Moving to America: Midoriya
Midoriya turned on his side hugging the pillow tightly as he woke to the sun slowly rising looking at mountains and a crystal clear lake. He smiled closing his eyes again listening to the sound of running water and birds singing softly in the background.
"It's almost ten in the morning, I suggest you get up." A female voice said with a smirk as she took a drink of her expresso while munching on some coffee cake.
Midoriya's eyes snapped open and he sat up hugging the blanket tightly to his chest. His green orbs were met with a set of light purple staring directly at him. His skin went from pale to ghostly white as he froze in complete shock while his face was deadpanned. The purple eyes belonged to a girl with a head of light brown hair tied into two neat small buns on both sides of her heads. Her hair was still down in the back and two strands of her hair fell from the buns with the ends curling slightly. She wore on simple nightgown in deep purple with a lace shawl around her shoulder and silk thigh-high black stockings.
"W-Who are you?" Midoriya asked as he looked around the room then looking back to the girl, "And...where am I?" He asked rubbing his shoulders seeing his shoulder was exposed and so was the rest of his upper body, "WHERE DID MY CLOTHES GO?!?!?!" He screamed with his whole body turning white and shaking with fear and confusion.
"You're very loud for it being so early in the morning," The girl grimaced while taking another drink of her expresso finishing the rest of it. "You are in my penthouse, my name is Irina Adams, and my butler did once I gave him the order." Irina looked towards him with a fake smile then she rang a bell.
Not a moment later an older looking man stepped in with a coffee pot in hand. He didn't even look towards Midoriya as he stepped to the table the girl was sitting in.
"Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes m' lady." The man said as he poured another expresso into Irina's cup and took her empty plate then stood by her side.
"Thank you." She said then looked to the green-haired boy then back to the older man glancing at the door then back to him.
The butler nodded walking out of the room closing the door behind him leaving the two alone in the bedroom. The girl stood from her chair walking to Midoriya then sitting down a the end of the bed with her legs crossed as she inspected her nails. Midoriya pulled the blanket over his chest staring at the girl with a nervous expression on his face since he didn't know if she was going to say anything or ask him a question. He took a deep breath deciding he would be the one to start up a conversation as he sat up a bit straighter preparing himself to talk to the girl.
"I'm I-"
"Your name is Izuku Midoriya, your mother is Inko Midoriya and you're father figure is Yagi Toshinori aka All Might while your real father is unknown," Irina looked over at him then leaned back while placing her hands behind her so she wouldn't fall, "You're sixteen years old, you're blood type is O positive. As for you're quirk you seem to just break your bones over and over, however, you seem to have gotten some control over it and it's an exact copy if not a quirk very similar to All Might's." Irina smirked at him getting very close to his face while her hand pulled the blanket away from his chest. Using her nails he drew little shapes and patterns against his skin as her other hand pushed him down holding him against the bed. "And you're favorite food is Katsudon, a pork cutlet bowl." She chuckled as her nails went up and down following the dip and curves of his pale body.
Midoriya was scared stiff now as he just laid beneath the girl with his whole body a bright pink and shaking in fear or arousal he couldn't figure it out. How did this girl know all this stuff? Had she been stalking him and if she had for how long? How did she know about his quirk? How much did she know about his quirk? Why was she still on top of him?!?! He gulped while sweat started to form on his forehead and he tried to open his mouth and speak, but a jumbled mess of noise left his lips making his blush a deeper red. His eye's widened when Irina chuckled and got even closer tracing his freckles and playing with his curly mess of green hair.
"H-How do you know all that?" He stuttered and again his body went stiff when she crawled on top of him and lay flat against his body.
"I have my ways, Izuku," She purred while reaching back to her stockings pulling out a syringe filled with a glowing orange liquid, "I became interested in you when I watched the sports festival. I don't mean to come off as creepy, but I wanted to look into you more, so I did." She sat up off of him inserting the syringe into her veins with the rest of her arm glowing as her eyes flashed grey. "I did my investigation and began to watch taking note of your fight style, how you care so much for others, and how you are so hmm what's the right word I'm looking for...ah, yes, gullible!" Irina yelled then started laughing as she got off of him holding on to the wall as she continued to laugh.
Midoriya sat up quickly as he watched this girl change from terrifying to well less terrifying than before. Her laugh scared him as it sounded like when a villain would think they've got the upper hand in a battle, but the sad truth was that the villain did win. He sat in silence trying to shake off his fear as he noticed the girl now stood still staring at him making his blood run cold. If looks could kill, Midoriya was sure he'd be dead by now, but he had enough of this girl bossing him and so he got out of the bed and walked over to her, but he stopped when he had to lift his head.
'She's so tall! I know I'm short, but she's got like a few extra inches on me!' He began to scream internally as he took a step back holding his hands up. "I don't want to fight you if you let me go and return me to the family I'm supposed to be with I'll consider it a warning." He stated with a hardened expression as he went into a fighting stance.
The girl's brows furrowed and she glared at the male with her veins turning silver. She walked towards him and with a quick move, she pinned him to the wall then chuckled darkly as she moved closer to his face. "Aww, you're not that bright are you? Don't worry though I like you too much to do anything." Irina purred then pecked his nose before letting him go and taking a step back. "We'll talk more during breakfast, I'll leave you to get changed," She told him then let her eyes wander down his well-toned chest and abs making her smirk, "It's a shame you cover yourself, nobody can see how hard you train and workout." She winked at him then walked out of the room closing the door behind her.
Midoriya stood shaking and confused as he looked around the room once more. He didn't think that there would be any hidden cameras or voice recording systems, but he wanted to look just to make sure. With another glance, he walked to the closet grabbing something a little nice than he would usually wear.
"Even if she's...terrifying I still need to make a good impression on the rest of her family." He muttered as he slipped on a simple green button-up and a pair of jeans with his usual red sneakers. After freshening up he stepped out of the room looking both left and right before he noticed a maid walking down the hallway. He stepped out of the room and ran over to her tapping on her shoulder.
"Gah! Oh! Did you need something, sir?" The maid asked as she turned facing him with a shy smile.
"Yes, I um...I guess I'm supposed to have breakfast with...I don't know her name," He admitted while rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous smile.
"M'lady Irina, she's in the dining hall waiting for you," The maid pointed down the hallway and told him to just take a left and he'd be there. "If you like, I could walk with you." She offered with a sweet smile and a little blush on her face.
"Yeah, sure, I'm Izuku Midoriya," He smiled and bowed to her quickly then stood up.
"I'm Hannah Trancy, It's nice to meet you Izuku." She blushed and started walking with him down to the dining hall.
Together they walked not saying much, but Midoriya still didn't like the feeling of being in danger, even with such a nice girl like Hannah. He looked over at her noticing her eyes were glued to him and he quickly looked away as he noticed a painting of a very pretty woman and handsome man on the wall. He took note of how the woman looked exactly like Irina, but her eyes were a deeper purple and her hair was down to the floor. As for the man he extremely light purple hair, it was almost white and his eyes were a fire orange filled with power.
"How old is Irina? Why was she in my room this morning? Is she always that scary?" He asked now looking back towards Hannah.
"She just turned fifteen, actually, and she's not that scary. As for her being in your room she was excited and wanted to be the first person you saw." Hannah answered then looked away from with a sigh leaving her lips. "M'lady means well...she's just broken," Hannah looked back to him watching his movements and noticing the scars on his right hand. "When her mother was alive she exposed her to a lot of things no child should ever see...blackmail...seduction...even teaching her to see other girls as threats," Hannah explained looking back to the painting of the lady making her shiver as her blood ran cold, "It was her father and older sister who taught her the difference between right and wrong. So she knows good between bad and that hurting people is wrong, but she still does it anyway."
"Has she hurt you before?" Midoriya asked sounding worried and placing a hand on her shoulder. His eyes widened when he noticed Hannah's skin turn green and some of the indoor plants started growing and wrapped around his legs and waist.
"More like, I've hurt her." Hannah chuckled darkly as she raised her hand lifting Midoriya in the air while a large venus fly trap opened its jaw underneath him and a slimy vine-like tongue shot out wrapping around his leg pulling him down. Midoriya's eyes widened and he tried to scream out for help, but a leaf had covered his mouth so he couldn't scream or yell. Tears started pouring from his eyes as he looked at Hannah seeing she was smiling as she waved her hand watching as he was lowered into the jaws of the trap.
Suddenly a sharp blade flew across the air cutting the fly trap's head clean off and a sheet of iron was thrown against Hannah squishing her to the wall. Irina stepped forward with her hands raised as she moved her left hand having the blade come back and cut down Midoriya. She then brought the sheet of iron back catching him before he hit the ground.
"Irina! Y-You saved me." Midoriya stuttered with a shocked look in his eyes as he now was standing behind her as he noticed the flying metal all around the room cutting the plants.
Irina looked at him briefly before she smirked placing a kiss on his cheek and looking back to Hannah glaring. "The only reason I haven't made you drink weed killer is that my brother was sleeping with you," Irina hissed as she stepped closer to the green-skinned female who hissed back, "Since he isn't here right now, you're about to become compost!" She roared with a sinister smile on her face as she pulled her hands together tearing the metal sheet into two and tying the girl up.
Midoriya's eyes widened in shock as he looked to Irina in complete awe as he looked around trying to find something to help with. 'Using my power in such a closed-in space and I don't want to destroy anything, plus if we are on the penthouse floor we're up to high.' He thought as he looked back to Irina. His heart stopped when he saw a flash of red from across the room and the strong smell of copper hit his nose. Irina had a big patch of red across her torso and hands as three blood-covered metal marbles swirled in her hands while Hannah's body had three little holes in her body. One in her head, one in her throat, and one directly in her chest while another strip of metal was around her stomach and it had snapped a few of her ribs.
"Stay in hell where you belong," Irina said with a sadistic smile as she twirled her hair in her fingers chuckling softly before it turned into a crazed cackle.
"I-Irina," Midoriya whispered with fear in his eyes as he stepped a little closer placing his hand on her shoulder carefully.
Before he could do anything he felt a sudden sting against his face and he fell back on the ground holding his face. He winced and whimpered as he held his face then he pulled his hand away. His eyes widened at the sight of his blood staining his palm and a trickle of it slipped out of the cut down his face.
"W-What...have...have I done?" Irina spoke as she dropped the metal items and fell to her knees. Tears filled her eyes and she covered her mouth getting blood all over her face and staining her lips.
Midoriya looked towards her noticing how the bloodlust and terrifying look left her eyes and she was now the one who looked scared. Her body was shaking as she raised her hand slowly and wiped away the blood from his face making tears flow from her eyes. His eyes softened as he leaned forward wiping away her tears as gently as he could. He wasn't sure how to handle a situation like this since he had never dealt with something like this before. Should he call the police and turn her in? Or should he try and comfort her? How do you make a girl stop crying?
"Please don't think of me as some kind of monster! I know what I did was wrong! I'm sorry!" She cried and hugged him tightly burying her face in his chest crying softly as her body shook with fear. "P-Please don't leave...I won't hurt you a-again I-I promise." She begged gripping on to his shoulder.
Midoriya looked at her with a confused look, but when Irina looked up at him with her puffy red eyes he frowned giving her a tight hug and pet her hair running his fingers threw her soft light brown locks. "I'm not going to leave you," He told her as he wiped away another tear and lifted her chin with a serious look filling his eyes, "But you can't kill anymore if you want me to stay." He sternly said as he gave her a soft smile rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
Irina nodded quickly to him then she placed her hand on his cheek as she noticed it was still bleeding and hadn't clotted properly. She stood helping him up and grabbing his hand tightly while rushing down another hall and taking him into a room that looked like some kind of lab. Irina had Midoriya sit down on a metal table while she walked to a cabinet filled with different colored liquids ranging from bright purple to deep blue. She grabbed a pink liquid from the shelf and another syringe filling it with the liquid as she walked back to Midoriya.
Midoriya looked at the syringe tilting his head slightly as he suddenly left a cold liquid on his arm and the smell of ethanol over took his nose. Irina had a cotton ball covered rubbing alcohol and she was rubbing a small spot on his arm while she picked up the syringe preparing to inject the liquid into his arm, but Midoriya pulled his arm back quickly. He noticed how Irina had flinched slighly at his fast movement, but he kept his arm away from her as he stared her directly in the eye.
"What?" She asked trying to reach for his arm again.
"Hold on a second!" He yelled then covered his mouth while blushing in embarrassment. "What are you going to inject into me?" He asked with his eyes slowly moving to look at the syringe.
"Midoriya, I may have to ability to hurt and kill people, but that doesn't mean I'd ever hurt you on purpose," She responded then leaned in closer with her breath fanning against his cheeks, "Unless you're into that kind of stuff." She purred with a wink.
Midoriya's face turned beet red and he covered his face with both hands trying to hide from her. He really didn't understand this girl and her way of thinking, one minute she was crazy, the next she's caring, and then she's all flirty with him. He couldn't tell if he should make a run for it or stay as close to her as possible. He gave a short simple nod and slowly brought his arm forward letting Irina inject the liquid into him. He bit his lips feeling the needle poke into his skin as he suddenly felt very hyper and energetic, but then the feeling was gone.
"It's a healing serum that gets rid of new fresh wounds," Irina explained holding up a small pocket mirror to his face showing him how the cut was now gone. She smiled when Midoriya touched his cheek rubbing his fingers over where the cut used to be making his eyes widen in shock.
"I told you, I'd never hurt you." She smiled then jumped up on the tabel holding his hand tightly as she rested her head on his shoulder.
Midoriya blushed slightly as he reached over patting her head trying to show her some affection back. He smiled a little more when she nuzzled against him causing her breath to tickle his neck making him laugh and squirm under her hold. Irina now looked up blinking in surprise, but it didn't last too long as an evil smile appeared on her lips. With a gulp, he slowly let go of her hand and smiled before he ran off and out of the lab screaming like a five-year-old girl. Irina laughed before she to got up chasing after him and running around the penthouse like two little kids on a sugar high. They went around each room chasing one other back and forth while tickling and Irina giving Midoriya a few kisses on the nose or cheek.
"Gotcha!" Irina smirked pinning the boy down on the floor with a playful smile on her face.
Midoriya laughed and looked at her with a playful smile of his own as he tickled her sides getting a reaction out of her. Irina started giggling before she started laughing and her grip on his loosened some giving him a chance to pin her down. Both of them laughed and panted while laying on the floor as they both stared at the ceiling with stupid smiles on their faces. While they were laying in silence trying to regain their breathing their stomachs growled loudly and both of them blushed before they stood and walked down to the dining area.
"So, a metal control quirk?" He asked while taking a bite of the meal the two had been served. He couldn't remember the name of it, but it was something that involved crab.
"In a way, yes," Irina answered taking a drink of her water as she took out another syringe filled with the bright orange liquid, "My father had a quirk to where he could play with DNA and give himself different quirks, but he had to have a special formula to do so." She said holding up the tool to show him before she rolled her sleeve up and injected it into her veins again. "In order for my quirk to work, I have to have the metal of my choosing melted down and put into these then I inject them into my bloodstream."
Midoriya looked in shock as he watched her eyes flash grey again. Her quirk was amazing, but at the same time, he knew the trouble she could cause with it. The two then moved on from the topic of quirks to other heroes and Peacemakers, both becoming fangirl/fanboy and talking about their favorites and ones they had met in person.
"No way! You guys have a hero like Present Mic! That's so cool!" He gazed in awe at the picture of a red-haired female Peacemaker with a dusty short brown jacket and a full red leather bodysuit. It was sleeveless and had a very low v-cut crisscross tied with brown string. On her face rested a small black mask tipped with orange at the nose made her look even more like some kind of bird.
"Oh, that's Songbird, she's able to control her vocal cords and make sonic blasts so powerful she can even destroy metal. Her max limit with her scream is three hundred and fifty decibels which can make a person's ears bleed." Irina explained as she took out a few more pictures of Songbird.
Midoriya noticed a picture where Songbird was out of costume and he smiled brightly at seeing a familiar face. He picked it up to examine then he smiled setting it back down on the table.
'Songbird is Ruby! That's so cool! I'll have to ask for her autograph next time I see her.' He thought then looked back to Irina smiling as she took out more pictures of older Peacemakers explaining them to him and laughing as the two told corny puns to one another using the Pro Hero or the Peacemaker picture they had. Hours went and Midoriya had completely forgotten that Irina was the same person who had killed that maid and the same person who was probably staking him. He just saw another fan of heroes that he was able to goof around with and tell corny puns too. He felt more relaxed as it became nighttime once more and Midoryia had gone to his room to change into some sleep clothing. He walked back out going into the living room since he heard Irina's voice so he turned the corner ready to surprise her with a hug, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"So, how's the hero in training?" A girl with a geisha mask on asked.
On the t.v was the geisha girl with hair bright purple, but it was so bright it almost looked white, and a man with six slits in his forehead while a cloth mask covered his nose and lips, but it still showed off his full and thick brown beard.
"He's none of you're concern sis, besides don't you have a thing for the guy with the hand fetish?" Irina asked with a cocky smirk as she crossed her arms.
The geisha's eyes narrowed, but she was scolded by the man who told her to shut up and keep quiet.
"Beta team has returned and you're next mission will be ready soon, do I make myself clear?" The male asked with his two orange eyes looking to Irina with a hard and cold look in them.
"I have the boy to watch over though, I can't leave for that long and not have a reason." Irina snapped while crossing her arms as she glared towards the male.
"You're a smart girl, figure something out." The male chuckled before he ended the call.
"If you do anything stupid-"
"At least I can touch a man without killing him." Irina finished and ended the call with the geisha. She was silent for a moment then a groan left her lips in frustration and she sat down on the couch hugging her knees to her chest. "What am I going to do?" She whispered and put her head down on her knees while letting her hair fall to cover her arms.
Midoriya bit his lips a little then walked to Irina sitting down next to her and placing a hand on her back. Irina looked up slightly with her eyes sparkling and she moved closer to him cuddling up to his side.
"Don't worry, everything is gonna be ok," Midoriya smiled softly to her then he felt himself become more confident and he wrapped both arms around her. He took his thumb forcing her to look up at him as he gave his best and brightest smile making Irina smile back with a bit of blush dusting her cheeks.
"Why do you say that, Midoriya?" She asked tilting her head to the side.
"Because," He started then stood up placing his fist on his hips with another bright smile "I am here!"
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