The USJ (Part 3)
(A/N: Izuku, Ochako, Iida, Todoroki, Momo, Kirishima, and Bakugo have the costumes in the picture above, but they're adults and their costumes don't have the numbers on them. Also Izuku's costume has a yellow cape with it and Todoroki has a beard that's half-ice, half-fire.)
"How are you still alive, Tenko?" Izuku asked as he landed in front of his foe.
"Long story short, All For One secretly gave me some extra protection quirks that prevented me from being killed by you, you dick. I've been in a coma for the last 20 years, up until last week when I finally awakened." said Shigaraki.
"But why did you only wake up now? It can't be a coincidence that you happened to wake up around the same time my son started his first year at UA." said Izuku.
Shigaraki shrugged.
"Honestly, I don't know why. The doc was very vague about it." he replied.
"What doc? We rounded up every doctor who was involved with the League of Villains decades ago." Izuku said.
"News flash, Izuku... you missed one. And he's a bigger threat to you and your family than you could ever imagine." said Shigaraki with a psychotic grin.
That's when Katsumi launched herself at Shigaraki.
"DIIIIIE!!!!!" she shouted as she fired an explosion at Shigaraki.
When the smoke cleared they saw that Shigaraki was still standing there without a scratch on him.
"HOW THE FUCK?!" Katsumi shouted.
"You really are a reckless idiot like your father, aren't you?" Shigaraki said before blasting Katsumi away with an energy-blasting quirk.
"KATSUMI!" Toshi screamed as he ran over to her.
"I see you still have All For One, Tenko. I thought that evil quirk had died for good." Izuku said to his foe.
"It will never die... and neither will the League." said Shigaraki as black and red lighting illuminated from his body, while green lighting illuminated from Izuku's.
The two clashed while Toshi carried Katsumi back to the others and set her down. Bakugo ran over to his daughter.
"Katsumi, you alright?" Bakugo asked his daughter in concern.
"I'm fine, old man. Mind your own fuckin' business." grunted Katsumi.
"Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!" Bakugo shouted.
"Both of you stop! We've got work to do!" said Momo.
"How do we handle this though? It's been years since we fought the League, and it appears their strategies have evolved quite a bit." said Shoto as he stroked his half-ice, half-fire beard.
"Well, not by that much, ribbit. Shigaraki's clearly still being reckless and attacking students with brute force." said Tsu.
"Yeah, but now he's got some new robot arms and still has All For One." Kirishima pointed out.
"It doesn't matter. We need to stop them, once and for all." said Ochako, "We fought this war once, and once is more than enough."
"Well then let's end it before it gets anymore out of hand!" said Toshi.
Toshi ran to go help the others, with his mom and several others following not far behind him, when suddenly someone swung towards Toshi using a grappling gun, grabbed him, and swung off with him.
"TOSHI!" Ochako shouted before she and the others were ambushed by more villains and nomus.
As Toshi and the person who grabbed him swung high enough into the air, the person who grabbed Toshi threw him onto the roof of a nearby fake building and also landed there.
Toshi got back up and saw that the person who grabbed him was the hooded young man who came out of the portal a few chapters earlier.
"Who the hell are you?! Another member of the League?!" Toshi shouted as he got in a fighting stance.
The hooded young man silently stared at Toshi for a few moments. Toshi couldn't see the young man's face because of the mask, hood, and goggles he was wearing... but the goggles looked familiar.
The hooded young man then reached for the katana that was sheathed on his back:
And he unsheathed it, revealing a blazing hot blade:
"I want to say this isn't personal, Toshi... But it is." the young man said coldly.
Then the young man swung his sword at Toshi. He moved so fast that Toshi was just barely able to block the attack with his quirk in time.
Toshi launched the young man back with his quirk, but the young man stabbed his katana into the floor to slow himself down, then he pulled his katana out of the floor and charged at Toshi.
Toshi was just barely able to dodge and block the blade attacks of the young man. But eventually he found an opening in the young man's attacks and threw the katana out of his hands by using his quirk.
But then the young man started throwing a flurry of quick and kicks and punches at Toshi. And they seemed... familiar.
The fighting style the young man had was very similar to Toshi's. They were practically the same moves he had learned while growing up.
But then Toshi was able to grab the young man by the shoulders and slam him onto the edge of the roof and keep him pinned, with the young man's head dangling over the edge.
"What is your deal?! What do you want from me?!" Toshi demanded.
But then Toshi saw what the young man's goggles looked like. He would recognize them anywhere.
Toshi clenched his hands into the young man's shoulders so hard you could see veins popping out.
"Where... did you get... those goggles?" he asked with a look on his face that was both furious and terrifying.
The young man didn't say anything.
"TALK!!!" Toshi shouted as he pulled the young man up and then slammed him back down again.
That's when the young man's hood came off, and Toshi saw what his hair looked like.
The young man had brown hair that was slightly messy... and also had a very familiar looking green streak in it.
Toshi's eyes widened even more.
"Who... are you?" he asked in a shaky voice.
Then the young man finally spoke again.
"I can't believe I wanted to be like you." he said in disgust.
Before Toshi could say or do anything else, he heard his father screaming. He turned his head and saw Izuku being punched into the ground by Shigaraki, with Shigaraki about to go in for the kill.
Toshi didn't have time to question the young man any further. He let got of the young man, pulled out a grappling hook from his utility belt, threw it around a nearby steam pipe, and used it to quickly traverse down the side of the building.
Shigaraki was about to finish Izuku off, but then Toshi began Force-choking Shigaraki.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Toshi shouted.
Shigaraki could only smirk while being choked.
That's when a massive portal opened up in front Toshi that looked very familiar to him. Then a massive gray arm shot out of the portal and grabbed Toshi, causing him to lose his telekinetic grip on Shigaraki.
"No... It can't be..." Toshi said in horror as he looked at the hand.
Katsumi saw the arm coming out of the portal as well and put her hand over her mouth.
"That bastard..." she whispered.
Shigaraki laughed maniacally.
"That's right! The guy who tried to kidnap you and your little girlfriend all those years ago is part of the League! He's the one who saved my life and revived me!" Shigaraki shouted.
"No... I can't believe it..." Izuku said as he struggled to get back up, "We searched for that man for years and couldn't find any leads. He was working for you all this time?"
"He doesn't exactly work for me, but I sure as hell don't work for him either. You'll know the truth soon enough." said Shigaraki.
Then the giant hand threw Toshi in the air and launched him through a hole in the ceiling in the USJ's roof.
"TOSHI!!!" Katsumi screamed.
Toshi went higher and higher into the air, until he then began falling back down.
"Crap! Crap! Crap!" he said as he desperately tried to break his fall, but he couldn't do anything.
Toshi then realized what he had to do as he recalled another time when he was little.
Eleven years earlier...
Toshi was in his backyard trying to fly, but he kept failing.
Izuku came outside and walked over to his son.
"Toshi, you need to relax. You have plenty of time to learn to fly before UA." Izuku said.
"But I want to train as much as I can and be the number one hero just like you, Dad! And I need to be able to protect Kat in case that villain comes back!" Toshi said.
"Toshi, we already have a number of people searching for the man who tried to kidnap you and Katsumi. And being a hero is about more than just a rank, it's about helping people and doing what's right. If you really want to protect Katsumi, you need to not be so obsessed with getting stronger, and just relax. When you and her get older, there will be more villains to fight and more obstacles to face." Izuku said.
Izuku then crouched down in front of his son and placed his hand on Toshi's shoulder.
"Look, when I was your age I dreamed of being like the man you're named after. When he died... I felt so broken and alone. But then I got to live a little. I settled down with your mom, and then we adopted Eri and had you and your other siblings." Izuku said, "What I'm trying to say is, don't be in such a rush to be the best, take things slowly and relax a little."
"Ok. If you say so." said Toshi.
He took a deep breath, then he levitated a few inches off the ground, but then fell back down.
"I did it! I made it a few inches off the ground!" said Toshi.
"You did! It'll take time, but someday you'll reach the skies, my boy." said Izuku.
"Did I just see my little boy fly?" asked Ochako as she came out to the backyard.
"I did, Mom! I got a few inches off the ground!" said Toshi as he ran over to his mom and hugged her.
"That's great! I'm so proud of you, sweetie." said Ochako as she hugged her son back.
Toshi then let go of his mother and looked up at the sky.
"When I grow up, I'm gonna be the number one hero, just like Dad. And I'm gonna be the ultimate gravity hero, just like you, Mom." he said.
Ochako chuckled.
"You'll always be our little Green Gravity." said Ochako as she cupped her son's cheeck.
Back to the present...
Toshi closed his eyes and took and a deep breath as You Say Run started playing.
"Come on, Toshi. You got this. You got this!" Toshi said to himself.
He then started slowing down, and soon he was flying. He joyfully laughed.
"I did it!" said Toshi.
He then flew back down to the USJ, where he saw Shigaraki once again about to finish off his father.
"Hey, asshole!" said Toshi.
"WHAT?!" Shigaraki exclaimed.
"TOSHI!" Katsumi cried in relief.
Toshi flew at Shigaraki and slammed him into the ground.
"So, the Symbol Of Hope's son thinks he can be like his father, does he?" said Shigaraki.
"I know I can." said Toshi.
Shigaraki was about to use his left robot arm to kill Toshi, but Toshi used his quirk to rip the robot arm off.
"GOD DAMNIT!!!" Shigaraki screamed.
That's when a warpgate opened below Shigaraki's feet and he fell through and escaped. A number of other villains and nomus also escaped through warpgates.
"Is..." Shota said while panting heavily, "... Is it over?"
Toshi then flew back up to the roof of the fake building from earlier, only to see that the young man was gone. But there was a message burned into the roof.
It read:
Toshi was speechless.
"It couldn't have been him..." he whispered.
Thx for reading.
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