Legion of Chaos
"Hey, Hey, wake up," a soft voice called out while a warm hand was placed against Dabi's cheek as another hand lightly shook his side. His eyes opened slightly seeing Mara standing next to him with a towel covering her body as water dripped from her wet hair. His eyes looked over her body for a moment before turning over covering his face with a pillow.
"Dabi!" Mara yelled jumping on top of him while pinning his arms to the side so he couldn't fight back while her legs kept his hips grounded to the bed.
"OKAY! I'm up!" He yelled while his eyes came into view of her black bra making him smirk slightly before lifting his head to look at the girl.
"Get off," He growled.
"Make me," she shot back.
"Gladly," He sneered then flipped the two of them over till they were on the floor with him pinning her down against the carpet.
With a sly smile, he used one hand holding her wrist as his other hand tickled her bare sides causing the she-wolf to laugh while her legs kicked up and down as she pleaded for him to stop. Tears even form in the corner her eyes all because she was laughing so hard. Dabi found this different than what he was used to, when Toga would get him up she would just rip the blanket off and try to stab him. Mara, however, made him feel a little more comfortable even it had only been a few days they had known each other. The train had been acting up during the travel to Alaska and Dabi wasn't allowed to leave the room, but he had Mara to keep him company. Communication from Shigaraki and Kurogiri had been cut off so he was really forced into talking to Mara. At first, he just ignored her and her questions, but about the third day of being in the room with her something happened then had the both of them open up a little more.
"Endeavor once again saves the day by-"
"...He doesn't seem like a nice guy huh," Mara started while pausing the news channel to look at the number one pro.
Dabi looked up from the floor to stare at the picture on the screen. The sight of the hero alone made him mad enough to light the whole bed on fire, but he remained calm just gripping the bed to control himself.
"...My team did some research on him a few months ago...he reminds me of my mother and father."
Dabi turned to look back at Mara seeing her eyes focusing on the screen intensely while her ears flattened back. He looked at the screen once again before sighing and looking at her, but he closed his eyes when he asked her a question.
"How?" He questioned just planning to ignore her little pity party.
"My mother was a power-hungry demon that overworked me to the point where I couldn't even move. As for my father, well he didn't love his wife or mistress and did whatever he had to no matter what it was...like he only created me as a punishment for my mother."
The villain snapped back to reality looking at the raven-haired she-wolf while her green eyes showed concern and worry for the man holding her down. He let go of her slowly standing up as he grabbed her arm helping her up as well.
"Sorry, I'm okay don't worry, doll," He reassured her while ruffling her now damp hair causing her to giggle while making her tail wag.
"Just making sure, Romeo," She teased while playfully punching his arm then grabbing her clothes and getting dressed, "You go shower, I've got to take care of some stuff before we arrive at headquarters." She explained then turned heading to the door, but before she left she blew him a kiss and walked out.
Dabi smiled slightly to himself only to shake his head and sigh running a hand threw his hair as he entered the bathroom looking in the mirror. He thought back to how people acted when seeing him and it made him feel more self-conscious. Mara wasn't a terrible looking person, but he was just flat out ugly. His fake purple skin covered the real damage underneath and his body was built so awkwardly that it made the average pre-teen look normal. He looked into the mirror for a few more minutes before grabbing a shower and getting clean then drying off. Once he stepped out in new clean clothes he looked up only to be met with a sack being put on his head and being pinned to the ground while he felt something metal being attached to his limbs. He yelled and struggled, but nothing worked and he felt a sharp pain in his arm go into and leave it there. His eyes were getting heavy and he could make out the detail of at least five other people before all he was was black.
------------------------------------------------Time skip------------------------------------------
"As promised the three have been brought straight from the station,"
"The guards were a little overkill though don't you think?"
"Sombra, enough,"
Dabi's eyes opened when hearing Mara's stern voice as she walked to a man dressed in a suit with spider web outlines going along his arms while his back was turned to a fireplace. He didn't turn his head when Mara approached him, but he folded his hands behind his back. Mara stood still before bowing on one knee holding her right hand to her chest, head low to the ground. He turned his head seeing another girl dressed in a brown and grey geisha outfit, but instead of her face being painted she had a skin-colored mask with a heavy amount of makeup on it, but it was still beautiful. He then looked to the last girl seeing she was dressed in almost nothing, but she didn't have regular skin. It was a pure shadow black body while her hair looked like Kurogiri's body along with her yellow eyes. She had on a golden bra top that just barely covered her breasts, a shear golden skirt that was just covered by a black thong, but it blended in perfectly with her skin, and she had no shoes showing off her little feet that had razer sharp nails attached to them.
"The leader is Shigaraki Tomura," The masked girl spoke pointing to the light blue-haired male.
"Dear, sister, please we are American do not speak to me like that," The well-dressed male replied not turning to her.
"But it shows respect-"
"Respect must be earned!" He yelled, finally turning to look at her and throwing some kind of object at her head.
The girl caught the object in her hand before throwing it at a servent knocking him out cold. She walked to the male pulling him to her level and slapping him across the face with her gloved hand while shoving him to the ground making him chuckle.
"Brother, dearest, if you want their respect, you must earn it by showing it first," She hissed kicking the male in the jaw, almost breaking it.
The three males looked both shocked and confused as to who these people were and why the two were fighting right in front of them. Dabi looked back to Mara seeing she now was standing, but she had been talking to another girl who looked pretty terrified. She nodded whispering something to the girl before walking towards the two siblings, waving her hand and lifting the two up in the air with her green eyes glowing, but narrowed.
"This is getting us nowhere, Terror, start the meeting with the League," She barked setting the male down then turning to the other girls, "Mistress Plague wishes to see us immediately," She turned walking to a big wooden door and looked back seeing the two didn't move, "NOW!" She yelled getting their attention and the both of them running after her and disappearing behind the door.
"Tch, women are so demanding," Terror groaned rubbing his jaw spitting out some blood then looked at the males, "Unchain them, I'm already a terrible host for ignoring their presence." He commanded while a few goons rushed over undoing the chains and leading the three to a velvet softa.
With a simple glance to a girl, food and drinks were placed out on the table while lights came on in the room showing they were in a lobby of some kind filled with many sitting areas, bookshelves, and the very grand fireplace that seemed to be outlined in an orange gem. Shigaraki glanced at the food before kicking his feet on the table glaring at the well-dressed man, he did it just to annoy him, but he could tell the man wasn't going to crack. Dabi's stomach growled at the sight food all the food and he went to reach for some, but his hand was smacked away by a metal pole. He turned to glare at the person, but he was only met with purple eyes and a head of brown hair that belong to a girl he took as no older than fifteen. She glared right back at him with hatred and rage in her eyes, but it was masked with playfulness as two other girls stood next to her leaning along the rail.
"Irina, go attend to your guest back in Oregan, you aren't needed for a while," He sneered while taking a sip of his tea with his orange eyes holding the same amount of hate and anger.
"Yes, brother," She smiled to him sweetly and walked away with the other two following her giggling.
"So, you surrounded yourself with girls, any particular reason?" Kurogiri questioned sitting up straight with his eyes focused on Terror.
"The Legion of Chaos has a majority of females because they are so valuable and can manipulate males easily," He explained taking a sip of his tea while also crossing his legs.
"You brought us here, now explain why," Shigaraki demanded in a low tone with his red orbs locked on to Terror ready to attack.
"Simple, you attacked one of my best fighters, tried to kill my sister during the ride here, and you, Tomura, are a valuable asset to our cause," He smirked looking up with his light brown hair falling to one side showing off three slits that looked like cuts, but one of them opened showing another eye staring straight at Tomura.
The leader froze on the spot unable to move or even think as he felt something crawling in his mind digging up information. His eyes began to water as passed events were brought up and he saw the faces of his old family. His sister's smiling face, his mother's warm hug, his little dog, and his father's cold unforgiving eyes along with the yelling and screaming that he never seemed to forget. Dabi and Kurogiri watched in horror as their leader began speaking to himself in a soft voice, but it grew louder and louder until he was screaming with tears pouring down his face. Dabi stood ready to attack, but he was held still by Kurogiri, who watched the young leader scream and plead for mercy. Terror smirked closing the third eyes as he rested his head in his palm watching the other male fall face-first on the floor, crying silently and panting heavily.
"Next time, it'll be something much worse I promise," He stood slowly looking at Kurogiri smirking as he ran a hand threw his brown locks chuckling in a dark tone, "Now, you worked by All of one's side for years correct?" He questioned folding his hands in front of him.
"That is correct, sir,"
"Good, then speak on the leader's behalf and say you'll join my cause,"
"Tell us first and we'll think about it," Dabi growled lowly as he stood slowly, "You attacked our leader without even explaining anything, you seem pretty shitty already,"
"Ah, yes, well you see I don't really like your leader and I took him out to speak to a professional villain and propper," Terror snickered crossing his arms, "Now, you seem a little overcooked so why don't you run along and leave the adults to talk business."
Dabi's eyes widened at the comment, but before he could argue back he was grabbed by the arms and taken to another room while Kurogiri was left with Terror. He was taken down a number of hallways before tossed into a dark room and the door locked behind him. He turned banging his fist on the door and trying to melt the doorknob off, but it was made of something that wouldn't melt, even with his blue flames. He looked around the room trying to find a window or something, but the room had no window at all. Instead, he saw the light grey walls with wood print and white paint, creating snow, covering the walls as well. His eyes landed on a queen-sized bed seeing a few stuffed animals and a fuzzy blanket, with a black and white bed set. A few rugs were placed along the hair wood floor while a laundry basket was placed in the corner holding some dirty clothes.
"What kinda room is this?" He muttered to himself as he walked around the room getting a feel for it. He stopped when seeing a picture of a little girl with big green eyes, long black hair with little wolf ears and a tail. Next to her was a boy with the same green eyes and black hair, but he had wings and a demon tail with a big smile on his face. Dabi smiled slightly when he figured it was Mara and maybe her big brother or cousin, considering she looked maybe about six or seven. His cool blue eyes looked more closely at the picture seeing small bruises on both of the kids making his eyes soften.
'Oh Mara,' He thought as he picked up the picture looking at the background seeing nothing, but the white background. The bruises on their arms looked like from very intense training, but Mara had very strange marks along her skin that looked like claw and bite marks from a dog. 'What did they do to her?' He thought to himself setting the picture back down on the dresser. He walked around again looking at another picture of Mara with a girl who had blue pigtails and sharp pointy teeth with her arms wrapped around Mara with a big smile on her face. Dabi smirked slightly at the photo seeing Mara look so happy made his heart flutter a little, but he quickly shook his head running a hand threw his raven-colored hair.
"Stay focused and don't get distracted, you're a villain, not a man looking for a girlfriend." He sighed looking around before walking to her bed sitting down carefully and relaxing back against the bed. His eyes closed after a few minutes and he turned over letting her smell of roses take over his nose letting him fall into a deep peaceful slumber.
Dabi's eyes opened to a clear blue lake with fields are far as the eye could see and behind him was a small house. He turned taking a step forward, but he stopped when he noticed his scars were gone and his hair was back to red.
"What the-"
"Touya," A soft voice called out to him making Dabi turn around and face Mara. His eyes instantly softened at the sight of her in a pretty baby blue dress holding out a hand for him with a sweet and soft smile on her face, "What are you doing out here? Everyone is waiting for us." She stepped closer kissing his cheek and leading him into the small house.
Inside was a ton of people he knew and didn't know, but for some reason, he just couldn't keep his eyes off of Mara. She was laughing and smiling looking so sweet that he eventually just walked up behind her and gave her a big hug with little kisses covering her face. It made her giggle which made him smile brightly and pick her up to spin her around. The two seemed to be the only ones around and Dabi was completely fine with that, but after a moment it went dark and he was alone.
"Mara?" He called out walking in a circle only to stop when he heard screaming and the bright light of a blue fire burning Mara alive.
"Noo!" Dabi screamed walking up in a cold sweat.
He rubbed his face feeling tears along his rough skin making him wince, but also making him very confused as to why he had been crying. He froze when he noticed Mara was laying next to him with a soft hold in her eyes as she reached for his hand slowly lacing their hand together.
"...When I was little, I would get nightmares too...I would cry for my mother and uncle, but they never answered," She explained slowly still looking into his eyes, "My brother was the one who would comfort me and eventually the nightmares were gone because he said he would fight them off while I was asleep." Slowly, Mara sat up holding the blanket to her chest as she moved a little closer resting her head on his arm.
Dabi was still for a few minutes before hugging her tightly and crying in her neck as he thought of the flames hurting her. He didn't know why it hurt his heart so bad to hear her scream like that. He held her tightly in his arms then laid back down with her hiding his face in her neck again. Mara smiled softly running her fingers threw his hair as she stayed quiet letting him get the tears out of his system.
"Why are you so kind to me, I've done nothing to deserve this, I'm a monster," He mumbled to her still hiding his face.
"I told you, you don't seem like a monster to me," Mara replied rubbing his back softly then turning on the light, "Rest Dabi, please," She looked up at him cupping her hand around his cheek gently making him wince at first, but he looked to her nodding his head. The two of them both curled up against one another offering each other body warmth since the room had no heater. Both of them ended up spooning with Dabi, being the big spoon, of course, keeping her safe in his arms while the two of them caught up on some sleep.
In another room, sat Shigaraki curled up in the corner with nothing but a flickering light and a little bit of water. His red eyes flickered up when hearing the door unlock and it revealed the girl with the mask still in her geisha. His face would have formed into an angered expression, but he was calm waited to see what she would do. She walked towards him slowly and from her sleeve pulled out a red apple setting it down next to him. Tomura's eyes watched carefully and he caught a glimpse of her eyes, a dark cold grey. Her hair was so bright you would think it should have been white, but he could see the purple coloring even with her hair done up with a few flowers. He also noticed her hands were still gloved as she hid them away when standing with her eyes lowered to the ground.
"So, Dabi gets a pretty girl with a nice room and I get an apple with some water," He looked up at her glaring ready to attack.
"Forgive me, my brother, he runs the operation and I'm just supposed to follow orders," She looked towards him handing him a small roll from her sleeve again, "Night Wolf took an interest in Dabi, and she's got more freewill than I, so not all rules apply to her," She explained again, but this time sat down across from him.
"More than you? You're the main guys family why are you treated less?" He asked turning to her reaching for the apple and biting into it when it brought it closer.
"He says I'm not worthy of being his equal," She looked at him directly in his eyes, showing no sign of fear or uncomfortableness
"Why is that? You seem like an equal asset, more powerful than him," He noted while taking a bite of the apple munching on it slowly.
"I'm not really a fighter, and I don't like to get my hands dirty," The masked girl held up her hands then placed them near her chest, "I'm a lady after all," She smiled slightly under her mask.
"Tch, so typical for a girl," He muttered taking another bite of the apple but then tossing it across the room hitting the wall.
"Well, most girls want nothing to do with the murder of heroes and Peacemakers," She smirked playing with one of her gloves, "But I helped kill thirty of them without even lifting a finger," Her eyes flickered for a moment as she watched him and a sinister smile started to form under her mask.
"Oh really? Take off the mask and say it to my face!" He yelled reaching for the mask ready to turn it to dust.
The girl was fast, blinding Shigaraki with her sleeve while doing a backflip to kick him in the jaw. He caught her foot just before it hit his chin, but he kept one finger up flipping her away from him. He stood after watching her hit the ground hard and the mask snapped off her face going off to a corner. A dark chuckle left his lips, but he became silent when she brought her hands to her face, her breathing shaky. Her hair had come undone in the process, unraveling to show it grew past her hips all the way done to her feet. Turning her head, she dropped her hand moving her hair out of her eyes to show her deathly pale white skin. It was cracked and brittle all around her eyes, cheeks, and lips making her look like a broken mirror. Some of her skin was even broken off showing drier skin and muscle
"What happened to you?" His voice trembled at the slight of her broken looking face, but it didn't cause him fear or disgust just concern.
She said nothing to him but smiled softly and stood to turn towards him, but before he could blink she was in front of him hand wrapped around his neck.
"Let me show you," She hissed and smashed her lips on to his cupping her other hand around his cheek.
Shigaraki's eyes widened at the feeling of her lips against his own, but he suddenly felt his body shutting down and his quirk being pulled away. He couldn't move or pull away from the girl and slowly his eyes started to close with his breathing being to stop. Before his body completely stopped working, she pulled away dropping him to the ground.
"I won't kill you," She sneered then bent down reaching for the roll and it turned to dust, but she reshaped it into a peach, "Not yet anyway." She smirked before turning and leaving the room with the door locking behind her.
"Aww, you finally got a kiss?" Irina giggled as she walked up behind her sister noticing the gloves had gone making her smile, "And you took his quirk? How evil dear sister."
"Enough, Irina, return home now and take care of your little puppet," The girl paid no mind to her sister as she walked off to a different room.
"Yes, Maria," Irina chuckled as she went down the teleporter setting her coordinates for her penthouse.
"Leaving so soon?" A seductive voice purred while a set of pink eyes watched Irina carefully.
"You just got back what's the rush?" A dark-skinned person questioned with a playing card in their hands.
"I have my little victim waiting for me at home, he's been so patient with me so he's going to get a reward tonight," Irina winked before stepping on the teleporter and leaving the building.
"I wish I had a lover like her," The pink-eyed girl twirled her hair between her fingers.
"What am I? Chop liver?" The dark-skinned person chuckled as they walked to the teleporter putting in different coordinates and pulling the girl towards her wrapping their arms around the girl's waist.
"Hehe, you change too much, I need someone that is consistent," She replied purring softly as she rested her head against their chest.
The two teleported away leaving the building as well making the area seem somewhat empty. Kurogiri had been talking to Terror thinking over their discussion on them joining the Legion of Chaos. Their cause was to have all quirk and quirkless life be controlled and have more laws to keep some form of peace, but the way they go about it made him question a few things. His eyes lifted up towards the window seeing the same set staring right back to him making him jump as the eyes suddenly vanished. He looked out it again not seeing anything, but behind him stood the girl in gold, eyes narrowed as her slim thick shadow wrapped around his neck throwing him to the wall. His body warped back to the ground as he groaned glancing at his side seeing some form of blood on him.
"Do you remember a woman named Carmen Cabra?" The girl teleported in front of him with black smoke leaving her body. Her sharp teeth bared at him as her tail twitched waiting for the man's answer.
"C...Carmen...yes, the name rings a bell, but why-" He was smacked with her tail and the girl jumped on him using her claws to dig them into his shoulder.
"Carmen was my mother, tu hijo de puta!" She screamed at him wrapping her tail around his neck crushing the metal neck object with almost no force at all.
"I-I was only with her for a few months-wait that would m-make you-"
"Your daughter, yes, I am Onyx Cabra," She hissed tossing him in the arm then jumping up cutting his back with her claws, "Mark my words, you will die by my hands." She growled teleporting away hiding in the corner to watch him suffer.
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