Hands off my girl!
Katsuki Bakugou x Bullied!Reader.
Your quirk- bubble!
The ability to blow a bubble out of thin air, trapping you're opponent and causing the space to get smaller. You're bubbles only pop when you want them too.
Your point of view
It was another day in middle school when Bakugou bullied Midoryia in the middle of class. Yep, I went to school with those two, it was living hell.
I walked up the hall to get to the cafeteria when I was shoved to the side and smashed into the lockers.
"Lookie what we have here girls. Its the cutter!" The leader Willow said yanking my wrists, causing me to hiss from the following pain that spread up my arms.
"Aww, did that hurt little baby? Well if you can cut you can deal with the pain we cause afterwards!" She then threw my arm back so it smashed into the locker and her group pushed me to the ground and started kicking me as I curled up to somewhat protect myself.
"HEY!!" A loud familiar voice said from the other end of the hall.
"R-Run!" Willow said as her and her girls ran.
"THAT'S RIGHT YOU BETTER RUN!!" Bakugou said running up beside me. "You good bubbles??"
'Oh god, not this nickname again.' I thought.
"Its Y/n, and yeah I'm fine." I said getting up and brushing off my clothes.
"They called you cutter, care to explain??" He said cocking an eyebrow.
"Isn't it obvious? I cut my wrists, how did you not get that first time round?" I asked with a dumbfounded look on my face.
"Can I see them??" He asked with generosity.
"Uhh... Who are you??" I asked.
"What the hell? You already know why would you ask such a stupid question?!" He yelled.
"Because the Bakugou I know, wouldn't give a shit." I sighed as I put my hands on my hips.
"Forget about the angry me, I wanna see your cuts." He said reaching for my hand.
I rolled my eyes and pulled up my sleeve and his eyes widened, he then traced his warm fingers gently across the big one in the middle of my forearm.
"Why?" Was all that came out of him.
"You already saw why." I responded.
"Then stop doing it. You're giving them what they want." He explained.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Izuku walking up the hall, before I could do anything, Bakugou stomped up to him.
"DEKU!!!" He yelled causing Izuku to scream. "I HOPE YOU'VE HAD CHANGED YOUR MIND ABOUT UA! THEY'LL NEVER LET A LOSER LIKE YOU IN!! IF YOU EVEN TRY I'LL- *WHACK*" He was cut off when someone slapped him upside of the head.
"And just when I thought you were changing." I said grabbing Izuku's arm and dragging him out, leaving a sad looking Katsuki.
- Two days later -
I got bored after school and went for a walk when I saw a massive explosion off in the distance.
Being the curious teen I am I ran to see what it was and when I saw what was going on I froze.
It was a giant Sludge monster and it had someone held hostage, using their quirk to make fire spread all over the joint.
"Isn't that the villain All Might took down??"
"Yeah?! Speaking of which where is All Might?"
"I'm sure he'll show up soon and save the day!"
But what if he doesn't get here in time and the person in there is taken halfway across the flipping country.
The person being held hostage then forced their head up and opened their eyes.
"KATSUKI!!" I cried running out to him.
"YOU IDIOT! YOU'LL BE KILLED!!" Death arms screamed from behind me.
"Bubbles?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Katsuki asked as I ran towards him.
"Hold on Bakugou, I'll have you out in no time." I said blowing a large bubble around home and pulling him out of the sludge villain's grasp.
"Not today bitch!" I said enclosing him in another bubble, causing the one Katsuki was in to pop.
"That kid caught the villain!" One person cheered, causing everyone to cheer.
"That was crazy dangerous kid, but you stopped him and saved this boy's life. Well done."
An hour later they bagged him up and locked him away.
I was walking home when Katsuki ran after me.
"Bubbles!!" He yelled.
"I told you it's-"
"Thank you Y/n." He said out of breath.
"What?!" I asked shocked that he apologized.
"You heard, I'm not repeating it again." He growled.
"You're welcome." I smiled.
- the next day -
"Look at you!" Willow said pushing me against the locker again. "Just because you caught a villain doesn't change how we with treat you. You're still a cutting little freak!" She said pushing you once again causing your head to smash into the metal door.
"HEY! GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY GIRL!!!" A familiar blonde said running up the hall, causing the girls to run again. "You okay Y/n?" He asked.
"You... Actually said my name!" I said shocked because he usually calls me bubbles.
"Yeah yeah, now, are you okay?" He asked once more.
"I am now." I smiled. "And "Hands off my girl?" Since when was I your girl?" I asked with my hands on my hips.
"Since I'm about to ask you if you will be." He smirked.
"And if I say no?" I said returning the smirk.
"Then I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." He said grabbing my waist and placing his lips on mine. Once he pulled away he put his head on top of mine and sighed happily.
"I love you bubbles." He said calmly.
"I love you too firecracker." I replied with an evil smirk as I buried my head in his chest.
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