Christmas Eve Chapter
Alright, so let me tell you how I ended up in this terrible Christmas circumstance.
Like most families, I was going to spend the holidays with my mom. However, that got thrown at the window. Mom wanted to spend time with her extended family, and I can't deny her that right. They are family. I would go with her if it weren't for the fact that they hate this quirkless brat! If I go, I will start drama. I would be fighting my own family. Thank above Mom understands that.
Of course, that left that new brat puppy with me. I wasn't willing to deal with it, so I'm paying Koda an enormous sum per day to take care of it.
The next logical solution was to go traveling the world by myself. I was looking at plane tickets, trying to figure out the cheapest way to get to places when Shouta came in to question me on something work-related. He saw my monitor and said no. Hell, I tried to bargain with him to go with me!
His words?
"I would rather be locked in a room with Hizashi than travel the world with a psychopath."
I mean, at least they are willing to admit they would bang in a sense? Don't ask.
Anyway, that's how we go here, folks. Currently, I am at UA for the holidays, today being Christmas Eve. To make the place even more boring, both Hizashi and Nemuri are away with their families. They said they would be back tomorrow because they wanted to spend the day with Shouta with me, but I have to survive the day. Most of the other teachers are out too, whether it be with family or, in Maijima's and Nezu's case, on vacation.
Lucky bastards. Why can't I go?!
Just because most of the teachers are gone doesn't mean they are all gone. There are currently four of us that are stuck here: Shouta, Yagi, Snipe, and I. I only get along with Shouta.
This is going to be hell.
Give me some credit for a moment because I tried to lock myself in my apartment for the whole time, so only Shouta can visit. Unfortunately, Yagi, being the family man he wishes he can be, forces me out to spend time with the adults by decorating a Christmas tree he picked up. I give him an A for effort and an F for execution. Snipe and Yagi are decorating the tree, I'm watching with a mask on, and Shouta sleeps on the couch like the lazy ass he is.
"Yagi, I can appreciate the sentiment, but why did you get a real Christmas tree?" I ask the blonde idiot.
"What's wrong with a real tree?" He asks as he puts a blue ball on.
"A: The needles fall on the ground, which is the nightmare for a clean freak. B: I can reach the entire tree with a fake tree. C: That tree is going to spread its eggs and sperm all over the place." Yeah, that causes Yagi to cough up blood.
"Kid, where yer censorship at?!" Snipe asks, glaring at me. He doesn't have his mask on, so I can see his face. It doesn't make it more scary.
"What's that?"
"Each day, I feel more sorry for Aizawa," I smirk.
I pull out my most definite country accent, "Yee-haw, partner." I know. I'm easily distracted.
"Care to explain why yer here? Shouldn't ye be with yer family?"
"My extended family hates me because I'm a quirkless brat! I tried to go on vacation, but Sho said no!" I have to grab more tissue for Yagi. Poor skeleton.
"Oh, lawdy, and we wonder why ya have problems."
"You do. Everyone else has figured this out a while ago. Don't even give me that look because Yagi and Sho have figured this out already!" Snipe isn't willing to argue with me because he switches the topics on me.
"When did you start calling Aizawa 'Sho?' You always referred to his full name."
"The moment he decided to change my hero name from Tech-Sass to Tech."
"I can't blame him. It's hard to pronounce correctly without saying Texas."
"I can. He could have easily asked me, 'hey, want to change your name?' but he didn't."
"I don't think he minds his name, though. It's only you complaining like always."
Yagi quickly stands between us, "Both of you, calm down. Snipe, you're an adult. Midoriya, you're a genius. You should both know better than to argue over something like this."
"Not really!" I stand up and start to stomp my way over to the knock-off Woody when I feel that familiar ribbon around my right wrist. I turn around to see Shouta sighing.
"You're wired." He states as if it's a fact. I'm pretty sure he's trying to distract me, and I will let him this time because he looks dead on his feet.
"This is how I usually am. You've been sleeping? You look like Hizashi rammed you for hours. Thinking about it, this has been going on for a little while. Work being an ass again?" I ignore the background noises as Shouta glares me down. He quickly lets up.
"You could say that. You don't have a right to say a thing when you don't sleep at all unless I force you."
"There's a difference between us there. I can still move around. You will fall over and drown in the snow, probably."
"I'm waiting for the day you pass out."
"And I'm waiting for the day one of you propose after 15 fucking years. Since you're the woman, I'm pretty sure Hizashi is doing it. Anyway, you can go and get actual sleep, dumbass. I'll go to my room if you're worried about me fighting those two."
"It's fine, Iz."
"I don't even have a response to that name. Sho, let me go. What else are we doing?" Of course, Shouta doesn't let go for a moment. He does eventually, just not then.
Yagi responds, " I was thinking maybe sugar cookies? Or share Christmas stories?" Snipe is quick to cut the first idea.
"No sugar for Midoriya. He's already enough trouble."
"So Christmas stories?"
"Unless ye have another idea."
I add, " Don't expect me to sit still during this."
"Already know, brat."
"That's Shouta's name for me. Come up with something better, cheap-shot."
He never did. He just aimed his gun at me. That's how he got it taken away.
These guys suck at telling stories. Yagi came up with nothing. Yes, he told a story. He told the plot of the movie Elf that's about a human who snuck into Santa's bag, and the elves adopt him as his own. Eventually, he realizes he's human and goes to New York to meet his dad. He's hated at first, but ultimately, they love him by the end. Then, Snipe told the story of an Elf who wishes to be a cowboy, so he left the North Pole and came to America to learn how to be a cowboy.
I'm pretty sure that's just a rewrite of Rudolf, The Red-Nosed Reindeer.
This whole time, I was walking around in circles, wondering where I have gone wrong with life. I have a feeling Shouta feels the same because he's knocked out on the couch again. I can't blame him for once. I would too if I could sleep. When Snipe finishes his stupid story, I jump on the coffee table to do mine.
"Young Midoriya, get down!" Yagi exclaims, attempting to get me down. It's kind of disappointing that he's taller than me, even on the coffee table.
"No, let me tell my story! However, unlike your stories, this one is real! I will clean it afterward." I state with a passion.
"Alright, Young Midoriya."
"Thank you! Now, everyone here knows that Santa Claus is a fake man made up to be a thot for cookies."
"Language!" Ignored.
"Well, here in Musutafu, we have our version of Santa Claus called Wish. Kids write what they want for Christmas on a letter, but unlike sending it to Thot Santa, they post it on their door. By morning, what they have 'wished' for is sitting on the doorstep. Police have been trying to get them for years, but no one has ever seen them. I believe that is because there are multiple people involved. Anyway, they're a way better Santa than the actual Santa. They don't ask for anything. They only work on Christmas Eve, though, because of Christmas. The end!"
Snipe has to get salty with me again, " That's not real."
"Yes, it is! It's an actual case in the police files!"
"Shouldn't it be more known?"
"How can it be 'more known' when we have nothing on them!?"
For once in my god damn life, Shouta defends me, "For once, the brat is right. It's considered a minor case, but it's one."
"Wait a moment...WE SHOULD GO AFTER THEM!" With new energy, I scurry off to my apartment to grab my gear, ignoring the adults talk behind me. I'm quick to put my underground costume on before coming out.
"Are ye kidding me? Is ye even allowed to have your costume on?" Snipe asks.
"No to the first, yes to the second because I built it."
"We aren't going after Wish."
At Night
"I can't believe we're going after Wish." Snipe grumbles.
"You didn't have to come, asshat. I offered you to come." I snark, salty with his attitude
"Do ya know how creepy that place is without anybody?"
"Do you know how creepy you - hey, stop tugging on the damn leash! I don't even know how you got it on, dumbass! You're not involved! Honestly, you should be sued for public humiliation."
"I have to listen to it. That's enough." Shouta states, tugging at the stupid leash(the one you put children on) attached to me. He pulls extra hard, causing me to stumble back, but he catches me and keeps me right next to him.
Yip, we are looking for Wish! Despite having changed into my costume, I was quick to realize that we shouldn't wear costumes to this because it would just capture their attention. Therefore, we are all in our civilian suits with extra warmth. Snipe and Yagi are not recognizable out of their costumes, so they're safe. Shouta still looks like a damn hobo, but nobody knows him, so he's fine as well. It's me that we have to worry about as not many people have curly green hair with an overdramatic attitude to match. Therefore, I needed a disguise. Good thing I have one in mind!
That's another fun part for me. I'm died my hair black and straightened it a little bit. I can't do a full straighten, or else that would look horrible. It still does, but the dye washes out. I can suck it up for now. Moving forward, I did a little bit of make-up to change my face shape, cover my freckles, and remove the visor there we go! I feel naked with that visor in public, but that's common in my gear as well. Patchy should be able to respond through the phone, but it sometimes doesn't work, thus why it's never used. To finish it off, I wore the most cumbersome black clothing I could find because it is snowing out.
Still cold as my heart. That means it's really fucking cold.
Now, if you caught the resemblance, you may have noticed that I look similar to Shouta. You're bloody right because I'm supposed to look like I am his brother. It sounds stupid at the moment, but let me explain. Imagine seeing this overexuberant green-haired kid that made it to the finals of the Sports Festival (and a bunch of other shit) being dragged around by a hobo. You're probably going to be suspicious. Actually, you should be wary even without the leash. With the disguise, we fit together better and flow through the crowd easier. Shouta glared at me when he first saw it, but after some explaining, he came around.
With that significant interruption, let me set the scene! Currently, it's about 8 p.m. because we aren't sure what time they come out. I assume early with how many houses there are in this town. There are a couple of people walking, but it's mostly quiet otherwise besides for us. Snow scatters across us as the damn cold swims through our clothes like we are naked. Light gently sets up the mood, making it a romantic scene if Hizashi was here, but, you know, he isn't. We have to work with what we got. Yagi and Snipe are in front of us while Shouta and I are in the middle, Shouta keeping a good grip on me by having that stupid leash. Above us, Patchy flies as quietly as possible. While I rather have CAT, they are a prominent figure for me, so that would ruin the disguise. They will come if a distress signal is sent out. I guess that isn't the worst thing in the world.
With that out of the way, time to get back to our current conversation!
"Isn't that a bit much, Aizawa?" Yagi asks as he nods towards the leash.
"If he weren't leashed, he would be circling us nonstop. That would catch everybody's attention." I sigh because I know he's right. It doesn't help that even while walking, I'm fidgeting.
"Alright...Young Midoriya, do you have a plan of how to do this?" That causes me to perk up.
"Yip yip! I have multiple plans. However, the basis is the same: we sit at a house with a letter on the door and wait. It's more based on how wide-spread we are. The more we are wide-spread, the more ground we cover. The problem is that somebody might attack us. It depends on how risky you are feeling tonight.
Plan A: We stay together as one group and chill out at one house. However, that leads to us being loud due to Snipe, and I continually arguing about something.
Plan B: We split into pairs and go to two different locations. Snipe and Yagi would pair up, and you should be able to figure out the rest. Snipe and Sho brought their weapons, so I'm not too worried about defense. Yagi, we might have to worry about because of his damn time limit.
Plan C: We separate. However, I'm not sure how that would go with Yagi. That's the riskiest plan here.
Out of the planning phase, if I may be honest, I'm not sure you should be out here for that long, Yagi. I don't know if the cold damages your organs more or not. There should be a coffee shop nearby, I think, if you ever need to go there."
"Understood, Midoriya."
Shouta is the first to respond, " I recommend Plan B. Like Iz said, Snipe and he would argue. I don't trust Izuku by himself with Wish because if he does find him, he would probably ask to join them." I flip Shouta off, receiving a smack upside the head.
"I agree with ya, Aizawa. I say Plan B, as well." Snipe says.
"Plan B." Yagi agrees.
I grin, " Plan B it is! Now, I have some supplies to give you guys!" I swing my backpack to the front, open it up, and start throwing the follow objects at Snipe (ignoring his cursing): Blankets, a can of hot cocoa with cups, one of two of an old hand-radio, and binoculars that have heat vision.
Snipe is salty once more, "What the hell, kid? Can't be gentle, can ya? Anyway, what's with the binoculars?"
"That's for heat vision. I have a feeling Wish is more than one person, one with an invisibility quirk of some kind and maybe even a sound-canceling quirk since snow makes a bunch of noise. You have to attract the least amount of attention possible. That's the way I would go anyway."
"Alright, alright. Let's go, Yagi." Snipe grumbles once more as he leaves Shouta and me behind.
"Welp, that's two problems on the loose. Let's go!" I start to stomp forward only to be pulled back once more by that damn leash.
"Settle down. Let's find a place we can watch over." Shouta growls as he starts leading the way.
It only takes about ten minutes to find a house with a letter. Thankfully, there is a nearby alleyway that Shouta and I can chill at. The only problem is that there is a foot of snow on the ground. Therefore, we either lean on the wall or sit in the snow. Good thing I thought ahead! I pull out a flame-thrower and melt that shit away, leaving a warm spot.
Shouta glares, "Really?"
"It worked, didn't it?" I state, proud of myself as I sit down and pull out the blankets. I have two left, so I hand one to him and keep one for myself. Shouta sits beside me but seems to have a better idea.
"Give me your blanket, kid."
"You'll see if you give me the blanket." Well, curiosity bit the cat, and I gave it to him. Shouta sits as close as possible to me, cuddling against me before wrapping us under both blankets. Now it's his turn to receive the glare. All I get is his stupid grin back.
"I hate you more than dirt right now."
"You care. I assume you have...Patchy...watching?"
"Yes, sir. We will get a notification if it suspects anything."
"Please tell me you packed coffee for me."
"I did."
"You do care."
"Sir, you are sharing a blanket with me. I will take both of them back and leave you in the fucking cold without hesitation. Your balls will freeze off, and you will have no chance of banging Hizashi." That gets him to shut up quick. Good.
Shouta and I have been sitting here quiet (who knew that was possible?) for an hour, and, so far, we have found nothing. Being the over-hyper ball of energy I am, the phone didn't last long. I need to move. Shouta recognized the problem, and he came up with a decent solution: give me a part of his scarf and start teaching me how to tie knots.
Turns out, I suck at them. Why the fuck can I go back and forth with the world's smartest rat, yet I can't tie a bloody knot? I don't know. Maybe that part of my brain is missing. I can't snap or whistle either.
Yet, I can aim knives perfectly. Yeah, my brain is complicated. I think Shouta is having fun torturing me with this because he keeps showing off.
I was attempting this one knot when I feel my phone buzz, causing me to drop the knot and grab my phone to see two people on the street. I look up to see nobody on the road. Shouta pulls his binoculars out, able to see the heat, but not them.
So I was right on the invisibility quirk being involved! Through the phone, I watch the two go up to the door, look at the list, and suddenly the item appears in the other's hand. They place it on the deck and move on. Shouta stands up, letting the cold in as the blanket drops. I quickly gather it up back into the bag.
"We good now? We saw Wish. We shouldn't be left out here any longer." Shouta grumbles.
"Yip yip! Let's go!" I gather everything up and throw the bookbag over my shoulder when I feel myself getting shoved behind him.
Before me, Shouta crumbles. Without hesitation, I grab him before he falls to the ground. I lift him bridal style, scanning him before noticing the needle in his neck. Fuck. I look up to see two dark people before me. Before you call me out on being racist for some damn reason, I'm calling them dark because I can't see any features besides black.
"More people are trying to ruin the Christmas spirit, Star." The one on the left growls with a deep sexy- oh wait, I'm not supposed to be picking up people besides Shouta right now.
"Don't worry. We will take care of them, Tree." A higher-pitched voice. I know this isn't the time to be thinking this, but those are not the best names for whatever they are.
On that note, I need to get Shouta out of here. Why just Shouta?
Bitch, ya'll know I want to be picked up and taken to Wish's workshop! I can't do shit with Shouta there! I rather not reveal who I am, so Patchy and using my scare tactic are out. After observing the area, I take my action.
I run. Sure, the snow and Shouta are going to slow me down, but I'm fast and strong. I swerve the corner, avoiding a needle shot at me and go to the next nearest alleyway, hiding behind a dumpster. Disgusting.
"Patchy, get down here and take Shouta back to UA." Patch squawks from a distance as I raise Shouta in the air like the cub in Lion King. One minute he is in my arms; the next, he is being carried away by Patchy. Step one is done! Step two starts now.
I pull out my radio and call to my partners, " Go back to UA. We are having problems. We will meet there."
"Problems? What kind of problems?"
"Shouta is knocked out. I will meet ya'll there." I lie like the fucking liar I am. I turn the radio off, turning to see them waiting for me. I can't be cocky like I usually am. Otherwise, that's just outing myself.
Within a second, I have a needle in my neck, and I fall on purpose. If I want to be kidnapped, I can't be awake. Well, I can fake sleep for a couple of minutes before needing to twitch. What I am shocked about is that I'm not actually asleep. With the size of Shouta's, I would probably be acting high. However, I feel drowsy. That's a new feeling. Anyway, I wonder if they adjusted the size of the needle. If that's the case, they aren't some hidden villain team. I focus on my breathing, making sure it's the sleeping rate. I bet Shouta didn't think this is the use I would find for it.
"Hey Sled, we need you to teleport someone. Another person after Wish again." That sounds like Star. They didn't even do a test to see if I'm knocked out! This can't be their normal job! I feel my back being touched (takes all my energy not to react), and I'm weightless for a moment.
Then, I crash onto the ground. I bite my tongue to keep quiet, forcing my body still. I listen carefully. It takes a while before I hear voices.
"What do you mean you haven't find the other man? Are you sure there were two?" A new voice, it seems.
"We are certain, sir. We have looked everywhere. He was immediately knocked out, so we might not have to worry about him remembering us." Through a radio, it sounds like Star still. Wait, so there's a memory-erasing quirk as well? Huh. That makes a lot of sense. It keeps the magic of Christmas after all!
"Alright. Hopefully, this won't bite us next year. Erase the memories of who we have now." Welp, I guess it's time to wake up. I throw myself on my feet.
Only to stumble. I may have underestimated the drowsiness a little bit. How can Shouta stand this feeling? It feels horrible!
"U-uh ACHOO! S-s-sir?" The moment the little elf inside my room sneezed, it decorated the whole place with Christmas lights. Rephrase, he's my height but still. He has similar eyes to me but hair that's similar to Bakugo's but nicer. Small body, but he seems like my type already!
"Oh my gawd, it's beautiful!" I screech like the little gay boy I am except I'm not gay, I'm asexual. We'll figure all that out later.
"ACHOO yeah...he's a-awake" Damn, he stutters like me when I was a kid, but more decorations appeared! Oh my gawd, this might be my favorite quirk of all time!
"Please tell me I can hire you to be my decorator."
"N- ACHOO, no." I'm having way too much fun with this quirk. Too bad the new voice cuts him off.
"Let me handle him. Go decorate the park."
"ACHOO, YES, S-S-SIR!" The poor little elf scrambles off, leaving me with...
"I need my memory erased now."
"Don't erase me yet! Let me escape first!"
"Why should I? You will spread it around to the heroes and ruin this whole operation."
"I could, but I don't seen anything wrong with this. The only problem I would have is if this is a cover-up. If I may ask, why not coordinate with the city on this? You could still keep this up, but legally. They give you a temporary quirk-usage license every year as long as they watch. In exchange, you don't have a chance of being arrested for drugging my brother and me."
"Why would they accept something like this?"
"I can see why you would think this. If you were to try this at the beginning, they would probably say no. However, now that you're a prominent figure in the area, they would have to say yes. Well, they could decline, but that would cause rebellion. You're in a position to negotiate. You only have to play your cards right. I'm willing to help if you want this legal. Just show me the place first."
"For a kid, you know way too much about this. Who are you?"
"KID?! I AM 15!"
"Do we get an identity or not?"
"Oh, Izuku Midoriya! Pleasure to meet you!"
"Wait, the same Midoriya in the Sports Festival and Stain Incident?"
"Somehow, yes. You should already know I'm open to my opinions."
". . .will you really help us?"
"I don't want ya'll to be arrested for this. I do recommend removing anything illegal. Those syringes are one. Show me around, and I will tell the rest."
"As a future hero, wouldn't this ruin your credibility?"
"I have my ways."
And that's how I helped out Santa! I even got to meet the Achoo Kid again! After our discussion, they show me their entire warehouse, and I can say that I am damn impressed. The only illegal thing they had is the syringes, and I got rid of those for them. Then, we picked up Detective Tsukauchi (why, Midoriya, why?), went to City Hall, and convinced them not to arrest the Wish group! Sure, I had to pull a ton of (illegal) strings, but it was totally worth it!
All of this within two hours!
See?! Sometimes, it is worth being kidnapped!
Now, I need to get back to UA before Shouta beats me up. Eh...he probably will anyway.
Welp, the drowsiness is back. It's bothersome. It feels like you should pass out, but you can't. Most people probably do pass out, but not me! I didn't notice the whole time because I was distracted, but now that I'm thinking again, I can feel it.
I arrive at UA and head to the dorms. When I enter, I see Shouta pacing around, Yagi trying to talk him down, and Snipe chilling on the sofa.
"I'm sure Izuku knows what he is doing. He probably has this all planned." Yagi calmly tells Shouta, keeping his distance.
"Don't you get it, Yagi? This is too similar to my situation when I was kidnapped, except I have nothing on him! I should have known better." I didn't think of that. I never think about social consequences. I do whatever the fuck I want.
For once, I feel guilty. I can feel anxiety for once in my damn life besides being sick. Hiding it away, I knock on the door, causing Shouta to jerk his head my direction immediately. He approaches.
He slaps me across the face with as much anger as possible before pulling me forward roughly against his chest, holding me as close as possible. Why is he trembling? I was gone for only two hours! Then, Shouta's voice. It's leveled but has the dangerous undertone to it.
"Which part?" I ask, attempting to keep my sarcasm up.
"The whole thing!" I didn't know it was possible for him to be this emotional. The drug must be bothering me because I swear I feel stress compared to normal. Wait, he was drugged too. Maybe it's affecting him?
"Because I can. Curiosity." He sighs.
"You're supposed to be a genius. Why do you act like a damn idiot when it comes to stuff like this?" Damn, when was the last time I heard him curse?
"Because I am?" How else am I supposed to respond to that? I try to pull back, but he has an iron grip on me.
"Use your head for once then. You're one of the most wanted people by villains. You can't be making risky decisions like this."
"I forgot about that too. But hey, at least I made them legal!" I look up, seeing the most unamused expression I have seen from him yet. However, it switches to concern again.
"You okay, kid?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You look like you're tired."
"They drugged me too. I never passed out."
"And you legalized them why?"
"So they don't drug people." He shakes his head, but realizes something, looking down at me again.
"You never passed out? Was it the same syringe size as me?" I did check before you fuckers ask.
"Yes. That means I'm fucking invincible!"
"We will talk about this after Christmas. Right now, it's time for bed."
"Can I sleep by myself tonight? I think I can fall asleep on my own for once."
"As punishment, no."
"Damn it."
Snipe decides to ruin the moment," Ye have got to be the worst kid someone has owned yet."
"And whoever the day-living invented speech must be disappointed by how you talk." I start getting dragged away, flipping Snipe off on my way out, and I say a polite goodnight to Yagi before I'm forced into my apartment to bed.
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