Moving to America: Kirishima, Bakugo, Amajiki, and Hawks pt.1
"Katsuki! You behave with that other family you hear me!" Mitsuki yelled as her son was already walking away from his parents and on to the plain. Mitsuki growled as she didn't get a response from her son right away making her red eyes fume with rage
"Shut up old hag! I'll do what I damn well please!" Katsuki yelled back and walked on to the plane sitting down next to a window.
"Don't worry Mrs. Bakugo, I'll make sure he stays out of trouble." Kirishima smiled brightly as he waved by to his family one last time before he went up into the plane taking a seat right next to him. "That was kinda unmanly, bro, your mom cares about you." Kirishima nudged him a little with his elbow.
"Tch, I sent her a text telling her I made dinner for tell anyone this and I'll kill you." He said with his usual threating tone, but he didn't yell like usual.
As the two sat staring out the window not saying much to one another and eventually Bakugo took out a book to read while Kirishima took out his Switch and began playing Smash bros. It took a good hour for everyone to show up and find a seat, but suddenly the plane became silent. The ash blond and the redhead looked up with their eyes widening at a glimpse of red wings and a tan coat.
"It's the number two pro hero Hawks!" Somebody yelled and they began to flood around him trying to get a picture or autograph.
Hawks smiled at the younger hero's in training waving his hand and nodding to them, but his brown orbs scanned the seats like he was looking for someone. He smiled to another fan before he spotted the person he was looking for making him smile in successes. He raced over having his wings go up and blocking anyone from getting past his wings as he looked down to the two boys.
"Hey, blast boy, I need you up in the first-class area with me for a second." He whispered to the younger ash blond then looked back letting his one wing life up as he pointed Bakugo to the door while still smiling at the kids.
Bakugo blinked in shock as he was about to argue, but he just growled lowly and carefully went to the door up to the first-class flying section. He closed the door behind him looking around in amazement at how nice this section of the plane was. As his crimson red eyes took in the amazing sight he noticed a head of indigo hair sitting in one of the chairs. The ash-blond stepped closer then his eyes widened and he growled before he smirked and held his hand out making small explosions.
"Well, well, well if it isn't the shy baby," Bakugo scowled while standing in front of the indigo haired male, "What the hell are you doing here, Tamaki Amajiki." He sneered and crossed his arms glaring at the pointy-eared male.
"B-Bakugo-san, w-what are y-y-you doing h-here?" Amajiki stuttered and began to shudder then quickly looked to the floor as his hands gripped his knees.
"Tch, look up at somebody when you talk to them." He snarled as he sat down across from the elf eared teen.
"I called you both here," Hawks answered as he walked over to the bar ordering himself a whiskey on ice a, but he sent a wink to the mixologist with a charming smile. He still had the smile on his face while the mixologist glared and just got him his drink. With an awkward thank you, he walked back sitting next to Amajiki, "I didn't get a say in this, but apparently all three of us are staying in the same house." He explained and took a sip of his drink.
Bakugo's eyes widened and he stood pointing a finger at the indigo haired male, "I am not living with him!"
Amajiki flinched at the loud noise as he gulped turning his head away with his hair covering his eyes. It was very clear that the two teens didn't get along very well with one another and Hawks couldn't understand why at first then he made him groan as he downed the rest of his drinks and ordered another one.
"Look, I don't have time to play babysitter with you two," He barked while his brown eyes narrowed as he pulled out his own packet looking over information. "I've been assigned to train a Peacemaker that has a quirk very similar to my own."
"Why are you training him? Shouldn't the stupid school train them?" Bakugo asked while sitting back down, but not before he stepped towards Amajiki making him flinch and the blond chuckle.
"It's she, not a he," Hawks sighed running a hand threw his hair as he looked over a bit more information. He didn't bother to read it before and now he was paying for it since the flight ride over was only a few hours and he had about five hundred pages to read. "Are you kidding me! She's not even old enough to take over that agency yet!" Hawks groaned in frustration and he downed another drink asking for a stronger one.
"S-Sir, I don't think you should d-drink that much," Amajiki advised while a nervous look came over him and he quickly faced away from the pro hero.
"I'm stopping after this one, don't worry." Hawks answered as the drink was set next to him. He smiled at the mixologist before taking a sip of the drink and skimming over the paperwork once more.
The rest of the flight was silent between the three males and Bakugo was sick of it. He had gone out of the room grabbing Kirishima by his arm and dragging him up into the first-class area. Before the red-haired teen could say anything, Bakugo told him he wanted to play the Switch with him and that was the only reason he dragged him up here. Kirishima smiled brightly as they started playing Smash Bro's keeping one another entertained for the remainder of the flight. Amajiki, on the other hand, had been texting Mirio asking him if he was enjoying his stay in Arizona with the little family he moved in with. When he didn't get a reply his anxiety acted up making his mind fill with horrible scenarios and ideas that made him think Mirio was upset with him. His phone buzzed and he smiled slightly when Mirio sent him a picture of the two children he was helping take care of with the family.
'Maybe the family I'm with is really nice too.' He silently prayed that the family wasn't very social or at least would understand he didn't like crowds or going out that much.
Another hour went by and the plane had landed in the most American state possible, Texas. The four males left looking around in amazement as they saw all the big buildings, lights, and the smell of food. Hawks smirked slightly seeing a few ladies walk past him while giggling, so he ran his fingers threw his hair winking at them making them blush and run off giggling.
"I like this place already." He chuckled while taking off his coat since it was unbelievably hot and humid.
"You're here to teach and train not spread girls open like peanut butter." Bakugo glared at the pro while also taking off his jacket. He looked up noticing a few girls winking at him or making flirty poses, but he just rolled his eyes and looked the other way and turn to Kirishima, "Oi, when are you getting picked up?" He asked holding his jacket over his shoulder with one hand.
"I'm not sure, I'm supped to be looking for somebody named Jemmah Stoneson," Kirishima answered looking around then back to his paper, "They need like pictures or something of these guys." He laughed putting the paper away as he scanned the crowd.
As the four males were walking around they could hear a growling noise. The more they walked, the louder it got plus it wasn't stopping. It got louder and louder until they finally stopped and looked back to Amajiki who blushed in embarrassment and looked away with his body trembling in fear.
"S-Sorry, I d-didn't h-h-have time to eat this morning," He twiddled his thumbs together then turned facing a nearby wall putting his forehead against it.
"Come on, let's go get some food before elf boy's stomach eats itself." Hawks replied before spotting a food court and dragging the other three with him.
The males had split up into two groups with Hawks and Amakjiki going one way and Bakugo and Kirishima going another. Like usual Bakugo stopped a place selling spicy foods so they went and he ordered some wings with ghost pepper hot sauce. Kirishima looked around spotting a place he thought was interesting so he waddled over, looking at the menu for a few seconds before deciding on a burger with some fries and a coco-cola. As he waited for his order to be called he noticed a girl about his age standing in line digging threw some kind of purple cat bag with a crescent moon on top of it.
"Do you have the money or not? You've got people behind you." The cashier asked looking annoyed.
"I know I have some extra money! I made sure to stay on budget!" She said but mumbled the last part to herself while still digging threw the bag.
"Miss, you're gonna have to-"
"Here, use this to pay for the rest of it." Kirishima smiled at the cashier while handing him a five-dollar bill. He looked back to the girl noticing she looked up with a shocked look and he flashed her a big smile.
" hehe thanks." The girl blushed with her violet eyes sparkling like some kind of jewel.
"No problem! It would be pretty unmanly to let a girl go without food in her system." He smiled then walked to the pickup line with her still waiting on his order.
"I have change in my bag somewhere," She quickly responded setting her bag down as she pulled out a couple of mangas and some doujinshi of male x male.
Kirishima looked noticing the Japanese writing and he picked one up to look at it, but his face went beat red and he quickly put it down gathering the items and placing his jacket on top of them so nobody else would see. He looked back to the girl watching her as she continued to dig in her bag and he chuckled wondering how much stuff she had in there.
"Don't worry about the change! Keep it, it's not a big deal!" He smiled as he picked up her items and handed them back to her, "You might want to hide these though." He said as he moved closer so nobody would see the very detailed artwork.
"Hm? Gah! Oh my gosh! I didn't even realize I took those out!" She squeaked and grabbed the books hiding them in her bag once more. She looked up at the red-haired male then looked down at her feet with some of her baby hair's covering her face.
"Hey, don't look sad. Everyone has an interest, right? Granted that stuff is a little um...graphic, but it's something you like!" He moved closer placing a hand on her shoulder smiling brightly.
'Oh my gosh! An actual prince charming! Oh please tell me you have a-" Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a blond-haired boy with crimson red orbs walking toward the red-haired male looking annoyed and pissed. 'AAAAAHHH! A ruthless and dominant warrior! A classic 7 x 8!' The girl thought and began fangirling on the inside but on the outside, she had a beat red face with a little drool coming from her mouth.
"Uhh...miss? Are you okay?" Kirishima asked waving his hand in front of her face tilting his head to the side. He looked up hearing their order was called and he offered to go get it, but the girl didn't respond so he took it as a yes.
Bakugo and the other males had finished their food so he went to go find the red-headed male since Hawks now had a crowd around him and Amajiki was facing a wall somewhere far away from people. His eyes then landed on Kirishima talking to a rather cute looking girl with light chocolate brown hair. It was done up in some kind of long braid while the bottom of her hair made a curling form around her arms. As he got closer he noticed her violet eyes were shining brightly in the lights and then it was her outfit that caught his attention the most. She had on an oversized violet-colored zip jacket with a teal undershirt, a pair of black shorts and finally, her shoes were simple back flat, but she had thigh high stockings on.
"Oi! Kirishima!" He yelled walking over to the pair and he looked at the girl glaring slightly at her. "What are you doing, shouldn't you be trying to find that Jemmah girl or some shit?" He asked while crossing his arms.
"Bakugo!" Kirishima smiled holding up two bags of food as he handed one to the girl smiling brightly to her, "Sorry about that, they messed up our order so it took a few minutes to fix." He explained handing the girl her food while looking back to Bakugo smiling, "Hey bro! Sorry about taking so long I was helping out ah...I don't know your name hehe." He smiled sheepishly at the girl before him with a little blush on his face.
The girl blinked in surprise at the blond male when she heard a name then she looked back to the red-haired male and smiled a little before holding out her hand, "Jemmah Stoneson, but call me Jem."
The two men looked at her in shock before they looked to each other and then back to the girl. Bakugo was the first to speak, saying there was no way in hell she was the kid Kirishima was supposed to stay with for a whole year. Jem didn't even argue back to the blond and instead, she took out her driver's license holding it up for him to read. She smiled when Bakugo growled in frustration as he stepped back, crossing his arms while mumbling about how it might be fake. Jem, on the other hand, put her license away then looked to Kirishima with a little smile as she picked up her bag of food then looked back to the blond.
"You're pick up is also me by the way," She informed him while taking out one of her fries and munching on it, "Rorrie and her sisters had chores to do so I offered to pick you all up." She explained while taking out her car keys.
"That was so nice of you! Right Bakugo!" Kirishima asked with a smile, but he was only met with Bakugo holding up his hand and making a small explosion, "Hehe, let me go get the guys and we can head off!" Kirishima yelled with excitement as he dashed off to the table to retrieve Hawks and Amajiki.
Jem giggled at his actions with a small smile on her face as she waited with Bakugo. The blond looked at the girl and then noticed how tall she actually was, she was taller than most girls he'd seen walking around, but she was shorter than him and Kirishima. He then glared and stepped closer holding her by the collar of her jacket.
"You do anything to him and I'll blast you off the planet." He growled again making another explosion with his free hand.
Jem looked up at with a straight face as her violet eyes looked into his crimson orbs making her gulp in fear. Suddenly her skin went from being tan and smooth to suddenly pure white and rough, not to mention she became about a thousand pounds heavier.
"Why the hell are you so heavy all of a sudden!" He yelled trying to hold her up with his other hand, but he could only hold her for a few more seconds before dropping her.
"You frightened me and made me use my quirk!" She squeaked back then she stood with her white rocky skin going back to tan. She noticed a flash of red and saw Kirishima coming back with a big smile on his face as get got closer with the two other males that she didn't recognize, but she figured they were the other two males standing with her friend.
"Let's go!"
All of them had walked to the parking lot each person talking and cracking a joke or just making small talk with one another. Once in the far side of the parking lot, Jem pressed a button on her keys with her car alarm go off. She smiled sheepishly pressing the button again before running over to a long Sweptail and popping the trunk then looking back seeing all four men had their jaws dropped to the floor in shock. Jem tilted her head before looking back to the car and then back to the males with a tiny smile on her face and a bit of blush as she rubbed her neck.
"I don't usually take this one out, but I figured you wouldn't want to ride in a pink Koenigsegg ccxr trevlta," She said with a nervous smile then she went to the front opening the door and starting the engine.
"I don't even care if that car is pink, I wanna see it!" Hawks yelled with excitement as he raced up front sitting next to Jem, "Please tell me you have an older sister!" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
"Ha! I wish! I'm the oldest girl in my family," Jem said laughing as she got out for a moment to help the guys put their bags away before walking back up and getting into the car.
"So, your family must make a lot of money to get a car like this," Bakugo added as he took in the fine leather stitching and how clean the glass was.
"Yeah, you're parents must be some pretty awesome heroes!" Kirishima added, taking in the smell of the car which still smelled very clean.
Amajiki just nodded with Kirishima as he munched on some leftover chicken Hawks didn't finish.
"Oh, my parents aren't Peacemakers," Jem answered as she checked her mirrors, but she jumped when three of the four men had screamed what while Amajiki just looked up with a shocked expression, "My dad is a diamond miner and my mother is a stay at home mom," She smiled while taking out her wallet to show them a picture of her family which had twenty-five children and the majority were male while the younger children were female.
The four looked and shock then they looked to Kirishima, but they were surprised to see him smiling at the picture saying Jem looked adorable with her family. A blush dusted her face as her skin again turned from tan to a shiny and smooth rose color. She squeaked before changing back her skin and driving off to the city. Along the way one of them would ask how much longer, are we there yet, or the simple can you turn up the radio. Threw it all Jem wasn't fazed by it and just smiled on as she drove further and further out of the city and into the desert county side.
Hawks had looked back at the city with a sigh then he noticed how almost no houses, stores, or even a gas station was around after about a good five miles. It went on like that for a good few hours before they came across a huge old and rickety-looking farmhouse in need of a fresh coat of paint and weeding done. Barbed wire was around a splinter infested fence and far off in the distance were cows and horses grazing along the dry dusty grass fields. A brown barn was off a good mile away from the house, but it appeared to hold a tractor and some hey while next to it was a field of corn and other crops.
"This house was built when my grandpa's father was alive and Rorrie and her family have lived here since her daddy was a baby," Jem explained as she pulled into the gravel driveway letting Hawks, Amajiki, and Bakugo out of the car to get their stuff and leave them to the family that lived in the farmhouse. Jem let Kirishima climb upfront as she looked back to the other three men with a serious look in her eyes, "Whatever you do, don't go inside that house until one of the girls comes back," She looked around as if making sure nobody were around before she leaned in a little closer dropping her voice to a whisper, "Their mother isn't mentally stable, so you go in that house without them she will kill you." Jem's tone became very serious and stern unlike how they had heard her before, but she smiled before waving goodbye and driving off with Kirishima.
The three men stood stiffer than a board as they turned slowly facing the house with sweat going down there forehead. They slowly walked to the front of the house setting their bags down before walking away from the door as they went around to the back of the house looking at how bare and dry everything looked. The trees weren't lush and green, tumbleweeds blew by and when they took a breath of air they coughed since they weren't used to the dust. Hawks took his phone out ready to call Endeavor and tell him he wanted to come back right now, but there was no service so he couldn't.
"This place sucks." Bakugo grimaced as he kicked some dirt making a small dust cloud in the wind.
"D-Don't say that Bakugo-san! I'm s-s-sure there's a reason-"
"Hey shh!" Hawks called as he held up a hand making the two stay silent before he suddenly flew up into the sky looking around and spotting a mountain lion ready to attack a group of kids not too far away from the fields of animals. "Head up the hill! There some kid's in trouble!" Hawks called as he took off.
Bakugo and Amajiki followed using their quirks to make themselves go faster. As the three males arrived the mountain lion had a child under its paws ready to maw him, but Hawks was faster swooping down and grabbing the lion throwing it off the boy. Amajiki also flew down getting the kids huddled together and taking them away from the danger while Bakugo ran in to help fight off the lion. The explosions from his quirk to scare off the large cat with its tail between its legs making him laugh in victory, but he had also startled the horses causing them to run and starting a stamped. At first, Bakugo thought it was just thunder from a nearby storm, but his crimson eyes were met with about over two thousand horses charging at him at full speed.
He turned running the other way, but he wasn't fast enough to get out and the horses were closing in on him till he was running between the four-legged beasts. If he couldn't keep up with them he'd be trampled and left in the dust, he narrowed his eyes and kept pace watching his footing, but even he knew he'd get tired eventually. Suddenly a loud bang went off causing the horses to scatter apart and a rider appeared on a brown and white spotted horse, gun in hand as they put it away taking out a rope. Their golden eyes narrowed as they swung the rope around a few times before tossing it around Bakugo's waist and pulling him back up on to the horse.
Bakugo was breathless as he laid stomach first on the back of the horse red-faced and panting trying to regain his breath. As the rider looked back to Bakugo they nodded to him with their blond hair showing a little under their cowboy hat. The rider had their horse get out of the stamped and run back down the hill, but instead of going threw the gate it jumped over the fence making the two lift in the air and land with a hard thump on its back. Hawks and Amajiki were standing with the kids making sure they were alright and unharmed, but once the rider appeared they went stiff and turned pale.
The rider glared getting down off the horse before walking over to the children crossing their arms and just staring at them. Suddenly the kids stood taking out apples and carrots from their pockets and handing them over. The cowboy looked at the fruit before grabbing one and walking over to the horse letting it smell the apple, but the horse's eyes widened and it reared up looking frightened and it kicked the apple out of the rider's hand.
"Y'all were trying to kill my livestock!" The rider yelled picking up a rock and tossing it at the kids. The children laughed with evil as the ran off heading off into the night running as fast as their legs could carry them. The rider reached for their gun, but they just growled and walked to the horse noticing Bakugo was standing now looking pissed with his eyes twitching.
"WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled grabbing the rider and holding them to the ground as his hand was placed around their throat. "You start talking or I'll kill you!" He roared with anger as he stared into the golden eyes seeing they didn't hold fear or nervousness, but rather an annoyed look. The rider was still and silent before kicking their legs up and pushing Bakugo off allowing them to pin him down and reach for their gun holding it at his head.
"You don't have the guts! Do it I dare ya!" Bakugo yelled while gritting his teeth and his crimson orbs showing rage and hate.
"Bakugo!" Both males yelled ready to get the rider off and disarm them, but suddenly a loud and ear bleeding screech came from behind the two males. Before they could turn around they were pinned by a set of long scaley legs with a claw about a foot-long near their faces.
Hawks eyes moved up noticing the scaley body belong to a yellow dinosaur with a snake-like face staring right at him. His eyes widened with fear as he looked seeing Amajiki was also pinned down by the same creature with about five more walking towards Bakugo and the rider. He went to use one of his feathers, but suddenly one of the dinosaurs jumped on him crushing his wings and ripping out the feathers. He screamed and yelled in pain as the teeth sometimes missed the wings and dug straight into his back tearing apart his clothes and flesh.
The rider had looked up then stood pulling their bandana down to reveal they were a girl with their freckleface set into a hard stare as she reached for some kind of wooden tool with holes built into it. She placed her fingers on different parts then blew into it making a barking sound getting the other dino's attention as she started to back up. She still blew into the tool as three of them looked towards the biggest while it hissed then screeched once more looking towards the girl. The girl put the tool away and reached for her guns holding them steady as she fired her bullets straight into their head watching them drop like flies.
Bakugo stood quickly, running full speed at the dino that was ripping Hawks apart and he created a blast hear its head then he jumped on top of it blowing the animals' brains out with another explosion. He looked up seeing more were coming as the biggest of them were far to the side screeching and hissing as if they were communicating with one another. He growled looking back to Amajiki who was being dragged off into the forest by his ankles while his wrist had been slit forcing him to keep still or die of blood loss.
Before Amajiki was pulled into the forest a growling noise could be heard from behind them making the dino's stop as they dropped Amajiki to run back over to the others. The rest of the group also heard the growl and ran into a hearing formation standing close together while the bigged of the group stood head-on at the front hissing slightly and waiting to see what was in the forest. Amajiki had tears falling from his eyes as blood dripped from his writs while he bit his lip praying he would live to see another day. His ears then picked up some kind of tapping noise not to far away while he could see a bit of movement leaving the far side out of sight from everyone's eyes.
It was silent. Dead silent with the only noise being the breathing of everyone as they waited to see what would jump out of the forest. The cowgirl glanced behind her seeing movement out of the corner of her eye and slowly she moved closer to the other blond. As she was moving the biggest snake dino stepped closer to the forest with its claw right near Amajiki's head making him suck in breath while keeping his eyes open so if need be, he'd be able to role out of the way if something were to jump out. The big dino made its own clicking noise with its claw, but it saw no threat so it turned only to stop with its eyes widening. It got ready to screech again but out from the bush, a smaller version of the dinos sprung from the forest lunging itself at the bigger dino with its razor sharp teeth sinking into the flesh. The bigger one cried out and used its legs to kick the smaller dino off and prepared its claw getting ready to tear the small one apart.
The girl looked around spotting other versions of the dino getting ready to attack so with a quick movement, she grabbed the males arm and ran over to the other males. With Hawks, she helped him stand and let him lean on her as they moved away from the chaos going on behind them. Bakugo had run to help Amajiki, but when he got there a girl with light blue hair and pigtails had him on her back as she followed the blond girl and Hawks. Bakugo chased after them and helped with Hawks once he actually caught up with the group.
Once they were a safe distance away they set Hawks down on the ground as the cowgirl took out some wrapping from her bag. As the cowgirl took care of Hawks, the light blue-haired girl emerged from the woods and raced over with an unnatural seed setting the indigo hair male down. She noticed his tear-stained cheeks making her heartache at the sight, but she could hear the calls of the small dino's then looked to the blond-haired girl.
"The Velociraptor pack needs my help," She conceded while ripping the sleeves off her jacket and tying them around Amajiki's wrist to stop the bleeding.
"Go, I'll take care of these guys," The cowgirl responded with her golden eyes staring into the yellow eyes of the light blue-haired girl, "Be careful, sis." She whispered and went back to work with Hawks.
The girl nodded then looked back to Amajiki seeing he was staring at her with fear laced in his eyes. The girl stood back with her body morphing into a scaley blue Velociraptor with razor-sharp teeth and claws that could easily tear apart a human. She looked at all of them only seeing a surprised expression from the males, but she moved closer to Amajiki purring softly and rubbing against his cheek with her nose. She cooed and purred softly once more against his face before stepping back and letting out an ear-bleeding scream then took off running back up into the action to help her pack.
Amajiki blinked in surprise as he turned his head to look at the blond girl who had finished with Hawks and stood watching the fight with her arms crossed. "W-Why did...she purr?" He asked then winced when he moved his ankle too far to the side.
"It's just something they do," She explained then looked back at him before tossing more wrapping to Bakugo, "Take care of him will ya? I've got some Utahraptors to shoot if they get to close." She said while taking out her guns keeping them close to her while her golden eyes watched the fight closely.
"Like hell I'm taking orders from-" He stopped when the gun was pointed at him and he growled walking over to Amajiki wrapping his ankles up with.
The girl smirked looking back to the fight as she watched keeping an eye on the blue raptor while she gripped her guns tightly keeping them pointed at the ground for safety. With her mind cleared and heart slowed she raised her guns keeping them still as she fired hitting two Utahraptors that were ready to ambush from behind, but their bodies tumbled down the hill, shifting back into dead corpses of their human form. She grimaced and fired two more times at the enemy watching the bodies drop like flies while the Velociraptor's attacked head-on ripping apart Utahraptors by the throat and dragging them off into the forest.
When the last Utahraptor remained it was the leader with bite marks in its throat as it stumbled around trying to run back into the forest. The blue raptor, however, stalked up from behind and jumped forward holding the Utahraptor down as more Velociraptors ran over and began to eat the leader while it was still alive. It took about five minutes before the screaming of the raptor stopped and the Velociraptors had left nothing but bones and blood on the ground. The blue one had started back before she turned hearing one of the others chittering to her and she responded back before running off and going to the cowgirl. She purred again nuzzling against the girl getting some blood on her, but then she noticed the indigo haired male trying to stand and she trotted over, using the edges of her teeth she pulled him up and let him rest against her side for support.
"Let's go home, guys." The blond girl said before whistling and getting her horse to come back over. She helped Hawks get up, but when she tried to help Bakugo he just growled at her and got up on the horse himself. The girl rolled her eyes before gripping the reins and guiding the horse back to the house.
The raptor looked at Amajiki babbling to him while she lowered herself slightly and lifted him on to her back. Amajiki quickly wrapped his arms around her holding on tightly as he started shaking in fear. The raptor purred again while looking back to him with her yellow eyes showing nothing but kindness. She titled her head to the side giving him a silly grin and followed after the others staying close by as they walked back to the old house.
To be continued...
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