Chapter 11: Itsuka, (Y/N), & Yu
(Y/N is still on the phone with his sister.)
Yu: Ugh, just answer the question!
(Y/N): No. I'm not busy right now.
Yu: Yay!
(Y/N): Why?
Yu: Because I think it's time that you and your girlfriend come over for dinner so I can meet her.
(Y/N): Uh...
Yu: What? Are you embarrassed of your big sister?
(Y/N): Okay. One, I will never be embarrassed of you, Two, she's already met you.
Yu: In the hospital?! That doesn't count! You and I even agreed that I should meet her properly next time!
(Y/N): [sighs] You're right. But three, I don't think we can do today.
Yu: Why not?!
(Y/N): Have you not watched the news?
Yu: Of course I did. Endeavor beat that gross monster. It was nowhere near UA so there shouldn't be a problem.
(Y/N): I don't think my teacher is gonna let us go anywhere.
Yu: Ugh! How about tomorrow?
(Y/N): Maybe tomorrow. I'll ask my teacher to see if he'll let me go. No guarantees that he'll let me go. And besides, Itsuka is in a different class than me so she has to ask her teacher as well.
Yu: Okay, okay, geez. Call me back when you get an answer.
(Yu hangs up.)
(Y/N): I know she really wants to see us but she didn't have to hang up on me like that.
(Y/N calls Itsuka.)
Itsuka: What's up, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Are you busy tomorrow?
Itsuka: No.
(Y/N): Would you like to have dinner with my sister and I? It's gonna be at Yu's apartment.
Itsuka: I would love to.
(Y/N): Awesome.
Itsuka: I've been wondering when you were gonna introduce me to your sister.
(Y/N): You met her at the hospital.
Itsuka: That doesn't count, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yu said the same thing. Ask Vlad and let me know what he says and I'll go ask Aizawa.
Itsuka: Sounds good.
(Y/N ends the call with Itsuka & heads into the common area to find Aizawa still there.)
(Y/N): Mr. Aizawa?
Aizawa: What is it, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I was wondering if I could go off campus tomorrow?
Aizawa: For what?
(Y/N): My sister invited me for dinner tomorrow...
Aizawa: Will you be staying over?
(Y/N): No, just dinner and straight back to UA.
Aizawa: Where will you three be having dinner?
(Y/N): At my sister's place. Wait. Did you say "three?"
Aizawa: I did.
(Y/N): Why?
Aizawa: So you're girlfriend, Itsuka Kendo, won't be joining you?
(Y/N): *embarrassed blush* Uh...
Aizawa: (Y/N). I am your teacher. I'm not oblivious.
(Y/N): How long have you known?
Aizawa: I've suspected that you liked her since the Sports Festival. And I'd say that you two officially started dating after Kamino. Am I wrong?
(Y/N): No...
Aizawa: Listen, (Y/N). There's nothing wrong with love. Just make sure that it doesn't affect your studies.
(Y/N): Yes, sir!
Aizawa: I'll get the paperwork sent in for you but it's up to Vlad if he allows Kendo to go.
(Y/N); Thank you, sir!
Aizawa: Yeah, yeah.
(Y/N calls Itsuka.)
(Y/N): I got the go ahead. How about you?
Itsuka: Me too!
(Y/N): Sweet. I'll call you back. I'm gonna call my sister to let her know.
Itsuka: Bye, (Y/N).
(Y/N ends the call with Itsuka & calls Yu.)
(Y/N): Itsuka and I can go.
Yu: Fantastic! I'll let you know what time to come tomorrow.
(Y/N): Why not just tell me now?
Yu: See you tomorrow!
(Yu hangs up on Y/N.)
(Y/N): All right then.
The Next Day
(Y/N is on his way to 1B's dorm to meet Itsuka.)
(Y/N): It's almost 6 pm and Yu still hasn't called. I swear if she forgot.
(Y/N sees Itsuka in front of her dorm waiting for him.)
(Y/N): So pretty!
Itsuka: *blush* Shut up. So has your sister called yet?
(Y/N): No. So I figured we just walk-
(Y/N's phone rings & it's Yu calling.)
Yu: You two ready?
(Y/N): Yes.
Yu: I'm out front.
(Y/N): What?!
Yu: You heard me. Now bring your girlfriend & get over here!
(Yu hangs up.)
(Y/N): Looks like she's in front of UA.
Itsuka: Really?
(Y/N): [chuckles] Seems so.
Itsuka: Let's not keep her waiting.
(Y/N grabs Itsuka's hand & the couple makes their way to Yu.)
(Y/N & Itsuka are now in Yu's car & the trio are on their way to Yu's apartment.)
Yu: Stop acting so embarrassed!
(Y/N): Leave her alone, Yu.
Itsuka: It's okay, (Y/N).
Yu: From what (Y/N) has been telling me, you two can't keep your hands off each other.
Itsuka: *glares* Really, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): That isn't true! Itsuka, please believe me!
Yu: [laughs] I'm sorry. I had too! [laughs]
(Y/N): Wanna jump out of the car?
Itsuka: You read my mind.
Yu: Hey! Relax, I was joking!
(Cut to the trio inside Yu's apartment.)
Itsuka: Nice place.
Yu: It's fine.
(Y/N): It's been a while since I've been at our——your apartment, Yu.
Yu: I'm not gonna cry until at least the end of the dinner, same goes for you, okay?
(Y/N): Okay.
Yu: So Itsuka, do you want to see (Y/N)'s room?
Itsuka: Yes, please.
(The trio are now in Y/N's room.)
Yu: Believe it or not, this is actually (Y/N)'s room. Sorry it's not much to look at.
(Y/N): Leave my old room alone!
Itsuka: [giggles] It's okay. It's exactly like (Y/N)'s dorm room.
(Y/N): I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult.
(Yu catches what Itsuka had said.)
Yu: (grins) So you've seen (Y/N)'s dorm room?
(Y/N): Yu...
Itsuka: *blush* We just watched a movie!
Yu: Okay, okay. You two stay in here while I make dinner.
Itsuka: Okay.
Yu: I always knew you had a thing for gingers, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Get out!
(Yu finally leaves the couple.)
(Y/N): Ugh, I'm sorry about my sister.
Itsuka: It's okay, (Y/N). Despite her constant teasing I think she's sweet.
(Y/N): Really?! Because I would love for the two of you to be friends.
Itsuka: [giggles] Hopefully we can be.
(Y/N kisses Itsuka's cheek.)
Itsuka: *blush*
(Itsuka takes Y/N by the hand & leads him to his bed. The couple are now sitting on Y/N's bed.)
Itsuka: I would like it if...
(Y/N): If what?
Itsuka: If you could be friends with my friends.
(Y/N): I like to think that I get along with Class B except for Monoma.
Itsuka: You do. But I'd like if you could be friends with my girls.
(Y/N): Sure! They supported us so why not?
Itsuka: I'll set something up with them!
(Y/N): Can't wait.
Yu: [yelling] Dinner is ready!
(Y/N & Itsuka are now seated at the dinner table with Yu.)
(Y/N): So what's the deal with you and Kamui Woods?
Yu: We may be an item.
(Y/N): Aww! Sis, I'm so happy for you!
Itsuka: How long have you two been dating?
Yu: A couple days.
(Y/N): We've got to double date!
Itsuka: Yes!
Yu: [chuckles] One day.
(The dinner between the trio goes on for a while. With a lot happening. Like Yu showing Itsuka some of Y/N's baby photos.)
Yu: (Y/N) used to be so cute!
Itsuka: Aww! (Y/N), you look so cute! Your face used to be so chubby!
(Y/N): This is embarrassing...
(Yu asking them to kiss in front of her.)
Yu: Do it!
(Y/N): Yu...
Yu: Do it!
(Y/N): You just can't force us to-
(Itsuka kisses Y/N.)
(Y/N): *hard blush*
Itsuka: She really wanted to see us kiss so...
Yu: I like her!
(And finally the dinner ends with Y/N & Itsuka telling Yu about Uwabami's party & showing her the photos from the party.)
Yu: Damn! You two look sexy!
Itsuka & (Y/N): *blush* Thanks...
Yu: Man, I never knew my brother was so smooth. A slow dance, (Y/N)? You're such a romantic.
(Y/N): *blush* I wouldn't say that...
Itsuka: He is quite the romantic.
(Y/N): Itsuka...
Yu: Group photo!
(The trio takes a group photo.)
Yu: You're going to get this framed right, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Obviously.
Itsuka: [giggles]
(Cut to Yu dropping the couple back off at UA.)
Yu: Okay, give your sister a hug.
(Yu & Y/N hug.)
Yu: You too, Itsuka.
Itsuka: Really?
Yu: Yeah! We're practically family now!
Itsuka: *blush*
(Yu & Itsuka hug.)
Yu: [whispering] You're the best thing to happen to my brother.
Itsuka: [whispering] He's the best thing to happen to me.
(Y/N): Yu, could you let her go? She is my girlfriend.
(Yu & Itsuka let go of each other.)
Yu: Night, you two. Call me tomorrow!
(Y/N): I will! Love you!
Yu: Love you, too.
(Y/N is now walking Itsuka to her dorm.)
Itsuka: We're here.
(Y/N): Yeah. So, did you have fun?
Itsuka: I had a blast! Your sister really loves you. We even exchanged phone numbers!
(Y/N): That's great!
(Y/N & Itsuka kiss.)
(Y/N): Later, Itsuka.
Itsuka: Wait, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Yeah?
Itsuka: *blush* You wanna spend the night?
(Y/N): Yes!
Itsuka: Follow me.
(Y/N): Are you sure we should be going through your dorm? What if your friends see us?
Itsuka: I told them this might happen so don't worry.
(Y/N): I love you so much.
Itsuka: I know.
(Itsuka & Y/N are now on their way to Itsuka's room.)
Shiozaki: Don't force yourself onto Kendo, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I would never!
Itsuka: Shiozaki! Don't mind her.
(Y/N & Itsuka are now inside her room.)
(Y/N): Your room is so neat!
Itsuka: [chuckles] Thanks!
(Y/N sees the framed picture of them at Uwabami's party.)
(Y/N): You weren't lying about having our picture framed.
Itsuka: *blush* Of course I wasn't! Now turn around.
(Y/N): So you can change?
Itsuka: Yes.
(Y/N turns around.)
(Y/N): I don't have a change of clothes...
Itsuka: It's okay.
(Itsuka tosses something clothes at Y/N.)
Itsuka: I had Tetsutetsu give me some of his clothes for you to wear.
(Y/N): You thought of everything.
Itsuka: [giggles] Yeah.
(Y/N & Itsuka are now changed & are in Itsuka's bed, about to fall asleep. Itsuka is in Y/N's arms & Y/N is leaning his head on Itsuka's.)
(Y/N): You smell nice.
Itsuka: *blush* Go to sleep.
(Y/N & Itsuka fall asleep. Knowing whatever is to come, they'll at least have each other.)
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