11 - Demonic Re;Birth
No one's POV
Within Kuoh, we see Y/n looking down at Naomi, who is shocked by seeing him right in front of her.
Naomi: This can't be true...! You're not real!! I won't believe this! You're just some fictional character!
Y/n then lets out an evil laugh, as he says one thing.
Y/n: I am very much real, young one. The world tried to kill me and failed. Humanity tried to kill me, and they also failed. The supernatural world and your bloodline tried to kill me. TWICE, in fact, and failed, just like everyone else.
As Y/n says this line, he walks around Naomi, as if he's trying to taunt her. While charging his powers.
Naomi: Well... You know there's a few sayings out there. The first one being, "Failure is the mother of success." The second one being, "Third time's the charm."
Y/n: Hm. You still hope. Admirable, but foolish. Watch me as I crush that hope in an instant.
Y/n then uses his power and starts blasting it into the crystal, and after a few seconds, the energy starts flowing into the members of the Council. Some of them only receive some minor changes, like Stain, Flect Turn, and Lady Nagant, who only had their clothes changed to a dark blue. But for Overhaul and R.O.M, they had entire appearance changes.
The blast then hits Riyama, granting her new powers Riyama as well, and she gains a new attire.
Overhaul: This overwhelming power... I feel it... surging into my very soul...!
Stain: Yes... I feel it as well...!
Y/n then snaps his fingers, and one of the swords shoots outward to R.O.M, who catches it with ease. The other one then goes to Stain, the spear to Flect Turn, and the Axe goes to Overhaul.
Flect Turn: This power... It's incredible! Thank you, My Lord!
The rest of the council then starts saying their thanks as well, but Naomi smirks, and makes a little joke out of it.
Naomi: So? It seems all you did was never then some cute new outfits. Except for Overhaul though, he got some more arms. But still... was that supposed to scare me?
Y/n: Maybe THIS will change your mind.
Y/n then turns back to the crystal, and the using a tone of power to lift the crystal from the table, as it lifts up, the very school ground starts to lift up, and Y/n uses his magic to change it's shape to a more fearful fortress.
Flect Turn: Now... that is impressive.
Overhaul: It really is impressive.
Y/n then smiles at the praise, and turns to face Naomi.
Y/n: Behold, Descendant of Rias Gremory, my power, and see that resistance is futile! Though... I'm willing to... give you a choice.
Naomi: What would that be?
Y/n: Simple. Stand by Riyama's side and do my bidding as she does. Refuse, and be destroyed. The choice is yours.
Naomi does look at her sister, and sees a worried look in her eyes.
Naomi: She really doesn't want to kill me. Still... I need to get out of here... But how...?
Naomi then quickly comes up with a plan in her mind.
Naomi: Y/n, was it? You probably wouldn't know about this, or even my sister for that matter. Truth be told, recently, I've become the type of girl who likes to combine items. So I'm going with my own custom choice.
Y/n: And that is...?
Naomi: Escaping this place, and live to fight another day!
Naomi manages to swing back and hit Y/n in the guy, knocking him back while also having OVerhaul lose his grip on the Axe.
Overhaul: No!
However, it's to late, as the axe hits the crystal, cracking it. The now created temple starts to shake, which does allow Naomi to free herself from her chains. As the temple starts tilting to it's side, Naomi uses some skills she saw from Deku and Bakugou, and manages to get onto some currently stable ground.
Naomi: Thanks for having, me, sister. But I think I'll be going now.
R.O.M tries to blast Naomi, but Naomi dodges right as she's about to get hit.
Y/n: You idiots! STOP HER!!!
Overhaul jumps with his new powers and grabs the axe, and starts chasing Naomi, trying to hit her. However, right before he can go for another attack, one of the Vengestone statues hits him. Y/n then jumps onto one of the crystals, and starts to realign the temple.
Y/n: After him, you fools!!! Destroy that Gremory brat!
Council: Yes, my Lord!
As the remaining members go after her, but Riyama doesn't, as she does remember some of the good times she had with her sister.
Y/n: Is something, Destruction Queen?
Riyama: Naomi doesn't have to be destroyed. Let me try to convince her, to...to reason with her. She might.
Y/n: No! That time has passed. She made her choice, now she is to follow it. Do as I command, and destroy her!!!
Riyama was thinking of not doing it, but Y/n leans towards her, saying one thing.
Y/n: Do I make myself clear...?
Riyama: *sighs* It will be done.
Riyama then gives chase to Naomi, and as she leaves, Y/n walks another way, and says one thing to himself, while tapping his forehead.
Y/n: I hope you're having fun in there, "Y/n." I think I'll keep using your name and body... for a little while longer...
Meanwhile, with Naomi, we see her running as she trying to find any exit she can.
Naomi: Ahhh, I always hate this part! Why is it the one time I need to know where the exit I can't find it?! Curse you mysterious places that I wake up in!
Flect Turn: Now where exactly do you think you're going?
Naomi stops, as she almost gets hit by Flect Turn.
Flect Turn: We're floating up into the sky! And last time I saw you fight, you can't fly!
Flect Turn goes for an attack, but she manages to block the attack, and without activating his Quirk, knocking him back.
Naomi: You're right, I can't! But you seem to be able to!
Naomi then continues her escape, hoping that she won't run into anymore member of the Demon King's council.
The scene then changes, and we see Y/n walking through the halls, and arriving at the army that he had requested for.
Y/n: My, my! Riyama has served me well. I asked her for an army... AND AN ARMY SHE GAVE ME!!!
Y/n then uses his powers, and infuses crystals into the stone warriors. After it's finished, they all turn right to face their master, as Y/n smiles.
Y/n: *GIF Below* Yes... Rise... MY NEW ARMY OF WARRIORS!!!!
We see Naomi still running through the halls, and after a few minutes, runs into Stain.
Stain: It's ironic, isn't it. That it all comes down to first ever powerful you've fought.
Naomi and Stain do duke it out a bit, and none of them manage to hit each other, but soon the others come in, and surround her.
Overhaul: Sorry about the fight, but this needs to be done soon.
Naomi gasps, and realizes that they may not know much about Y/n.
Naomi: Hey, before you guys do anything, let me talk. I know you all have these new weapons and powers and everything seems to be going great for guys. But trust me, from I've read about Y/n Ankokuboshi, he's bad news! For all of us! Even for All For One!!! He will destroy everything!
Flect Turn: Except for us. Why do you think we joined him?
Overhaul: But you don't have to worry. We'll be the ones who kill you.
The villains then throw their weapons at Naomi, and she jump into the air, avoiding them, but something more shocking happens. A blast of powerful energy comes out of them, launching the Council backwards. Naomi then runs off, right as Riyama makes it to them.
Riyama: Dammit! You guys come into contact with each other! From what I learned, they can unleash as powerful energy that can hurt you!
Riyama then sees Naomi running, and begins to go after her, but as Naomi turns right, and Riyama is about to go after her, the rest of the council arrives.
Riyama: *points to the left* She went that way! Get after her!
As the council goes to the left, Riyama goes right, and as Naomi tries to figure out where she is, she notices that statues look different, when one of them begins to glow.
Naomi: Shit!
Naomi then dodges the Vengestone warrior's incoming attacks, and heads up a flgith of stairs, as she makes it to the exit, but as she opens it, she almost falls off, with the Vengestone warrior falling down to the ground below.
Naomi: Okay... We are really high up...! That... was to close... for comfort...
Riyama: There's no escape, Naomi!
Naomi turns around to see her sister standing there.
Naomi: Stay back, sis! I don't wanna hurt you!
Riyama: The Demon King wants me to destroy you, but I'm here... giving you another chance. Join us. Join me!
Naomi: If you'd ever think I'd join you... Then I guess we aren't really siblings anymore...
Just then, the rest of the Demon King's Council arrives, but before they can do anything, Riyama stops them.
Riyama: Stay back! All of you!
This does confuse them, and as Riyama walks towards her sister, Naomi looks down, thinking about what her next move will be.
Riyama: Naomi, if you're thinking what I'm thinking, it'd be best to get that out of yoru head.! From this height, you'd never survive!
Naomi then sighs, looks at Riyama, and says one thing.
Lloyd: Riyama Gremory... I really hope you're wrong about that... For both our sakes!
Before Riyama can say anything, Naomi grabs her and jumps off, with her sister with her.
Riyama: NOOOO!
Riyama then begins to scream, and Naomi holds her close, hoping that they'll land where she was hoping.
Naomi: If you want to live, hold your breath in 3... 2... 1!
The two sisters then hold their breaths, and they land right into the water, and since Riyama never had any training with holding her breath, she instantly lets go, having Naomi grab her, while swimming to the surface, gasping for air. As Naomi manages to get out of the water they're in, she looks back at the temple, which is now floating towards the city.
Naomi: This isn't good... All I can do now... Is hope the GPS is working... and a hero is able to save me...
We now see the police officers, hoping to find Naomi, when they hear a beeping. All the officers start gasping, and the manage to find her location. One of the officers then comes in, while Naomasa is talking with Naomi's classmates.
Officer: Sir! We've got good news and bad new!
Naomasa: What is it?
Officer: Naomi's tracker! It appears to be back online!
Sahata: What?
Masuki: She's alive?!
Kinori: Yes! She did it! She survived!
Naomasa: I'm guessing this has to do with the bad news?
Officer: It does. She's right in the middle of the forest area of Kuoh.
Everyone gasps at that, knowing the pure madness that lies there.
Naomasa: Heroes... This might be our only chance to get her back! If any heroes are willing, say-
Elegant Fox, raises her hand, as well as Endeavor, Class 1-S, Class 1-A, and the Wild Wild Pussycats.
Tiger: I know how it feels to lose a comrade... All for One taught me that. I'll do what I can to help.
Naomasa: Alright then. Heroes, move out! And be very cautious upon arrival. We don't know what's waiting out there for us, so be on your upmost guard!
To Be Continued...
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