Chapter 12: (Y/N)'s Internship Finale
(Kendo, Yaoyorozu, & Y/N are currently watching Uwabami's photoshoot.)
Yaoyorozu: After this photoshoot, she's scheduled to be a guest on a radio show.
(Imagine Y/N is next to Kendo.)
Yaoyorozu: And then she has a quick magazine interview.
Kendo: I feel like we're her entourage, not her interns.
(Y/N): You can say that again.
Yaoyorozu: This is part of what it takes to be a hero. It's unavoidable given the age that we live in. And I'm sure there's some important lesson we're missing here.
(Imagine Y/N is next to Kendo.)
Yaoyorozu: Right? Maybe?
Kendo's thoughts: Poor girl's deep in denial.
(Y/N's thoughts): Hopefully, for Yaoyorozu's sake, there is an important lesson we're missing.
Yaoyorozu: Could I talk to you for a second, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah, what's up?
Yaoyorozu: Come here.
(Yaoyorozu & Y/N walk off to the side.)
Kendo's thoughts: Wonder what they're talking about? (Y/N) said that Yaoyorozu is his friend so there's no need to be jealous...Okay, I'm kinda jealous.
(Back to Yaoyorozu & Y/N.)
Yaoyorozu: [whispering] The reason you told me for choosing this agency wasn't a lie, right?
(Y/N): [whispering] Of course not! And why are we whispering?
Yaoyorozu: [whispering] Because I've got to ask you something personal!
(Y/N): [whispering] Okay, sorry. Hit me.
Yaoyorozu: [whispering] You didn't choose this agency because you knew that Kendo would be here, right?
(Y/N): *embarrassed blush* Of course not! Why would you ask that?!
(Kendo looks at the two skeptically.)
Yaoyorozu: [whispering] Because it's obvious that you like her.
(Y/N): [whispering] Okay, yes! I like her. But that isn't the reason I chose this agency. The first reason I told you is why. I'm not Mineta.
Yaoyorozu: Sorry for questioning you, (Y/N).
(Y/N): It's okay, Yaoyorozu.
Yaoyorozu's thoughts: It seems that Kendo feels the same way about (Y/N) as he feels about her. Hopefully he doesn't remain clueless forever.
Yaoyorozu: I'll be rooting for you.
(Y/N): Appreciate it, Yaoyorozu.
(Yaoyorozu & Y/N walk back over to Kendo.)
Kendo: What did you two talk about?
Yaoyorozu: Ask (Y/N).
Kendo: Okay? (Y/N), what were you two talking about?
(Y/N's thoughts): Yaoyorozu!
(Y/N): Um...the weather!
Kendo: The weather?
Yaoyorozu's thoughts: The weather!?
(Yaoyorozu facepalms.)
(Uwabami's photoshoot ends.)
Uwabami: You three remember that commercial I was telling you about?
Kendo, Yaoyorozu, & (Y/N): Yeah?
Uwabami: Well, Battle Fist, Creati, you'll be joining me in it!
Kendo & Yaoyorozu: What?!
(Y/N): I'm assuming I'm not in it?
Uwabami: Yeah, sorry, Mt. Man.
(Y/N): It's okay. I don't care. (lie)
(Cut to Uwabami & her interns watching the commercial.)
Uwabami: Easy curls with just one spritz! Uneri hair spray. Come on, ladies. Ride the waves.
(The commercial ends.)
(Imagine Y/N is sitting across from Uwabami.)
Uwabami: They sure put that together fast. This is just the first cut, so it'll be another month before it airs. It needs lots of CGI.
(Y/N): Why? You three looked great!
Kendo: *blush* So weird. We'll be on TV.
Yaoyorozu: We're heroes. This is just what it takes to be a hero.
Uwabami: So, how 'bout we go patrol.
Yaoyorozu & Kendo: [gasp] Yes!
(Y/N): Hell yeah!
(Uwabami & her interns go on patrol but it doesn't last very long because a bunch of Uwabumi's fans come up to her taking pictures & asking her autograph.)
(Imagine Y/N is in front of Uwabami, trying to back the crowd up.)
Yaoyorozu: Um--
Uwabami: If you work as diligently as me, maybe you can have a rabid fanbase, too. They just love getting to meet a famous pro.
(Y/N): People, please! Give her some space!
(A little girl comes up to Y/N.)
Little girl: Hello, Mr. Giant, sir.
(Y/N): Hm?
(Y/N bends down to the little's girl's height so they're now eye to eye.)
(Y/N): Hi there, little one.
Little girl: I saw you on TV during the Sports Festival, you were so cool!
(Y/N): You think so? That warms my heart.
Little girl: Can I have your autograph?
(Y/N): Of course you can!
(Y/N takes the piece of paper from the little girl's hands.)
(Y/N): Who should I make it out too?
Little girl: Eri.
(Y/N): Okay. To my biggest fan, Eri.
(Y/N hands the now signed piece of paper back to Eri.)
Eri: Thank you so much!
(Y/N): It was my pleasure.
(Y/N thens hears a masked man calling out for her.)
Masked man: Eri! Where'd you run off too?
Eri: (slightly panicked) I should go, thanks again!
(Eri runs to the masked man.)
(Y/N's thoughts): There was something about that girl...
Yaoyorozu: This is working diligently?
Kendo: I think she's a little out of touch.
(Cut to Uwabami & her interns back at her agency after "patrolling.")
Uwabami: Good day of patrolling.
Yaoyorozu: Sure.
Kendo: Yeah.
(Y/N): I guess.
Uwabami: Now, I've got a question for the three of you.
Kendo, Yaoyorozu, & (Y/N): Hm?
Uwabami: Do you have any formal clothing with you?
Kendo, Yaoyorozu, & (Y/N): No?
Uwabami: Okay, don't worry. That just means I get to dress you three up!
Kendo: Uh...
Yaoyorozu: Why?
(Y/N): For?
Uwabami: For a party! As a hero it's always important to keep up public appearances.
Kendo: Seriously?
(Y/N): I don't know.
Yaoyorozu: Of course! How could I not see this coming!?
Uwabami: Now that's settled, let's get started!
(Uwabami has already found something for Y/N to wear & now, Uwabami & Y/N are now in front of the women's changing room.)
Uwabami: Okay, (Y/N), wait out here. I'm gonna go into the changing room & see how the girls are doing, sound good?
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am!
Uwabami: I'll call you inside when they're ready.
(Uwabami goes inside the changing room. Leaving Y/N at the door.)
(Y/N): This tux is pretty nice. I'm a sucker for bow ties!
(Uwabami is currently doing the finishing touches on Yaoyorozu & Kendo.)
(After a few more minutes, Uwabami is done.)
Uwabami: (Y/N)! You can come in now.
(Y/N walks inside the changing room.)
(Y/N): Where is this party any-
(Y/N stops talking as he sees something absolutely beautiful.)
(The name of the artist who did both drawings is in the bottom left corner.)
Uwabami: Well? How do they look, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Stunning.
Yaoyorozu: You're too kind, (Y/N).
Kendo: *blushing*
Uwabami: So, (Y/N), who do you think looks better?
(Y/N): What!?
Uwabami: It's a simple question, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Uh...
Uwabami: Come on.
(Y/N): Kendo looks better...
Yaoyorozu's thoughts: Good answer, (Y/N).
Kendo: *hard blush*
Uwabami: [giggles] You're so adorable, (Y/N).
(Y/N): [chuckles] Story of my life.
(Cut to Uwabami & the interns in a limo on their way to the party.)
Uwabami: When we get there, you three can either follow me and watch how a pro should act at a party or you can simply enjoy the party. It's up to you.
Kendo: You look very handsome, (Y/N).
(Y/N): *medium blush* Thanks, Kendo.
Yaoyorozu: I never knew hero life could be so glamorous.
Uwabami: This is only the tip of the iceberg, Creati. Stick with me and you'll experience much more glamorous things than a party.
(Uwabami looks at Kendo & Y/N who both are looking away at each other.)
(Y/N's thoughts): My heart can't take this!
Kendo's thoughts: I didn't expect (Y/N) to look so good in tux.
Uwabami's thoughts: They're just too sweet! I just want to eat them up!
(The limo stops meaning that they've reached the party.)
Uwabami: Mt. Man, make sure to take both Battle Fist & Creati by their arms.
(Y/N): Okay, but why?
Uwabami: You're really gonna have these two beautiful ladies go in alone?
(Y/N): Oh! Of course not!
(All four of them exit the limo to see a red carpet & a bunch of paparazzi taking pictures.)
Uwabami: Just follow me.
(Uwabami starts to walk forward. Y/N interlocks his arms with Kendo's right arm & Yaoyorozu's left arm.)
(Y/N): Are you two okay?
Yaoyorozu: Yes, (Y/N).
Kendo: *small blush* Just perfect.
(Y/N): (gentle smile) Let's go.
(The trio follow Uwabami & as they're walking numerous flashes of cameras go off capturing every second of this moment.)
(Y/N): If Mineta could see me now.
(The four of them are now inside & enjoying the party. Well, Uwabami is, while Kendo, Yaoyorozu, & Y/N are following her.)
Uwabami: You three can stop following me now, go actually enjoy the party.
(Uwabami walks away from her interns.)
(Y/N): So what do you ladies wanna do?
Kendo: I don't know...
Yaoyorozu: I think I'm gonna go find Uwabami.
(As Yaoyorozu is about to walk away, Y/N stops her.)
(Y/N): [whispering] Don't leave me!
Yaoyorozu: [whispering] Seriously, (Y/N)? Where's the confident (Y/N) that talked to Kendo during the Sports Festival? Where's the brave (Y/N) that could've just watched and said nothing to those two boys as they were harassing me but instead he went over and put a stop to it?
(Y/N): [sighs] He's right in front of you.
Yaoyorozu: Thats what I thought. And good luck!
(Yaoyorozu walks off to find Uwabami leaving Kendo & Y/N.)
Kendo: Where's Yaoyorozu going?
(Y/N): To find Uwabami.
Kendo: We should probably join her-
(Y/N): Uh, I was actually hoping you and I could enjoy the party? *small blush*
Kendo: That...that sounds a lot better.
(Kendo smiles which instantly melts Y/N's heart.)
(Y/N): *medium blush* Great!
(As the party goes on, Kendo & Y/N enjoy the food, looking at the other party members, & getting to know each more. Somewhere along the line a photographer asks to take their picture which they agree too.)
Photographer: You two look great! In a few days the photos will be up on our website. Just go to (website name).com to get the photo.
Kendo: Okay, thanks.
(Y/N): But I want the photo now!
Kendo: [laughs]
(Overall, enjoying each other's company.)
(Y/N): Yeah, So my sister is the pro Hero Mt. Lady.
Kendo: Yeah, I know. I overheard some of the audience members say that during the Sports Festival.
(Y/N): Ah! Anyway, do you have any siblings?
Kendo: No, but if you ask my classmates, they'd say that I'm the big sister of the class.
(Y/N): Really? [laughs]
Kendo: Yeah! [laughs]
(As Kendo & Y/N are laughing, the DJ of the party speaks into a mic & says...)
Party DJ: I'm gonna play something slow. So if you have a special someone, I suggest you grab them and make your way to the dance floor.
(Kendo & Y/N hear this & turn away from each other.)
Kendo's thoughts: Is he gonna ask me to dance?
(Y/N's thoughts): Ask her! Ask her you damn coward!
(Minutes go by as a few couples make their way to the dance floor but Kendo & Y/N are still at their table.)
Kendo's thoughts: I guess he's not going to ask me.
(Y/N's thoughts): Coward! You're pathetic! You're really not gonna ask her to dance?
(Y/N finally musters up all of his courage & asks Kendo to dance.)
(Y/N): (offers his hand to Kendo) Would you like to dance?
Kendo: (accepts Y/N's hand) Finally! I would love to dance with you, (Y/N).
(Y/N with Kendo in hand, make their way to the dance floor.)
(A slow song plays.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Play the song.)
(Y/N pulls Kendo close to him which results in Y/N placing his hands on Kendo's hips.)
(Y/N): This is okay, right?
Kendo: *blush* Yeah.
(Y/N & Kendo continue to dance with the other couples.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I can't believe this is happening! I hope I'm not stepping on her feet.
Kendo's thoughts: (Y/N) is a natural at this.
Kendo: How come you never told me you knew how to dance?
(Y/N): Because I don't?
Kendo: Really? Then explain this!
(Y/N): Beginners luck?
Kendo: [giggles] Okay, (Y/N).
(Y/N's thoughts): Her chest is against mine! I can feel her heartbeat. At least she's as nervous as I am.
Kendo's thoughts: I wonder if he'd let me...
(Kendo suddenly takes the lead.)
(Y/N): Oh! So you wanna lead?
Kendo: (grins) Yeah.
(Y/N suddenly takes the lead back from Kendo.)
(Y/N): Maybe next time. (grins back at her.)
Kendo: Next time?
(Y/N): Yeah, unless you don't-
Kendo: Sounds like a plan!
(Y/N): Cool.
(Y/N continues to slow dance with Kendo but she then notices that they're the only people left dancing & all the other couples are watching them.)
Kendo: Hey, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah, Kendo?
Kendo: Everyone's watching us.
(Y/N looks around to notice Kendo is right.)
(Y/N): You're right.
Kendo: Maybe we should stop-
(Y/N doesn't let her finish as he dips her & lifts her back up.)
(Y/N): Why? Let them watch.
Kendo: *blushing* Yeah, let 'em!
(Kendo buries her head into Y/N's chest.)
Uwabami: Let me get this straight, they're not dating?
Yaoyorozu: Unfortunately no, but it looks like that may change soon.
Uwabami: It better!
(Y/N & Kendo slow dance the night away.)
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