Villain Todoroki
(A.N. this was requested by @Springtraplove1213 Thank you to them for the request, Villain Todoroki)
Midoriya [POV]
"Do you know where Todoroki has been these last few months?" Kirishima asked me as we sat down at a cafe talking.
"No I haven't, he's been kinda keeping to himself lately I wonder what's going on with him" I responded taking a sip of my coffee
"Weird maybe we should go see how he's doing, I'll drag Bakugo along too, just like in high school" He insisted with a laugh
"Yeah, we'll see whats going on" I nodded in agreement
"I'll go get Bakugo do you want to meet at his house?" he raised one eyebrow
"Yeah sure" I responded finishing up my coffee.
*Time skip brought to you by me not knowing what I'm doing*
I walked up to the front door of where Todoroki was living now. Kirishima walked behind me dragging Bakugo along with him.
"This is stupid why do I have to come with too?" Bakugo asked crossing his arms in front of his chest
"Because you're friends with Todoroki too" Kirishima insisted
"Barely" He snapped "We talk occasionally and bicker mostly"
"Well bickering or not you're coming with, it's just like high school" Kirishima smiled innocently, I walked up to the front door and was about to knock when I heard shouting from the other side of the door. I furrowed my eyebrows nervously glancing back at Kirishima.
"You're throwing your life away Shoto" A female voice shouted angrily
"I'm not throwing my life away" A familiar voice responded just as angrily
"What about your dream?"
"That wasn't my dream it was his dream something that he couldn't ever do himself" Todoroki exclaimed
"Don't talk about your father that way"
"Shut up! I can talk about him however I want!" Todoroki was extremely angry, I tried to think about what had made him so angry but I couldn't think of any reason "Get out of my house this is my house"
"I saw what happened on the news Shoto you need to stop this" The female voice begged
"Get out of my house!" He yelled, I looked back at Kirishima
"Maybe we should leav-"
"I'm not leaving until you understand what you're doing to yourself" there was the sound of something shattering against the wall. At least hopefully the wall. I felt a hand grab me by the arm, I looked back to see Bakugo pulling both me and Kirishima away from the house.
"I knew that this was a bad idea" he grumbled as he pulled both of us away
"What was going on? Who was he talking to?" Kirishima asked his eyes wide with surprise.
"It sounded like either his sister or his mom" I muttered letting Bakugo drag me away.
"We shouldn't have came here" Bakugo insisted, I didn't say anything.
*Time skip again because I don't know what I'm doing*
I was out on patrol like I usually was when I had no specific missions. I walked around the streets, it was getting pretty late and I figured that I would go home soon to get some rest but I decided to continue on. I jumped as a large blast of fire shot out of one of the alleyways that I was walking by. I quickly ran down it hoping that no one was hurt. What I saw somewhat reassured me but at the same time scared me; Todoroki was standing there in the alleyway, I figured that it would be okay and I was about to leave until I saw Endeavor on the ground in front of him. He was bleeding and Todoroki just happened to be the one that had the blood on his hands fire smoldering off of his arm.
"Todoroki?" I exclaimed my eyes wide with surprise "what's going on?" my voice shook and I internally cursed myself for that, I had to sound confident. Todoroki turned around his bangs mostly covering his eyes but I could see the look of shock that made it's way onto his features.
"Midoriya" he smiled weakly holding his hands up "it's not what it looks like, my dad was attacked I came to help"
"It-It's...not true... he- attacked m-me" Endeavor gasped out trying to free himself from the ice that formed around his legs. Todoroki scoffed looking back a frown stretching across his face.
"What did I tell you about opening that big mouth of yours" He seethed kneeling down in front of Endeavor, he got unusually close to Endeavor "I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine"
"Todoroki what are you doing? This isn't how Hero's are supposed to act?" I exclaimed
"How stupid are you Midoriya?" Todoroki suddenly asked whipping around to face me, "I know you got pretty good grades in school and you know how to asses the situation, but this situation isn't something that you should be in so I would run along before someone else gets hurt"
"What about your dad, what did you do to him?" I took a step forward, he took one back
"That's family business, I'm handing back what happened years ago" He tilted his head up his bangs falling to the side showing me his scar
"I'm not leaving Todoroki" I insisted bracing myself "I don't know what got you thinking that you needed to do this but I thought that you came to terms with your father"
"Of course not" he laughed
"Todoroki I don't want to fight you" I frowned slightly, he didn't say anything for a while,
"I know you don't" He glanced back at his father "watch your back" he snapped before turning and running the other way making an ice wall so I couldn't follow him. I weighed my options quickly whether I should go after him or not but instead I went to help Endeavor.
(A.N. I had the idea, I knew what I was gonna do, Todoroki gets in an argument with his mom that Midoriya overhears, Todoroki then attacks his father which Midoriya catches him. That was my idea but I did really bad at writing it. I will mostly come back to this and rewrite it better but like I'm a bit upset that the idea that I was gonna do didn't go down on paper very well. But thank you to @Springtraplove1213 for the request. It's not the best but I'll try again in the future)
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