Chapter 9: Snow Day
Early December. Sunday Morning.
Uraraka: Close the door! Tsuyu is going into hibernation!
Kirishima: It's snowing!!! Mind over matter! This dry cloth is all I need to stay warm!
(Y/N): Gi...gia...
Yaoyorozu: Your clothes will get wet though.
Jiro: Aah, sorry about that, Tsuyu!
Iida: Be careful not to slip!
Kaminari: Let's check out the snowfall report! I like that kind of stuff!
Sero: Hey, what time are Todoroki and the others coming back? Have you heard from them? I want to borrow the next manga volume from him.
Midoriya: He said he'll be back around 6pm!
Iida: It's the last day of their Remedial Course!
(Y/N): Gia...gian...
Midoriya: Are you okay, (Y/N)?
Kaminari: Are you trying to say something?
(Y/N): Giant snow angels!
(Y/N & his classmates run outside to enjoy the snow.)
Mina: [sighs] I love winter.
(Y/N is currently gigantified & making giant snow angels.)
(Y/N): [laughs]
Uraraka: Seems like (Y/N) is having a good time.
Hagakure: You can say that again.
(Yaoyorozu walks up to Y/N.)
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Hm?
(Y/N shrinks back down to normal.)
(Y/N): I didn't get any snow on you did I? I get carried away when it snows...
Yaoyorozu: [giggles] No, you didn't. You're fine.
(Y/N): Good.
Yaoyorozu: I didn't know you were a winter person, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I absolutely love winter! Snow, snow angels, winter clothing, hot cocoa, etc., What's not to love?
Yaoyorozu: You're adorable.
(Y/N's thoughts): Maybe I should change my hero name to Mt. Adorable because all the ladies seem to think I'm adorable.
(Y/N): Have you given any more thought about you & Todoroki?
Yaoyorozu: *blush* I have.
(Y/N): And?
Yaoyorozu: *blush* I may give it a shot...
(Y/N): [gasps] Yay!
(Y/N engulfs Yaoyorozu in a big hug & lifts her up.)
Yaoyorozu: *blush* (Y/N)! Put me down!
(Y/N puts Yaoyorozu down.)
(Y/N): [chuckles] Sorry.
Yaoyorozu: It's okay.
(Y/N): So are you gonna ask him out or are you gonna give Todoroki subtle hints that you like him?
Yaoyorozu: Probably-
(Before Yaoyorozu can answer Y/N, a snowball hits Y/N in the ear.)
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Argh! There's snow in my ear! Who the fu-
Mineta: (Y/N). You already have a girlfriend. So there's no logical explanation for you to be talking to Yaoyorozu so flirtatiously and hugging her unless you're trying to get her to become your second girlfriend which means you're building a harem!
Yaoyorozu: You're unbelievable...
(Y/N): *rage building*
Mineta: I will not allow you to add Yaoyorozu to your harem because she's all mine you hear me?! All mine!
(Y/N): You stupid fucking grape! You throw snow in my ear for an asinine reason?!
Mineta: ...
(Y/N): I'm putting an end to you right now!
(Y/N gigantifies himself & makes a giant snowball to hit Mineta.)
Mineta: Wait, (Y/N). Think about-
(Y/N throws the giant snowball right on Mineta which completely engulfs him.)
(Y/N): Stupid fucking perverted grape.
(Y/N shrinks back down normal.)
(Y/N): [sighs] Sorry about my language, Yaoyorozu.
Yaoyorozu: It's alright.
(Y/N): I should've done something about Mineta a long time ago. I saw what he did to you during the The Sports Festival. Not only sticking to you during the race. But also him & Kaminari tricking you into making those cheerleader uniforms.
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)...
(Y/N): From here on out; if Mineta tries or does anything to you, just let me know and I'll handle him!
Yaoyorozu: Thank you, Kendo is lucky to have you.
(Y/N): *blush* I'm lucky to have her. So, you were saying?
Yaoyorozu: Oh, that can wait.
(Y/N): Huh?
Yaoyorozu: There's someone here for you.
(Y/N): Who?
Kirishima: (Y/N)!
Jiro: Your girlfriend is here!
(Y/N): Itsuka?
(Y/N turns around to see Itsuka decked out in winter clothing.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I love winter.
Itsuka: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): You seem warm.
Itsuka: I could be warmer.
(Y/N): Is that right?
(Y/N places his arm over Itsuka.)
(Y/N): Warmer?
Itsuka: *blush* Yes.
1A Girls: Aww!
(Y/N & Itsuka enjoy the snow & do what couples usually do in the snow like throw snowballs at each other.)
(Y/N): You're going down, Itsuka!
Itsuka: You'd like that wouldn't you?
(Y/N): *medium blush* Wha-
(Itsuka throws a giant snowball at Y/N which drops him.)
Itsuka: I win!
(Making a snowman.)
Itsuka: All he needs is a nose.
(Y/N): Koda! Carrot!
(Koda tosses a carrot to Y/N.)
(Y/N): Here's his nose.
Itsuka: Someone's prepared.
(Y/N): I guess so. (grins)
(And kissing in the snow?)
(Y/N): Hold on.
Itsuka's thoughts: (Y/N) refusing a kiss?
(Y/N): [yelling] Yaoyorozu!
(Yaoyorozu walks over to the couple.)
Yaoyorozu: Yeah, (Y/N)?
(Y/N takes out his phone.)
(Y/N): *blush* Could you take a picture of us kissing in the snow?
Itsuka: *medium blush*
Yaoyorozu: I'd love too.
(Y/N & Itsuka kiss passionately in the snow while Yaoyorozu snaps the picture.)
Yaoyorozu: Here's your phone, (Y/N).
(Y/N takes his phone back.)
(Y/N): So, Itsuka, what do you think?
Itsuka: I love it! You better send it to me!
(Y/N): I will.
Itsuka: You're gonna frame it aren't you?
(Y/N): You know me so well.
Itsuka: [laughs] That I do.
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