Chapter 9: The School Festival Commences
(Y/N walks into the Green Room.)
(Y/N): Hey, Itsuka? I heard you were in here. So I was hoping to ask-
(Y/N sees a girl "fight?")
(Y/N): I can sense the hostility from here...
Monoma: Trying to throw Kendo off her game?!
(Y/N): Why would I do that? I'm her-
Nejire: Oh, yeah! You're Kendo's boyfriend!
(Y/N's thoughts): Still don't know how she knows that.
(Y/N): Anyway, Itsuka, can I ask-
(Y/N notices what Itsuka is wearing.)
Itsuka: *blush* What is it?
(Y/N): You look great...
Itsuka: *blush* Thanks. You wanted to ask me some-
(Y/N suddenly walks right up to Itsuka & kisses her.)
Itsuka: *hard blush* (Y/N)!
(Y/N): What? I kiss you in front of people all the time.
Itsuka: Never in front of my classmates!
Tetsutetsu: Kirishima's right, you are the man!
Monoma: I think I'm going to hurl...
Awase: Uh...I don't think we've properly met, I'm Awase.
(Y/N): Oh! I know you! You helped Yaoyorozu during the camp attack. Thanks for that.
Awase: It was no problem.
Nejire: Aww! You two are so cute!
(Itsuka is currently burying her head into Y/N's chest.)
(Y/N): Should I have not done that?
Itsuka: [muffled] No.
(Y/N): I just had to kiss the most beautiful girl in the room.
Eyelashes Girl: You must be blind, because it's obviously me!
(Y/N): Who's the girl with the pound of makeup on her face?
Eyelashes Girl: Huh?!
(Y/N): I should be getting back anyway!
Itsuka: I thought you had to ask me something?
(Y/N): It's nothing. See ya the pageant, Itsuka! Love you!
Itsuka: He does know that I'm gonna be at Class 1A's performance, right?
(Midoriya finally arrives with a rope.)
(Y/N): Cutting it pretty close, Midoriya.
Midoriya: Yeah, sorry.
(Y/N): Ugh, I'm so nervous!
Midoriya: What are you even doing, (Y/N)?
Mina: It's a surprise!
(Y/N): Yeah...I can't do this. What if I mess up? What if Itsuka sees me mess up and that makes her break up with me?!
Midoriya: ...
Mina: ...
(Y/N): I need to relax, don't I?
Mina: Yeah, dude! You're gonna nail it! After all, you had me as your teacher!
(Y/N): [sighs] You're right. Let's do this!
Mina: Yeah!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Sorry I couldn't find the dubbed version.)
(Y/N is still backstage watching his class perform & waiting for his part to come up.)
(Y/N): Jiro truly has a beautiful voice. Looks like everything is going according to plan. Plus it looks like the audience is enjoying it.
(Y/N is scanning the audience & sees Eri smiling.)
(Y/N): She's smiling?! I think I'm going to have a heart attack! What if...what if my part makes that smile go away? Stop it, (Y/N)! You can't think like that! But it is a possibility...Ugh!
(Y/N scans the audience once again & finds Itsuka.)
(Y/N): Itsuka's here?! She actually showed up! [gags] I'm seriously going to be sick! She's definitely breaking up with me after this. We had a good run-
(Before Y/N can put himself & his upcoming performance coming up down any further, he sees Itsuka mouth the words...)
"Where's (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): She doesn't even care about what's going on around her. She's here! [chuckles] I'll have to thank Mina for inviting her.
(Y/N's classmates performance ends.)
(Y/N): Time to break a leg!
(The lights go out suddenly & as suddenly come back on revealing an empty stage.)
Audience Member C32: Is that it?
Audience Member C15: I don't think so?
Itsuka: So is (Y/N) in this or?
(Y/N walks onto the empty stage.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Play the music. Play the music. Play the music!
(Some breakdancing music starts to play.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Here we go.
(Y/N begins to do the steps that Mina taught him.)
(Y/N then does a backflip. Mid flip he gigantifies himself & reverts himself down to normal size as he lands.)
Audience: [gasps]
(Y/N then drops onto his back & begins to spin like Mina.)
(Y/N is constantly switching between his gigantified & normal sized forms as he's spinning.)
Audience: Wow!
(It was time for Y/N's performance to end. So he started to spin again but this time but this time on his head. He's still switching between his gigantified & normal sized forms.)
(Ignore the Rubix Cube.)
(The music has stopped & Y/N is now standing & waiting for the audience's response to his performance.)
(Y/N's thoughts): They hated it, didn-
(The audience erupts once again with joy after seeing Y/N's performance.)
(Y/N): [chuckles] Mina really is a good teacher.
(Y/N looks at Eri who's smiling once again & looks at Itsuka who mouths the words...)
"That's my boyfriend."
(Y/N): I love this school.
(Y/N takes a bow & heads backstage to rejoin his friends.)
Mineta: Is there anything you can't do, (Y/N)?
Midoriya: That was amazing!
Uraraka: Yeah! Especially the way you switching between your giant and normal sizes!
(Y/N): Thanks, guys. I just had a great teacher.
Mina: Heck yeah he did!
(Cut to Class 1A cleaning up after their performance.)
(Y/N): Hopefully I don't miss the beauty pageant...
(Mirio & Eri run up to Y/N.)
Eri: Mt. Man!
Mirio: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Hey, you two. So, whatcha think about my breakdancing?
Eri: It was amazing! You were moving so fast while you were spinning that I got dizzy! But it was so cool!
(Y/N): I'm just happy you enjoyed it.
Eri: Yeah!
Mineta: Ugh, first Midoriya and now you, (Y/N)? Quit slacking and get to work!
(Y/N): Okay, okay, harem king...
(Cut to the beauty pageant.)
(Y/N): Did I miss her?!
Tetsutetsu: No, you're fine.
(Y/N): [sighs] Thank goodness.
(Itsuka breaks through 4 boards of wood with a single chop.)
Y/N: That's my...
(Itsuka proceeds to do more poses.)
Announcer: Strength and beauty.
(Y/N): (deep breath) [yells] That's my girlfriend!
1A Girls: Aww!
(Y/N): I couldn't hold it in any longer...
(The other beauty pageant contests perform & the announcer tells the audience to vote for their favorite.)
Monoma: Kendo from Class B! A vote for her is a vote for the future!
(Y/N): He's not wrong! Vote for Itsuka Kendo! It's the only logical choice!
(Itsuka runs up & punches Monoma.)
(Y/N): I guess I should stop too.
Itsuka: Who said for you to stop? (grins)
(Y/N): Okay! Vote for the first year beauty, Itsuka Kendo!
(Nejire wins the beauty pageant.)
(Imagine Y/N is between Tetsutetsu & Itsuka.)
(Y/N): Sorry, Itsuka.
Itsuka: It's okay. I didn't even want to be in the pageant anyway.
(Y/N): Are you sure?
Itsuka: Yeah. Besides I'm just happy you got to watch me.
(Y/N): Me too.
Itsuka: You do know that you're gonna have to breakdance for me sometime, right?
(Y/N): Don't remind me.
Itsuka: [giggles]
(Y/N): Mind coming with me for something?
Itsuka: Not at all. Where are we going?
(Cut to Y/N & Itsuka meeting Eri just as she's about to leave.)
Midoriya: There you are, (Y/N). I was hoping you'd say goodbye to Eri.
(Y/N): Just in time.
Eri: Mt. Man! I got a candy apple!
(Y/N): I see that.
Eri: It's so good!
(Y/N): I'm happy to hear that. There's someone I want you to meet, Eri.
Eri: Okay?
(Y/N calls Itsuka over.)
(Y/N): This is Itsuka Kendo. My-
Eri: She's your girlfriend!
(Y/N): How do you know that?
Eri: She's so pretty!
Itsuka: Aww! Thank you!
Eri: Since you're Mt. Man's girlfriend, are you going to be his wife someday?
(Y/N): *hard blush*
Itsuka: [giggles]
(Itsuka whispers something into Eri's ear which makes Eri smile.)
(Itsuka & Y/N are now walking back to the dorms.)
(Y/N): What did you whisper into Eri's ear?
Itsuka: Curious?
(Y/N): Yes!
Itsuka: Maybe I'll tell you one day!
(Itsuka runs off which prompts Y/N to chase after her.)
(Y/N): Itsuka!
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