Chapter 20: Gigantomachia vs. Mt. Man
Everyone thank Giova2019 for convincing me to publish two new chapters a day early.
(Yaoyorozu is currently trying to convince Y/N to stick to the plan.)
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?!
(Y/N): ...
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?!
(Y/N): [sighs]
Yaoyorozu: Mt. Man?! I know you can hear me!
Years Ago
(A young Y/N is being scolded by his dad.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Why did you hit Yu's boyfriend, (Y/N)?
Young (Y/N): Because...
(Y/N)'s Dad: Because why?
Young (Y/N): Because he hit her!
(Y/N)'s Dad: He what?!
Young (Y/N): Once he hit me back though, Yu nearly killed him. They broke up after that.
(Y/N)'s Dad: Good girl. But (Y/N), the next time you see something like that, tell your mother or myself.
Young (Y/N): [cries]
(Y/N)'s Dad: What's wrong, son?
Young (Y/N): [sniffles] I just wanted to protect her...
(Y/N)'s Dad: [chuckles]
Young (Y/N): What?
(Y/N)'s Dad: [chuckles]
Young (Y/N): Why are you laughing?!
(Y/N)'s Dad: You know, son?
Young (Y/N): What...?
(Y/N)'s Dad: Your mother and I aren't going to be here forever.
Young (Y/N): Nonsense! You and mom will live forever!
(Y/N)'s Dad's thoughts: I wish that was the case...
(Y/N's Dad ruffles Y/N's hair.)
Young (Y/N): Stop!
(Y/N)'s Dad: [chuckles] As long as you're protecting Yu then your mother and I have nothing to worry about.
Young (Y/N): Yeah!
End Flashback
(Y/N's thoughts): I'm sorry, Dad. I couldn't protect her in the end.
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)?! Answer me-
(Y/N): Itsuka. If I don't make it back, know that I-
Itsuka: Shut up! Don't talk like I'm never going to see you again!
(Y/N's thoughts): I should've known she would respond like that.
Itsuka: Come back to me.
(Y/N): Okay.
Itsuka: Promise me!
(Y/N): ...
Itsuka: Promise me, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): I promise.
Jiro: He's already in earshot! Geez, he's fast, he'll be here in under 10 seconds!
(Y/N): For Mt. Lady. For my sister. For Yu-
(Yu's voice is heard.)
Drawn/Colored by: Hexamendle from Instagram
(Y/N): Yu's alive?!
(Y/N's thoughts): There's no time for me to be relieved! I've got to buy my friends some time!
Jiro: He's slowed down!! But only a little...
(Y/N's thoughts): Thanks, Sis. Now, let your little brother take over.
Gigantomachia: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
(Y/N): Keep laughing you big bastard!
(Gigantomachia gets closer to Y/N which makes him gigantifiy for an...)
(Y/N): Ascending Uppercut!
(Y/N uppercuts Gigantomachia right under his jaw but Gigantomachia is still standing.)
Yu: (Y/—Mt. Man?! What are you doing here?!
(Y/N): Protecting my sister.
(Cut to the League on Gigantomachia's back.)
Spinner: How many giants do the heroes have?!
Dabi: How annoying.
Compress: Wait, we've seen him before!
Toga: Potty mouth...
(Cut to the heroes in the forest preparing their plan.)
Jiro: (Y/N) has engaged the villain!
Yaoyorozu: We must hurry!
Itsuka: (Y/N)...
Kirishima: Don't worry, Kendo! (Y/N) is the manliest guy I know! He'll come back to you.
Tetsutetsu: Yeah!
Kirishima: A real man doesn't break his promises!
Itsuka: (gently smiles) Yeah.
(Cut to Y/N right after Ascending Uppercutting Gigantomachia.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Hmm. Back in the Practical Exam, I was able to drop Yu with my Ascending Uppercut. But this guy is still standing after it.
Gigantomachia: ...Takeyama!
Yu: [gasps]
(Y/N): You know me?
Gigantomachia: My former master told me about you.
(Y/N's thoughts): Former master? Does he mean One For All?
(Y/N remembers what All For One was telling back at Kamino.)
Past All For One: To have the ability to grow as large as Gigan-
End Of Memory
(Y/N): So you're the giant that All For One was talking about? You gotta a name?
Gigantomachia: Gigantomachia.
(Y/N): A bit on the nose don't ya think?
Gigantomachia: You're the only person who can match me in size and possibly grow larger than me.
(Y/N's thoughts): Really?! I'm only a few feet taller than Yu right now...
Yu's thoughts: Just how big can (Y/N) become?
Gigantomachia: Everything I do is for my Master. But when I kill you. It will be for myself!
(Y/N): Looks like we agree on something.
Gigantomachia: Hmm?
(Y/N): A giant dies today!
Spinner: You damn ape! Stick to the plan!
Gigantomachia: [yells]
(Gigantomachia runs towards Y/N.)
Yu: Mt. Man, move-
(Y/N): Come at me!
(Gigantomachia crashes into Y/N.)
Gigantomachia: Master! I'm coming!!
(Y/N): [groans]
(Gigantomachia is pushing Y/N back as he did Yu.)
(Y/N's thoughts): He's so strong! [groans] Would he run me over if it wasn't for Yu & Kamui Woods slowing him down?
Yaoyorozu: Hold on, (Y/N)!
(Y/N's thoughts): C'mon, Mt. Man! Do something!
(Y/N does the only attack he can think of...a headbutt.)
(Y/N): Hampton Headbutt!
(Y/N headbutts Gigantomachia's chest.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh...I feel dizzy. Hitting his chest is like hitting a wall! But I have to-
(Gigantomachia suddenly grabs Y/N's right rib cage.)
(Y/N): [yelps, yells]
Yu: Mt. Man?!
(Gigantomachia starts to squeeze Y/N's right rib cage.)
(Y/N): (coughs blood) [yells]
(Y/N's thoughts): It hurts! But I'm still standing!
(Y/N): You're not getting past me you big bitch!
Gigantomachia: Master!!
Yu: (teary eyed) (Y/N)...
(Y/N's thoughts): I've got to buy my friends time-
Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)! We're ready! Come back!
(Y/N): Finally!
(Y/N shrinks back down to normal size starting at his feet & he flips over Gigantomachia by boosting himself off his shoulders. As he's in the air, he sees...)
(Y/N): The League.
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