Chapter 21: The League vs. Mt. Man
(Y/N is still in the air.)
(Y/N's thoughts): It's the League. I don't see Twice and I don't recognize the long black haired guy. He's probably from the Liberation Front. Looks like they haven't noticed me yet. Which means...
(Y/N): I can take them out of the game before Gigantomachia reaches my friends!
(Y/N lands on Gigantomachia's back.)
(Y/N): [groans] The League of Villains.
Spinner: He's normal sized now. So he should be easy to care of, right?
Compress: Perhaps, Spinner. But this hero seems to be on his last legs.
(Y/N): [coughs blood] Shut up.
Dabi: Why do heroes keep fighting even when they're on death's doorstep?
Toga: ...
(Y/N's thoughts): Dabi's not wrong.
(Y/N): [groans]
(Y/N's thoughts): I am close to death's door. But that doesn't matter. A hero faces evil even when close to death!
(Y/N): Sizeless Dash!
(Y/N dashes towards the League.)
League: He's fast!
(Y/N's thoughts): Who should I take out first? Probably Dabi because he's their only long range fighter. Then Toga because...well, she's crazy.
(Dabi shoots some fire at Y/N. But he dashes right through it.)
(Y/N): Fiji Fist!
(Y/N punches Dabi in the gut.)
Dabi: [grunts]
Dabi's thoughts: So he's fireproof?
(Y/N dashes over to Toga.)
(Y/N): Centennial Peak Chop!
(Y/N attempts to chop Toga but she ducks under it.)
Toga: I lost a friend today.
(Y/N): Huh?
Toga: So I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now but if you insist on getting in our way, then I'll cut you all the same.
(Y/N): Cry me a river.
(Toga begins to swing her knife in an attempt to stab Y/N but he's able to dodge her.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I'm glad I took up Todoroki's offer on interning with the No. 1. Without the training that extended my dash's time limit, I'd be dead by now.
(As Y/N is dodging Toga's blade; Spinner tries to attack Y/N.)
(Y/N): Stupid lizard.
(Before Spinner can even think of an attack, Y/N hits him with an...)
(Y/N): Fairweather Flick!
(Which drops Spinner.)
Spinner: [grunts]
Toga: Ugh! Just let me cut you already!
(Y/N): Not happening!
(Y/N catches Toga with a giant hand & pulls her in close for a...)
(Y/N): Hampton Headbutt!
(Which drops Toga.)
Toga: [groans]
(Y/N): [pants] Where's Compress?
(Compress appears behind Y/N & is about to trap him in a ball until Y/N dodges him.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Getting tired...
(Y/N grabs Compress's metal arm.)
(Y/N): What happened to your arm?
Compress: That's none of your business!
(Y/N): True.
(Y/N lifts Compress up by his right arm.)
Compress: [yells]
(Dabi shoots some fire at Y/N but it does nothing.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I think it's time I take Dabi out of the game!
(Y/N drops Compress, dashes through Dabi's fire, & grabs Dabi by his wrists.)
(Y/N): [pants] You're done.
Dabi: [chuckles]
(Y/N): [pants] What's so funny?
Dabi: You're pretty fast but you're slowing down!
(Toga regains consciousness & throws some knives into Y/N's back.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(Y/N lets go of Dabi.)
Dabi: Why don't you just keel over already?
(Dabi kicks Y/N in the gut which causes Y/N to drop to his knees.)
(Y/N): [grunts]
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh. There's knives in my back and my heart feels like it's going to explode. But if I can just...
(Y/N is about to get up but Spinner punches him in the face before he can.)
(Y/N): [grunts]
Spinner: I admire your fight, Mt. Man.
(Cut to Yu being dragged by Gigantomachia.)
Yu: This guy is unstoppable!
Yu's thoughts: (Y/N), please be okay!
(Cut back to the top of Gigantomachia's back.)
(Y/N): [pants]
Yaoyorozu: Where are you, (Y/N)?
Kirishima & Tetsutetsu: (Y/N)?!
Itsuka: (Y/N), please!
(Y/N): [whispering] Sorry, guys.
Dabi: Compress.
Compress: With pleasure.
(Y/N's thoughts): I should've kissed Itsuka before I left.
(Y/N): (closes his eyes)
(Dabi shoots some of his fire at Y/N & Compress traps Y/N in a ball filled with Dabi's fire. Just like they did with the Sand Hero, Snatch.)
Spinner: I thought he was fireproof?
Toga: Yeah?
Dabi: His costume may be but his insides aren't.
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