Chapter 78 - Back Into Society (Ew)
"So between here and my mom's cabin, you can kill me at any point however you want, though I would prefer a quick and painless death due to my trauma."
"Would you want to face her after what I have done?"
"No, but you're being overdramatic."
"I am not! She is going to kill me!"
"She isn't going to kill you over something she doesn't know, problem child."
"Hold up. Pause. Wait. What? You never told her?"
"No. I didn't want you to be more stressed whenever you got back, so we decided to keep it from her. Don't make me regret it."
I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I wasn't going to deal with angry mom? THANK FUCK! I LOVE HER, BUT GODDAMN, I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE DYING TODAY!
"Shouta, I will forever appreciate you for that," I genuinely tell him.
Shouta sighs, "I know. You don't need to tell me."
"But I can and will anyway."
"Just stay out of trouble."
"We both know that is not going to last long. The only reason I haven't is because I still feel like shit."
"You started some this morning."
"That was completely necessary."
"No- whatever. Just don't start it with your mom."
"Wasn't planning on it."
"You don't plan anything. It just happens. I'm telling you this so that you can prevent it from happening."
"As long as she doesn't say anything that pisses me off, nothing should happen."
"If that happens, just leave, kid. I know you're terrible at that, but it's a good idea."
"If I remember that, I'll do it. How about it?"
"At this point, I'm willing to take anything from you."
"Such low standards."
"Can you blame me?"
"No, but I prefer to not be lectured."
"And I rather not lecture you. Before I forget, I know I usually leave you and your mom alone, but with what you said this morning, I plan on saying."
"I thought so," Mom's cabin comes into view, and I ask, "We are running with the convention excuse still, right?"
"Yeah. And remember, if you ever want to leave, don't be afraid to ask."
"Yeah yeah," I mumble as we approach the door. I knock, waiting a few seconds.
Then, the door suddenly opens as I am near tackled to the ground with an excited scream, "Izuku! Zawa!"
I don't respond immediately since I trying to not crash on the ground and trying to catch a child. Thankfully, Shouta wraps an arm around my back and helps me upright again. That gives me to chance to actually wrap my only arm around the child.
It takes me a hot second to recover , but I grin when I see Eri in my arm, "Hey, sweetie! How are you doing?! Has everyone been treating you well?"
Eri quickly nods, "Uh-huh! Did you get me a new sibling?" Maybe I should not have said maybe to that question before I left, but oh well. If she really wants one, I'll go kidnap a child later.
"Unfortunately no. Maybe next time. Glad you've been treated well though! Where's Mom at? You're not alone, are you?"
"No! She's getting ready! Mom said she was going to take me to the park! Are you two coming with us?"
I tilt my head at Shouta, "What do you say?"
Shouta shrugs, "I don't see why not."
"Welp, as long as Mom doesn't mind, sure!"
Eri wiggles excitably, "Yay!" I look over her to make sure she is ready. Considering it is cold and she is wearing a dress, I consider it unacceptable.
"You should get ready too. It's a bit cold to be wearing a dress. I know dresses are nice and all, but too cold."
Eri signals for me to put her down, which I do, and she zooms off to what I assume to be her room since she closes the door.
As soon as she is gone, I lean towards Shouta and softly tell him, "Thank you."
Shouta nods, seeming concerned, "Are you okay?"
"It certainly didn't help my legs, but she's too precious doing that."
"Please tell me you didn't get hurt there and I am only just now finding this out."
"No. That's from wearing silts the entire time for height."
Shouta sighs, "You did the same thing with your arm too, didn't you?"
"What do you think?"
"We'll talk about it later."
I don't get my response in when Mom comes in, and she smiles as soon as she sees me, "Shouta! Izuku, dear, you're back! How are you two?" Shouta simply waves, so I'm going to have to talk for the both of us.
"We haven't killed each other yet, so I think we are doing well! How about you? You seem to be spending a lot of time with Eri."
"Of course! She's such a sweetheart! I get the most time with her since everyone else is so busy, so it's great!"
I can't help but huff, "No need to brag about it. Besides, I would spend more time with her if the teachers would stop getting in my way. Every time I try to hang with her, someone is always there to stop me! It's either that or they watch me like I am about to kill her."
"No offense, honey, but you are not exactly the most child-friendly person to be around."
"Then how come Nemuri gets to hang with her?" I'm sorry, but I am throwing you under the bus, girlfriend.
Shouta interferes, "She can control herself. You can't." I am about to pop off on this man, but one look stops me. Usually, I don't give a fuck, but considering he has HEAVY blackmail on me right now, I ain't willing to push it. Yet.
"...anywhos, I heard from Eri that you two are going to the park?"
"Oh, yes! I was hoping to get her to make friends with kids her age."
"Sounds reasonable, but kids her age suck."
"Izuku! We can still try!"
I appreciate my mom's optimism sometimes, but, as someone who was bullied at Eri's age, I think she's too optimistic. Actually, that's not it. She's too kind. There's nothing wrong with kindness to some extent. However, if you're a pushover, life ain't gonna go your way.
Mom is a hugeass pushover. She's one of those people that if you run into her, she'll apologize to you. This reflects in her parenting style as well.
And before anyone goes there, no. I'm not calling Mom a bad parent. Every parent has their flaws (some too many) and their strengths (some have nonexistent strengths) (ahem, sperm donor, Endeavor). I'm just pointing out one of Mom's. Why? You'll see in a moment.
When I first started being bullied, Mom tried to talk to the parents and teachers to get their kids to stop. However, after everyone practically stomped her down with their quirkist ideals, she sort of just accepted it. She took care of the aftermath, taking care of my injuries and trying to give me the best life outside of school, but she never tried to stop the bullying again no matter how bad it got. In fact, Mom tried to teach me how to avoid situations. She even lectured me sometimes if I caused trouble!
This was before my breakthrough of being a boss ass bitch, so keep that in mind. It got way worse after that.
Back on topic, I understand that there is only so much that one can do, yet I also know that if Eri was being bullied, my fist would be rated E for everyone. I don't want her to deal with that shit. I know it's unlikely since she does have a quirk, but kids are cruel.
That is why I am concerned with Mom's idea. Eri will have to make friends eventually, but with what she just went through? I would personally wait, especially when Mom might not defend Eri. The only reason this is going to happen is because Eri wants to go, and I am not a party crasher.
I'll have to look into that whole thought process later. Mom is a great Mom, but she has her flaws as a human.
I click my tongue, "I just think you're expecting much. Anyways, she asked us to come along. Do you mind?"
"Of course not! Maybe you and Eri can play together for a bit. Brother sister bonding."
I can't help but smile, "I would like that, but question: Do you happen to have a hoodie I can borrow or my own?"
"I do, let me go get it for you!" Thank fuck. It's cold even with Nemuri's fluffy jacket, and I rather not be recognized.
Eri runs out of her room in more appropriate winter wear, "I am ready! Can we go now?!"
Mom gives her a motherly smile, "Of course, dear. Let me grab Izuku a hoodie, and then we can go!"
After I get the hoodie on enough to keep me warm and cover my hair, we head out. The walk there itself is nothing special. Eri makes me hold her hand the entire way, and I can't help but feel like I have accomplished all my dreams in life whenever she does that. My legs may want to be chopped off, but her adorable ass smile keeps me going.
Despite that, I can't help but be anxious. Not only on the walk, but outside in general. Call me antisocial, paranoid, or traumatized, but it feels like something is going to screw up at any moment. Nothing will, most likely. It's just there.
I have never felt this way before. I keep everyone closer because of it, whether they realize it or not.
Eri is a wonderful distraction for the most part, but the thought is still there, poking my brain like it has nothing better to do when it could just not exist.
When we get to the park, Eri drags me to the playground equipment to play with her while Shouta and Mom go to a bench to chill out. I keep a careful eye on our surroundings while entertaining Eri to the best of my abilities. Thankfully, she is easy, thus why she is forever my favorite child.
Despite being easy, she does want to be lifted alot to the monkey bars and all that like any child should want to. This would be fine if I had two arms. However, one arm got lost in the copy and paste process, so I am doing everything with one arm. I'm strong, but I am also tired of life at the moment. And let's not forget the fucking legs. Therefore, pain is becoming the friend that invites themselves to your house without asking you first.
I play with Eri for about an hour before I decide to take a break. Mom wants her to make friends with kids her age anyway, and me being around wouldn't exactly encourage that. Eri doesn't complain. She just gives me an excited 'okay!' and heads to the slides. I head to the adults and sit down besides Shouta.
"Have fun, sweetie?" Mom asks with amusement.
Before I can even respond, Shouta attempts to answer for me, "Probably. It's what children do, after all."
I glare at Shouta, "Ex-fucking-cuse me. Unless you are going to answer accurately, shut the fuck up."
Shouta has the fucking nerve to smirk, "I did answer accurately."
"You are being a bigger dick than usual today. Would you like to explain why?" Strangely enough, the more Shouta bullies me, the better mood he is in, especially if he is smirking. That's extremely rare. So it's great that he is in a good mood, but after that happened this morning, I can't help but wonder why when I want to be run over by an ice cream truck after everything.
Shouta simply shrugs. I would shove this man off the bench if Mom wasn't on the other side of him.
"Maybe less cursing, Izuku?" Mom asks of me.
"If I remember it, I will curse less."
Mom just sighs.
Thankfully, no issues pop up. Eri doesn't make any friends either, but I don't she is worried about that at the moment anyway considering she is constantly around a lot of people, specifically proheroes and teenagers willing to spoil her.
Besides, if Eri really needs to make a friend her age, I'll just invite Kota over. He likes me enough. I think he'll do it if I trade him something for it. I had plans to build him a little pistol anyway, so that could work.
When we get back, Eri asks if I can play with her some more, but Shouta says that we have other things to do today.
I don't know what, but we do apparently.
Eri is sad about the best person in the world leaving (not Shouta), so I promise to visit her tomorrow. With her hopes high again, I hug Mom and we head out.
"So what now?" I question Shouta as we walk somewhere. It seems like we are going to one of the fields.
"We have Mount Lady visiting your class. They're learning how to deal with interviews," He responds. I see my homies standing in front of a stage, waiting for class to start.
"Of all people, her? The woman who is known for showing her ass to the cameras?"
Shouta sighs, "Ignoring that, she knows how to deal with them. That's all I want."
"You could have gotten Hizashi, Nemuri, or, heck, Yagi!"
"Hizashi is known for his open opinions on his show, which only he can make work without it backfiring on him, Nemuri isn't known for interviews, and we both know why I didn't choose Yagi. Nemuri will be there to supervise, however."
"...on second thought, pop off."
Shouta shakes his head as we approach the class, and he shoves me ahead as he says, "Students."
I cover my 'done with life' expression with a grin as everyone turns to me. As soon as they see me, they flock around me.
"What's up, bro?!"
"Where have you been?!"
"I am so glad you are back, Izuku, but where is your uniform?"
There are so many responses that I end up subconsciously stepping back and raising my hand, "Chill, my homies! I know I am cute, but there's no need to eat me at once!"
That settles them down.
As class president, Iida takes the lead while chopping his arm, "We are happy to have you back, Izuku, and I hope you are well! Next time, can be please send a warning that you will be unable to respond for a while? We tried messaging you multiple times with no response!" I don't know why they did that, but go off, I guess.
"Yeah, I didn't have any of my electronics on me since I was going to a convention. Nobody could communicate with me, lol." I can practically feel Shouta's glare from behind me about that comment, but I rather make jokes about it than dwell.
"That doesn't seem very smart."
"Nope! So what have y'all been up to?"
Kaminari interrupts Iida by shoving a phone in my face, "Yo, watch this! This was after Bakugo's and Todoroki's debute." Oh shit, I forgot they were getting their licenses. And they already doing shit? I shouldn't be surprised, but damn.
"Okay?" I take the phone and play the video. In the video, Todoroki would have the whole screen. However, in the corner- "Wait, did they cut Bakugo out?!"
"Yeah, dude!" Okay, this made my entire life. FINALLY, THE PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO REALIZE HIS ISSUES! I can't help but laugh.
"What the fuck did you do, Bakugo?! Even I have said some shit, and I haven't been cut!"
"OUI, SHUT UP, DEKU! THEY JUST DIDN'T WANT ME TAKING THE SHOW FROM ICYHOT!" Bakugo yells, and he looks ready to attack.
"Uh-huh. I think Todoroki took the show from you, Boomer. No offense, but he is better looking than you." And those are the facts.
"I knew you were deaf, but damn."
"Do you guys hear that?"
"Absolute silence. Now, I'm not caught up on the news at all besides for Deika City exploding, so what's been going on?" Random, I know, but considering they are doing interviews now, I might as well get caught up here.
Ochaco answers for me, and it takes a lot to not react unreasonably, "You know how the heroes are usually blamed whenever something goes wrong?"
"Yeah?" I don't like where this is going.
"Well, they've been starting to encourage us!"
"...huh. I honestly don't know how to feel about that." I'll need to look into that later. That sounds like bullshit.
Ashido interrupts my thought, "Come on, Izuku! It's a good thing, right?!"
"Oh, don't be so optimistic!" We turn towards the voice to find Mount Lady appearing, "You might think that the winds are changing in our favor, but if you look deeper down, what you'll find is a growing sense of urgency and unrest! Were those really words of encourage towards heroes? Or were they perhaps just a prayer for victory?"
Mount Lady then poses with her ass out, and it takes everything not to laugh at Nemuri, who is behind her looking done with her shit. I'll have to make her hot chocolate later.
Oh wait, Mount Lady is still going, "Recently, hero society became tainted by showbiz. But now, heroes are back in demand in the truest sense!"
Mineta is fucking screaming, and I want to kick him to the curb. I know it's because the woman made him clean the entire time, but goddamn. He even points out that she is one of the tainted ones, and, despite my views on the little shit, I can't help but agree with the bitch.
Shouta sighs, "Since you guys keep getting involved in the media somehow, I've invited a special guest to teach you how to deal with them. Midnight will watching."
Since the students are distracted, I retreat back to Shouta's side to get away from them. Shouta doesn't say anything, seeming to just keep an eye out on me.
Now that I can actually think, Mount Lady's explanation is definitely more viable. I can see that happening. People can change, but they tend to only change if a law is in place. It would make no sense for them to change from blaming us for them breaking their pinkie toe to encouraging us after a fucking city went to dust. If they keep blaming us, some of us are bound to quit, which creates more problems for them. By encouraging us, they are literally less likely to die.
And if you look even beyond that, it's sickening that they feel they need to do that in the first place. They wouldn't do that if they felt safe.
It truly demonstrates that people are scared. We're not in a stage where they have a complete reason to be scared. If that was the case, they would be taking care of this shit on their own. However, they do fear that we may not be sufficient enough.
Sadly, they have every reason to be scared. Shigaraki took down that that entire city practically by himself. That's going to be difficult to take down.
As I watch Mount Lady teach the students, I become aware that the hero industry feels it too. From her demonstration, she's taking her work seriously. She could fuck this up, but she is genuinely doing a good job explaining to the students what they need to do and why they need to do certain things such as reveal their move sets. I slightly hate her less because of such.
I will keep an eye out on her. I think she is changing herself for the better, and if that is the case, she would be a good ally. Heck, she might be now. Once again, Mount Lady doesn't need to act like this. She could be more self-centered despite everything, but she isn't.
Only time will tell. Maybe I should check in on the other heroes as well.
Times really are changing, huh? Really throws you back into reality-
"Izuku," Shouta interrupts my internal monologue.
I tilt my head to him, "What? I was monologuing." That gets ignored.
"Your turn."
"Why do I need to go up? I've dealt with the media more than anyone here."
"To show the students what they shouldn't do."
"Okay, that's just rude. Didn't Bakugo do that?" I block out Bakugo's screaming.
"You two are different extremes." Bitch.
Despite that, I head to the stage and stand next to Mount Lady, and I can't help the slight satisfaction in my soul that there is barely a height difference between us.
"Ah, Midoriya, right?! Or do you have a hero name?" Mount Lady asks.
"No joke, but I kind of forgot that I need to come up with one. Midoriya will do for now!" She raises an eyebrow at me. I wish I could say I was lying, but it really is the truth. I need to figure out a name. I rather not be called Midoriya when I could be called something epic like, I don't know, Heather or something.
"Alright then, Midoriya! What a wonderful performance this evening! How do you feel about your performance?"
"Considering I had to go in with my singular fist, I did a damn-"
"No cursing."
"-good fucking job. Honestly, this wasn't on my to-do list though. Why can't the villains just play video games instead of causing trouble? It's too cold for this bullshit. There needs to be a mutual agreement that nobody will attack anybody if it is too cold outside." Mount Lady looks tired of my shit, and I can hear some students laughing.
"...I there anything else you would like to add?"
"Yes, actually. This pink fluffy thing is from Midnight, so shout out to her. Without it, we would all be dead."
"Get off the stage! Don't do that, kids!" And that's how you escape the media, especially when the bitch and Nemuri have a rivalry.
I casually shrug as I walk off. Nemuri gives me a thumbs up as I walk past her, so I think I did something right.
I take my place next to Shouta again, "Satisfied?"
He nods.
Thank fuck class ends soon after that because I am colder than Shouta's soul.
"Izuku, are you coming to hang out at the dorms for a bit?" Ochaco calls as I am about to walk away with Shouta.
I face her, once again not able to look directly at her, "I wish, but I'm on Aizawa's shit list, so I have to stay around him. If I don't die tonight, tomorrow. Is that good?"
"Sure! Good luck!"
Before I get absorbed into more conversation, Shouta drags me away, "Problem child."
"What? Am I wrong?"
Shouta sighs, letting go of me as he expects me to walk alongside him, "No. Before you ask, we're going to the teacher's dorms for the rest of the day. We have a lot of discuss."
"Okay." Oh no.
I think I'm gonna die tonight!
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