Setting up
"Katsuki Bakugo." A Peacemaker called while standing near the doorway of the tempory interview room. The ash-blond stood from his seat and walked to the doorway stepping inside the room while taking a moment to look around. His red orbs landed on a man with glitching hair that changed from neon blue to pink and his eyes also were interesting as well. The eyes seemed to be pure black, but inside the iris on the right, it said start and the left said game over while lighting up slightly. The man looked up at Bakugo giving him a playful smile while he sat down taking out a pen and motioned Bakugo to sit while twirling the pen in his hand.
Bakugo 'tch' as he waited for the man to start speaking so he could just go home and start packing for America. He became bored after waiting for almost five minutes and glared when the man would look up then look down just ignoring him making Bakugo's eyes narrow and turn his face into an irritated glare. Finally, the man looked up and tilted his head to the side with his lips curling into a playful smile making Bakugo's eyes twitch.
"What's with the face kid? Somebody piss in your cereal this morning?"
Bakugo's breath hitched and he stood up now with his brows furrowed and eye's twitching.
"The hell you just say to me! I'll kill you ya bastard!" He roared with explosions going off in his hands.
The man stood up and jumped on the desk looking down at the ash-blond child still having that playful smile on his face. "Try me twettle dumb! I'll kick you halfway across the room like a soccer ball in Rocket League!"
Bakugo backed up slightly and gave a low growl ready to fight the man if needed, but at the same time, he knew better than to fight somebody he had no information on, especially a pro hero. He grumbled under his breath and sat back down while glaring up at the man again, but the glare went away as the man got off the desk and sat down as well.
"Name's Glitch by the way," The man commented as he wrote something down on the paper then he looked at Bakugo dead in the eyes and spoke again, "Now before I even start do you even want to go to America?" Glitch questioned while flipping his hair out of his face.
Bakugo's eyes widened at the question and he clicked his tongue but nodded slightly.
"If I get more experience out of Japan then I'll be well rounded and not used to being stuck in one place when I am a pro hero," Bakugo responded while keeping a straight face as he spoke.
Glitch looked at him chuckling slightly while sitting back more in his chair and itching his cheek.
"You being a pro? They told me you were overconfident, but jeez kid keep your head down to earth," he replied then quickly a look of regret crossed his eyes and he followed up with, "Ah I'm only mucking about so don't take me too serious, but I do have one other question and that's what your quirk exactly?"
"My quirk is called explosions, my sweat is nitroglycerin based so the more I sweat the more powerful the blasts are." He answered.
Glitch nodded then took out a folder flipping threw it then stopped as he marked something down.
"So what you're telling me is that you can hurt people by just sweating profusely? I wish I had that power in Dark Souls..." Glitch said the last part more to himself than Bakugo.
After a few more questions and background checks, Glitch nodded and gave another playful smile to Bakugo while ruffling his hair to tease him a little bit. After going through another file he looked back to Bakugo and sat on the desk while running his fingers threw his hair. "You, two, and four girls will be living together just like a Fireteam from Destiny. Don't ask me who they are cause I don't even know," He shrugged, "Ask someone else cause I'm tired of this interview and just wanna go back to my games." He finished then waved his hand getting Bakugo to leave the room so he could summon his favorite waifu.
Bakugo glared then stood and walked out of the room slamming the door behind him. Once he got out he noticed the other boys from Class 1-A had packets and were reading over what sounded like a checklist. As he was about to approach he was stopped Ruby and she handed him a packet as well with a smile on her face.
"I look forward to seeing you in America, Bakugo." She smiled then walked off going to talk with another Peacemaker who had walked by while saying her name. Bakugo grunted then walked to the rest of his group listening to Kirishima chat to Mina about him going to a family with twenty-five children. Kaminari was talking to Sero about staying with a retired pro and his daughter.
"This is gonna be so cool! Living with a pro and getting training from other heroes!" Kaminari cheered as a little spark of electricity came from his hands due to his excitement.
Kirishima nodded as well with a big grin on his face as he read over some of the information for the trip. Each packet told the students where they would live, what clothes they should bring, and how much money each student should bring. The money would be given out each month since the students would be staying for a whole year in America, but more could be sent over or earned if the student was old enough to get a job. Since Bakugo and Kirishima were living close together their plane would leave the same day, while Kaminair would leave a few days later. Most of the students were living in places like California, Arizona, or Nevada which was strange since the school was located in Washington D.C. A couple of students were even placed in places like Washington, Oklahoma, or Wyoming, but some even in Alaska or Hawaii so they would be leaving a few hours early to make it to school on time.
Meanwhile, with Midoriya and his group, they found out that Todoroki would be staying in Washington with a small family while Iida would be staying in California with a family of another pro Peacemaker and her twelve daughters. Midoriya would be staying with a rich family in Oregon so he had about a good two or three hours away from Todoroki and Iida, but he planned on trying to make friends with the family and other people. While hearing a bit of gossip from another table Tokoyami would be living in Hawaii with a girl and her grandmother, but it was just gossip. All the students that could go were going nonstop about how excited they were or if they were nervous about being away from home for a full year.
Todoroki was worried about his mother and siblings mostly, but as for his father he knew the now the number one pro hero could take care of himself, but in an odd way, he would miss him. Maybe it was in the way that after his father said he wanted to change or maybe seeing the special blue flowers delivered to his mother with a little note from the pro hero. A sigh left his lips as he finished the rest of his cold soba while noticing a head of pure white hair go by making his eyes widen as he stood quickly and looked around.
Midoriya looked over placing his hand on the half and half boys shoulder, "Todoroki, is everything ok?" The green-haired boy asked with his eyes furrowing and a look of concern crossing his face.
Todoroki was silent for a moment while his eyes still scanning the crowd then he caught a glimpse of the pure white hair and ran off following it out of the cafeteria and into the library. He stood at the entrance for a while hearing girls call and a few ran up, but he spotted the white hair again and ran up to the person. He hadn't really expected them to turn so suddenly or for him to run into them and cause a couple of books to fall. He reacted fast grabbing the person and covering them from the hard covered books that fell a few hitting him. Once things settled down Todoroki looked to see that the white hair belonged to a girl and so he waited for the usual sequel or bright red face along with stuttering. When the girl's eyes opened revealing them to be pure white, while she pushed her white locks out of her face and back into a ponytail. After she had put it up she stared directly at Todoroki with a blank expression that he couldn't read.
"You're not hurt are you?" He asked while moving a few of the books out of the way. He looked back up seeing the girl's eyes widen slightly and she covered her mouth with a now shocked look.
"I didn't even hear you! I'm so sorry!" The girl yelled out in panic and stood up holding out her hand and speaking again. "But, yeah I'm ok! Are you hurt though? The books sounded like they're a hardback and I'd feel terrible if you were hurt!"
Todoroki smiled slightly grabbing her hand pulling himself up while also helping put away the fallen books. He was honestly surprised that this girl hadn't fangirled over him yet, but he also was keeping his guard up still just in case.
"I'm alright don't worry." He responded while putting another book away with his left hand.
"Good, I'm glad," The girl started then she looked at his right hand with a look of confusion. "Your hand is freezing, are you sure you're ok?" She asked then placed her other hand on his forehead with her eyes widening once more.
Todoroki tensed at her touch but then relaxed slightly when her cool hand was placed on the left side of his body.
"Half cold...and half warm," the girl mumbled tilting her head, "Who are you?"
Todoroki's eyes widened this time as he took her hand carefully off his forehead and gave her a confused look.
"Do you not know who I am?" He asked while letting go of her hand.
The girl shook her head no staying silent for a moment then she smiled with her eyes sparkling.
"What's your name?" She asked while stepping back slightly while holding her hand over her eyes so they become shaded from the light.
Todoroki's eyebrows furred slightly at what she was doing, but he only shrugged and responded to her question.
"Todoroki Shoto." He said with a slight smile as he noticed her cheeks turned a light pink.
"It's nice to meet you, Todoroki." The girl smiled at him with her eyes twinkling at him making Todoroki blush slightly.
The girl was about to speak again, but the bell had rung and made both of them jump realizing they had lost track of time. The girl sighed then smiled again to the half and half boy before she told him a quick goodbye and walked off, but her hand reached out beside her running across the books and wall till she was out of the library. Todoroki tilted his head in confusion at what the girl had done, but he left as well and went to homeroom being greeted with concern from his friends. He assured them not to worry and he simply just needed to go and check something out but had gotten caught up with something else.
When Aizawa had walked into the room he passed out a pop quiz telling his students to take their time and good luck. As he returned to his desk ready to grab his sleeping bag and take a nap the door had opened with Ruby standing by with a usual kind smile on her face. She walked over to Aizawa's desk and whispered something the students couldn't hear, but they both walked out of the room and closed the door behind them.
"What is?" Aizawa asked while leaning against the wall his tired eyes looked into Ruby's cool blue ones keeping him relaxed and bring back that feeling of comfort he first felt with her.
"Well the pro's had been talking and they want to send a few of you to America," Ruby started while pushing her red bang out of her face. "They already are sending a pro hero named Hawks to teach a young girl how to run her hero agency, but I was wondering...if you and that purple-haired kid would like to come along." She questioned while still giving him a small smile, but her eyes seemed to change from cool and relaxed to being slightly watery like a puppy's eyes.
Aizawa chuckled slightly at the girl mentioning Shinso since she had seen both males training the other day after school. Ruby even spoke to the purple-headed child even after he told her what his quirk was making him feel a bit better since Aizawa had given him some good punches and quite a few bruises.
Aizawa had Shinso in a tight hold while the purpled haired child struggled to get out of it. The pro hero scoffed at him in the way he was unable to get out of the hold and threw Shinso to the ground kicking him in the gut. The kick really wasn't enough to do any real damage, but it left Shinso coughing and clenching his stomach in pain. Aizawa ran a hand through his hair as he sighed then helped Shinso up off the ground while handing him a bottle of water.
"You need to work more on your escaping tactics otherwise you're done for in a fight." The pro said while taking a drink of his water.
"I'm doing what I can! I've been working my ass off!" Shinso yelled still rubbing his stomach as the pain lingered around still.
Aizawa smirked slightly while ruffling his hair taking another drink. Both males talked for a few minutes about strategy and combat tactics, but they stopped when hearing a scream come from behind the building. They took off quickly running towards the back only to stop when they saw Ruby. She had on a pair of tight black shorts and a red sports bra that hugged her chest nicely and was fighting a couple of other Peacemakers. The two males looked to each other then watched the training keeping track of the redhead hero. Ruby was swift and graceful with her movements taking down the bigger Peacemakers with her being smaller she had the advantage of moving faster to knock them down.
Aizawa watched intensely as Ruby became stuck in a hold, by a bigger Peacemaker with a very strong grip. Ruby relaxed for a second then looked to the ground and opened her mouth letting out a loud and ear-bleeding scream. The Peacemaker lost his grip and Ruby flew in the sky then turned her body so she did a flip off the wall and back to the Peacemaker sucker-punched him in the face knocking him out cold. She panted and shook her head then stepped back placing her hands on her head taking a deep breath.
"That...was...amazing." Shinso's jaw had dropped to the floor after watching Ruby at work.
Aizawa blinked a few times then crossed his arms with a little smirk as Ruby walked towards them. "So, you've got a sonic scream quirk? Impressive."
Ruby blushed slightly then shook her head "Kinda it's actually called Cardinal vocal cords vibrate when I scream making it really loud and it adds force to it." Ruby explained while rubbing her arm with a small smile on her face.
Shinso blinked a few times then looked to his trainer then back to the redhead woman. "Would you mind if we stayed and practiced with you? I think we could learn from you."
Ruby nodded introducing herself to Shinso and he introduced himself as well also explain what his quirk was when she had asked him.
"Brainwashing sounds like an awesome quirk, you'll be a great hero one day, Shinso." Ruby smiled while patting him on the back gently.
Shinso looked to the crimson-haired woman with his eyes widening slightly then he gave her a nod while rubbing the back of his neck. "Thank you, Miss Song." He chuckled.
Ruby smirked slightly while looking at her left hand then a small sigh left her lips. "I take my ring off when I train...My husband's one request was that I take care of it," She explained and looked to Shinso smiling softly as he began to apologize, but she only cupped her hand around his cheek. "You didn't know so it's ok, there are no hard feelings," She explained then looked to the sky a slight gloss covering her eyes "You remind me of my would have gotten along."
"You have a son?" Shinso asked while looking up at the sky as well.
"...I used to...and I used to have a husband."
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