Chapter 24: A Big Man's Movie
A big thank you to JokerGames1999 for helping me come up with scenes for Y/N.
(Inside of the Takeyama apartment.)
Yu: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): What's up, Sis?
Yu: You're gonna go to I-Island right?
(Y/N): Of course! They did invite me for the I-Expo after all.
Yu: I hope you have fun!
(Y/N): Huh? You're not coming with me?
Yu: No, sorry.
(Y/N): Why not?!
Yu: Because I'm just swamped with hero work at the moment!
(Y/N): You're so full of shit.
Yu: (Y/N)?!
(Y/N): What?
Yu: Don't talk to me like that!
(Y/N): I think I'm justified to be talking to you like this since you won't tell me the actual reason why you aren't coming with me to I-Island!
Yu: (teary eyed) (Y/N)...
(Y/N realizes he's making his sister cry.)
(Y/N): Yu, I'm sorry!
Yu: [sniffles]
(Y/N): I didn't mean to make you cry!
Yu: I know you didn't.
(Y/N): I just want to enjoy the island and the expo with you.
Yu: I do too but like I said; I'm swamped with hero work at the moment.
(Y/N): [sighs] Okay. You aren't lying to me, right?
Yu: No! What reason do I have to lie?
(Y/N): Hmm. All right, Yu.
Yu: Good!
(Yu is lying. The reason why she's not coming with her brother to I-Island is because she's trying to get closer to Kamui Woods.)
(A noise is made from their closet.)
(Y/N): Did you hear something?
Yu: No!
(Y/N): I think it came from our closet.
Yu: Something must of fell!
(Y/N): Yeah? I'll go check-
Yu: I'll check!
(Y/N): All right?
(Y/N's thoughts): What's up with her?
(Yu goes to the closet to reveal that Kamui Woods is in there.)
Kamui Woods: Is he gone yet?
Yu: Not yet.
Kamui Woods: I still don't know why I have to hide?
Yu: Because I'm not ready for my brother to find out us!
Kamui Woods: There's a "us"?
Yu: *embarrassed blush* Uh...just keep waiting!
Kamui Woods: Takeyama, wai-
(Yu closes the closet door & returns to her brother.)
Yu: Anyways, why don't you bring a girl?
(Y/N): A girl?!
Yu: Yeah! A trip to an island is very romantic, (Y/N).
(Y/N): That may be true but there aren't any girls I'm interested in at the moment...
(Y/N pictures Kendo.)
(Y/N): *medium blush*
Yu: Then why are you blushing?
(Y/N): *angry blush* I am not!
Yu: [giggles] Whatever you say, (Y/N). Then how about you bring a friend?
(Y/N): I'll probably do that.
Yu: Okay, (Y/N). I'm gonna go patrol. Let me know who you're going to invite.
(Y/N): Okay, Yu!
(Yu leaves Y/N so he can try to invite one of his friends to I-Island.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I'd like to invite Kendo but I'm pretty sure it'd be weird for me to randomly ask her on a trip. We just danced at Uwabami's party and more importantly, I don't even have her contact info.
(Y/N): Looks like I'm inviting Kirishima. Hopefully he can go.
(Y/N calls Kirirshima.)
Kirishima: Hello?
(Y/N): Kirishima?
Kirishima: (Y/N), my man! What can I do for you?
(Y/N): I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to I-Island for the I-Expo?
Kirishima: Hell yeah, man!
(Y/N): Thank goodness. I didn't want to go alone.
Kirishima: Why invite me and not your sister?
(Y/N): Because she's swamped with hero work right now.
Kirishima: That sucks!
(Y/N): I know.
Kirishima: Do you mind if I invite Bakugo?
(Y/N): You're joking?
Kirishima: C'mon, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): I'm not sure I'm his favorite person in the world right now. I beat him in our Sports Festival match and you saw him restrained at the award ceremony...
Kirishima: Please, (Y/N)?!
(Y/N): I don't know...
Kirishima: He's not that bad once you get to know him!
(Y/N): Fine.
Kirishima: Awesome! Thanks, bro.
(Y/N): I'll see you two later.
(Cut to Y/N in front of the plane that will take him & his two guests to I-Island. He's also waiting for Bakugo & Kirishima to show up.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Let's see if I have everything.
(Y/N): Comfy clothes? Check! Formal clothes? Check! Toothbrush? Check! Phone? Check! Charger? Check! Earpods? Check! Costume? Check! That should be everything. Ugh, I know I gave Kirishima the go-ahead to invite Bakugo but he' acquired taste to say the least. Maybe he'll decline-
(Kirishima & Bakugo show up & are now walking towards Y/N.)
Kirishima: Hey, (Y/N)! We're not late, are we?
(Y/N): Nah, you two are good.
(Bakugo & Y/N make eye contact.)
(Y/N): Bakugo.
Bakugo: High-rise.
(Y/N's thoughts): I guess I'll try to make an effort to be his friend.
(Y/N): Your eye seems to be better, Bakugo.
Bakugo: Shut up, High-rise! I don't need or want your concern!
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, I tried.
(Y/N): Whatever, Firecracker.
Bakugo: What did you call me?!
(Y/N): I just called you what your explosions are.
Bakugo: You want a rematch?!
(Y/N): I'm right here!
(Y/N begins to gigantifiy but Kirishima stands between the two.)
Kirishima: C'mon, guys. Let's just enjoy the trip and the island.
(Y/N shrinks back down to his normal size.)
(Y/N): [sighs] You're right.
Bakugo: Whatever.
(Bakugo walks into the plane & as he does he brushes by Y/N's shoulder.)
Kirishima: I swear he's not that bad once you get to know him!
(Y/N): This is gonna be one hell of a trip.
(Cut to the trio's plane about to land on I-Island.)
Kirishima: Bakugo, wake up! We're here!
Bakugo: [groans]
(Y/N): I'll wake him up, Kirishima.
Kirishima: Okay. But how?
(Y/N): Fairweather Flick!
(Y/N flicks Bakugo's head with his giant fingers which instantly wakes Bakugo up.)
Bakugo: Ahh! High-rise, you bastard!
(Y/N): [laughs]
Bakugo: I'll kill you!
(Bakugo tries to lunge at Y/N but Kirishima holds him back.)
Kirishima: Calm down, Bakugo! We're here.
(Y/N): [laughs] We should properly change into our costumes. [laughs]
(Cut to the trio outside of the airport.)
(Imagine Y/N, Kirishima, & Bakugo there instead of Midoriya.)
Kirishima: Wow!
(Y/N): This place is amazing!
Bakugo: Idiots.
Kirishima: Apparently unlike back in Japan, people are allowed to use their Quirks however they wish on the island.
(Y/N's thoughts): [gasps] That means I can be a giant for however long I want!
(Y/N): Try not to blow anything up, Bakugo.
Bakugo: How about I start with you?!
Island Attendant: Welcome to I-Expo. [gasps] Are you (Y/N) Takeyama?!
(Y/N): Yes?
Island Attendant: We're so glad that the winner of the Sports Festival could make it to the Expo.
(After the attendant had said this; a bunch of people crowd Y/N.)
Civilian 4A: Your matches were amazing!
(Y/N): Thanks.
Civilian 4R: Can I have your autograph?
(Y/N): Of course.
Crowd: Us too!
Civilian 3W: Your sister is so hot!
(Y/N): What?!
Bakugo: [growls] Stupid giant.
(Bakugo walks off.)
Kirishima: Bakugo, wait! We'll see you at the hotel, (Y/N)!
(Kirishima follows Bakugo.)
(Y/N): Later, Kirishima!
(Cut to Y/N after giving everyone in the crowd an autograph.)
(Y/N): Ah! Hand cramp! I better get used to giving so many autographs if I'm going to be a pro. I might as well look around a bit before I head to the hotel. I should probably get some souvenirs for Yu and Kendo.
(Y/N gigantifies himself & walks around the island.)
(Y/N): The buildings here look pretty detailed. I need be careful not to step on anyone-
Civilian 5T: Hey!
(Y/N): Sorry!
Civilian 5T: Just watch where you're stepping!
(Y/N): I said I was sorry...
(Suddenly a rumbling occurs.)
(Y/N): I'm not moving so who's causing the rumbling?
(Y/N turns around to see who's causing the rumbling.)
(Y/N): [gasps] No way! It's the Monster Hero, Godzilla!
(Replace Midoriya & Melissa with a gigantified Y/N.)
(Y/N): He's huge! I'm an insect compared to him!
(Y/N's thoughts): I have to get a selfie with him!
(Y/N runs up Godzilla.)
(Y/N): Hello, Mr. Godzilla. I'm a big fan!
Godzilla: ...
(Y/N): That wasn't a joke! I really am a big fan!
Godzilla: ...
(Y/N): I love all of your movies!
(Y/N's thoughts): I'm embarrassing myself...
(Y/N): I'm sorry for taking so much of your time but could I take a selfie with you?
(Y/N pulls out his phone.)
Godzilla: [roars]
(Y/N): Was that a yes?
(Godzilla takes Y/N's phone, places his left arm over Y/N, & takes a selfie with the young hero.)
(Y/N): I can die happy now. Thank you so much!!
Godzilla: [roars]
(Godzilla waves goodbye to Y/N & walks away.)
(Y/N): Yu is gonna lose her mind when she sees this!
(Y/N continues to walk around the island.)
(Y/N): Honestly, the selfie with Godzilla has made this trip worth it!
(Y/N hears an explosion.)
(Y/N): I have a pretty good idea of who caused that...
(Cut to the inside of the stadium.)
Yaoyorozu: So Kirishima, were you and Bakugo invited to the Expo as well?
Kirishima: Nah. We just tagged along with (Y/N) since he won the Sports Festival.
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N) is here?
Midoriya: Where is he?
Melissa: Who's (Y/N)?
(Another rumble occurs.)
Midoriya: Is it Godzilla?
(Y/N walks into the stadium.)
Kirishima: Speak of the devil!
(Y/N): Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Uraraka, Iida, and Midoriya?
(Y/N): What are you guys doing here?
Jiro: We're here for the Expo.
(Y/N): Ah, of course!
(Melissa is currently in awe of just how big Y/N is.)
Melissa: So big...
(Y/N): Hm?
(Y/N looks down at Melissa. He then crouches down to Melissa & Midoriya.)
(Y/N's thoughts): She's cute.
(Y/N's thoughts): So, Midoriya? Who's the blonde?
Midoriya: Oh! This my friend Melissa. She's showing us around the island.
Melissa: Nice to meet you.
(Melissa offers her hand for a handshake. Which makes Y/N shrink back down to normal size & accept her handshake.)
(Y/N): Nice to meet you, too.
(Y/N looks over to see Midoriya hiding behind Iida from Bakugo.
(Y/N): Bakugo! Stop hanging off the railing!
Bakugo: Shut up, High-rise!
Melissa's thoughts: High-rise is an appropriate nickname.
Kirishima: You guys gonna do this villain course or what?
Bakugo: Don't even try it. There's no way you'll get a better score than I did!
(Y/N): I already beat you in the Sports Festival so I have nothing to prove to you.
Bakugo: [growls]
Midoriya: Yeah, you're probably right. Yup!
Uraraka: Hm? I'm not so sure. There's only one way to find out I guess.
Midoriya: Yeah, you're probably right. Huh?
Bakugo: Just hurry and get your pathetic attempt over, you damn nerd! Then get out of here!
Midoriya: Right, I'll do that.
(Midoriya goes through the villain course & places second.)
Melissa's thoughts: He has such explosive speed and that destructive power. It's just like Uncle Might's. But...
Uraraka: Wow!
Iida: That was a good showing, Midoriya.
Midoriya: I didn't think I'd be able to get so close to Kacchan's time.
Bakugo: What?! No way! I'll go again and turn your time to ash!
(Y/N): You're still in first place though?
(Todoroki takes first place by freezing the villain course.)
(Cut to their reaction to this.)
(Imagine Y/N is next to Kirishima.)
Midoriya: Todoroki's here too?
Melissa: Another one from U.A.?
Yaoyorozu: Yup.
Melissa: Your class is amazing. You're gonna be such great heroes.
Yaoyorozu: You're too kind.
(Bakugo blasts off to Todoroki.)
Bakugo: Outta the way you Icy Hot bastard!
Todoroki: Bakugo.
Bakugo: You can't just appear out of nowhere and show me up!
Todoroki: And I see the others are here as well.
Bakugo: Don't ignore me! What are you even doing on the island anyway?
Todoroki: My father was invited so I'm representing him.
Announcer Lady: Um, the next person is waiting.
Bakugo: Shut up! I'm doing it again!
(Iida runs down to Bakugo & Todoroki.)
Iida: Everyone please stop! You're gonna make the world think that UA is full of degenerates!
(Midoriya & Kirishima jump down to Bakugo & Todoroki.)
Melissa: [laughs]
Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Jiro: [groans]
(Y/N): [sighs]
Melissa: Sorry for laughing. I was just thinking that it looks like you have a whole lot of fun at your school.
Yaoyorozu: Well, it's never boring, I'll say that at least.
(Y/N): There never is a dull moment at UA.
Jiro & Uraraka: True.
(Cut to All Might & Dave talking about his numbered days of being the symbol of peace.)
All Might's thoughts: Besides, there's still hope. For the future One For All and the symbol of peace. A new generation of heroes will rise to take my place.
(Cut to Y/N, Kirishima, & Bakugo in their room.)
Bakugo: Why would I want to go to a party? It'll just be a bunch of old geezers I don't know giving speeches. Sounds like a pretty lame night to me.
Kirishima: But we can eat as much gourmet food as we want!
(Y/N): Free food is always a plus!
Bakugo: Well it's not like I brought any fancy clothes with me anyway.
Kirishima: I figured you wouldn't. So I brought some stuff for ya.
(Imagine Y/N is next to Kirishima.)
Bakugo: You gotta be kidding, you spiky haired idot!
(Y/N): I think what you meant to say was "Thanks, Kirishima."
(Y/N takes a look around their room.)
(Y/N's thoughts): This is a pretty...romantic room.
(Cut to Y/N meeting his friends for the party.)
(Y/N): You all look great!
(Y/N looks at Mineta.)
(Y/N): Whose lost child is this?
Mineta: Real funny, (Y/N).
Iida: (Y/N), why aren't Kirishima and Bakugo with you?
(Y/N): Kirishima is still trying to convince Bakugo to come to the party so he told me to just go on ahead.
(Y/N): Lookin' sharp, Todoroki.
Todoroki: You as well, (Y/N).
(Midoriya shows up.)
Midoriya: Sorry about that you...guys? Where is everybody?
Iida: They're not here yet. Does a proper meeting time mean nothing to you people?
(Uraraka shows up.)
Uraraka: Sorry, I'm late. It took me a while to get ready.
Kaminari & Mineta: Best night ever!
(Yaoyorozu & Jiro show up.)
Yaoyorozu: Apologies for the tardiness. Jiro is feeling shy.
Kaminari & Mineta: Jackpot! Yes!
(Y/N): Aww, Jiro!
Jiro: This is fancier than anything I've worn before. It feels like a costume.
Kaminari: I'm just glad you're not in a t-shirt.
Mineta: Even the jacket can't ruin it.
(Jiro sends her Jacks at Kaminari & Mineta.)
Jiro: Shut up!
Kaminari: Why would you do that? It was a compliment.
Jiro: No it wasn't.
(Y/N): You're such a tsundere, Jiro.
Jiro: *embarrassed blush* No I'm not!
(Jiro sends her Jacks at Y/N but he catches them.)
(Y/N): Total tsundere move.
Jiro: *angry blush* Let. Go.
(Y/N): Hm?
(Y/N notices the blush on Jiro's face.)
(Y/N): [chuckles] Sorry, Jiro.
(Y/N lets go of her Jacks.)
(Melissa shows up.)
Melissa: Oh, good! I thought I was gonna miss you guys. Let's head down to the party.
Mineta: The headliner has arrived!
Kaminari: Mineta. I can't take much more of this, I think might actually die!
Jiro: Maybe those tickets were a mistake.
(Y/N): Please tone it down you two.
Iida: It's no good. Neither of them are picking up their phones. Knowing those two, they're probably blowing off the party.
(Y/N): I seriously doubt that, Iida.
(Kirishima & Bakugo are revealed to be lost.)
(Suddenly the building is shielded shut because of a bomb threat.)
(Imagine Y/N is between Melissa & Midoriya.)
Todoroki: I'm not getting any signal.
(Y/N): Ugh, me either.
Todoroki: Looks like my service is completely blocked.
Mineta: Are you serious?
Jiro: The elevators aren't working either.
Mineta: What the heck is goin' on here?!
Melissa: It's strange that the system would go on high alert. That's not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered.
Midoriya: Iida, let's go to that party.
Iida: For what reason?
Midoriya: Cause that's the place where All Might is right now.
(Everyone is surprised to hear this.)
(Y/N): That's a relief.
Midoriya: So Melissa, do you know of a way to get down there without the elevator?
(Melissa tells them about the emergency stairs which prompts them to follow her lead.)
(Cut to Midoriya signaling All Might.)
Midoriya: Okay, he knows we're here. Jiro, is your Jack in place?
Jiro: Yeah.
(All Might then reveals that the entire island is being held hostage.)
Iida: We've received All Might's orders loud and clear. He's our teacher. I suggest that we follow his instructions and escape this place immediately. Otherwise we'd be going against his will.
Yaoyorozu: I'm afraid I have to agree with what Iida is saying. We're still only students. We can't fight these villains if we don't have our hero licenses.
Kaminari: Why don't we get out of here and tell the heroes outside?
(Melissa reveals that it won't be easy to escape from here because the security is on the same level as Tartarus Prison.)
Kaminari: Then all we can do is just sit here and wait until everything is over I guess.
Jiro: Are you really okay with that, Kaminari?
Kaminari: What choice do we have?
Jiro: Don't you think we should at least try and stop them?
Mineta: Hey c'mon! Those villains even got All Might trapped. There's no way we can stop them ourselves if the actual pros are stuck.
(Y/N): You really are a coward, Mineta.
(It becomes silent as the students contemplate what to do.)
Midoriya: I want to help.
Students: [gasps]
Uraraka: Really, Deku?
Midoriya: I want to save them.
Mineta: You want to go fight those villains?! Didn't you learn anything from the USJ, Midoriya?!
(Y/N gigantifies his right hand & picks Mineta up by his face.)
(Y/N): Another word of cowardice from you and I will pop your head like a pimple.
Mineta: [whimpers]
(Midoriya & Melissa come up with a plan to make it to the control room. Then everyone agrees to go with Midoriya.)
(Y/N): Count me in!
Midoriya: Thanks, (Y/N).
Mineta: Have you lost your minds?! Alright, I'll go!
Midoriya: Thanks, Mineta.
(Y/N's thoughts): I'd prefer it he'd stay here but whatever.
(Melissa joins them because she knows how to change the security system settings.)
(Cut to the students going up the emergency stairs.)
Iida: Level 30.
Midoriya: Wait Melissa, how high does it go?
Melissa: The 200th floor.
Kaminari: The what?!
(Y/N's thoughts): Fuck me.
Mineta: That's way too many stairs.
Yaoyorozu: But it's still better than running into the villains.
(The students are still going up the stairs but as they do, with each step they get more tired.)
(Y/N): Hey guys, let's stop for a minute.
Midoriya: We don't have time to rest, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I know that but hear me out.
(The students stop to listen to Y/N.)
(Y/N): [deep breathe] We've gone up a lot of stairs so far.
Uraraka: Yeah.
Kaminari: Obviously.
(Y/N): So I'm suggesting why don't I carry you guys the rest of the way there?
Todoroki: Are you sure, (Y/N)?
Midoriya: The thought of you carrying us did cross my mind.
(Y/N): Yeah, I'm sure and it's the most logical way for everyone to save their strength.
Jiro: Except for you!
Yaoyorozu: We're fine, (Y/N). Besides, wouldn't you get tired quicker in your giant form?
(Y/N): I can see why you'd think that, Yaoyorozu. But I've been doing endurance and stamina training in my giant form so I can keep it longer. So I should be fine to carry you all to the 200th floor.
Mineta: Why are we even debating this? Let's hitch a ride on (Y/N)!
(Y/N): (glares at Mineta)
Iida: Okay, (Y/N).
(Y/N gigantifies himself just enough to be able to carry his friends and they are now on their way to the 200th floor.)
(Y/N's thoughts): It's a good thing that none of them are too heavy. I don't mind being a cargo mule given the circumstances. I just wish Mineta wasn't on my head!
Mineta: Faster, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
Melissa: Your Quirk is amazing, (Y/N).
(Y/N): *blush* Thanks.
(Y/N reaches a locked door which prompts him to let his friends off of him & lets him shrink back down to normal.)
(Y/N): [pants] Looks like the training paid off.
Todoroki: What should we do? Break through it?
Melissa: If we did that I'm sure the security system would alert the villains that someone is in here.
Mineta: Then why don't we go through this door instead?
Midoriya: Mineta!
Melissa: No, don't!
(Mineta opens the door which alerts the villains that they're there.)
(Y/N): I knew we should've left him!
(Cut to the students in a plant factory after Todoroki stopped a barrier from closing using his ice & Iida kicking a door open.)
Jiro: Hold on! Look, the elevator is coming up.
Mineta: Don't tell me the villains found us?
(Y/N's thoughts): If they did, it's because SOMEBODY opened a door that alerted them that we are here!
(The students are now hiding behind some bushes as some villains come out of the elevator.)
Villain 5S: Hey! We see you, stupid kids!
(Y/N's thoughts): No way.
Bakugo: What'd you say, you bastard?
Midoriya's thoughts: Kacchan and Kirishima?
(Y/N): [whispering] So they actually showed up?
(Kirishima tells the villains that they got lost looking for a party but the villains don't believe him. One of the villains throws an air attack at Kirishima but Todoroki is able to block it with his ice.)
Bakugo: This looks like...
Kirishima: Todoroki?
Todoroki: The three of us can keep them busy down here. Look for a way to the top.
Midoriya: What are you-
(Todoroki creates ice under his friends & sends them up.)
Todoroki: I'm fine, go!
Yaoyorozu: Todoroki!
Todoroki: I'll be right behind you after I clean up this mess.
Yaoyorozu: Right!
(Y/N): You better come find us when you're done with those guys!
(Cut to Yaoyorozu opening a vent that leads to the maintenance room.)
Yaoyorozu: Somebody climbs through the vent and into the exterior wall, they can get into the maintenance room.
Midoriya: But who can fit in such a cramped space and then climb the outer wall without falling?
(Y/N): Isn't it obvious?
(They all look at Mineta.)
Mineta: You can't be serious?! No, I can't!
Uraraka: Please, Mineta?
Jiro: You're the only one who can do it.
Mineta: You idiots! Do you have any idea how high up we are?!
(Y/N): Mineta!!
(Y/N is about to walk over to Mineta but Kaminari places a hand on his shoulder which stops Y/N.)
Kaminari: Let me talk to him.
(Kaminari convinces Mineta by telling him if he does this he'll be interviewed and gain a harem.)
Mineta: Fine, I'll do it!
(Y/N's thoughts): Mineta is the last person to ever get a harem.
(Cut to Y/N's group on the 130th floor.)
Uraraka: So many robot sentries.
Iida: The villains aren't just trying to lock us in anymore. It looks like they're trying to capture us now.
Midoriya: If so, then I bet that they realized that we're Hero Course students.
(Y/N): Ugh.
(Yaoyorozu creates the same blanket she made from the USJ attack.)
(Cut to Kaminari doing Plan A.)
Kaminari: Indiscriminate Shock: 1.3 Million Volts!
Midoriya: It's not working!
Kaminari: Ugh. Fine, How about we try 2 Million Volts!
Jiro: Don't! If you do that then...
Jiro: You'll turn stupid.
Midoriya: At least he stopped the robots for us, right?
(The robots are just fine.)
(Y/N): You spoke too soon, Midoriya.
Jiro: Kaminari!
Mineta: They're just too strong!
(They commence with Plan B which is smoke that jams the robots' communications.)
Midoriya: Now, Mineta!
(Mineta throws some of his balls at robots that gets them stuck in place.)
Mineta: Don't hurt Kaminari. He's got a harem to come home too!
(Y/N's thoughts): Kaminari is more believable to get a harem than Mineta.
(Some of the robots jump over the robots that are stuck.)
Iida: Our turn! C'mon, Midoriya! (Y/N)!
Midoriya: Let's go!
(Y/N gigantifies his fists.)
(Y/N): [chuckles] Oh, yeah.
(Y/N & Midoriya punch the robots while Iida saves Kaminari.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Hmm, cool glove.
(They head right because more robots are coming from the left.)
Melissa: I'm so glad you brought it.
Midoriya: [chuckles] I didn't know how to get it off my arm.
Melissa: [giggles]
(Cut to the 138th floor, The Server Room.)
(More robots appear to stop our heroes.)
(Y/N): That's a lot of robots.
Iida: A trap?
Midoriya: Let's break through, Iida and (Y/N)!
Melissa: Wait a sec! We can't damage these servers. It could affect the island's security system.
(More robots appear.)
Mineta: How many of these things are there?
Yaoyorozu: We can handle these machines while protecting the servers.
Iida: Midoriya, go. Take Melissa and see if you can find a different route.
Midoriya: We'll leave it to them. Come on!
Melissa: Ochako, you should come with us, too.
Uraraka: But the robots...?
Iida: Do it. They may need you.
(Y/N): We'll be fine.
(Midoriya, Melissa, & Uraraka run off.)
Iida: Torkover Recepiral Burst!
(Iida zooms over to the robots.)
(Y/N runs towards the robots & as he does; he gigantifies himself.)
Yaoyorozu: Please be mindful of the servers, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I know, Yaoyorozu. Sierra Strike!
(Yaoyorozu creates a cannon.)
Yaoyorozu: [pants] If you'll take over the gun. I'll make us some soft ammo.
Jiro: Roger that!
(Iida kicks some robots, Y/N is swatting away robots in his giant form, and Jiro is firing at the robots with the cannon.)
Mineta: I won't let you hurt my ladies!
(Mineta throws some of his balls at the robots.)
(Y/N): Ugh! These robots are endless!
(Y/N brings his giant arms down on some robots.)
(As Iida continues to kick the robots; his engines stall.)
Iida's thoughts: Stalled?
Iida: Ahh!
Jiro: Iida! Yaomomo, ammo!
(Jiro looks at the condition she's in.)
Jiro: Yaomomo?!
Yaoyorozu: [pants] That's my limit with creation.
(Mineta is shown with a bleeding scalp.)
Mineta: My scalps' telling me it's time to surrender.
(The robots capture Iida, Jiro, Yaoyorzu, Kaminari, & Mineta leaving only Y/N left.)
(Y/N): Don't worry guys, I'm com-
(Some robots fire some ropes around Y/N's wrists in the hopes of pulling him to the ground & restraining him.)
(Y/N): [scoffs] You machines think you can hold me?!
(More robots then fire some ropes around Y/N's ankles.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I've got to free my friends!
(Y/N overpowers the robots holding him & sends them into the surrounding walls.)
(Y/N): [yells] Nothing can hold Mt. Man!
(A bunch of robots jump up & hit Y/N's knee which causes Y/N to kneel.)
(Y/N): [growls] Going for my legs.
(More robots jump up & crash into Y/N's face.)
(Dropping him & makes him shrink back down to normal so they can capture him with the rest of his friends.)
(Cut to the villains watching what just happened.)
(Imagine Y/N in the middle restrained by ropes.)
Villain 4C: That's what you get for thinking you could take us. [sighs] That giant almost had us though. What about the three that ran?
Villain 4R: We're looking for them now.
Villain 4C: Ugh, these kids are so annoying.
(Cut Y/N's group after Melissa took control of the security system.)
Iida: Melissa and Midoriya must've made it to the top!
(Y/N): That's great!
(Y/N walks over to Yaoyorozu.)
(Y/N): Yaoyorozu, are you okay?
Yaoyorozu: I'm fine, (Y/N). I just need to catch my breath.
(Cut to the UA students arriving to help All Might.)
Bakugo: How can you let yourself get beat by such a lame final boss? Hurry and take him down!
All Might: Thanks for the help Young Bakugo.
(Imagine Y/N is also helping Yaoyorozu walk.)
Todoroki: We'll do what we can. We'll help you!
Midoriya: Todoroki! Everyone!
Kirishima: Iida. (Y/N). Let's knock those hunks of metal out of the sky.
(Y/N gigantifies himself.)
(Y/N): Right behind you!
Iida: Yaoyorozu, take care of things done here.
Yaoyorozu: Right!
(Y/N & his friends begin to smash all of the metal around them.)
(Y/N's thoughts): We're getting nowhere!
(All Might is about to hit the villain but before he can, the villain catches him, traps him between hunks of metal, and sends some metal spears through the hunks of metal.)
(Y/N): No!!!
(Midoriya jumps up to where All Might is being held & Detroit smashes it.)
(Y/N): Midoriya?!
(All Might & Midoriya begin running towards the villain. The villain tries to stop them by sending metal at them but Bakugo & Todoroki stop the metal from reaching All Might & Midoriya.)
(Y/N's thoughts): They're coming right for me! I've got to help them!
(Y/N): All Might! Midoriya!
All Might & Midoriya: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Jump up to me and I'll throw you to him!
(All Might & Midoriya jump up to Y/N & Y/N catches them.)
(Y/N): Here we go!
(Y/N arches his arms back...)
(Y/N's thoughts): I've always wanted to say this...
(And throws All Might & Midoriya.)
(Y/N): [yells] Yeet!
(Y/N): Argh, my shoulders!
(Y/N threw All Might & Midoriya so hard that he had dislocated both of his shoulders.)
(Y/N): [grunts] I can't lift my arms...
(The villain sends a giant metal cube at All Might & Midoriya but after a double Detroit Smash, they destroy it.)
Uraraka: Deku!
Yaoyorozu & Jiro: Stop him, All Might!
Iida, Mineta, Kirishima, & (Y/N): Go, Midoriya!
Todoroki & Bakugo: Destroy this guy!
(All Might & Midoriya punch the villain & defeat him.)
Iida: They did it.
Mineta: They stopped him. They beat up that villain and saved our lives!
(Cut to Midoriya & Melissa in the aftermath of the fight.)
Midoriya: Oh! But I broke it, sorry about that.
Melissa: [giggles] Don't worry about it.
Uraraka: [yelling] Deku!
(Imagine a normal sized Y/N is behind Bakugo with his arms slumped in front of him because of both his shoulders being dislocated.)
Midoriya: [yelling] We're fine up here! All Might and the professor are okay, too!
Melissa: [yelling] But what about the rest of you guys?
Uraraka: [yelling] We're good!
Iida: [yelling] Alive anyway! Well, except for (Y/N).
Midoriya: [yelling] What's wrong with him?
Iida: [yelling] Both of his shoulders are dislocated!
Midoriya & Melissa: [yelling] What?!
Bakugo: Ugh! Come here, High-rise!
(Y/N): Okay, but why-
(Before Y/N can finish his sentence; Bakugo pops both of Y/N's shoulders back into place.)
(Y/N): [yells] Ahh! Bakugo! What the hell?!
Bakugo: Quit your bitchin'! You should be thanking me!
(Y/N): [growls] Thank you.
(Cut to All Might & some UA students having a barbeque.)
(Y/N): [whimpers]
(Everyone else is enjoying kabobs but Y/N isn't due to his arms being in slings because of his recently back in place dislocated shoulders.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I'm so hungry...
(Suddenly a kabob is lifted towards Y/N's mouth.)
(Y/N): Huh?
(Y/N looks over to see who's lifting the kabob for him & it's...)
(Y/N): Yaoyorozu?!
Yaoyorozu: Yes, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): You're feeding me?
Yaoyorozu: Well, since your arms are in slings I thought it'd be best to feed you...and besides, *small blush* you're my friend.
(Y/N): *big smile* Thanks, Yaoyorozu!
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