Chapter 6: I Know Her
(Midoriya beat Shinso after breaking his own fingers to free himself from Shinso's brainwashing & Todoroki beat Sero after an extreme show of his power by freezing Sero in place with an unnecessary amount of ice. Now, Shiozaki has beaten Kaminari after capturing him within her vines.)
(Y/N): Poor, Kaminari.
Jiro: Man, she's good.
Crazy blonde boy: I guess he was right.
Crazy blonde boy: That match really was over in just two seconds. I wonder if his real Quirk is the ability to tell the future. Hey! Wasn't Class 1-A supposed to be so much better than us? [laughing]
(The ginger girl that Y/N has been struggling to remember chops the crazy blonde, knocking him out.)
Ginger girl: Sorry 'bout him.
(Y/N looks at her & instantly gets lost in her eyes.)
(Y/N's thoughts): It's the girl I saved back in the Practical Exam! I knew I recognized her from somewhere! I know I said before that she's cute but now that I get a good look at her face, she isn't cute. She's beautiful! I've got to talk to her! There's still time before my match so why not?
(Y/N is about to get up but Midoriya's muttering stops him.)
Uraraka: Maybe you should take a sec to relax before planning too many matches ahead.
(Y/N): Take it down a notch, Midoriya.
Midoriya: [yelps] Oh, sorry! Sometimes I don't realize I'm talking out loud when I'm taking notes. It's not every day I get to see incredible Quirks from outside our class!
(Midoriya proceeds to show Uraraka his notes on her.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Smooth, Midoriya. Real smooth.
(Y/N now walks out of his classes' section and is now looking in class 1B's section.)
(Y/N's thoughts): What am I even going to say to her? What if she doesn't remember me? What if she already has a boyfriend? No way of knowing until you actually talk to her, (Y/N).
(Y/N is now trying to get the ginger girl's attention.)
(Y/N): [whispering] Hey! Ginger girl! Yo! Psst! Psst! Ginger girl!
(Y/N realizes that he's getting nowhere with this approach so he finally does something that will definitely get her attention. He yells.)
(Y/N): [yelling] Ginger girl!
(All of class 1B turn around & look at Y/N.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Maybe yelling wasn't the best idea.
(Y/N): Hey, Ginger girl. Sorry, I don't know your name. Could I talk to you for a second?
(Tetsutetsu walks up to Y/N.)
Tetsutetsu: Her name is Kendo.
(Y/N): Like I just said, I didn't know her name. Kendo, could I talk to you for a second?
(The Crazy blonde boy instantly wakes up.)
Crazy blonde boy: Don't give him the time of day, Kendo!
(Kendo chops the crazy blonde boy again.)
Kendo: Again, sorry about Monoma.
And Tetsutetsu, back off.
(Kendo walks up to Y/N.)
Kendo: *blush* So what did you want to talk to me about?
(Y/N): *blush* Could we, maybe, go somewhere more private?
Kendo: Sure.
(Y/N & Kendo walk off into a hallway.)
(Y/N): Okay, you probably don't remember me but-
Kendo: I remember you! You're the guy who caught me and took out the zero pointer like it was nothing!
(Y/N): *medium blush*
Kendo: So do you have a name?
(Y/N): Oh, my bad. (Y/N) Takeyama. Nice to finally have made your acquaintance.
(Y/N offers his hand to Kendo for a handshake.)
Kendo: Kendo Itsuka. And same here.
(Kendo accepts Y/N's handshake.)
(Y/N's thoughts): *blush* Her hand is soft.
Kendo's thoughts: *blush* His hand is soft.
(They release each other's hands.)
(Y/N): I know that we're in different classes and it seems like the majority of your class doesn't like my mine but I was hoping maybe we could be fri-
Kendo: Of course we can be friends!
(Y/N): *happy blush* Cool.
(Before Y/N & Kendo can continue their conversation, Mina walks in.)
Mina: Hey, (Y/N). Iida won his match I guess. It's time for us to head-
(Mina notices Y/N is standing with Kendo.)
Mina: Oh? (smirk) Am I interrupting something?
(Y/N) & Kendo: *blush* No!
(Y/N): Let's go, Mina! Hey, Kendo? I'll talk to you later?
Kendo: Yeah, I'd like that.
(Y/N): Until then.
(Mina & Y/N are now walking down to their respective entrances.)
Mina: So who was that, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Kendo Itsuka. From Class 1B.
Mina: Sorry for intruding on your conversation with her. But don't worry, you'll have plenty of more time to talk to her once I beat you.
(Y/N): Wanna bet?
(Cut to Mina & Y/N making their entrances for their match.)
Present Mic: We're gonna charge right on along to the fifth match. He's hoping to literally squish the competition. It's (Y/N) Takeyama from the hero course!
(Y/N): I don't want to squish anybody but I will if it comes to it.
Present Mic: Versus...Is there some kinda purpose for those things sticking out of her head? From the same class, Mina Ashido!
Mina: This match is gonna be a piece a' cake.
(Y/N): Keep talking like that, Mina and I'm definitely going to squish you.
(Cut to class 1A cheering on their classmates.)
Midoriya: A match between Ashido and (Y/N). Let's see considering their powers are, (Y/N) may want to keep it up close and personal since he's stronger than Ashido then again he may fight her at a distance since he can also enlarge any part of his body. It will all depends on on if Mina can get some of her acid onto (Y/N) and maybe it'll be enough to KO him.
Present Mic: Fifth match...Begin!
(Y/N): I can't get too large because if I do I may accidentally step out of bounds. So I just have-
(Mina slides towards Y/N throwing punches which Y/N is able to dodge.)
(Y/N): You're fast!
Mina: The thing about giants is that they're slow and lumbering!
(Y/N's thoughts): I can't really argue with that.
(Y/N keeps dodging Mina until she's able to throw some of her acid onto Y/N's chest, burning through the fabric & exposing Y/N's chest a little bit.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(With Y/N currently reacting to the acid burning him, Mina takes this opportunity to slide right up to Y/N & deliver her finishing move.)
Mina: An uppercut!
(But as Mina is going for her uppercut, Y/N enlarges his head.)
Mina: (holding her hand) Ow! My hand!
(Y/N then grabs Mina with his right hand which he had enlarged.)
(Y/N): That acid really hurts!
(Y/N then positions his now enlarged left hand for a Fairweather Flick.)
Mina: [whimpering]
(Just as Y/N is about to flick Mina's head, he takes a deep breath & carries Mina towards the edge & drops her out of bounds.)
Midnight: Ashido is out of bounds! The winner is (Y/N)!
Present Mic: That was the gentlest display of strength I've ever seen, sports fans!
(Cut to some Class 1A's reaction to the end of the match.)
Asui: Poor, Mina.
Mineta: I got to see some chest, but why did it have to be his? [whimpers]
Midoriya: The match unfolded like I thought it would, but I definitely underestimated (Y/N)'s threshold for pain and just how quickly he can enlarge a body part.
(Cut down to Y/N & Mina.)
Mina: Sorry about your chest, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I'm fine. Just stings a bit. I'm sorry if I scared you in any way.
(Cut to outside of the stadium where Yu had just watched Y/N win his match.)
Yu: Hey, Kamui! That's my brother!
Kamui Woods: We're not here to watch TV!
(The next match occurs where Tokoyami easily sends Yaoyorozu out of bounds to Yaoyorozu's surprise.)
(Y/N): That shadow is going to be a problem.
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