Moving to America: Todoroki
"Bye! I'll see you in a year mom! I love you." Deku smiled while hugging Inko and All Might for about the tenth time that day.
"Oh! Izuku my baby! Please be safe and call whenever you want ok?" Inko bawled while giving her son another tight hug.
"Take care, young Midoriya," All Might pat him on the back while a kind smile on his face and he spoke again, "Make sure you have fun, but don't get into any trouble." He finished and ruffled the young man's green hair.
Midoriya nodded picking up his last suitcase and walked to the plane with a smile on his face. Inko was crying her eyes out with a smile on her face as she watched her son get on the plane. All might waved goodbye as well with a smile on his face as he patted Inko on the back and handing her a tissue. Midoriya smiled at them waving goodbye then stepped inside the plane looking at everyone who was inside and heading for Washington, Oregon, or California. He spotted Iida and smiled taking a seat next to him.
"What do you think the family your living with is like, Iida?" The green-hair boy asked while adjusting his seat a little.
"I looked into the Wells family and I must say I'm excited to meet them," Iida started then took out his phone showing a picture of a woman with sunkissed skin and curly blonde hair dressed a blue and white business suit. "You see this lady, She's a Peacemaker called Siren with a quirk that allows her to cause damage to somebody depending on how she sings," Iida explained then he quickly turned his phone on airplane mode while taking out a book on American culture. "I want to make a good impression with this Peacemaker and her family so I've been looking into America and its lifestyle."
"Gah! Why didn't I think of that! I'm gonna make a complete fool of myself with this rich family!" Midoriya shrieked then quickly took out his phone and started looking up some things on America while also taking out one of the twenty-five notebooks he packed and began writing whatever he could find.
While Iida and Midoriya looked up and shared information with each other on culture and Peacemakers, Todoroki stood outside the plane being interviewed by a few news reporters with his father. Todoroki was as usual polite with the press but kept his answers simple and to the point, since he did want to hurry and go with the rest of his leaving party. After the last reporter had their answers Endeavor looked to his youngest son with a calm, yet anxious look as he pulled a little letter out of his back pocket and held it out to the teen. Todoroki looked to his father then to the letter in his hand reaching for it slowly as his brows furrowed in confusion.
"It's from your mother," Endeavor answered then he placed his large hand on his shoulder with an intense look in his eyes. "Should any danger occur call Hawks, he's staying in America as well." The pro added then patted Shoto on the back with his eyes softening a little and his face a bit more relaxed and he spoke once more as he turned to leave saying, "Take care, Shoto."
Shoto gave a curt nod then placed the letter in the pocket of his suitcase while he gave his brother and sister tight hugs. With a final wave he went on the plane looking for an empty seat, but he couldn't find one near Midoriya so he went on sitting next to the window watching the other students say goodbye to their family and friends. A small sigh left his lips when he thought of his mother being alone for a year, but he would still call her every day and send her gifts he thought she might like.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A familiar female voice asked.
"No, go ahead miss---huh're the girl from the library." Shoto blinked in surprise with his heterochromia eyes widening as he looked at the girl.
The girl with white hair looked at Todoroki tilting her head then she smiled and reached out for the chair then sat down next to him. She quickly explained to him that she came along with a Peacemaker that was friends with her family so she could help out with looking over a few students and to see what Japan was like.
"Ah, that's understandable," Todoroki smiled softly at the young girl who had turned and now looked at him with her white eyes seeming to sparkle and brighten the area around them. "You're eyes...are they glowing?" He asked and straightened up a bit more.
"Hm? Oh! They might be I can't really tell during the daytime so I don't really know." The girl replied while closing her eyes and then opening them with the light seeming to dim just a little from her eyes.
Todoroki watched in amazement with a small smile on his face as he looked the girl in the eyes then he noticed some of her hair had fallen covering most of her right eye. He chuckled a little then looked back out the window waving to his brother and sister one last time as the plane was now ready for take-off. He then looked back to the girl seeing she now had her phone out typing something then shutting it off while leaning back.
"...What is your name?" He asked in a cool tone then turned more towards her.
"Oh, I'm Thea Clawson," She replied while turning to face to him with a bright smile on her face "And you''re Shoto Todoroki right? Or do you just sound like the guy I met in the library?" She questioned sounding curious while tilting her head a little.
"Uh..did you say sound?" He asked with his brows furrowing in confusion as he looked to Thea.
"I did, you didn't hear me stutter," Thea confirmed with a small smile. The girl then held up her hand with a bit of light forming to create a small ball. "When my quirk manifested it took away my eyesight...I've been like this since I was I'm blind." She murmured then looked up at him with a sad smile on her face before her gaze went to her lap.
Todoroki's eyes widened in shock and he suddenly understood why she didn't have a reaction like most girls that met him. She wasn't able to see the world and for that, he felt genuinely saddened by this news from this white-haired girl. He wasn't used to dealing with people and their issues, but it became more difficult when the person was a girl and unable to see. Without thinking he reached out slowly and patted her forehead trying to offer some kind of comfort while still trying to be friendly with her. Thea's cheeks turned a light pink and she looked up from her lap then turned to Todoroki with a surprised look.
"Hehe, what was the head pat for?" She asked and played with some of her hair that had covered her eyes.
"Please, forgive me for that and my apologies if it made you uncomfortable." He replied in a cool tone, but his cheeks turned a bright pink when Thea responded with giggling and held his hand placing it on her forehead.
"It's okay! I don't mind Shoto! Besides, you tried to offer me comfort right? Which is a nice thing to do so I can't really be mad at you." She smiled brightly at the boy then she nuzzled against his palm.
Shoto took notice she had grabbed his left hand making him a little frown until he saw her smile again and his heart melted at the sight of it. He let out a soft chuckle at how kind and sweet this girl was, but he now wondered something a little odd. If she couldn't see then how did she know her way around so well without tripping or running into objects? He was about to ask her, but the plane had started its engines making a loud noise and everyone was told to buckle up. Todoroki had buckled himself, but he looked next to him noticing Thea was having issues with finding the other part of her seatbelt as she just used her hand to search around for it. Todoroki looked to the left side of her seeing the seatbelt was stuck in the middle and he reached for the material placing it on her lap with his hand brushing her jacket making the girl jump.
"Ah, there it is thanks," She beamed then buckled as she leaned back into her seat. She looked back to the half and half boy with a small smile as she spoke once more, "So who are you staying with while you're in America?"
"Hm? Oh, they didn't tell me...I was just told I'm staying with a small family in Washington." He replied while taking out his packet looking over the information once more.
In one part of the packet it simply just said family of three with two being girls and one being a male. Many of the other students had found this frustrating since some information was so vague and didn't give much explanation on why that household or what the people were like. A sigh left the male's lips as he put the packet away just planning on reading a book his sister bought him, but he looked back to Thea watching her type away at her phone.
"I wonder why they didn't tell you," She looked up then a goofy grin appeared on her face as she held out her own packet and said, "That you'd be living with me!"
Todoroki's eyes widened in surprise and shock as his mouth hung open with another dust of pink blush covering his face.
"You mean I'm staying with you and your mother and father?" He questioned while still trying to process living with a girl he barely knew.
"Hehe, actually it's my brother and mom and dad passed away so I live with them now." Her tone had gone from being very soft and sweet to now a little dark and sinister.
"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that," He responded then placed his hand on her shoulder giving it a light squeeze then spoke once more, "I'm sure they were wonderful people." He offered with a small smile gracing his lips as he rubbed her back gently.
Thea didn't move to look at him but just gave a simple nod while gripping the edge of her seat. She was silent for a while then she turned giving him a bright smile as she leaned in a little closer to his face till her nose was touching his causing both of their cheeks to turn bright red and she pulled back holding up her hands.
"Sorry! I didn't think you were that close!" She squealed while pulling up the hood on her jacket and hiding her bright red face from him.
Todoroki blinked in surprise then reached for her hood pulling it back slowly while rubbing her back once more to calm her down. When he was little it was something his own mother had done to calm him from crying or to make him feel less scared. He smiled softly when he saw how she used her hair to cover her eyes along with closing them tightly. He placed his left hand on her face gently using his thumb and going back and forth against her cheek while using his other hand to move her hair out of her face.
"You're a very strange girl, Thea Clawson," He started while putting her white locks behind her ear so he could see her face a little better, "I like you though, you're different from anyone I've ever met." He told her giving her a small smile then looked out the window watching the land he called home get smaller. Thea's face was completely red, but she smiled brightly and hugged herself while using some of a shaded area to cover her eyes as she looked at the back of Todoroki making out white and red mixed hair and pale skin. Her smile turned soft as she yawned then curled up in her seat resting her head on her arms.
"I like you too, Shoto." She whispered then closed her eyes burying her head in her sleeves.
When the plane had landed it was already five in the morning and the U.A. students had gotten off in California meeting their temporary families and heading off to their new home. Midoriya had gotten his bags with Iida and were now sitting in a lobby of an airport waiting to be picked up by their families and just waiting to go back to sleep. Todoroki and Thea had gotten their things as well walking to the exit, but Todoroki stopped Thea telling her he would like to say one more goodbye to his friends. Thea nodded to him as she took out her phone saying she would call her brother and tell him where to pick them up from. Todoroki nodded then walking over to Midorya and Iida putting his bag down and giving them both a short hug along with a handshake.
"We'll see each other once the school year starts, but until then take care," Iida stated while a smile appeared on his face.
"I can't wait for this year to start I'm so excited!" Midoriya cheered while he suddenly yawned and waving goodbye to Todoroki.
Todoroki nodded then walked back to Thea who was standing near the door talking to someone on the phone and looking out the window.
"Okay, I...I see you you too, bye." She hung up then looked behind her with her eyes widening as she looked at Shoto with her face going from pale to a cherry red.
Todoroki tilted his head as he approached the girl with his brows furrowing as he watched her face turn pink making him wonder why it turned such a bright shade.
"Is everything alright?" He asked placing his right hand on her forehead to cool her down thinking maybe she had gotten to warm all of a sudden.
"I-I...please don't hate me for saying this,'re really...really nice looking." Thea gulped and pulled her hood up again.
"Thank you? Forgive me for this question, but if you're blind then how can you see me?" He questioned and crossed his arms with his eyes becoming intense.
"Gah! I should have been more clear with that! I'm sorry!" She started while pulling her hood down then she looked him in the eye while speaking once more, "I can see better at night than I can during the day time." Thea explained and played with her sleeve as she looked up at him waiting for his response while biting her lips a little.
Todoroki nodded to her then he patted her head while looking outside seeing cars and people going by which surprised him since it was so early. He looked back to Thea giving her a kind smile as he opened the door of her allowing her to walk ahead of him. Thea said thank you, then led the way while Todoroki followed not far behind as they approached a black old Ford Mustang with the keys left in the ignition. Thea popped the trunk and took the keys out placing them in her pocket. The two teens began putting the bags in the trunk with one or two small ones going upfront.
"So...your brother left his car with his keys?"
"Give him a second, he told me he was going to the bathroom."
"Yeah I did, but I couldn't wait any longer with that line so, I just went and found a bush." A deep and soothing voice spoke and a man with longish black hair and deep emerald green eyes staring at the two teens while he flashed a shit-eating grin at them showing off his perfect procaine cap teeth.
Todoroki's eyes widened at the man in front of him and he took in everything he could in that small moment. The man stood at about 198 cm (6'6) with black demon wings with a sharp point at the tips from his back. A long and thick black demon tail with the tip in the shape of a heart coming out of his ripped black jeans. The man had on a tight blue v-neck that allowed anyone to see his extremely well-defined six-pack. Even from far away, Todoroki could see that the man's eyes were outlined in a thick liner making a perfect cat-eye. He smelled like vodka and gasoline mixed with just a little bit of vanilla.
Todoroki couldn't help himself but feel drawn to the man before him immediately feeling like he could trust him. He stepped closer with the smell of gasoline taking over his nose as he stepped a little closer. Thea quickly pulled Todoroki back and glared at the male then walked over punching him in the side while scolding him about using his power.
"He's underage! You could get in big trouble for doing that, Edgar!" Thea yelled and pulled on his tail making him yell and squirm.
"It was a joke! Come on you know I don't like red-heads! The last guy had a foot fetish!" Edgar yelled back then grabbed Thea and gave her a nuggy while laughing as the girl squealed and squirmed in the man's arms.
Todoroki shook his head in disbelief with his eyes widening as he looked at the two siblings. He wasn't used to this kind of family life since Natsuo was usually quiet and easygoing while Fuyumi was more like a mother and never teased Shoto since he grew up separately from them. He felt out of place as the two teased one another or laughed at an inside joke that seemed to go over his head.
"Anyway, I want you to meet the guy that's staying with us," Thea smiled then walked to Todoroki and poked his cheek to get his attention.
Todoroki looked up now pulled out of his own mind as he turned to Thea's older brother bowing to him then spoke in his usual tone. "My name is Todoroki Shoto, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir."
Edgar looked at Todoroki with a confused look just staring at him like he was some kind of funny looking toy, but then he returned the bow falling forwards a little before giving him a goofy smile. "Nice to meet you, Shoto," He started then stood when Todoroki did, but he reached out with his tail ruffling the half and half boy's hair, "Feel free to call me Ed or Eddy, unless you're mad at me then it's Edgar." Edgar laughed then walked to his car while holding his hand open as Thea tossed the keys to him.
Todoroki blinked in surprise as he watched Edgar then he looked to Thea as she looked up to him with a smile then she walked to the car getting in the back. With a deep breath, Todoroki walked to the car sitting behind Edgar as he buckled up looking out the window. Both teens jumped when they heard rock music playing and it was clearly a song not meant for children. Edgar laughed nervously before looking at the two teens and he then gave a death glare to Todoroki with his demon horns coming out of the side of his head.
"Touch my sister and I'll make you jizz in your pants twenty times." He growled while baring his teeth before letting his horns go back into his head and he faced forward starting the car and headed for Washington.
Todoroki turned pale as he became very nervous until he felt a hand laced with his and he turned to Thea who had a smile on her face as she rubbed his knuckles slowly back and forth to calm his nerves. He blushed a light pink before he smiled softly at her then looked out the window watching the sunrise making everything a fiery orange and soft pink. It would take some getting used to this very strange family, but he would do his best to make it feel like home.
Thea smiled at Todoroki as she rested her head back before she closed her eyes falling asleep as they left California and were now in Oregan making their way to Washington. Hours went by and even when they actually made it to Washington it was another few hours before they made it a city called Seattle. It was rainy and cold when they had arrived at a rather nice looking apartment building. When they came to the elevator Edgar pressed a button which took them to the thirty-fifth level and they walked down the hall making a right turn to a simple brown door. When Edgar opened it Todoroki was surprised to see how little it was, but still had a homey and lived in vibe to the place. The walls were brick in the living room area, which was also the dining area holding a light stained wood table and matching chairs and the sofa was red as well with a white fireplace that was decorated with pictures and little items scattered around.
"Sorry, about the mess," Edgar started while picking up some pillows and blankets, "I was cat-sitting for Miss Willmore then work happened-"
"It's alright," Todoroki finished with a nod then he looked to Thea who was walking around then running into a bedroom then running back out to Edgar.
"Where's Mara?" The young teen asked her older brother as she picked up some dirty plates running them to the sink.
"She'll be back later tonight," Edgar chuckled then ruffled Thea's hair when she returned by his side and spoke again, "Now, it's late and way past you're bedtime little miss."
"Aww, come on, Edgar! Five more minutes! Please!" Thea begged and gave her big brother puppy eyes while having her lips quiver.
Todoroki blushed at how cute Thea looked and he felt his left side flare up a little. He quickly used his ice hoping the two didn't see.
"No, now go get ready for bed," Edgar glared at his sister watching her squeak then she raced to the bathroom. The male chuckled then looked to Todoroki pointing down the hall to another door. "My bed is all cleaned so don't worry about bedding, unpack in the morning okay?" He asked while fixing up the sofa.
"Where will you sleep then?" The half and half male asked as he picked up his suitcase.
"I can use my sister's bed until she gets here, but after that, I'll be sleeping on this bad boy." He chuckled while patting a pillow then running a hand threw his hair.
Todoroki nodded making his way down the hall into Edgar's bedroom. It was the master room with a private bathroom and a king-size bed. He put his suitcase on the floor grabbing a simple white t-shirt and then some black shorts then went to the private bath to brush his teeth and wash his face. When he came back he noticed Thea was sitting on the bed in a sleeveless top with high waisted shorts. His face burned a red and he let out an awkward cough looking the other way.
"Thea, did you need something?" He asked and walked to the other side of the bed.
"Yeah, um...I wanted to warn you about Edgar...he's a good guy and he's a big sweetheart, but," Thea started looking to the door bitting her lip then she looked back to Todoroki, "He can be a bit...possessive over me and my sister." She whispered the last part and headed towards the door.
Todoroki looked confused as she just stood there for a moment, but he nodded his head then quickly said an okay to let her know he understood.
"Night, Sho." Thea smiled at him then walked out closing the door behind her.
---------------------Timeskip to 3 A.M-------------------
Todoroki was fast asleep by now curled up on his right side since it was cooler and his left got to warm if he laid on it for too long. He suddenly turned to lay on his back while his eyes opened slowly as he felt a little odd. He looked around the room not seeing anything out of the ordinary until he looked at the door. It slowly opened showing the dark hallway with no sign of light escaping from the darkness. He wanted to get up and close the door, but his body wouldn't let him move. He tried to open his mouth to call out, but he was only met with stillness and the sound of his own breathing. He then noticed the glowing green eyes in the hallway along with the new sound of deep growls and heavy breathing. Then the footsteps, that made the floor creak with each slow and dragged movement. Todoroki stayed silent as he began to panic not knowing what was out in the hallway and why it was getting closer to him. His heart beating faster and louder with each step the creature out in the hallway took.
Next to him now was Edgar with his eyes holding lust, rage, and something else Todoroki couldn't quite put his finger on at that moment. Edgar let out a dark chuckle as he sat next to Todoroki placing his hand on his chest as he added pressure to it while Edgar just watched him enjoying with Todoroki started to find it more and more difficult to breathe with each breath that escaped his nose. Edgar watched licking his lips slowly as his tail went back and forth then it wrapped around Todoroki's neck and began to get tighter with each gasp of air. Todoroki's eyes started to water and he wanted to cry out for help. He wanted his father to come running in and save him, he watched his brother and sister to hold him and protect him telling him he was safe, he wanted his mother to smile and wipe away his tears. Todoroki wanted to be saved by his family.
"EDGAR! NO!" Mara screamed and lunged at the demon man ripping him off of Shoto as the two began to fight till Mara had Edgar pinned to the floor and tried to calm him down.
Thea raced in looking at Todoroki who was sitting up now crying his eye's out as he backed away holding his chest and next. She walked over to him slowly placing her hand on his back rubbing in a circular motion. A small cry left the boy's mouth as he looked to Thea with a look of confusion and fear as more tears fell from his eyes. Thea sat next to him wiping away his tears as she had him lay back down while her fingers played with his hair. She whispered softly to him telling him to take a deep breath and everything was okay now. With slow movements and gentle hands, Thea calmed the poor boy down so he wasn't as shaken up anymore, but he was still scared and when she tried to get up Todoroki grabbed her arm pulling her back to him as he buried his face in her neck. Thea blushed a dark red wanting to run away and hide, but as she felt his warm breath on her neck, her arms wrapped tightly around his body. She whispered soft words to him letting him fall back asleep in her hold and threw the rest of the night she held him in her arms.
"Nothing will hurt you, Shoto Todoroki, I'm here and I'll protect you."
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