Chapter 11: (Y/N)'s Internship Part 1
(Y/N is currently on a train that is on its way to the Shimane Prefecture.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Yu didn't seem too upset when I told her I won't be interning with her which was a surprise.
(Y/N is looking at the various passengers when he notices Yaoyorozu being hit on by two older boys.)
Passenger R: Hey, beautiful, why don't you hop off the next stop with us?
Yaoyorozu: As I already told you both, no thank you.
Passenger S: C'mon. Don't be like that.
(Passenger S grabs Yaoyorozu by her arm.)
Yaoyorozu: Let go of me!
(Y/N): Okay, that's enough!
(Y/N walks over to the two boys harassing Yaoyorozu.)
(Y/N): Leave her alone.
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?
Passenger R: Who are you?
Passenger S: You her boyfriend or something?
(Y/N): No, I'm her friend and I don't like how you're treating her so I'll tell you two again, leave her alone.
Passenger R: What if we don't? What are you gonna do about it?
(Passenger R's eyes begin to glow red.)
Passenger S: Wait, I recognize you!
Passenger R: Huh? Who is he?
Passenger S: He's the kid that won the UA Sports Festival!
Passenger R: No way!
(Passenger R's eyes return to normal.)
Passenger S: Let's get out of here!
(The two older boys run into the crowd of other passengers.)
(Y/N): Yaoyorozu, are you okay?
Yaoyorozu: Yes, thanks for stepping in.
(Y/N): Don't mention it. Mind if I sit next to you?
Yaoyorozu: Go ahead.
(Y/N sits next to Yaoyorozu.)
(Y/N): So is your internship in the Shimane Prefecture?
Yaoyorozu: Yes, how did you know?
(Y/N): Because mine is too!
Yaoyorozu: Hmm, small world.
(Y/N): What hero agency are you interning at?
Yaoyorozu: Uwabami's Hero Agency.
(Y/N gets a big smile on his face.)
Yaoyorozu: Why are you smiling?
(Y/N): Because that's the agency I'm interning at!
Yaoyorozu: Really?!
(Y/N): Yup! This is so awesome!
Yaoyorozu: How? I'm only going to get in your way and slow you down.
(Y/N): Where is this coming from?
Yaoyorozu: ...
(Y/N): I won't pry but I'll just say this, don't put yourself down like that, Yaoyorozu. You're way better than me in just about everything so I should be worrying about getting in your way and slowing you down!
Yaoyorozu: You're better than me when it comes to combat.
(Y/N): Okay, yeah, there's that. But, remember when we were voting for class representative and you got three votes?
Yaoyorozu: Yeah?
(Y/N): I can assume one of the votes was yours. But aren't you curious as to who the other two votes were from?
Yaoyorozu: I never really thought about it.
(Y/N): Well, I was one of the people that voted for you.
Yaoyorozu: Really?! Why?
(Y/N): Because I thought you'd be best to run our class. Don't know who the third vote was from though, sorry about that.
Yaoyorozu: Don't worry about it and...thanks.
(Y/N): No problem, Yaoyorozu.
(Yaoyorozu & Y/N are now off the train & on their way to Uwabami's Hero Agency.)
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Sup?
Yaoyorozu: Out of the offers you had, why choose this agency to intern?
(Y/N): I did put down two other agencies but this agency was my number one choice.
Yaoyorozu: Why? If you don't mind me asking?
(Y/N): Well, my sister is always telling me that I'm adorable and that ladies are gonna love me once I go pro, so I figured why not see if my sister was right all these years and find out how exactly I can use all of this to my advantage.
(Y/N gestures his hands down his entire body.)
Yaoyorozu: Wow, (Y/N), I didn't know you had that kind of side to you.
(Y/N): What? No! I'm not usually like this! Please believe me, Yaoyorozu! I'm not that kind of guy!
Yaoyorozu: Okay, (Y/N), I believe you.
(Yaoyorozu & Y/N walk into Uwabami's Hero Agency.)
Secretary: Are you two here for the internships?
Yaoyorozu & (Y/N): Yes, ma'am!
Secretary: Two more? These kids must be something special.
Yaoyorozu's thoughts: "Two more"?
(Y/N's thoughts): I wonder who the third intern is?
Secretary: You two get changed into your costumes and after that head upstairs. You'll find Uwabami and the other intern there waiting.
Yaoyorozu & (Y/N): Thank you!
(Yaoyorozu & Y/N get changed & are now walking upstairs to meet Uwabami and the other intern.)
Yaoyorozu: I wonder who the other intern is.
(Y/N): Let's find out!
(Y/N opens the door to reveal Uwabami & the other intern.)
(Y/N): Kendo!?
(Y/N's thoughts): She looks great in her costume.
Kendo: (Y/N)?! What are you doing here?
(Y/N): I'm interning here and it looks like so are you.
Kendo: *blush* Yeah.
(Yaoyorozu is wondering what's happening.)
(Y/N): Oh! Where are my manners? Kendo, this is my friend and classmate Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu, this is Kendo.
Yaoyorozu: Nice to meet you.
Kendo: Likewise.
Uwabami: Good! We've all introduced each other. But may I say, Kendo and (Y/N), you seem to know each other already. Are you two dating?
Kendo & (Y/N): *blushing* No!
Yaoyorozu's thoughts: So obvious.
Uwabami: [giggles] Okay, sorry for teasing you two. Now, how about I tell you some of duties as heroes?
(Uwabami goes over the duties of a hero.)
Uwabami: Additionally, heroes are allowed to have side jobs.
Uwabami: There were a lot of arguments about this when the world of pros was first being established, but heroes ended up being so popular that the public demanded it. For example: I'm about to film a commercial. Stick around, okay?
Kendo: Um, well. I was kinda hoping I'd see something a little more action-y.
Yaoyorozu: No. This sort of attention is something you can't avoid if you're a pro. Besides, she was kind enough to offer her wisdom to an unworthy student. So I'll take every lesson she has to give!
Kendo's thoughts: She's really into this.
(Y/N): Bit dramatic don't you think, Yaoyorozu?
Kendo: Okay. But isn't there anything else we can do while you film this commercial, or whatever?
Uwabami: Do you know why I chose to recruit you three? Any thoughts?
Kendo: Well, I guess...
(Y/N): I did win the Sports Festival...
Yaoyorozu: It must be because you saw such heroic potential in us!
Uwabami: Of course I did. But there's another reason.
Uwabami: You're both very cute young ladies.
(Imagine Y/N is between Yaoyorozu & Kendo.)
(Y/N): So the reason why you recruited me is because I'm a handsome young man?
Uwabami: You are quite handsome. But not exactly.
(Y/N): Hm?
Uwabami: You're strong. And ladies like us three need strong bodyguards to protect us from time to time.
(Y/N): Um, okay.
(Cut to Yu in her apartment with Mineta interning with her.)
Yu: You know what's a useful skill? Knowing how to pass the time while you're waiting to be called out to rescue someone. Got that?
Mineta: Uh, sure.
Mineta's thoughts: This was not the kind of role play I was hoping for.
Yu: By the way, my brother is in your class right?
Mineta: Yup.
Yu: I can't believe he didn't want to intern with his big sister! Instead he goes and interns with that fossil, Uwabami! Ugh, what a jerk!
Mineta's thoughts: I could be your little brother, Mt. Lady. Wait, (Y/N) has Mt. Lady for a big sister and now he's interning alongside Yaoyorozu with Uwabami! Damn you, (Y/N)!
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