Chapter 7: School Festival
(Y/N & the other interns attended Nighteye's funeral & found out that work studies would be put on hold.)
(Cut to Class 1A in class where Yaoyorozu just answered a question correctly.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Yaoyorozu is so smart.
(Cut to Y/N & Itsuka walking together to lunch.)
Mina: Aww! You two are just perfect!
(Y/N): Haha, thanks.
Kaminari: (Y/N)! You have to teach your ways of getting a girlfriend!
(Y/N): Uh...
Jiro: Leave them alone, Kaminari.
Kaminari: But I just want to be as happy as they are!
Itsuka: Your class really supports us, huh?
(Y/N): Yeah.
(Cut to Class 1A in their classroom.)
Kaminari: Whoa, hey Mineta, take a look at this.
Mineta: Is it X rated?
Kaminari: Suitable for children.
Kaminari: Mt. Lady and Edgeshot have teamed up! Kamui Woods is going to be joining them, too.
Mineta: Mt. Lady. So big. So hot.
(Y/N): Mineta, that's my sister.
Jiro: I think they're going by Team Lurkers.
Mineta: My sexy giantess is getting famous!
(Y/N): She's not your anything! Got that?!
Mina: You must be so happy for her, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah, I am!
(Y/N has a custom Team Lurkers t-shirt under his uniform.)
(Mina begins making a team with Uraraka, Sero, Jirou, Koda, & Shoji which makes Kaminari & Mineta feel left out.)
(Y/N): Kirishima! Once we become pros, we should team up!
Kirishima: Wouldn't you want to team up with your sister?
(Y/N): Obviously. We're gonna be called the Twin Towers.
Kirishima's thoughts: That's a good name!
(Y/N): Wanna know the name I came up with for our team?
Kirishima: Yes!
(Y/N): The Immovable Objects!
Kirishima: [gasps] That's perfect!
(Cut to Class 1A in Gym Gamma.)
Cementoss: Continue working on your ultimate moves.
Kirishima: Bakugo! Sato! Midoriya! (Y/N)! Use me as your own personal punching bag!
Sato: Dude, that sounds super weird.
Midoriya: Sorry, I'm doing some solo work today.
Kirishima: That's okay!
(Y/N): You ready, pebble?
Kirishima: Hey! Don't call me pebble!
Bakugo: Let me Howitzer you!
(Y/N): And let me Sierra Strike you!
Kirishima: Bring it!
The Next Day
(Mina is breakdancing.)
(Y/N): That's amazing, Mina!
Mineta: Why are you wearing shorts underneath?!
Hagakure: When are you going to stop being such a creep?!
(Y/N): Seriously, why is he even here?
Midoriya: When it comes to a fight, she'd have full control over every part of her body.
(Y/N): She almost had me in our match at the Sports Festival.
(Mina then starts to teach Aoyama & Midoriya how to breakdance.)
(Kaminari brings up Jiro's hobby & she gets embarrassed by it.)
(Y/N): You're a rockstar, Jiro!
Jiro: Drop it, morons! Forget about what you saw in there.
Kaminari: You should start a jam sess-
(Jiro sends a Jack at Kaminari's face.)
Jiro: Just shut it.
(Y/N): I think it'd be reall-
(Jiro sends the other Jack at Y/N's face.)
Jiro: Stop. Talking.
(Aizawa brings up the School Festival.)
Students: Normal school stuff!
(Y/N): Sometimes I forget we're kids.
(Aizawa mentions that the School Festival isn't just for the Hero Course.)
Aizawa: Your class still needs to participate in some kind of original programming. Decide what you want to do today.
Iida: First, let's have a quick brainstorming session.
(Mostly everyone raises their hand.)
(Y/N): I'm cool with anything.
Kaminari: A maid cafe!
Mineta: That's way too tame! A topless-
(Imagine Y/N on the right of Tsu.)
Tsu: Wanna help me tie this off?
(Y/N): It would be my pleasure.
(Soon the entire class suggests something to do. Jiro suggests a skit which was unexpected.)
Iida: What would you like to do, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Like I said; I'm cool with anything.
Iida: Really?
(Y/N): Yup.
Iida: So nonchalant.
(Class ends with the students not deciding on what to do.)
(Cut to Y/N leaving the extra lessons the Raid Team has to take.)
(Y/N): Ugh, my brain hurts!
Itsuka: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Itsuka! You're a sight for sore eyes!
(Y/N & Itsuka hug each other.)
Itsuka: Extra lessons?
(Y/N): Yeah, I'm so tired. Why are you here?
Itsuka: *blush* I knew you were here so I wanted to see you...
(Y/N): Aww! Thanks.
(Y/N & Itsuka hold each other's hands and begin walking back to their dorms.)
Itsuka: What's Class 1A going to do for the School Festival?
(Y/N): We still haven't decided. What about your class?
Itsuka: We're gonna do a play.
(Y/N): [gasps] That's so cool!
Itsuka: *blush* I was wondering if you'd come and watch us perform?
(Y/N): I'll have to see what my class is doing but if I can find the time then definitely!
Itsuka: Cool.
(Cut to Midoriya, Mirio, & Y/N outside of Eri's hospital room.)
(Y/N): I think you two should just see her.
Mirio: Huh?
Midoriya: Why?
(Y/N): Because you two are the ones that really saved her. She was my fan and I...failed to save her twice. Back at my internship and during the raid. I don't deserve to see her. So I'll just wait for you two outside.
Midoriya: (Y/N)...
Mirio: We'll tell her you said hi.
(Midoriya & Mirio walk into Eri's room.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Aizawa did say that Eri asked for me alongside Midoriya and Mirio but...Midoriya and Mirio. They're the heroes in Eri's story. Not some big idiot.
Aizawa: Hey, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yes, sir?
Midoriya: Eri's asking for you.
(Y/N): What?!
Mirio: C'mon, (Y/N)! Don't keep her waiting!
(Y/N): Okay...
(Y/N walks into Eri's room.)
Eri: Hello, Mr. Giant, sir.
(Y/N): I...I just want to say I'm sor-
Eri: A lot of people got hurt in saving me. Including you Mr. Giant, sir. I'm so sorry.
(Y/N): There's no need to apologize, lit—Eri.
Eri: I know Lemillion and Deku's hero names. What's yours?
(Y/N): Mt. Man.
Eri: Mt. Man? Can I ask you something?
(Y/N): Of course, Eri.
Eri: Can I have another autograph? I lost the one you gave me...
(Y/N): You still want my autograph?!
Eri: If you don't mind...
(Y/N takes a piece of paper & is about to sign it but Eri says something before he can put pen to paper.)
Eri: I was also hoping that you could be my friend?
(Y/N): (teary eyed) Of course I'll be your friend, Eri!
Eri: Really?!
(Y/N signs the piece of paper & it reads...)
"To my friend, Eri."
(Eri reads this & starts moving her face in something.)
Eri: Looks like I still can't remember how to smile.
(Y/N's thoughts): She can't smile? Here comes the water works!
(Y/N begins crying.)
Eri: Mt. Man, are you hurt?
(Y/N): [sniffles] It's nothing, Eri.
Eri: Then why are you crying?
(Y/N): [sniffles] You're just too pure!
Eri: Huh?
Midoriya: [chuckles] You'll be able to cry over her at the Festival, (Y/N).
(Y/N): She's coming to the Festival?!
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