Chapter 26: A Big Man's Sequel
(Cut to Y/N & his friends on Nabu Island for work studies where currently they're answering phone calls.)
Mina: UA Hero Agency? Sure, I'll send someone right away. Kaminari, head to the West District. Mr. Musatah's battery is dead.
Kaminari: Uh geez, again? Why can't the old man buy a new one already?
Mina: Go get 'em, Chargebolt!
Students: Go! Go!
Kaminari: I'm on it! [chuckles]
Aoyama: Oui, you have reached UA Hero Agency where we solve all of your problems with a sparkle.
(Y/N): UA Hero Agency? No, we don't deliver pizza...why not?! Because this is a Hero Agency and the only thing we deliver is justice!
Hagakure: You found the lost dog?
Koda: Yeah, sure did. And don't worry it's doing just fine.
Hagakure: Next up is a lost parrot.
Little Girl: Please, it's my little brother! I can't find him anywhere!
Uraraka: Stay calm, okay? We can help you.
Yaoyorozu: No really, it's no trouble at all. Of course. Hey, do you mind? Sounds like poor Granny Sato threw out her back.
Iida: Right, on it! Hold on Granny, I'm on the way!
Uraraka: Lost child in the Shopping Center. Is there anyone available to come with me? [giggles]
Bakugo: Hard pass.
Uraraka: Come on?!
Kirishima: Yeah, you're so busy Bakugo. Count me in! Let's find this kid!
Bakugo: Yeah? And how is your dumb Quirk gonna help find anything?
(Y/N): At least he's getting off his ass and doing something.
Bakugo: What did you say, High-rise?!
Jiro: We've got a missing kid? Okay, sounds like I'm up.
Midoriya: I'm free. I can help look too.
(Y/N): I'll join you guys. He could be on top of a building or in a tree.
(Cut to the outside of Iogi Heights which is where Class A is holding their work study. We now see Midoriya inside a pool ring which he'll use to get Jiro, Uraraka, & Y/N to the Shopping District.)
(Y/N): Yeah, no. I'll just meet you guys there.
Midoriya: Come on, (Y/N).
Uraraka: What is it?
(Y/N): I just don't think dangling from a pool ring high in the air is safe.
Uraraka: But I'll be making us float.
(Y/N): That doesn't make it safer.
Jiro: I didn't know you were such a giant chicken, (Y/N).
(Y/N): What did you just call me?
(Jiro, Uraraka, & Y/N are hanging from the pool ring.)
(Imagine Y/N between Jiro & Uraraka.)
Uraraka: UA Hero Agency...
Jiro: Members of Class 1A...
Jiro, Uraraka, Midoriya, & (Y/N): Heading out!
(The four of them are now in the air.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I hate this!!
Last Month
(Aizawa explains that they will be sent to Nabu Island until a permanent hero can take over.)
Students: We're going to be doing real hero work?!
(Y/N): We're gonna be the pros of the island?! That's so awesome!
Midoriya's thoughts: This isn't an internship or a work study. We're talking about the real thing. Becoming a hero has been my dream since I was little. And now it's happening.
(Aizawa's eyes glow red.)
Aizawa: I wasn't done talking. Quiet down!
(Aizawa explains that Class 1A will be on their own & that they're responsible for whatever happens whether it is good or bad.)
(Cut to Midoriya & Y/N finding the lost boy.)
Midoriya: You got separated from your big sister, right?
(Y/N): I've got a big sister too. What's her name?
(Midoriya holds his hand to the boy.)
Midoriya: Here, come with us.
(Before the boy can take Midoriya's hand, a girl slides in front Midoriya & Y/N.)
Little Girl: There you are! It's about time!
Little Boy: Sis?
Little Girl: What are your names, you slowpokes?!
Midoriya: Hi! My name is Deku.
(Y/N): Mt. Man.
Midoriya: And um, you are?
Little Girl: I'm Mahoro. Katsuma's older sister.
Midoriya: Oh! Then I guess you found him before we even got here, huh? [chuckles] Lucky.
(Y/N): Good job-
Mahoro: Explain yourselves! You were looking for him for over an hour! What took you so long?
(Y/N): You were timing us?!
Mahoro: UA is so famous and this is all they have to offer? If they're going to send us losers like you two then we're better off with that old geezer we had before.
Midoriya: Um, we're sorry.
(Y/N's thoughts): Little brat.
(Y/N): Fairweather Flick.
(Before Y/N's giant finger can flick Mahoro's head, Midoriya catches it.)
Midoriya: (Y/N)?! You can't flick a child!
(Y/N): But she deserves it!
Mahoro: [scoffs] What did they expect? You're just high schoolers.
(Y/N): [growls] Midoriya, let me flick the little bit-
(Midoriya covers Y/N's mouth.)
Midoriya: We are really are sorry!
(Uraraka & Jiro arrive on the scene.)
Uraraka: There's Deku!
Jiro: And Mt. Man.
Mahoro: So do you think you can do your job properly next time, Deku? Mt. Man?
Midoriya: Uh, yeah. I'll try to be a little bit faster.
(Y/N): Whatever.
Mahoro: Let's go Katsuma.
Katsuma: O...kay.
(Katsuma runs up to Midoriya & Y/N.)
Katsuma: Hey, misters?
Midoriya & (Y/N): Huh?
Katsuma: Thanks for your help.
Mahoro: You don't need to thank them for anything.
(Mahoro drags Katsuma away with her.)
Uraraka: Hey, what's going on with those two?
Jiro: Why were you apologizing?
Midoriya: Apparently we took too long to find him and his sister yelled at us.
Jiro: Uh? That's ridiculous.
(Y/N): I know, right?!
Midoriya: But still, I'm glad.
Uraraka: Uh?
Jiro & (Y/N): About what?
Midoriya: Katsuma's safe and that's all that really matters, y'know?
Uraraka: Y'know? It's amazing just how "Deku" you can be sometimes.
Midoriya: Huh? I don't understand.
(Uraraka gives Midoriya a thumbs up.)
Uraraka: I'm saying you're a hero through and through!
(Cut to the end of Class 1A's day.)
Sato: I'm exhausted.
Kaminari: We've gone Plus Ultra beyond what's allowed labor standard.
Sero: Hey, how about a few small jobs?
Iida: No can do. All jobs are equally vital.
Yaoyorozu: It may be true that we came here as heroes but remember we're still just students. We have to work hard and prove ourselves to earn the islanders trust.
Mineta: Hey uh, does that go for all of us? Because I know someone who still hasn't done anything since we got here.
(Mineta points at Bakugo.)
Bakugo: Well somebody has to stay behind and watch the office, Moron. What are you gonna do if a villain shows up while all you geniuses are off doing stupid crap, huh?
Kirishima: They're aren't any villains on the island.
(Y/N): You need to start pulling your weight, Bakugo.
Bakugo: Or what, High-rise?!
(Before Y/N can respond some of the islanders stop to drop off some food as a thank you.)
Islander Lady: Just a little something to show you how grateful we are that you're helping us.
Students: All right! Let's dig in!
Iida: We're heroes, people! Show some restraint!
(Cut to Class 1A after eating the food the islanders brought them.)
Students: That was delicious.
Midoriya: I'm so full.
Shoji: You could really feel the love they put into their cooking.
Tsu: Moments like these remind why I wanted to become a hero.
Uraraka: Yeah.
Bakugo: [scoffs]
Kaminari: Kacchan and the Bakugo's. We're gonna get cleaned up and hit the sack.
Kirishima: Night watch is all yours.
Bakugo: What?! Why me?!
Sero: Because you sat around the office all day.
Bakugo: [growls]
(Cut to Y/N stepping out the shower.)
(Y/N): [sighs] Hot water showers are the best.
(Y/N wraps a towel around his waist & looks at himself in the mirror.)
(Y/N): Lookin' good, (Y/N)!
(Y/N looks at the scar across his right rib cage.)
(Y/N): This damn scar.
(Remembers Overhaul punching his scarred rib cage.)
(Y/N): This may cause problems in the future but at least Itsuka likes it so I guess it's okay.
(Suddenly Y/N's phone rings & it's revealed to be Itsuka requesting a FaceTime which Y/N accepts.)
(Y/N): Hey, Itsuka!
Itsuka: Hey, (Y/--You're not wearing a shirt?
(Y/N): I just got out of the shower.
Itsuka: *embarrassed blush* Wet chest...
(Y/N): I could hang up and call you back once I'm dressed?
Itsuka: *blush* No, it's fine.
(Y/N): *medium blush* Yes, ma'am.
(Y/N exits the bathroom & is now on his way to his room.)
Itsuka: How's the practical hero work going?
(Y/N): It's easy. There's no villains on the island so all we're doing is little stuff like finding missing persons and/or items and just helping around the island.
Itsuka: That does sound easy.
(Y/N): Do you miss me?
Itsuka: Of course I miss you!
(Y/N): *happy blush*
Itsuka: you miss me?
(Y/N): Yes!
Itsuka: *happy blush* Good!
(Yaoyorozu comes out of her room.)
Yaoyorozu: [yawns] (Y/N). If you could keep it down, that'd be greatly appreciated.
(Y/N): My bad, Yaoyorozu.
(Yaoyorozu notices that Y/N is only wearing a towel & is Facetiming Itsuka.)
Yaoyorozu: *embarrassed blush* Are you two...sexting?
Itsuka & (Y/N): No!
The Next Day
Mina: Hello there. You've reached the UA Hero Agency? Oh, your suitcase has gone missing? Sure, sure. We'll send someone right away. We've got a tourist down at the Shopping Center who lost her luggage, you guys.
Hagakure: I'm free, I'll go! Aoyama, you should come with me.
Aoyama: Oui.
Mineta: Geez. More lost luggage? Try lookin' for it by yourself.
Mina: [sighs] You should've heard her. She sounded like a real cutie.
Mineta: I can't forsake someone in need!
(Mineta jumps off to join Hagakure & Aoyama.)
Yaoyorozu: Shoji wants to know if anyone is available to back him up at the beach?
Ojiro: No problem. I can do that.
(Y/N): I'll back him up as well.
Tokoyami: I'll see to the regular patrol.
Midoriya: Alright. I'm going down to the Negama's to help with the fields.
(Cut to Y/N & his friends at the beach evacuating islanders from the villain.)
Ojiro: Froppy! Tentacole! Get these people out of here!
Shoji: On it!
Froppy: Stay calm but move quickly!
Ojiro: Twirling Tail Dance!
(Ojiro hits Chimera with his tail but he blocks it.)
Ojiro: What are you after?! Why are you doing this?!
(Chimera picks up some rubble.)
Chimera: You look a little young to be a hero, kid.
(Chimera throws some rubble at Ojiro. He dodges some of the rubble but Tokoyami swoops in & moves Ojiro out of the way.)
Ojiro: Tokoyami!
Tokoyami: I got this. Dark Shadow!
Dark Shadow: Right!
(Dark Shadow goes to meet Chimera but Chimera punches Dark which sends him back.)
Ojiro: The phones have stopped working. Head back to the office and get the others!
Tokoyami: Are you sure?
Ojiro: (Y/N) and I will hold him off as long as we can!
(Y/N gigantifies his fists.)
(Y/N): Tokoyami, go!
(Chimera punches Ojiro but he's able to block his punch with his tail.)
(But it still sends him back.)
Tsu: Do it now!
Shoji: Octogrow!
(Chimera grabs Shoji by his face.)
Chimera: You're an ugly one. Bet you get bullied a lot for being so funny looking. You ever blame your parents for the crappy gene?
(Y/N): Let him go! Fiji Fist!
(Y/N punches Chimera which results in him letting go of Shoji. Then backup arrives, beginning with Iida zooms in & takes Shoji.)
Iida: I got you!
Todoroki: Leave this guy to us!
Sero: Take care of Ojiro!
(Todoroki freezes Chimera in place while Sero tapes up Chimera.)
Iida: Now, Tokoyami! Sato! Go!
(Tokoyami sends Sato to Chimera.)
Sato: Sugar Rush!
Chimera: You think that'll hold me?!
(Chimera breaks Sero's tape & Todoroki's ice. He then punches Sato which sends him back.)
Iida: He's down!
Chimera: All right, enough! Kids or not, I don't feel like dealing with this many heroes.
(Y/N): Then just deal with me! Sizeless Dash!
Iida: Mt. Man, wait!
(Y/N dashes over to Chimera.)
(Y/N): Centennial Peak Chop!
(Chimera side steps Y/N's attack.)
Chimera: You're too slow!
(Chimera punches Y/N in the gut and sends him into the forest.)
(Y/N): [grunts]
Sero: This guy took out Sato and (Y/N) like it was nothing!
(Cut to Y/N in the forest.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Y/N's thoughts): I'm covered in splinters. But being in this forest gives me an idea...
(Cut to Chimera blasting fire from his mouth which Todoroki blocks with his ice.)
(Y/N): Hey, you blue wolf bastard!
Chimera: Huh?
(Y/N hits Chimera with a tree but it doesn't phase Chimera.)
(Y/N): Dammit.
Chimera: You took one of my punches? You're stronger than your friends.
(Y/N): Shut up!
Chimera: Not bad, little man.
Students' thoughts: Crap.
(Y/N): What did you call me?!
(Chimera blasts some of his fire at Y/N but he just runs through it.)
(Y/N): I'm fireproof you mutt!
(Y/N is now right in front of Chimera.)
(Y/N): Fiji Fi-
(Chimera bites Y/N's shoulder.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(And throws Y/N to his friends.)
Chimera: Well, looks like you get to live a little bit longer.
(Chimera jumps away.)
Todoroki: [gasps]
Sero: He's running away?
Tokoyami: I believe it's more accurate to say he's letting us go.
(Y/N): [groans] Coward!
Todoroki: He's mine-
Iida: Don't. For all we know this could be a trap. Besides, you shouldn't go after him alone. The five of us couldn't even take him on together.
Todoroki: Yeah, but-
Iida: We have to make sure the islanders are safe. It's part of our job as heroes.
(Cut to Class 1A & the islanders in a power station.)
Kirishima: If they attack us together; we don't stand a chance.
Iida: It would help if we knew what the villains were after.
Uraraka: Then we could come up with a plan.
(Y/N's thoughts): Chimera's voice: Little man. Little man. Little man. Little man. Little man. Little man. Little man. Little man. Litt-
(Yaoyorozu places a hand on Y/N's shoulder.)
(Y/N): Huh?
Yaoyorozu: Are you okay, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah, I'm fine.
Yaoyorozu: You're not a good liar, (Y/N).
(Y/N): ...
Yaoyorozu: I heard what that villain called you but just let it go for now and help us come up with a plan, okay.
(Y/N): [sighs] Okay.
(Katsuma chimes in & says that the villains are after his Quirk. He then says that it's okay if he loses his Quirk as long as everyone else is safe. Midoriya & Bakugo chime in & say that they'll protect them. They're classmates agree with them & say that they'll join them.)
Sato: We're heroes, right?!
Shoji: We overcome the impossible.
(Y/N): Protecting Katsuma and I get to crush the guy who called me "little man"? It's a win-win!
Yaoyorozu: It's like we always say.
Iida: We're going to go beyond!
(Imagine Y/N is between Jiro & Hagakure.)
Students: Plus Ultra!
(Class 1A comes up with a plan to separate the 3 villains & to have their leader use all of his Quirks to tire him out.)
Midoriya: We just have to last long enough for help to arrive.
Todoroki: That's all this is about.
Bakugo: No way!
(Imagine a gigantified Y/N behind Bakugo & Midoriya.)
Bakugo: We're gonna kick the crap out of these losers.
(Cut to Aoyama & Yaoyorozu completing phase 1 of the plan.)
Midoriya's thoughts: So far everything's going to plan. We've got this! We can protect everyone!
(Sero & Uraraka are taking on Nine while Mina & Tokoyami are taking on Slice. Cut to Y/N's group about to take on Chimera.)
Chimera: Well, they got me on my own.
(Tsu pulls Chimera underwater & Todoroki freezes the water.)
Kirishima: He's trapped!
Iida: The plan worked!
Todoroki: Not quite.
(Chimera breaks the ice trapping him & jumps up onto solid ground.)
Chimera: Did you have to go and freeze me like that?
Todoroki: It's time for round two.
Chimera: Ha. You think this is a joke? Nah, kid. Today I'm serious.
Kirishima: (hardens an arm) Trust that we are too.
Iida: Now that the islanders are safe, we can go all out.
(Y/N gigantifies his hands. He makes a giant fist with one hand & positions his other hand into a chop.)
(Y/N): That's all I needed to hear!
Todoroki: Let's stop this guy.
Iida: Recepiral Turbo! It's time to end this!
(Imagine Y/N between Kirishima & Todoroki with gigantified hands.)
(Chimera grows feathers out of his arms.)
Chimera: Bring it on then.
(Iida kicks Chimera but he catches Iida's leg & throws him aside.)
Chimera: Weak!
Kirishima: Red Gauntlet!
(Kirishima hits Chimera.)
Chimera: That tickled!
(Chimera grabs Kirishima by his head & throws him into a wall.)
(Y/N): Centennial Peak Chop!
(Y/N chops the right side of Chimera's face.)
Chimera: A little better. But it's still not enough, little man!
(Y/N): [growls]
(Chimera kicks Y/N in the gut which sends him back.)
(Y/N): [grunts]
(Todoroki blasts some of his fire at Chimera but he sends it up into the sky. Iida then kicks Chimera two times & then Todoroki sends some of his ice to Chimera which Chimera breaks.)
Chimera: I told you! You don't stand a chance agai--ugh!
(Chimera becomes paralysed.)
Chimera: Why can't I move?
Todoroki: There's a reason why we were using the same attacks over and over.
Iida: My legs.
(Y/N): Kirishima & I's hands.
Iida: They were coated with a toxic mucus that Asui created.
Tsu: Just call me Tsu.
Kirishima: We got you, old man!
Chimera: Don't be so insolent!
(Chimera begins to grow in size which breaks the ice trapping him.)
Chimera: I'll show you why I've been called a monster my entire life!
Chimera: [roars]
Iida: He got bigger?!
(Y/N): (grins) It seems so.
Kirishima: Hey, (Y/N)! Doesn't that form remind you of Amajiki?
(Y/N): It does!
(Chimera fires a beam at our heroes but Todoroki blocks it with some ice.)
(But the ice wall is starting to crack.)
Iida: No! Let's go, Tsu!
(Iida runs off with Todoroki.)
Tsu: Ribbit!
(Tsu hops off with Kirishima & Y/N wrapped around her tongue.)
Kirishima & (Y/N): Ahh!
(Chimera blasts his beam around the surrounding area.)
(Y/N & friends are hiding behind a burned tree.)
(Y/N): This guy really is a monster.
(Cut to Y/N & his friends hiding in a riverbed after dodging Chimera's beam.)
Kirishima: That's some crazy power.
Tsu: Yeah. We can't even get close to him.
Iida: I don't have much Recepiral left.
Todoroki: Make an opening for me! I need to be able to touch him.
Kirishima: And then what?
Todoroki: I have an idea. (Y/N), if you wouldn't mind?
(Y/N): [chuckles] You get me, Todoroki! He's called me "little man" twice now. So who knows?
(Y/N begins to gigantifiy.)
(Y/N): I might take him out so there won't be any need to use your idea!
(Y/N steps out of the riverbed.)
(Y/N): Hey?!
Chimera: Huh?
(Y/N): I'm somewhat of a monster myself. So why don't we monsters settle this ourselves?!
Chimera: [roars]
(Y/N): [yells]
(Chimera fires a beam at Y/N but he's able to side step it.)
(Y/N): I'm going to crush you!!
(Y/N runs towards Chimera for a...)
(Y/N): Canyon Cannon!
Chimera: [groans]
(Chimera suddenly jumps up to Y/N with a fist arched back & Y/N responds with his own fist arched back.)
(Y/N): Here goes!
Chimera: [roars]
(Their fists clash against each other causing strong gusts of wind to arise.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, I think he broke my hand! But that doesn't matter!
(Y/N): This mountain...will not...crumble!!
(As their fists are still clashing; Chimera blasts a beam that hits Y/N's shoulder that he bit.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(Which causes Y/N to retract his fist & grab his shoulder. This gives Chimera the chance to punch Y/N in the face that sends him into a wall.)
(Y/N): [grunts]
(Cut to Y/N in the wall.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Chimera is now in front of Y/N.)
(Y/N): What are you look-
(Chimera blasts a beam right at Y/N.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(After a couple of seconds; Chimera stops his beam to reveal a charred Y/N.)
(Y/N): ...
A Few Seconds Later
(Todoroki is currently trying to freeze Chimera from the inside. Iida & Tsu are trying to restrain Chimera but he overpowers them & sends them into each other. Just as Chimera is about to get Todoroki off of him; a normal sized Y/N runs up to him with a gigantified hand & grabs Chimera's waist.)
(Y/N): Freeze the fucker!
(Todoroki freezes Chimera solid.)
(Imagine Y/N is on his back below Tsu.)
Todoroki: [pants] That's right. Hibernate for a while. Did we do...what we needed to? Midoriya? Bakugo?
(Y/N): Heh. Hibernate. Good one, Todo-
(Both Todoroki & Y/N lose consciousness. Nine has defeated all of the Class 1A students that were in his way. He is currently finishing off Bakugo & Midoriya.)
Katsuma: Mr. Deku!
Mahoro: Bakugo!
Katsuma: We believe in you!
Katsuma & Mahoro: Don't give up!
Nine: There you are.
(Nine begins walking towards Katsuma & Mahoro but as he's walking towards them; an object crashes between Nine & the children.)
Nine: Chimera?
(The dust around the object dissipates to reveal...)
(Y/N): So that was his name? [coughs]
Midoriya: (Y/N)?!
Bakugo: High-rise?!
Mahoro & Katsuma: Mt. Man?!
Nine: You alone defeated Chimera?
(Y/N): [groans] I wish! I...had some help.
Nine: You're strong. I'd rather not kill you because people like you belong in my new wor-
(Y/N): Go shove it!
Nine: Fine. Be that way.
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh. I'm in so much pain. My body aches. My right shoulder stings. My left hand is broken. But I'm the only one left! I have to protect them!
Mahoro & Katsuma: Mt. Man...
(Y/N turns his head to Mahoro & Katsuma.)
(Y/N): Don't worry. He won't get past me! Wanna know why? Because he's dealing with one half of The Immovable Objects & The Twin Towers!
Nine: Is that right?
(Y/N's thoughts): I'm trying to gigantify but...[groans] I'm too hurt! All I need to is to gigantify my right hand for a fi-
(Y/N gigantifies a body part but isn't his left hand. It's his...)
(Y/N's thoughts): My fingers?! I can't even Fairweather Flick him because my thumb is still normal sized! Dammit! What am I supposed to do with gigantified fingers? Finger him into submission?! Wait. That sounds wrong-
(Nine shoots some beams from his fingers that hit Y/N all over the front of his body.)
(Y/N): [growls]
(Y/N's thoughts): It's now or never, Mt. Man! I've got to go beyond!
(Y/N gigantifies & is now towering over Nine.)
Nine: So Gigantification is his Quirk?
(Y/N is in the middle of Sierra Striking Nine.)
(Y/N): Plus-
(Nine summons a bolt of lightning that hits Y/N & makes him shrink back down to his normal size.)
(Y/N): Ugh...
(Y/N is now on his back with his head laying against Shoji. Bakugo & Midoriya break free from Nine's dragons. They are now in front of Nine.)
Midoriya: We'll save everyone!
Bakugo: We'll face you and win!
(Y/N's thoughts): Did...did they just go...Super Saiyan?
Nine: Why won't you weaklings die already?!
(Nine creates multiple tornados but after a double Detroit Smash from Bakugo & Midoriya they're able to clear weather.)
(After one final smash from Midoriya & a blast from Bakugo, they're finally able to defeat Nine. A little bit after that pro heroes came to the island to assist Class 1A. All Might checked up on Midoriya & Bakugo. Including Endeavor, who embraced his son.)
(But a pro special to Y/N checked up on him.)
???: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): ...
???: (Y/N)?!
(Y/N): [groans]
???: Wake up!
(Y/N wakes up.)
(Y/N): Ugh. Yu...?
(Yu picks Y/N up for a hug.)
Yu: Do you know just how worried I was?!
(Y/N): I...can imagine.
Yu: How come whenever you go to an island with your friends; trouble seems to follow you guys?
(Y/N): I don't know...[chuckles] Ow! Don't make me laugh. It hurts when I laugh.
Yu: [sighs] Well, the next time you go off to an island, I'm coming with you, okay?!
(Y/N): (gently smiles) Okay.
(All of the villains had been arrested except for Nine who was disintegrated by Shigaraki. Katsuma & Mahoro were reunited with their father. The Heroes Public Safety Commission suddenly cancelled Class 1A's practical program but they stayed behind to help the island get back to normal. We now see Class 1A on a boat that's prepared to leave the island.)
Kaminari: Shouldn't we, like, say something before we leave?
Mina: I know right?
Iida: But we wouldn't want to interrupt the recovery efforts.
Kaminari: Well, I guess this is cooler.
Kirishima: Yeah, It's pretty hero-like.
(Y/N): You can say that again!
Yaoyorozu: True. By the way, (Y/N)? How's your hand?
(Y/N's left hand is in a cast due to being broken.)
(Y/N): It's just broken. Should be fine once we return to UA.
Yaoyorozu: That's good. So...
(Yaoyorozu pulls out a Sharpie.)
Yaoyorozu: *embarrassed blush* Can I sign your cast?
(Y/N's cast already has one signature on it. His sister, Yu.)
(Y/N): Of course I want my best friend to sign to my cast!
Yaoyorozu: *embarrassed blush* Best friend?!
Kirishima: I'm not your best friend, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yes you are, Kirishima. You're my guy best friend and Yaoyorozu is my girl best friend.
Kirishima: So can I sign your cast?
(Y/N): Go ahead.
Mina: So what you're saying is if we're not your best friend we can't sign your cast?
(Y/N): What? No! I want the entire class to sign my cast!
Class 1A: Yay!
(Y/N): Just leave enough room for Itsuka to sign it.
1A Girls: Aww!
(Y/N): *embarrassed blush* Shut up.
(Katsuma & Mahoro run up to the departing boat.)
Katsuma: Hey! Down here! Mr. Deku!
Mahoro: Bakugo! Everyone!
(Imagine Y/N between Yaoyorozu & Mina.)
Mahoro & Katsuma: Thank you so much!
Mahoro: You saved us! You saved the whole island!
(Katsuma looks up at Midoriya & Bakugo.)
Katsuma: I'll get stronger! I promise you I will! I'll get stronger enough to protect daddy and Mahoro, you'll see! And then I'll become a cool hero like you and Bakugo! One who always wins a battle no matter the odds!
Bakugo: [chuckles] You better work hard, you damn brat. Don't you forget it.
Midoriya: Hey, Katsuma! Listen, you can become a hero! I'll see you at UA one day!
(Cut Y/N about to enter his room.)
(Y/N): I can't believe everyone really signed my cast. Bakugo even signed it! He wrote "Go die!" But at least he signed it!
(Y/N opens the door to his room.)
(Y/N): They even left enough for-
Itsuka: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Itsuka?!
Itsuka: [giggles]
(Y/N): What are you doing here?!
Itsuka: *embarrassed blush* After I heard what happened, I may have...snuck my way onto the boat that was sent to get your class...
(Y/N): And you call me a romantic?
Itsuka: *happy blush*
(Y/N): How'd you know that this was my room though?
Itsuka: Because I ran into Yaoyorozu while I was looking for your room and she showed me where it was.
(Y/N's thoughts): Yaoyorozu is a pretty good wingman!
(Y/N): I owe her big time!
Itsuka: [giggles] You really do!
(Y/N): Do you want to sign my cast?
Itsuka: Yes. But before that, there's something we have to do first.
(Y/N): Wha-
(Itsuka kisses Y/N passionately which Y/N responds by passionately kissing her back. After a couple seconds of this, they break apart to breath & Itsuka buries her head into Y/N's chest.)
Itsuka: I missed you.
(Y/N): I missed you, too.
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