portal behind him.
I stood in shock as I heard cheering behind me.
"Black shadow scared them off!"
"She's my hero! When I grow up, I wanna be just like her!"
"Black shadow we love you!"
"Look at you. I can't believe that's my same friend from UA." A voice said from behind me.
I turned around and saw those familiar green eyes and I felt tears prick the corner of my e/c eyes.
"I-Izuku??" I asked, barely audible.
"Do I get a hug or not?" He chuckled picking me up in his arms. "You're a pro now."
"So are you mister #1 hero." I said puffing out my cheeks.
"Yeah." He chuckled scratching the back of his neck. "You're the #4 hero though. That's good too."
"Yeah I guess." I giggled
"Look! It's Deku! C-Can I have an autograph?!" A little boy said from behind us. "Black Shadow is here too!? Can I have one from you too?!"
"Of course darling." I kneeled down and he passed me a notebook. "Where would you like me to sign?"
He started flipping through and found the page he was looking for.
It was a drawing of me and the little boy, this caused me to smile and I signed the bottom of it with a little message.
"Thank you! I'll get my big sister to read it, she's a big fan of you too!" He said as I passed the notebook for Izuku to sign.
"Wait!" The little boy flipped through the pages and stopped at a drawing of Deku with a star behind him.
"There we go champ." Deku said rubbing the little boy's head.
"Thank you! Momma look! I got their autographs!" He said as his little voice trailed off.
I threw my arms in the air and stretched them out.
"Y/n." Izuku said from next to me.
"Yes Izuku?" I said lowering my arms and looking into his green eyes once more.
"Would you like to join me for dinner?" He said holding his arm out.
"I would but-"
"But?" He said, sounding slightly scared of my next answer.
"I have to go to dinner with an old Friend from UA. His name was Midoryia I think." I said with a smirk.
I saw he sigh with relief and scoop me up in a hug.
"Remember what I said when we were younger?" He asked.
"Nope. You said a lot of stuff." I said with yet another one of my famous smirks.
I believe I said something like." Before he continued he placed his lips to mine and gave me a quick kiss.
"I've got you"
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