Chapter 15: Interns vs. Ending
(Y/N is now back inside with his friends & Fuyumi.)
Midoriya: Your brother...?
Fuyumi: Ah, so you haven't talked about him?
Shoto: There was never any need to.
(Fuyumi explains that Natsu is the only one who hasn't let bygones be bygones.)
Bakugo: Well, I guess that explains his attitude.
(Y/N): Yeah.
(Endeavor walks by.)
Endeavor: Alright, it's about time I send y'all back to school.
(Cut to the interns about to leave.)
Midoriya: Thank you so much for the meal! (bows)
Bakugo: Hey, give me that Mapo Tofu recipe.
Shoto: I'll have her text it to me.
(Y/N): Once again, allow me to apologize about dinner.
Fuyumi: Sorry things ended up like this! Let's talk about school next time! And, (Y/N)? I forgave as you were saying all of that. So don't worry!
(Y/N): Thank you!
(Y/N walks up to Fuyumi.)
(Y/N): I don't know if you know this but I have an older sister as well. And of course, me being her younger brother, I think she's the best older sister ever but after being around you, Fuyumi. You're one of the best older sisters anyone could ask for.
Fuyumi: *happy blush* Thanks!
Endeavor: Fuyumi. Thank you.
Fuyumi: Midoriya. (Y/N). Thank you for being Shoto's friends.
Midoriya: Oh that's...the pleasure's all ours!
(Y/N): No problem!
(Cut to Endeavor & his interns in a car that's on its way back to UA.)
Endeavor: I'm gonna need you lot to strengthen up. From now on, in addition to weekends...I'm gonna have you work at least two weekdays per week, if your schedule allows.
Shoto: Oh, Uraraka and Kirishima also had something similar, didn't they?
Midoriya: We still have to study for finals too...Todoroki, help me with my English later, okay?
(Y/N): Hopefully I'll have some time to spend with Itsuka...
Bakugo: The hell is up with this small ass car? Aren't you the No. 1 hero?!
(Their chauffeur complains about Bakugo's attitude.)
Chauffeur: Endeavor, since when did you start letting dropouts ride with you?!
Midoriya's thoughts: This is one aggressive driver...
(Y/N's thoughts): Sounds like he needs a day off...
Endeavor: Ever since they put me on top. Hmm?
(Endeavor jumps out of the car.)
Endeavor: Release him!
Villain: Do you remember me, Endeavor?
Endeavor: Seven years ago...I apprehended you for assault...! You had given yourself a villain name...your name was...
Villain: Yes!! That's right!! Amazing! I can't believe you remembered me!! I'm so happy! That's right, it's me!!
(Ending explains why he has Natsuo.)
Ending: Please kill me.
(Ending explains why he wants Endeavor to kill him.)
Ending: I'm the same as that doll! After the life I've lead, it's hard to tell if I'm truly alive or dead! So you can rest easy! So use those brilliant flames of yours, and-
(Bakugo, Shoto, Midoriya, & Y/N break out of the car.)
Chauffeur: You forgot these!
(The chauffeur sends out Bakugo, Shoto, & Midoriya's hero equipment.)
(Y/N's thoughts): My Quirk is simple enough that I don't need equipment.
(Y/N): Sizeless Dash!
Shoto: Natsuo!
Ending: Interns, eh...? Make sure you sentence me to death properly this time, Endeavor!
(Endeavor is about to attack but he hesitates.)
Ending: My flames of hope!! Even when your son's life is at stake, I guess you're still gonna play the hero!
(Shoto fires up.)
Shoto: Let go and release!!
(Ending backs up into traffic.)
Ending: Because you took your time in killing me, this happens!!
(Ending throws some cars in the air.)
Ending: The corpses pile up.
(Bakugo rescues Natsuo before he's hit by a car.)
Bakugo: There'll be no corpses while I'm around!
(Y/N's thoughts): I've got to catch those cars! It's past a minute, time to see if I've extended my time limit!
(Y/N dashes into his giant form catch some cars.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, I'm so tired. My hearts beating really fast but I feel fine.
(Y/N): Are you okay?
Driver 3A: Yes! Thank you!
(Y/N's thoughts): There are more cars in the air!
(Y/N sees Midoriya catch the cars with his new power.)
Midoriya: None of your wishes...
Midoriya: Will come true!
(Y/N's thoughts): You continue to surprise me, Midoriya.
(Shoto is able to defeat Ending.)
(Cut to Endeavor holding onto Bakugo & Natsuo.)
(Bakugo escapes Endeavor's grasp.)
Bakugo: What happened to the white line prick?
Shoto: I've captured him.
(Cut Midoriya & Y/N checking on the car civilians.)
Midoriya: (Y/N)? Are you still "dashing"?
(Y/N): Yes! I think I'm going to have a heart attack!
Midoriya: Then stop! It's our complete victory!
Bakugo: Shut yer faces!
Midoriya & (Y/N): But why?!
Bakugo: What was it you said No. 1?! "This winter"?! "At least once"?! "Defeat a villain"?! Faster than you was that it?!
Endeavor: boys were outstanding...! You were able to cover for my mistake at the fastest possible speed...!
Bakugo: Gettin' all modest on me all of a sudden...! Yer supposed to be more frustrated, dammit...
Midoriya: Kacchan...!
(Endeavor apologizes to Natsuo & says he wants to atone.)
Natsuo: Why do I have to be the one to proactively try and change?! Atone, you say?! And how exactly do you plan on doing that?! What can you?!
Endeavor: I've been thinking and-
Ending: Aaaaaaaaaaahhh! Stop thiiiiiis! Endeavoooooor! How can you be so pathe-
(Y/N): Fairweather Flick.
(Y/N flicks Ending in the head which knocks him out.)
(Y/N): I don't feel like hearing this lunatic anymore.
(Cut to the interns talking to Natsuo.)
(Y/N): I'm not apologizing for what I said but I do understand how you feel.
Natsuo: I'll take it. So what are your hero names?
Civilian D4: Hey, isn't that Shoto and Mt. Man?
Civilian D3: Holy crap!
Bakugo: Hah?
Midoriya: It's just Bakugo, right?
Bakugo: ...That ain't it.
Midoriya: Oh? Did you finally decide on one?! Tell me!
Bakugo: I'm not tellin' you jack shit! Drop dead, asshole!
Shoto: What about me?
Bakugo: Same goes for you, fuckface! There's someone I gotta tell it to first!
(Y/N): Can I hear it?
Bakugo: Absolutely not! You giant shit stain!
(Y/N): Can I guess?
Bakugo: Fuck no-
(Y/N): Exploud!
Bakugo: I'm not a damn Pokémon!
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