Going Where Now?
"All student and staff report to the auditorium immediately." Principal Nezu said as the P.A. system suddenly turned on then shut off.
Everyone in each class looked to their teachers in confusion, but the teachers only walked to the door of their homerooms and began to murmur with one another out in the halls. The pro heroes called the students out of the rooms then made their way down to the auditorium murmuring and muttering about what was going on. Usually, the classes only got together for lunch or the sports festival, but the first years were even more confused when the second and third years showed up quietly muttering and asking what was going on.
"Deku, what do you think is going on?" Uraraka asked while Iida was trying to keep everyone calm and quiet.
"I don't know, but I hope everything is ok." He responded while looking towards All Might mouthing to him a question.
All Might shrugged then turned towards the podium as Present Mic smiled and let out a soft, but still very loud yell to shush everyone.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, I know you're just dying to find out why we were all called down here," He yelled with excitement, but as usual, it was only met with a cricket chirping in the background. "Well, we're about to find out! Put your hands together for Principal Nezu!" He again yelled with enthusiasm as he stepped to the side and returned to his seat with the other pro's.
Principal Nezu hopped up on the podium and tapped the microphone then smiled and began to speak. "Student's and Pro hero's I'm proud to announce that we're going to America!"
There was a slight pause then like a crack of thunder everyone at once screamed.
"That is an incorrect statement I'm afraid." A woman with sleek light blond hair wearing a silver and white outfit stepped forward and placed a hand on her hip. Her crystal blue eyes scanned the crowd then she motioned for the little animal to move off so she could speak.
"Hello everyone, my name is Orzora Odette or as my fans call me, Psionic," Orzora spoke with a cold, yet sweet tone in her voice as she noticed a few students perked up at the name.
"Psionic? I've never heard of her before is she a new hero? No, because she said she has fans so she must have some popularity-" Izuku began to mutter as he took out his notebook and began to write down notes about this hero he had never heard of.
"She seems like she's a diva don't you think?" Jiro whispered as she nudged Momo.
"We don't know much about her yet, but with how her stance and tone are she isn't happy to be here," Momo replied.
Orzora looked towards the first-year group then glared with her eyes glowing slightly as the chairs floated upward causing a few to gasp and let out shorts screams or cries.
"I didn't realize the freshmen were so disrespectful towards new guests," She snarled then looked to the facticity giving a low growl. "You should do better with their behavior, not just education and training." She explained then her eyes returned to the normal icy blue.
"Now, I am from America as some of you may have figured out, but I am not here to be a tourist," She stated as a white screen slowly came down with a picture of a very wealthy and enormous looking school behind her. "I am here to pick out the students I see fit for the new program we're starting in America." She told the crowd then pressed a button with the picture behind her changing to what appeared to be a picture of class year. "In the next week we'll being doing interviews and having you do small tests so we can see your powers, but there is only limited space so not all of you will get to go."
"That doesn't seem right, a lot of students here have potential." Somebody whispered.
"At National Power High, we train Peacemakers of all kinds, but we want to work with the best of the best to give you more experience in our territory and have you be a top hero!" Orzora cheered with a sickeningly sweet smile that could give a cavity.
Bakugo's eyes widened at the sound of that and he grinned wanting nothing more than to get into that school and go to America, but he turned his head towards Deku watching as he kept scribbling notes and muttering making him glare with annoyance. The students all began to become excited with the chance of going out of the country and to a new school, but at the same time, they were a little nervous about what tests they would all need to be prepared for. Would it be like the entrance exam at UA or more difficult with harder tasks prepared for them?
"Now, within the week a few teachers will be watching from each class giving me information about students we should look at first, but pay no mind to them for they are just taking notes." Orzora then pressed another button with the screen going away and she gave a slight bow then walked off the stage sitting down with a group of adults nobody seemed to really recognize. With that, the students were all dismissed and sent back to their regular classes, but when each stepped there was an adult in the back sitting or standing, clipboard in hand with eyes set on each student.
Aizawa sighed then opened the door to class 1-A only to stop and spot a girl looking no older than twenty-five sitting on his desk while looking at a few notes of his. His eyes changed to red with his hair going up and scarf grabbing the girl and pinning her to the wall. "It's rude to go through somebody's personal item's don't you think?" He spoke in a monotone voice while making his scarf tighter. The woman was silent looking at the children then to the man holding her in a tight grasp, but with a simple move of her hips and arms, she was out of his hold and pinning him to the wall while her hand covered his eyes.
"Shutting down my power before I could talk, smart," She whispered in his ear with a slight smirk gracing her lips while she batted her eyelashes and spoke once more, "But you were more focused on keeping me still while you failed to see how my body was placed against the wall." She chuckled softly then let go of Aizawa while running a hand through her crimson locks.
Aizawa looked at the girl once more taking in her features and how thin, yet built she was. Her eyes were a lighter blue, but not icy and cold like the pair he saw earlier just calm and relaxing making him feel like he fall asleep and she wouldn't hurt the children. In fact, that's exactly what he was planning on doing, but before that, he planned on asking a few questions.
"So, you're a hero from America then?" He questioned lazily while walking to his desk to grab his yellow sleeping bag making himself comfortable.
The girl nodded then looked back to the children with a soft smile on her face as she motioned them to come in. "I don't bite guys, I'm not gonna hurt you." She told them while sitting on one of the desks.
The students sat down looking at the strange woman wondering if maybe they could just ask a few questions about what America was like or what her quirk was. Then they remembered the blonde women from before and how intimidating she was, yet this crimson-haired female gave off a vibe of relaxation and comfort, but also protection.
Iida was the first to ask something while raising his hand waiting for him to be called on.
The red-head looked towards Iida then nodded signaling him to speak whatever he had to say.
"Forgive me for this question miss, but what is your quirk?"
The woman only chuckled at his question then waved her hand, "It's nothing of importance young lad trust me," She smiled softly then stood up from the desk she had been sitting on and began to speak again, "I can tell you my name though, it's Ruby Song."
While Ruby began to answer other questions that the hero's in training asked Aizawa listened to Ruby with her tone and watched her body language when she would talk to each one. Her arms were crossed and shoulders would tense when talking to the males, but she was still polite with them. With the girls, however, Ruby seemed more open and less stiff when answering a question or asking one in return. Seeing as the students were in good care he returned to his cat nap letting the questioning and answering continue for a few minutes long.
------Time skip-----
The school day had ended with the Peacemakers from America heading to one of the meeting rooms that UA had been allowed to use for the time they were here. Each one explaining why they thought the students they picked or observed should be in the program for heading to America, but when Orzora looked at each of the papers with the information about each student she looked up with a passive-aggressive smile. "We are only to pick the hero course students," She announced walking around the room with her attention-grabbing aura acting up causing the Peacemaker's heads to snap up and look towards her direction. "We want the first years from the best hero class, a few from the basic classes, support, and business as for the second and third year we only have a few spaces open with two already taken," she continued on while taking a seat in the chair sitting in the very front and she spoke again, "Now I'll be looking over most of the males since we have so many females already, but your suggestions will be noted." She finished with a wave of her hand signaling the meeting was over.
The Peacemakers all headed to their inn's or hotels they were staying in, but a newer Peacemaker further away to go so he took a short cut threw a few alleyways. He wasn't exactly the bravest or smartest Peacemaker so he was an easy target for low ranking thugs or other villains. Apon coming to an exit of an alley he paused smelling something burning and hearing a cry for help making the Peacemaker gulp and look back to the lively street before he turned and ran towards the voice crying out.
A pair of heavily lidded turquoise eyes followed the sorry excuse of a pro hero making the patch work man chuckle as he followed staying far from his line of sight. A smirk appeared across his face as he watched the hero gag at the smell of burning flesh, but it vanished when the pro turned and noticed the tall patchwork villain. The hero let out a scream of fear and backed away into a brick wall begging for the patchwork man to leave him alone.
The villain only chuckled and clicked his tongue, "Unless you've got information that can be useful to the League of Villain's you're going to be a pile of ash."
"I do! I'll tell you if you let me live please!" The Peacemaker cried and got on his knees holding his hands up showing he had no intention of fighting.
The villain was still for a moment then lowered his hand while keeping his eyes trained on the pathetic excuse of a human being.
"Soon, the student's from UA will be going to America and a few of the top ten pro heroes,"
"And this is important to me why?"
"If you go to America you can gain more allies, or...or I don't know go after some of the students if you want! Please just let me live!"
The patchwork man grimaced as the hero got closer with a pleading look in his eyes. He was still for a moment then smirked as he noticed the little psycho girl ran up stabbing the hero in the gut and let out a cheerful giggle.
"He's so cute! Look at all the blood! It's so pretty!" Toga giggled again as she collected the blood and every once in a while she'd take a small sip letting it paint her tongue a scarlet red.
"Hey Dabi! Glad to see you're alright! I wish you were the one Toga stabbed!" Twice yelled while cartwheeling over to look at the freshly killed corpse.
Dabi simply sighed and thought over what the hero had said while he ran a hand threw his Onyx locks. 'Going to America for allies...if we went we could have extra bases and get some people on our side hopefully.' He thought then looked up towards a roof feeling like a pair of eyes were on him, but he saw nothing so he simply shrugged and walked off with Toga and Twice back to the hideout in the forest.
-------League of Villain's base------
"So those UA brats unlocked a new map for more gameplay," Tomura hissed while scratching lightly at his neck. "Well, we simply can't have them getting too far ahead can we?" He chuckled slightly then pointed to Dabi and spoke once more, "You'll be departing in a few days along with me and Kurogiri so we can find an extra base and get whatever we'll need so it'll feel like home."
Dabi rolled his eyes simpling nodding his head then walking outside to smoke a cigarette and relax for a few minutes. He took one out of the pack and held it to his lips using his thumb to light it and taking a long drag while closing his eyes. The night air was a little warmer than usual, unlike the other nights where it had been cooler so tonight Dabi would spend as much time as he could away from the group and just enjoy the warm night. While taking another drag he opened his eyes to be met with a pair of light green hiding in the brush a few feet in front of him. He stayed still and remained calm acting as if he hadn't noticed the green eyes, but he also slowed his own breathing hearing a light growl come from the brush.
The green-eyed creature moved a little closer sticking its nose out and smelling the air only to sneeze and pull back while looking at the man with purple patchwork skin and the staples all over his body. A staredown had started between the man and the creature neither one ready to look away for both could get lost into each other's eyes and never do anything again. A strange noise, however, forced them to look away and Dabi looked back to the brush watching as the creature turned and ran off. He clicked his tongue again tossing it on the ground and smashing it with his boot, but he stopped when hearing a howl not too far away making a shiver run down his spine.
"Until next time then, mutt."
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