Enter The B Class
Class 2A minus Yn followed Sharlet and Cumulus towards the west side of the island. After forty minutes of walking, they arrived in front of a wooden wall.
The gate to the camp opened, and class 2A was greeted with the training camp they'd be staying at for the next few weeks.
On the north end of the camp was one large, almost mansion-sized cabin where everyone would be resting and eating. Everything else was for training. At the West end, was a forest section, the center was clear flat land, and at the south end was the mountain which had a cave that led deep underground.
Sone rouge pieces of equipment laid here and there. But what caught the eye of class 2A was class 2B, who were already training.
Fred: Who are those plebians?
Darcy: Class 2B. Weren't you listening to Cumulus?
Fred: I did... But... Those people are class 2B? I've never seen them before in my life.
Fred: I would have thought second best would be a bit more noticeable...
Cumulus: Make sure you remember their faces well. Because they will be your rivals for the next few weeks.
Cumulus: And depending on all your performances... They just might take the title of A from you all.
Class 2A: WHAT!?
Cumulus: Consider it motivation
In the center field, a light brown-haired girl with a ponytail and baby-blue clothing was trying to stop a fan's blades from moving with her Quirk.
(Name: Brittany Yorker/ Quirk: Stasis Toucher)
Bursting out of the dirt with weighted clothing, and a shark fin on her head, was the tiniest member of Class 2B.
(Name: Sherly Jawba/ Quirk: Land Shark)
Sherly:(panting)... Damn it, Von! Do you have to make the ground so flipping hot?
She shouts at the boy with orange patches of skin that move across his body like blobs in a lava lamp)
Von:(smiles) Sorry!
(Name: Von E. Rupert/ Quirk; Lava Lamp)
A four-armed girl deadlifted a ne record and shouted in victory.
(Name: Bobby Gainer/Quirk: Arm Brancher)
Boy:(pantning).... Okay... Who wants the cave next?
Slumped, and limping out of the cave was a blond boy, with a bright aura.
(Name: Sunny Knight/Quirk: Light Switch)
Boy: I'll pass...
A boy waves with his tie.
(Name: Ian Nilon/ Quirk: Fabric-mancer)
As their clothes change shape, a bunny-ear boy runs past towards the cave.
Bunny boy: I'll go!
(Name: Burnie "Bugs" Bartholomew Bojack/ Quirk: Werebunny)
A girl with cow-like features approaches Class-2A, with a milk box.
Cowgirl: Want milk....?
(Name: Wendy Donald/ Quirk: Calcium Magic)
Fred: Hmph. I don't want something your lesser mouth has touched.
Darcy: Play nice.
Hugo: I got this.
Hugo: I would love some milk.
Accepting the milk box, Hugo takes a sip.
Class 2B: Hm? NOO!!
Class 2A:!?
Hugo: Uhhh...
Wendy:(gremlin grin) He...he...he... Perv.
She walks away.
Hugo: Wh-what does that mean, Is it because of the indirect kiss!?
Kathy: If you knew about it, then you are a perv...
Hugo: But why did they all scream no....?
Wendy: He..he..he...
Hugo: Wh-what was in that milk? WHAT WAS IN IT!?
The class ignores Hugo's distress about the milk and instead focuses on another class B student for more information on their "rivals".
A pale white-haired girl with a long thick braided ponytail, stole the show for a second as she made a tree disappear, before smashing bricks with a karate chop.
(Name: Carol Wester/ Quirk: Opacity Vampire)
Bomb head: Hahahaha! Those A-Dorks are finally here.
(Name: Trent Oppenhig/ Quirk: Explosion touch)
Halo Guy: Hmph. Finally. Things are surely about to get much more interesting.
(Name: Michael Juneberry/ Quirk: Halo)
Jake: Looks like they have their own cocky bunch.
Ethan: Not as cocky as our Fred.
Fred: Hmph.
A dark and light patchy-skinned girl then waves flirtatiously at the class.
(Name: Alice Owen/ Quirk: Effect-Up)
Ethan: Mmmaybe class B might not be so bad...
Jake: Uh-huh.
Hugo: Seconded!
Maple:(shakes head) Guys...
A girl with lines going across her body pops in front of Alice.
Hugo: Awww man...
(Name: Libra Marigo/ Quirk: Printer)
Flying over their heads, a winged boy caught the A class's eye as he blew kisses towards the girls.
(Name: Quint Berker/ Quirk: Wing Shift)
Quint: WHOA-!?
A proboscis and spaghetti-like appendage catches Quint, dragging him to the ground. The class followed the net to find the second-shortest girl in class 2B.
(Name: Wanda Wooberg/ Quirk: Ribbon Worm)
???: Good job, Wanda.
A boy with shadowy black skin which was slightly transparent, was couched beside Wanda whom he patted on the back, making extra sure he didn't stab her with his sharp protruding bones.
(Name: Jason Donald/ Quirk: Chrome Bones)
Walking out of the forest behind the two, was a green-skinned and haired girl.
(Name: Chloe Rosebud/ Quirk: Plant Biology)
Chloe:(Yawn)... Where's the rep? He wanted to greet the A class.
In a ball of flame, a moth-winged blond boy arrived.
(Name: Kyle Duston/ Quirk: Burning Moth)
Kyle: He's on his way.
Two people, a boy, and a girl came out of the forest, where they had been training with a waterfall.
The girl had reddish hair and got most of the boys almost howling at her beauty.
(Name: Christine "Crystal" Colidas/ Quirk: Crystal Medusa)
The class representative had Bob drooling because of their Tuna-like features.
(Name: Fin Cather/ Quirk: Tuna)
Darcy:(whispers) Someone keeps an eye on Bob.
Darcy: Hello! I'm Darcy, the class representative of Class 2A.
Fin: And I'm Fin! The rep of 2B! Beep-Beep!
Class 2B: BEEP-BEEP!!
Class 2A:.....
Darcy:(mind) They have a class catchphrase!? Goodness... They are...
Class 2A:(mind) So lame.
Darcy:(mind) So connected.
Cumulus: You two work out a schedule for both classes. Have it to me by the end of the day.
Cumulus: For now, come with me as I give you your training regimens.
Sharlet: I'm going back to go sunbathe where teens won't gawk at me...
Hugo: D-Do you need an escort?
Sharlet:(walks away)
Trent the bomb head, Kyle the moth, and Crystal gathered. These three were the big 4 of their class.
Trent: Something is off about the class...
Crystal: They're missing one of their top players. Dan Derrickson.
Kyle: I did a sweep around the area, they are the only ones on this side of the island.
Crystal: Maybe he got sick?
Trent: No. He's got to be here! How else are we going to put those A-holes in their place when they have the excuse of...
Trent: "Our whole class isn't here"!
Kyle: This is about getting stronger. Not beating anyone. Chill out.
Crystal: It's both, honestly.
Trent: We need to bash their heads in.
Kyle:(shakes head)... You won't win anything until you make yourself class-A-worthy.
Crystal: Hmmm... Still. Where is that one bastard...?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the island......
Monkey:(angry monkey noises)
Yn:(eats a banana)
Monkey:(furious monkey noise)
Monkey:(attacks Yn)
Yn:(kicks monkey)
Yn follows the monkey's trajectory until he gets distracted by a skull-shaped hill.
Skull Hill:.....
Yn: Cool.
He makes his way to the skull-shaped hill, despite the dark vibes coming from it.
Name: Brittany Yorker
Age: 16
Birth: 24/09
Quirk: Stasis touch
*The user can stop objects in place with a touch.
A tap can leave something or someone stuck for an equal amount of time they were touched.
Training of the Quirk will lead to the ability to stop objects by creating a stasis field through contact with hair, longer stasis taps, and potentially more.
History: Once saved by the Terrific Triplets, Brittany became inspired to use her quirk for justice.
She gets easily annoyed when things take too long.
Name: Sherly Jawba
Age: 16
Birth: 28/02
Quirk: Landshark
* A Quirk made from a fusion of her parent's abilities, Sherly can weaken the molecular bond of solid objects, allowing her to dive into and swim in solid matter.
She possesses shark-like senses and strength.
Sherly may pull people into the ground with her. But if contact with them ends with them the person will be buried alive.
Speed and strength will increase with training.
History: A rowdy but good-hearted girl, Sherly joined the hero course to help raise awareness of whale hunting and sealife preservation.
She hates swimming in water.
Name: Von E. Rupert
Age: 16
Birth: 06/11
Quirk: Lava lamp
*Orange patches float across his skin, like blobs in a lava lamp. These patches are magma spots within his body that Von can allow to erupt to launch volcanic attacks.
When these patches burst out their lava, they leave an obsidian scab which increases Von's defense and will harmlessly fall off later.
With training, can control the spot's location and production, and power.
History: Uncertain about his end goal, Von simply wants a Quirk license so he can take a job as a terraformer.
Name: Bobby Gainer
Age: 16
Birth: 20/12
Quirk: Arm Brancher
*The user can grow two extra arms anywhere across their body, which can grow four more arms half the size.
This process can repeat several times over.
Overuse causes cramps.
With training, the size of the arms and their shape may grow.
History: Wishing to be the next grand champion in the Quirk arena, she joined the hero course to get the best training.
Name: Sunny Knight
Age: 16
Birth: 03/03
Quirk: Light Switch
*The user can turn their body into light and potentially move at the speed of light.
They can also fire rays of light to blind people.
Cannot project light rays and become light at the same time. Overuse causes the user to have difficulty changing forms.
With training, light rays can burn through almost anything.
History: A quiet, and not-so-remarkable boy on the surface, Sunny is actually the strongest student Class B has to offer.
Name: Ian Nilon
Age: 16
Birth: 27/10
Quirk: Fabric-Mancer
*Any fabric or piece of clothing that he touches gains a mind of its own, and is capable of shifting into different forms.
Some evidence points to the clothing acting upon Ian's intrusive thoughts.
However, there is also evidence that the clothing is simply alive.
The clothing can act on its own, resulting in Ian unintentionally fleeing, fighting, or performing the opposite movements from the clothing.
History: A fan of classic comics and fashion, Ian chose the hero course to be a great hero as many children desire.
Name: Burnie "Bugs" Bartholomew Bojack
Age: 16
Birth: 31/04
Quirk: Werebunny
*The user has the proportional strengths and abilities of a Bunny.
All these abilities can become, with a transformation into a giant bunny monster, several times stronger. How much control of this transformation, and how powerful it is, depends on the moon. The full moon is when he's at his strongest.
With training, he can transform only sections of his body.
History: After years of losing control and causing a lot of damage in his monster bunny form, Bugs parents forced him to go train this Quirk in the hero course.
Name: Wendy Donald
Age: 16
Birth: 06/09
Quirk: Calcium Magic
*The user has control over calcium and calcium-rich objects within a 20-meter radius.
History: A fan of 18+ heroes, she joined the hero course to join does types of heroes.
She has not revealed if she is capable of producing milk with her Quirk or constantly carries milk somewhere on her person.
She is not to be trusted when she offers something.
Name: Carol Wester
Age: 16
Birth: 13/02
Quirk: Opacity Vampire
*By biting into something, Carol can drain the opaqueness of it. The more she does, the more transparent it becomes and the more of the density of the object she takes.
Any transparent object can be walked through. Walking through Semi-transparent objects is akin to walking through a thick liquid, depending on the level of transparency.
She can only become so dense before losing the ability to move.
With training, she can absorb more density and from different limbs.
History: The Daughter of the Quirk Martial Artist who almost killed Yn's mother in one battle of the show.
She is unsure of whether to follow in her father's footsteps or to follow her mother's.
Name: Trent Oppenhig
Age: 16
Birth: 23/05
Quirk: Explosive Touch
*Anything the user touches explodes. Length of touch, and power of touch, are the factors in how powerful the explosion will be.
He possesses a limited ability to delay the explosion.
Training will grow the delay ability and power.
History: A youngling hungering for combat, his choice to become a hero is solely based on wanting to fight and use his explosive power.
Name: Michael Juneberry
Age: 16
Birth: 26/03
Quirk: Halo
*The user possesses a Halo floating above their head. They can make more by pulling on the Halo.
Once a copy is made, Michael can move it mentally, and change its size at will.
The current Halo copies capacity is 7.
Training will raise capacity and power.
History: A rich kid, from a hero family, he's in the hero course to start a rebrand of his family corporation.
Name: Alice Owen
Age: 16
Birth: 17/04
Quirk: Effect-Up
*The user can boost the effects of anything in a 5-meter range.
A poke can become as powerful as a bullet. A whisper transforms into a scream,
Training will increase the range.
History: A daughter of two villains in prison, she's in the hero course to change the course of her life.
Name: Libra Marigo
Age: 16
Birth: 09/11
Quirk: Printer
*Through the slits across her body, Libra can print out a paper with an image.
The Image can pop out of the paper, but whatever she prints, its durability is equivalent to if the object was made of paper.
She can produce weapons, limbs, and effects.
Training will grow the production rate.
History: From a family of weak quirk users, when she learned how wildly her quirk mutated compared to her parents, Libra chose to be a hero to make a name for herself.
Name: Quint Berker
Age: 16
Birth: 24/07
Quirk: Wing Shift
*The user possesses wings that they can shapeshift into any pair of wings the user understands.
History: A snooty kid who thinks he's all that, he's a hero to prove it.
Name: Wanda Wooberg
Age: 16
Birth: 22/03
Quirk: Ribbon Worm
*The user can spit out a proboscis and venomous spaghetti-like appendage that wraps around her enemies.
She can shoot this out her mouth and the back of her head.
History: Due to her natural instincts to catch people in her proboscis net, she was put into the hero course to put her to use.
Name: Jason Donald
Age: 16
Birth: 01/11
Quirk: Chrome Bones
*His quirk causes Jason to have such a high amount of iron, that his skin turns pitch black.
His bones are metal, and he possesses the ability to control them. He can grow them out of his body harmlessly.
History: Cousin to Wendy, he joined the Hero course, both to fulfill his dream and to take care of Wendy.
Name: Chloe Rosebud
Age: 16
Birth: 26/01
Quirk: Plant Biology
*Her body is plant-like and she can copy any plant ability in the world.
Training will help make her capable of more powerful abilities.
History: Found in a forest and brought into the hero course, it's unsure if she's human.
Name: Kyle Duston
Age: 16
Birth: 06/06
Quirk: Burning Moth
*With the abilities of a moth with a fiery touch.
He can produce a silk from his mouth that sticks, burns, and explodes.
And spread dust-like sparks.
History: A heroic boy, he's the second strongest person in the B class.
Name: Christine "Crystal" Colidas
Age: 16
Birth: 08/24
Quirk: Crystal Medusa
*She can generate a hard amber-toned rainbow crystal from her body.
With training the crystals can become much stronger.
History: Part of the big 4 of her class, she failed to get into the A class due to her grades.
Name: Fin Catcher
Age: 16
Birth: 10/12
Quirk: Tuna
History: As the class rep, he inspires the B-class to work together and be a second family.
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