Chapter 1: An Eventful Morning
The Morning After The Last Chapter Of Season 4
(Y/N is waking up.)
(Y/N): [yawn]
(Y/N places an arm over Itsuka but she's not there.)
(Y/N): (softly) Itsuka?
(Y/N sits up to see Itsuka's backside.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I know Itsuka is in great physical shape but I didn't expect her back to be so muscular.
(Itsuka clamps together her bra strap.)
(Y/N's thoughts): A black bra? I'm just gonna keep pretending to be asleep because judging from last night we're not at the stage of changing in front of each. Not that I'm complaining.
(Itsuka puts a shirt on & walks onto her balcony.)
(Y/N): Looks like I can "wake" up now.
(Itsuka walks back into her room.)
Itsuka: (winks at Y/N)
(Y/N): *blush*
(Itsuka phone rings & she picks it up.)
Itsuka: [yawn] Hello?
(Y/N's thoughts): I love this girl so much.
Itsuka: Good morning.
(Y/N's thoughts): I wonder who she's talking to this early?
(Y/N): [yawn] Morning, Itsuka.
(Once Y/N had spoken, Itsuka starts to panic with whoever she's on the phone with.)
Itsuka: There's no one in my room!
(Y/N's thoughts): Uh...
Itsuka: I'm not lying!
(Y/N's thoughts): Was I really that loud?
Itsuka: I'm not going to put someone on the phone since I'm the only person in my room right now!
(Y/N's thoughts): I guess I was that loud...
Itsuka: Why would it be (Y/N)?!
(Y/N's thoughts): Who is she talking too?!
(Itsuka takes her phone away from her face & starts walking towards Y/N.)
(Y/N): Itsuka?
Itsuka: He wants to talk to you...
(Y/N): Who wants to talk to me?
Itsuka: My dad...
(Y/N): Your dad?!
Itsuka: *blush* I know. I'm sorry!
(Y/N): How does he know I'm here?!
Itsuka: Because he heard a boy's voice say my first name! And know you've confirmed his suspicion by yelling!
(Y/N): Shit.
Itsuka: Pretty much. So you gonna take the phone or what?
(Y/N): I am...not taking that phone.
Itsuka: Excuse me?
(Y/N): I'm not ready to speak your dad!
Itsuka: That's too bad!
(Y/N): This was not how I wanted my first conversation with your dad to go down.
Itsuka: Neither did I but oh, well!
(Y/N): Itsuka, you know I love you. But-
Itsuka: (Y/N) Takeyama. You better take this phone!
(Y/N's thoughts): She just used my full name.
(Y/N): No!
Itsuka: Please, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Ugh, okay.
(Y/N takes Itsuka's phone & places it against his ear.)
(Y/N): Hello, Mr. Kendo.
Mr. Kendo: So I was right about a boy in my daughter's room.
(Y/N): ...
Mr. Kendo: I am speaking to (Y/N) Takeyama, yes?
(Y/N): Yes, sir!
Mr. Kendo: I've heard a lot about you.
(Y/N): All good I hope? [chuckles]
Mr. Kendo: Stop laughing.
(Y/N): Sorry, sir!
Mr. Kendo: As I was saying, I've heard a lot about you. From what Itsuka has told me, you're bound to be a great hero and you've been nothing but a complete gentleman to her.
(Y/N): I have been, sir.
Mr. Kendo: Then would you like to explain why you're in her room this early in the morning?
(Y/N): I am in your-
Mr. Kendo: You spent the night with her didn't you?
(Y/N's thoughts): He's going to kill me.
Mr. Kendo: I'll take your hesitation as a yes?
(Y/N): Yes...
Mr. Kendo: You haven't lied to me yet which is good.
Itsuka: [whispering] How's it going?
(Y/N puts Mr. Kendo on hold.)
(Y/N): Well, he knows that I spent the night with you.
Itsuka: He does?!
(Y/N): I didn't even tell him, he just knew!
Itsuka: That's crazy.
(Y/N): Must be a father's intuition.
Itsuka: Probably.
(Y/N): Gonna take your dad off hold now.
Itsuka: Good luck!
(Y/N): I'm definitely going to need it.
(Y/N takes Itsuka's dad off hold.)
Mr. Kendo: Never put me on hold again.
(Y/N): Won't happen again!
Mr. Kendo: I'm going to ask you something. Now, it is very important that you answer this question truthfully because if you don't, I will no longer allow my daughter to see you. Am I clear?
(Y/N): Crystal.
Mr. Kendo: Did you have...sexual relations with my daughter?
(Y/N's thoughts): This again? Well, at least this time it makes sense because I'd be weary of my daughter spending the night with her boyfriend.
(Y/N): No. We just fell asleep together.
Mr. Kendo: Are you sure?
(Y/N): Yes, Mr. Kendo. I did not have sexual relations with Itsuka.
Mr. Kendo: Hmm, I believe you.
(Y/N): [sighs] Thank goodness.
Mr. Kendo: Do you want to know why I believe you?
(Y/N): Yeah.
Mr. Kendo: Because I was once your age. And boys your age are...experiencing new things.
(Y/N's thoughts): I guess having this conversation with Itsuka's father is better than having it with Yu...
Mr. Kendo: But boys your age are willing to do and say anything to spend the night with a girl. It takes a lot for a boy to resist the urge things with that girl. But you, (Y/N), resisted that urge. Why?
(Y/N): Because-
Mr. Kendo: Because you love my daughter?
(Y/N looks at Itsuka out on her balcony.)
(Y/N): I do.
Mr. Kendo: Okay, you can hand the phone back to Itsuka.
(Y/N): On it!
Mr. Kendo: (Y/N). One more thing.
(Y/N): Yes, Mr. Kendo?
Mr. Kendo: Don't spend the night with my daughter again until you've met my wife and I, alright?
(Y/N): Yes, sir.
(Y/N hands the phone to Itsuka.)
(Y/N): I'm gonna head back to my dorm.
Itsuka: Okay, I'll call you!
(Y/N): Can't wait.
(Y/N & Itsuka kiss.)
(Y/N) & Itsuka: I love kissing you.
(Y/N & Itsuka realize what they've said.)
Itsuka: *blush*
(Y/N): *blush*
Itsuka: My dad probably heard us...
(Y/N): No he didn't.
Mr. Kendo: I did.
Itsuka: ...
(Y/N): ...I'm really leaving now.
Itsuka: Bye, (Y/N)!
(Cut to Y/N looking for something to eat in Class B's fridge.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I think that went well.
Tetsutetsu: Morning, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Morning, Tetsutetsu.
Tetsutetsu: How were my clothes last night?
(Y/N): They got the job done.
Tetsutetsu: And what job was that?
(Y/N): Really, Tet-
Tetsutetsu: It was a joke, my bad.
(Y/N): Ah, okay.
Tetsutetsu: How about I share some of my tofu with you, to make up for my bad joke?
(Y/N): Sure, man. Thanks.
(Cut to Itsuka's room where she's still on the phone with her dad.)
Mr. Kendo: (Y/N) seems like a good guy.
Itsuka: He really is, Dad! I really want you to like him!
Mr. Kendo: What about your mother?
Itsuka: She already likes him.
Mr. Kendo: Of course she does. You know he loves you, right?
Itsuka: I do. And I love him.
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