Rescue Training
Toshi and the others sat at their desks when Aizawa entered the room.
"Alright, class, today you're gonna be doing some rescue training. So put on your costumes and head outside to the training ground." said Aizawa as he pushed a button and a bunch of numbered suitcases ejected out of the wall.
After that, the class went to the training ground and changed into their costumes.
Toshi's costume consisted of a green leather flight jacket that was styled after his father's costume, but it also had a hood with rabbit ears on it like his dad's original mask, and on the back of the jacket were the words Plus Ultra on it in white. The jacket looks something like this:
The costume also had black fingerless gloves, black leggings with green accents, flight goggles, red boots, and a rebreather just like his dad's.
Ryo's costume looked something like this:
This was essentially Kimiko's costume:
Akio's outfit was this but with some of his mom's colors, also there's no initials on the belt:
This is Tensei's armor but the colors are inverted:
Keiko's costume was something like this except she has fingerless gloves that are styled like her mother's:
The rest of the students' costumes I don't have pictures for, so I'll just describe them to you all.
Katsumi's costume is a black skin tight body suit like her mom's, but it has an orange X with two dots on it like her dad's. She also has a mask like her dad's, stylized boots that are similar to her dad's, a belt like her a dad's, and she also has gauntlets like her sad's but smaller.
Rei's costume is similar to her mom's but it's blue and the left side of it is slightly less exposed.
Tsubame's costume is like her mom's but all black and with a short black cloak over it..
Shota's costume was similar to his father's, but he had a purple mask that was similar to his mother's, as well as fingerless purple gloves and purple shoes.
Jin's costume was a long blue coat with short sleeves, a white tank top underneath, black cargo pants, and black boots. He also had a utility belt that had syringes and vials of blood attached to them.
Tsubasa's costume was similar to his father's hero costume, but had a few similarities to Deku's costume.
Yōta's costume was mostly the same as his dad's, except he had these cannons on his arms that he could load his balls into and fire them with since his quirk is the same as his dad's.
Azami's, Sāwa's, Chihiro's, Kagayaku's, Junpei's, Sutikku's, and Danami's costumes were very similar to their dad's.
"We look awesome guys!" said Akio.
"I like your costume, Toshi. Nice and simple." Katsumi said to Toshi with a smirk.
"T— T— Thanks, Katsumi." said Toshi, "Yours is cool, too."
Katsumi blushed a little from the compliment.
"Alright, students, for this training session you need to rescue the hostage at the top floor of the building. You'll be spit into two teams. One team will play the role of the heroes, and the other will play the role of the villains. I'll draw names from these two buckets to decide who will be a part of which team." said Aizawa as reached his hand into the two buckets and pulled out names, "On the hero team is... Midoriya and Bakugo. And on the villain team is... Tokoyami and Tobita."
After that Toshi and Katsumi waited outside the building.
"So what's the plan, nerd?" asked Katsumi.
"Huh?" said Toshi.
"You're the one who always comes up with a plan. What do we do?" said Katsumi.
"Well, it's possible you could draw them out and I could fly up and rescue the hostage but they'll probably be expecting that, plus I'm still working on the flying part. Or maybe I could try holding them in place with my quirk while you go rescue the hostage, but I have trouble containing Frog Shadow. Or maybe we could..." and then Toshi began going on a mumbling charade like his father, "...or perhaps we could-"
"Toshi, that's enough." Katsumi said.
"Sorry." Toshi said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Alright. Begin." Aizawa said over the intercom.
"Aw crap! We didn't have time to plan!" said Toshi.
"We'll figure something out along the way! Now let's go!" said Katsumi as the two of them entered the building.
They went down the hallway when suddenly all the lights went out.
"Shit! They must've gotten access to the power grid! Tsubame and Frog Shadow are coming for us now!" Toshi exclaimed.
Katsumi created a small explosion out of her hand just in time to see a creature that looked like that looked like Fumikage Tokoyami's Dark Shadow, but instead of it being in the form of a bird it was in the form of a frog and it was coming out of Tsubame and was about to attack Katsumi.
Tsubame Tokoyami
Quirk: Frog Shadow
Her quirk is like her dad's but in the form of a frog. She can also wear Frog Shadow around her and mimic her mom's abilities with it. Also her quirk is strongest when it's in a dark area.
"Shit, look out!" said Toshi as he pulled Katsumi out of the way using his quirk.
"You should've known I'd try something like this. Ribbit." said Tsubame, "Oh we did." Toshi said before turning his attention to Katsumi, "KATSUMI, NOW!"
Katsumi threw a flash bang grenade, which blinded Tsubame for a few seconds and weakening Frog Shadow.
Toshi then grabbed Tsubame with his quirk and slammed her into a wall, restraining her, but then Frog Shadow lunged at him and Katsumi, but right before Frog Shadow could reach them, Katsumi fired an explosion at the ceiling, causing the rubble to fall down. Toshi then pulled Katsumi out of the way before it crushed her, but she lost her balance and fell on top of Toshi.
The two blushed when they realized the position they were in. Then they quickly got up while trying to hide their blushes. Luckily, Toshi was wearing his rebreather and goggles which were covering up most of his face so you couldn't see his blush, and it was still mostly dark in there so you couldn't see Katsumi's.
They then headed up the stairs where they saw a dummie tied up in a chair with Danami guarding it.
"Aha! Not so fast, heroes! You really think I didn't prepare for this? I've done my research on both of you!" said Danami.
"And we've done our research on you, Tobita. We know how your quirk works." said Toshi as he and Katsumi got in fighting stances.
Danami then propelled himself at the two using his quirk but they both moved out of the way. He then started bouncing all over the place.
Danami Tobita
Quirk: Trampoline
He can turn any surface he jumps on, minus living creatures, into an elastic like form for a split second and bounce off of. Making it seem like anything he jumps on is a trampoline.
"I can't get a lock on him!" said Katsumi as she tried to aim her gauntlet at him.
"Neither can I!" said Toshi as he tried to use his quirk to stop him but couldn't since he was all over the place.
Danami then launched himself into Katumi, kicking her into a wall.
"KATSUMI!!!" shouted Toshi as he ran over to her.
"Are you ok?!" he said.
"I'm fine, ya damn nerd." said Katsumi as she rubbed her head.
"It seems you're done for, heroes." Danami said confidently.
Toshi tried to grab him with his quirk, but he kept bouncing all over the place with his quirk.
'Come on! I've been trying to master my quirk for years! Why can't I stop this one person? It seemed so simple back when my quirk first manifested!' Toshi said in his head as he remembered the day his quirk manifested.
11 years earlier...
We see a four-year-old Toshi and Katsumi were playing together in Toshi's back yard.
"Tag, you're it! Come and catch me, Kat!" giggled Toshi as they chased each other around the backyard.
Izuku, Katsuki, Camie, Ochako who was holding baby Akito and Saeko, 14-year-old Eri, two-year-old Nanako, and a two-year-old Itsuki Bakugo watched from the back porch and smiled.
"They get along so well." said Ochako with a smile.
"They sure do, fam" Camie said with a smile.
Katsuki placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder.
"If your son tries doing anything to my little girl, I'll kill him." Katsuki said coldly.
"Kacchan, calm down. They're only four." said Izuku.
"Tag, you're it! Come get me, Toshi-Woshi!" said Katsumi as she started running but tripped.
"Kat!" shouted Toshi as he reached his arm out for her even though he was a few feet away.
Katsumi closed her eyes and braced herself for the ground, but she never felt the impact. She opened her eyes to see that she was hovering above the ground. She turned her head to see Toshi with his arm still reached out, but he also suddenly had pads on his fingertips.
"What the hell?!" said Bakugo.
"Toshi, what are you doing?!" said Izuku as he and the other adults ran over to him.
"I— I don't know! I saw Katsumi about to fall and I tried to stop her from falling, but all I could do was reach my arm out to her!" said Toshi while Camie helped her daughter back on her feet.
"Toshi, let me see your hands." said Ochako.
Ochako looked at her son's hands and saw that his fingers had pink pads on them like hers.
"Deku, I think Toshi's quirk just manifested!" Ochako said to her husband.
"Oh my god, really?!" said Izuku.
"It did?" said Toshi.
"Toshi, you said that you stopped Katsumi from falling just by reaching out to her right?" asked Izuku.
"Uh-huh." Toshi replied.
"Ok. So it seems to be a variation of Grandma Inko's quirk. You have telekinesis, son." said Izuku.
"Awwww, but I wanted your quirk, Dad!" Toshi said with a frown.
"Toshi, this quirk of yours still seems to be incredibly powerful. Who knows the level of telekinetic power you could have with it." said Izuku.
Toshi then began to become hopeful and excited again.
"You're right! Let me try it again!" said Toshi.
"Toshi, hold on a second." said Ochako, "We should see if—"
But then Toshi telepathically pulled one of his Deku action figures to him, then he launched it back.
"Seems he can attract and retract objects." said Izuku.
Toshi then just lifted the action figure up, not attracted it or retracted it, just lifted it, then he made it fly around while giggling.
"You're right, Deku. His quirk seems to be some sort of form of telekinesis." Ochako said to Izuku.
After that they brought Toshi to a quirk doctor.
"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya, your son's quirk is called Gravity Manipulation." said the doctor, "It's a combination of your quirk, Mrs. Midoriya, as well as the quirk of Mr. Midoriya's mother. It's extremely powerful. In fact, from the scans we took he can even manipulate his own gravity and make himself fly." said the doctor.
"I can fly?!" said Toshi excitedly as he couldn't even sit still as he was so excited.
Izuku chuckled.
"Guess this means I'll have to give you some flight lessons when you're older. You'll be a great hero with your quirk, my boy." Izuku said to his son.
Back to the present...
Toshi then concentrated on grabbing Danami with his quirk.
'Gotta time it just right!' said Toshi in his head as he waited for the exact moment to grab Danami.
'Annnnd... Now!' he said as he stopped Danami in midair with his quirk.
"What the?!" Danami said in surprise.
"This is for hurting Katsumi, you bastard!" said Toshi before slamming Danami into a wall, knocking him out.
Toshi then ran over to the dummy and touched it.
"Hero team wins." Aizawa said into the speaker.
After that, the rest of the matches went on until it was the end of the day.
When they got back to the dorms, Toshi and Katsumi both went to their rooms.
"Man, Midoriya did NOT hold back when he threw me into that wall for hurting Bakugo. Do the two of them have a thing for each other by any chance?" Danami asked the other children of the original 1-A.
"Oh yeah, totally." said Akio.
"Ever since they were kids." said Kimiko.
"You will not believe the number of times they've gotten flustered around each other." said Ryo.
"Ok. We're ready to release him from the pod." the doctor said to the other scientists as he still stood in the shadows.
They pressed a button, and Shigaraki was released from the pod. He collapsed onto the ground and began violently coughing. He looked at his arms to see that his hands were gone.
"What... What happened to me?!" he said in horror.
"You have been in a coma for some time now, great one. I think you know by who." said the doctor.
Shigaraki's eyes widened as he remembered what happened.
"DDDDEEEEEKKKKUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!" he screamed into the air.
"I'm afraid we weren't able to save your hands. But we can give you replacement ones that will make you even stronger. And we've been rebuilding the League of Villains in the shadows for many years." said the doctor.
"How long have I been in a coma?" asked Shigaraki.
"Almost 20 years. The world's changed a lot since then." said the doctor.
"I've been out for that long?!" said Shigaraki.
"Yes. The ninth holder really did a number on you. After he defeated you, we recovered your broken body while he was unconscious and left no trace behind. The whole world thinks you're dead." said the doctor.
"What's happening with Deku now?" asked Shigaraki.
"Well he's the number one hero now. He's even bigger than All Might. And he's also a husband and a father now. In fact, his eldest son recently started his first year at UA." said the doc.
"Well... Guess I know who I'm killing first." said Shigaraki with an evil grin.
"Yes. You shall make the Midoriya family suffer." the doctor said with an evil grin.
"I will." Shigaraki said, "By the way, who are you?"
The doctor stepped out of the shadows. We don't see his face because of the camera angle, but we can see he has white hair.
"I'm someone who wants revenge on Izuku Midoriya, just like you." he said.
First post I've made in the New Year. Thx for reading.
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