Chapter 7: Matches 3-5
(Itsuka & Y/N are about to walk up the steps to rejoin their classes.)
Itsuka: Thanks.
(Y/N): For what?
Itsuka: For not holding back against me in our match.
(Y/N): There's no need to thank me for that. Even if you didn't tell me not hold back against you, I was gonna go all out against you regardless.
Itsuka: ...
(Y/N): Because it wouldn't be fair to you if I held back against you just because we're together. And...*blush* I wanted to find out if I could beat you with my full power.
(Itsuka places her right hand on the side of Y/N's bruised face.)
(Y/N): Ow.
Itsuka: Sorry.
(Y/N): It's okay. You're worth the pain.
Itsuka: *blush* How'd you get so smooth?
(Y/N): I'm naturally smooth.
Itsuka: So, Yu?
(Y/N): Yes...
Itsuka: [laughs]
(Y/N): Okay, let's head up before I embarrass myself any further.
Itsuka: (Y/N), one more thing.
(Y/N): Hm?
Itsuka: It took my entire team and I to bring you down. And Fukidashi's lettering did sent you into a building before we came for you.
(Y/N): Wait. Are you saying if we were to fight one-on-one, I'd-
Itsuka: I'm not saying that. I just don't like seeing my boyfriend so sad.
(Y/N): But I would beat you if we fought, you know that, right?
Itsuka: I guess we'll have to find out who'll win in a fight between Battle Fist and Mt. Man some other time.
(Y/N): Guess so.
(Y/N & Itsuka walk up the steps side-by-side together.)
Mina: I swear you two are perfect!
Uraraka: Looks like (Y/N) apologized.
Itsuka: Yeah. He did.
(Y/N): *blush* And she forgave me...
Tsu: That's great, (Y/N). But...
Midoriya: Your face...
(Y/N): I'll be fine. Bruises heal.
Fukidashi: Sorry about your face, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Like I said, bruises heal. Besides, your lettering impressed me.
Fukidashi: Thanks.
(Y/N): And Komori? That mushroom you grew on me was huge!
Komori: I know right?! That was the first time I ever grew that mushroom!
(Y/N): You have to show me more of your mushrooms sometime.
Komori: I will!
Itsuka: [whispering] I love you.
(Y/N): [whispering] I love you, too.
(Itsuka & Y/N part ways to rejoin their classes.)
(Y/N): Mr. Aizawa?
Aizawa: Good to see you back with us, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Thanks for convincing Vlad King to let Itsuka come see me in the nurse's office.
Aizawa: Don't think that I'm like your classmates who get all giddy and excited about you & Kendo's relationship. The only reason why I convinced Vlad to let Kendo see you is because I knew it was the quickest way to get you back in class.
(Y/N): Of course! Obviously.
(Y/N's thoughts): He supports the ship. You can't fool me, Mr. Aizawa.
(The third match is still going on.)
Todoroki: You bastard!
(Tetsutetsu punches through Todoroki's ice.)
Sato: He's slightly frozen due to hardening, but he's moving around just fine. His skin won't peel off after all.
Kirishima: Tetsutetsu! I can use this as reference!
Bakugo: Now that ice doesn't work, using fire is what Icy Hot should do.
(Y/N): There are a lot of Quirks in our class that can shatter Todoroki's ice. He should really come up with a way to defend against Quirks like that. Then again, he can use his fire for people with said Quirks.
(Todoroki uses his fire against Tetsutetsu. But Tetsutetsu is able to endure it but he starts to melt. Just as Todoroki is about to completely melt Tetsutetsu, Honenuki sinks Todoroki. But then Iida finally catches up to Honenuki & kicks him. While Iida is rescuing Todoroki, Honenuki softens a pillar & has Tetsutetsu push over on Iida & Todoroki.)
(Y/N): And I thought our match was intense, Kendo.
Itsuka: No kidding...
(The third match ends in a draw. Due to Ojiro & Kaibara being the only ones captured when time expired.)
(Y/N): Your classmates are amazing, Kendo.
Itsuka: (smiles) I know.
(Since the third match had too many injuries like the second match, the reflection will occur later on.)
Vlad King: You may begin once you're in position! Match 4, start!
Monoma: Yooooouuu are on your last legs with one win for each class! It's either a loss or a draw, but never a "win"!
Kaminari: You sure are odd.
Monoma: Ahhh, I've been looking forward to this fooourth set. That Tokage is in it aaafter aall isn't that right, Bakugo!?
Vlad King: Alright, up next is round 4!! Class A and B are neck to neck with one victory each! But can we really say that they're equally matched!!? Class A's only win was thanks to Shinso! Are they truly equal to Class B!?
Kaminari, Kirishima, & (Y/N): That's a terrible way of phrasing it, Mr. Kan!
Vlad King: Even the winner of the Sports Festival was taken down by our Class Rep!!
(Y/N): [growls]
Aizawa: Cut it out.
Kaminari: But Mr. Aizawa!! This is a serious battle!!
Aizawa: Can you afford to make the same mistake twice if this was the real deal? Class B has definitely taken much more tactful measures, That's the reality of this.
(Imagine Y/N is between Kaminari & Aoyama.)
(Y/N): [whimpers]
Monoma: After all, you're all troublemakers! Did you know!? Amateurs are the ones who cause trouble in the first place!!
(Y/N's thoughts): Prick.
(The fourth match begins with Tokage's team trapping Bakugo's team. And Kamakiri is about to take out Jiro but Bakugo protects her.)
Monoma: What's this? Do my eyes deceive me? I thought I just saw Bakugo protect Jiro.
Kaminari: Yeah, he did! With a kick!
Kirishima: Monoma! It's alright! Surprisingly, he's actually that kind of person!
Kaminari: He came through during the Provisional Licence Exam, too.
Monoma: You're telling me he changed his character?!
Kirishima: ...Well, it's true that it might be the first time...I've seen him throw himself into danger like that, but he's pretty easy to understand!
(Y/N): I love character development!
(Bakugo's team wins the fourth match with 4-0 sweep because of Bakugo's willingness to work with his team.)
Kaminari: Kacchan. Congrats! Didn't think you'd be able to do it! Jiro was like the heroine in the story.
Jiro: Excuse you, I'm the hero.
Sero: It felt like having a rough person suddenly pick up a kitten or something.
(Y/N): You're getting soft, Bakugo. [chuckles]
Bakugo: You're one to talk, Loverboy. You're the softest one here!
(The fifth & final match begins. Monoma begins to provoke Midoriya.)
(Y/N): Looks like Monoma has copied Shinso's Quirk.
(Midoriya is about to attack Monoma but before he can he...manifests a new power.)
Sato: Midoriya came up with another new move?
(Y/N's thoughts): What exactly is Midoriya's Quirk?
(Before Midoriya's new power can do anymore damage, Uraraka & Shinso calm Midoriya down.)
(Y/N): So much for seeing what Midoriya's new power can do.
(The fifth match ends with Class A winning with a 4-0 sweep.)
Midnight: The overall winners are Class A!
Class A: [cheers]
(Y/N): Better luck next time, Kendo.
Itsuka: My team beat yours and beat YOU directly. So stop being so arrogant.
(Y/N's thoughts): Itsuka is a sore loser. Interesting.
(Both classes reflect on the fifth match & Aizawa reveals that next year, Shinso will transfer in the Hero Course.)
Students: Whoaaa! Which class?! A or B?!
Aizawa: That will be decided at a later date. Now let's get back to the teachers' critiques.
(Y/N's thoughts): It'll probably be Class B since there's 21 in Class A. It'll make the classes even.
Aizawa: Monoma. Come visit Eri with me tomorrow.
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, My face. I should ask Yaoyorozu if she could make me an ice pack.
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