Chapter 8: Bakugo vs. (Y/N)
(Y/N): Bakugo, you said that you're going to win. And that we're all just stepping stones to your victory? You're gonna look real stupid when you lose to me!
Bakugo: Huh?!
(Y/N): I'm going to win it all. Not because I want to be the best or anything but because I want to make my sister proud!
Bakugo: I don't care!
(Y/N): Hmm. Yeah, why should you?
Bakugo: Enough talk!
(Bakugo & Y/N run towards each other.)
(Y/N): Bakugo!
Bakugo: High-rise!
(Y/N goes for a punch but Bakugo is able to blast by it & retaliate with a punch of his own which hits Y/N in the face, sending Y/N back.)
Bakugo: (now standing over Y/N) Stay down. High-rise!
(Y/N): Shut up!
(Y/N rises up & knees Bakugo in the face.)
Bakugo: Okay, then.
(Bakugo & Y/N run towards each other again. But this time they're trading blows. With every punch Bakugo blasts by, Y/N is able dodge every explosion Bakugo causes.)
Present Mic: This truly is a back and forth affair!
Aizawa: Bakugo and (Y/N) are testing each other out. They both know any wrong move against each other will be the end for one of them.
(As the dodging continues out of the two, out of nowhere, Bakugo & Y/N hit each simultaneously. Y/N punches Bakugo while Bakugo hits Y/N with an explosion. The blows send each of them back.)
Midoriya: Oh, man!
Asui: (Y/N) is holding his own with Bakugo!
Tokoyami: They seem to be evenly matched.
(Bakugo & Y/N begin to get up from each other's respective hits.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Bakugo really is something else.
Bakugo: Looks like...
(Y/N): Huh?
Bakugo: I'm going to be the one to slay the giant!
(Y/N): I'm right here!
Bakugo: Get ready to fall!
(Bakugo & Y/N run towards each once again but it seems Y/N has caught the upper hand in this exchange.)
(Y/N): Fiji Fist!
(Y/N's enlarged fist hits Bakugo right on the money.)
Jiro: Wow, a direct hit!
(Bakugo isn't KO'd yet.)
Bakugo: [muffled] Stun Grenade!
(A big explosion occurs which causes smoke to appear around both Bakugo & Y/N.)
Present Mic: How'm I supposed to commentate when I can't see? What's happening?
(The smoke clears to reveal a beat up Bakugo with a swollen eye & Y/N with a bunch of burn marks all over his upper body.)
Present Mic: How are these two still standing?!
Aizawa: It's quite simple really, neither one wants to lose.
Kirishima: Those two are so manly!
Kaminari: They can't be human!
Tetsutetsu: Your boyfriend is pretty strong, Kendo.
Kendo: *blush* He's not my boyfriend!
(Bakugo & Y/N are staring each down & are breathing heavily.)
(Y/N): Okay, Bakugo.
Bakugo: ...
(Y/N): You've forced my hand.
(Y/N begins to grow in size. Not quite the size of his sister but he is still large enough to be now towering over Bakugo.)
Present Mic: Looks like (Y/N) has finally decided to become his namesake!
(Bakugo blasts himself into the air & then begins to spin, surrounding himself in his own explosions.)
(Y/N begins running to meet Bakugo head on.)
Bakugo: You damn giant! Let's see you withstand this! Howitzer Impact!
(Y/N's thoughts): Looks like I'm getting my wish for a clash!
(Y/N): Sierra Strike!
(Y/N gets lost in the explosion.)
Present Mic: Who-ho-ho-hoa! Bakugo combined speed and rotation with a huge blast like he used against Uraraka! He turned himself into a human missile! We lost (Y/N) in the explosion but it looked like he had an attack in mind. So what has become of the last two semi finalists?
(The smoke clears to reveal Y/N on a knee with his fist over a KO'd Bakugo. But Y/N doesn't come out of the clash unsacthed. The fist that is over Bakugo is severely burned along with the arm.)
Midnight: Bakugo is KO'd! (Y/N) is the winner!
(With that announcement, Y/N shrinks back down to normal.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(The pain of his severely burned has started to affect Y/N.)
(Y/N): My arm! [yells]
Yaoyorozu: It looks bad.
Midoriya: He kinda looks like me when I get too badly hurt.
Kendo: Oh, no.
(Cut to Yu watching outside of the stadium.)
Yu: Oh my goodness! (Y/N)!
(Cut back to Y/N still yelling in pain.)
(Y/N): [yelling]
(Midnight thankfully puts Y/N to sleep & the robots take him to see Recovery Girl.)
Present Mic: If Y/N is able to compete, in the final it'll be Todoroki vs. (Y/N)!
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