Chapter 8: Reflection Party
6:45 In The Evening
(Y/N is currently in his dorms' boy's restroom, looking at himself in the mirror.)
(Y/N): [whimpers] My face hurts! The bruising has gone away a bit but-
(Y/N pokes the right side of his face.)
(Y/N): [winces] It still hurts to touch my face. I've got to ask Itsuka just how hard her hands are. I wonder if her hand's bone density increases as her hands grow like how Yu and I's does as we gigantifiy.
(Y/N exits the restroom to rejoin his classmates in the common area.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I don't see Yaoyorozu. I'm definitely gonna ask her for an ice pack when I see her.
(Iida zooms to Y/N.)
Iida: (Y/N)! Your face is looking better!
(Y/N): Thanks, Iida. Have you seen Yaoyorozu?
Iida: I think she's in her room, why?
(Y/N): I'm gonna ask her if she can make me an ice pack for my face.
Iida: Ah, that makes sense. I'm sure she'll be out soon.
(Iida zooms off.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Iida can really move.
(Y/N): I'll guess I'll mingle with my classmates until she comes out.
(Before Y/N can do that, there's a knock at 1A's dorm doors.)
(Y/N): I'll get it!
(Y/N opens his dorm doors revealing Itsuka & some of Class B.)
(Y/N): Itsuka! And Class B! Why are you guys here?
Itsuka: Are you not happy to see me?
(Y/N): What? Of course I-
Itsuka: [giggles] I'm teasing you, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I knew that. (lie)
Itsuka: Well, some of Class B and I wanted to stop by and reflect over some of our matches with you guys.
(Y/N): Cool, come on in.
(Class B enters 1A's dorm & begins to mingle with Class 1A.)
Itsuka: Hey, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah, Itsuka?
Itsuka: *blush* I got you an ice pack for your face.
(Y/N): Thank you.
(Y/N kisses Itsuka's cheek & takes the ice pack.)
Itsuka: *blush* Wanna reflect?
(Y/N): Yes!
(Y/N has his arm over Itsuka & they're walking to a table until a voice calls out to Y/N.)
Mineta: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Ugh, what do you-
(Y/N sees the predicament that Mineta is in.)
Itsuka: Uh...
(Y/N): Mina?
Mina: Yes, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): What'd Mineta do?
Mina: During our match he deliberately got hit into my boob!
(Y/N): Ah! I understand.
Mineta: (Y/N), you gotta help me!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Y/N & Itsuka walk away from Mina & Mineta.)
Itsuka: You're really not gonna help him?
(Y/N): Nope!
Itsuka: Why?
(Y/N explains to Itsuka just how perverted Mineta is & everything perverted he's done since he's been at UA.)
Itsuka: You're kidding?
(Y/N): I wish I was.
Itsuka: He's the one that started the rumor that we had sex?
(Y/N): Yeah.
Itsuka: Ugh!
(Itsuka enlarges her hand.)
(Y/N): You gonna go chop him?
Itsuka: Yes!
(Y/N enlarges his hand & grabs Itsuka's enlarged hand with it.)
(Y/N): I so love how much you want to chop Mineta right now but Mina has it handled. Plus wouldn't you rather hang out with your boyfriend?
Itsuka: [sighs] You're right.
(Y/N & Itsuka finally reach a table & are now sitting across from each other.)
(Y/N): I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call me "little man."
Itsuka: I only called you that because your sister told me you don't like being called that and I needed you to gigantifiy so my team could win.
(Y/N): I know but still.
Itsuka: Okay, (Y/N). I won't call you that again.
(Itsuka & Y/N kiss.)
Itsuka: Stop grinning.
(Y/N): I can't.
Itsuka: Oh, really?
(As Itsuka & Y/N are enjoying their time together they begin to talk about some of their classmates.)
(Y/N): Tetsutetsu is a good dude.
Itsuka: Yeah he is. You should've seen him during the camp attack.
(Y/N): I heard he took a bullet for you?
Itsuka: He did. He was in his iron form so it ricocheted off of him but still.
(Y/N): I'll have to thank him for it.
Itsuka: So who would you consider your best friend?
(Y/N): That's not you?
Itsuka: *blush* Obviously.
(Y/N): Then Kirishima.
Itsuka: Why?
(Y/N): Probably because he was the first friend I made at UA. I also work studied alongside him. Overall, he's a solid guy.
Itsuka: Was that a rock pun?
(Y/N): Maybe...
(Yaoyorozu makes her appearance with Jiro.)
Itsuka: I'm glad to see that you're okay, Yaoyorozu.
Yaoyorozu: Thank you for your concern, Kendo.
(Y/N): Hey, Rockstar!
Jiro: *embarrassed blush* Please don't call me that.
Yaoyorozu: Oh, (Y/N)!
(Yaoyorozu pulls out an ice pack.)
Yaoyorozu: I thought you'd want one for your face.
(Y/N): [gasps] Now I've got two! [cries]
Yaoyorozu: ...
Itsuka: ...
Jiro: ...
(Y/N): [cries] For both sides of my face.
Jiro: Okay?
Yaoyorozu: They're just ice packs, (Y/N).
Itsuka: Are you still in that much pain from our match?
(Y/N): [sniffles] No, it's not that.
Itsuka, Jiro, & Yaoyorozu: Then what?
(Y/N): [whimpers] I've got two ice packs...
Jiro: You already said that.
Itsuka: You're worrying me, (Y/N).
Yaoyorozu: Me too.
(Y/N): I have an ice pack of love from Itsuka and now I've got the ice pack of friendship from you, Yaoyorozu. I'm so happy! [cries]
(Sandwiches the two ice packs between his face.)
Yaoyorozu: *embarrassed blush* Stop...
Jiro: Bakugo's right, you are the softest one here.
Itsuka: And with that, Jiro?
Jiro: Yeah?
Itsuka: (Y/N) has told me that you have a ton of instruments in your room and you can play them all. Plus after seeing you perform in your concert, I'd like to see them.
Jiro: *embarrassed blush* Why?!
(Y/N's thoughts): She's still embarrassed when it comes to her instruments?
Itsuka: Because maybe you can give some pointers on how I can improve on-
(Y/N): Wait, Itsuka. You can play an instrument?!
Itsuka: I can.
(Y/N): Guitar? Drums?
Itsuka: I guess you'll have to wait until I play for you!
(Y/N): *blush* Play for me?
Jiro: Follow me to my room.
Itsuka: Okay.
(Jiro & Itsuka leave Yaoyorozu & Y/N.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Itsuka has a great butt.
Yaoyorozu: Hum, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Sup?
Yaoyorozu: *blush* About our conversation from earlier...
(Y/N): So you still want to know who I have in mind for you?
Yaoyorozu: Possibly.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Okay, Yaoyorozu.
Yaoyorozu: So who?
(Y/N): Todoroki.
Yaoyorozu: *blush* Really?!
(Y/N): Yeah. I think you two would be great together.
Yaoyorozu: Why?
(Y/N): Why not?! You're both rich kids but you don't let define you. Also from your Practical Exam, you two work well together. And I believe your just the girl to fully crack open his shell.
Yaoyorozu: *hard blush* He was also the third person who voted for me to be the Class Representative...
(Y/N): See, it's meant to be!
Yaoyorozu: *harder blush*
(Y/N): Just think about it, okay.
Yaoyorozu: Okay.
(Yaoyorozu turns around & looks at Todoroki.)
Yaoyorozu's thoughts: Todoroki and I?
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