Cardinal Cry
Ruby and Aizawa sat in the front of the black van with government officials who said nothing, but Aizawa could tell they would be ready to stop the two pros if something were to happen on the way to Ruby's home. She had informed him before they left she was kept under house arrest so she couldn't really do anything without an official leaving the house with her. When he asked why she was under house arrest in the first place no answer was given directly, but she did say it was her fault, so she's taking her punishment. Aizawa looked behind him seeing Kaminari and Shinso were in the very back of the van watching a movie of some kind, but Shinso stared out the window getting glances of buildings or people walking down the street.
The man chuckled as he turned to Ruby seeing was texting somebody. He knew better than to poke his nose where it didn't belong so he turned his head away. Leaning back closing his tired eyes and trying to ignore the heavy breathing from one of the officials.
"Aizawa, do you want a room for both you and Shinso or separate rooms?" Ruby asked with her cool blue eyes looking up from the screen.
"As long as I have a bed, I don't really care." He answered, turning to face her with some of his black locks covered his one eye.
"I'll have two rooms prepared then," She responded looking back to Aizawa noticing his tired expression. She could tell the difference when he was really tired or when he was fine, but with how dry his eyes were he must have been working overtime. The red-head frowned, moving the black locks out of Aizawa's face while noticing the circles under his eyes had gotten worse.
"I worked late again and trained with Shinso plus Eri had a nightmare," He answered in a tired tone before turning away, "I'll get some sleep on the way there." He responded yawning and falling asleep rather quickly.
Ruby smiled slightly with her cool blue eyes softening as she rubbed his back watching the tension in his shoulders melt as he mumbled a thank you before light snoring could be heard. The female chuckled as she took out a book from her bag and opened it to a page she had been reading the night before. Her smile widened as she looked at her son's sloppy handwriting from when he was about three years old. Her husband's writing was next to his as well and it was just as bad, but at least she could read it. Turning the page looking at little notes and pictures, she stopped seeing the picture of her husband and her on their wedding day.
Her eyes studied the picture as she looked at her white wedding dress covered in jewels and sparkles. Her red hair was longer so it was tied into a curled ponytail, while a white feathered crown was done into her hair. Her husband had a goofy grin on his face as he held their two-year-old son in his arms while he kept Ruby close kissing her forehead. She looked at her sweet baby boy with his blonde and red hair while his honey brown eyes that shined in the sunlight. Her eyes watered a little as she closed the book putting it back in her bag and staring out the window.
"It's your fault you know," One of the officials spoke in a cold tone with venom laced in his voice.
Ruby ignored the comment as she closed her eyes biting her tongue so she wouldn't get herself into more trouble than she already was in.
"If you would have just-"
"I would watch yourself, 307," Ruby finally spoke with her cool blue eyes turning cold and merciless while she let her vocal cords vibrate as she spoke again, "I'd hate for your wife to become a widow." She smirked watching the man become silent and still. Her eyes looked back to the window watching the city go by while humming a soft tune to relax.
Denki yawned as he paused the movie then he poked the purple-haired man next to him with a smile on his face. "You excited to be living with Aizawa?" He asked trying to get his friend to talk a little.
"It's not like he and I are that close, my parents like him though so they trust him." The purple-haired teen answered as he turned to the other male then looked back out the window.
"Well aren't Mr. Aizawa's son, right? Just something I heard from Todoroki so it made me wonder." Denki asked tilting his head with a curious smile.
"You're really going to believe the thick-headed peppermint guy?"
"No, I just-" Denki suddenly stopped talking with his eyes now dull as Shinso turned to him with a small smirk then yawned leaning back and closing his eyes.
"I have my own blood mother and father, but I see Aizawa as a mentor or somebody I can go to for help," Shinso replied as he took out his phone looking at the background of his family, "My actual dad is just busy with work and he can't sleep so he's kinda snappy." The boy sighed as he turned his phone off then looked to Denki with a small smirk before he flicked his nose.
"Ow! Dude what the heck!" Denki yelled holding his nose while glaring at the purple-haired male.
"Oops, sorry, my hand slipped." He replied with a small smirk before leaning back against the seat.
The rest of the car ride was peaceful upfront with the adults as they just sat in silence waiting to be at their final destination. In the back, both if the boys ate whatever Denki had in his bag as a snack, but Shinso didn't eat it since he saw the inside of the bag also contained dirty socks and underwear. Both of them talked about anything and everything that came up into the conversation until the car suddenly stopped at a standard looking apartment building that had about seven levels added to it. The outside was decorated with exotic flowers and crystal clear fountains, while vines covered the walls and people sat outside near a small cafe with coconut drinks or brightly colored glasses. Shinso took note of the area around them while Denki was looking for some girls, but he sighed when he saw they were mostly all adults and none around their age.
"You boys coming?" Ruby asked as she opened the door with a smile on her face as Aizawa lifted his luggage while also getting one of Ruby's bags. "Shota, you don't have to do that!" The woman turned and ran up with the older male helping him steady the bags, before taking her own.
"I can get them, don't worry, plus you've got a lot so I think taking one will be fine." He responded while picking up the bags again.
Shinso got out of the van grabbing one of Ruby's other bags and following Aizawa while Denki helped pull the rest out and get them separated into different piles. The two men walked into the lobby asking for Ruby's floor number and the front desk responded with just handing them a key and saying the second floor. The two nodded and went to the elevator taking it up, but they weren't expecting to be taken to such a time cramped hallway filled with people. Both of them looked at each other then back to the crowd before stepping out walking to Ruby's room. As they walked they bumped into adults, younger than Ruby, having some pretty intense PDA, kids running around naked, and some old grandma eating edibles while talking about her dead husband. Finally, they came to the end of the hallway, using the key to unlock the door and stepping inside quickly. The first thing they noticed was how cool and calm the room felt when they walked in with the walls being a darker shade of blue, with green accents placed around the room. The floors were dark hardwood with cream-colored rugs placed around in different spots while some cat toys and a scratching post were off in the far corner.
"She has a cat," Shinso mumbled while he wandered around taking in the area before peaking into the bedrooms. He spotted one room with a messy pink and black bed while the room was mostly white and black itself. He turned looking into another room seeing it was mostly earth tones of brown, green, and grey. He walked into the earth-toned room setting down the bag near the bed, but he stopped when he noticed a dark brown cat curled up in a ball sleeping on the bed.
His eyes focused on the cat with his hand reaching to pet the beautiful coat, but before he could touch the animal, its eyes opened revealing a pair of sharp pink eyes. Lifting its head up, the ball of fluff purred while stretching out its small body and digging its front paws into the bedding. Shinso watched before reaching out and petting the cat gently and carefully to not startle or surprise the animal. The cat purred louder once it had made contact with the warm hand and rubbed against Shinso's making it purr louder.
"No collar, what's your name then?" He mumbled to himself while picking the cat up and holding it in his arms. He only received a meow in return as he walked back out into the living room seeing more bags brought in a Denki panting on the couch.
"Tired already?" The boy teased still petting the cat.
"Give me a break! That was a lot of stuff!" Denki whined in response then turned his head seeing a picture of a pretty girl with long dark brown hair and sharp pink eyes. He picked up the photo then looked around trying to find Ruby.
"Hey, Ms. Song?" He called while standing up.
"Yeah, Pikachu? What's up?" She called back from the kitchen where she was with Aizawa putting dishes away.
"Who's this girl in the photo? Is it your daughter or something?" The blonde asked smiling, but he then noticed another photo of a boy with blonde and red hair with honey brown eyes and a bow in hand.
"No, that's not my daughter...she's more of a pain in the ass!" Ruby yelled getting the cat's attention as it hissed in response, its eyes narrowing. Ruby sighed rubbing her temples before looking at the photo of the boy on the wall, "But that is my son, Jonas," She smiled at the photo then set down another plate walking to Denki.
"So is it, Mrs. Song, then or?" The blonde questioned while setting the photo down walking to get a better look at the boy's picture.
"Denki, that's not an appropriate question to ask," Aizawa glared to the boy with his eyes holding a stern hold.
"It's alright, he can ask," Ruby responded with a soft smile to the older hero as she approached Denki setting her hand on his shoulder, "My original name was Dearil, but when I married my husband it became Song," She explained this to him carefully, unsure if he would understand since American and Japanese culture was very different.
Aizawa and Shinso both looked to each other exchanging a look before Aizawa set down a plate and approached Ruby. He could see the look of hurt in her eyes as she tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill, but it was hidden so well that not even he noticed till a few seconds ago.
"Your he-"
"Yes...and my son is also," Ruby took her hand away from Denki and moved to the table to sit down looking out the window, "It happened five years ago."
"Jonas, are you sure you're ready for this mission? You're still very young and you don't have a lot of training." Ruby gulped as she fixed her son's hair keeping it out of his eyes. She smiled softly as he just gave her a warm and bright smile then wrapped his arms around her tightly.
"Mom, I'll be fine, I'm just going to gather information from the Amazon and within a month I'll be back," The ten-year-old boy smiled brightly as he kissed his mother on her cheek then picked up his bag, "And when I do, we can all go do something for dad's birthday." He was about to walk away when he noticed his mom was smiling with tears flowing from her eyes. He dropped his bag running over to her hugging her tightly as the two of them silently cried together both not wanting to let go.
"I love you, mom." he wept as he used his thumb drying his mother's eyes.
"I love you too, my precious baby boy." Ruby cried before she let him go and watched him get on the plane with the other members who were apart of the mission.
Ruby stood near the window as the plane was getting ready to take off, but she was staying to make sure that she saw her son off. James, her husband, had wanted to go too, but a surprise meeting came up and he had to go in for it. Ruby had understood so she wasn't too upset, but seeing her baby leave for his first mission was still a big moment. She smiled brightly picturing her son coming home, hearing all about his trip, while James would make side comments as they sat outside near their lake playing in the water later going in for some homemade ice cream.
"Nervous?" A man with sleeked back hair and coal colored eyes stood next to Ruby as he took a sip of whiskey from his flask.
"Hm? Oh! Leviathan! Sir! I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be here today otherwise I would have called and asked you to meet my son." Ruby smiled at her boss as she looked back to the window seeing Jonas waving at her once again.
"Oh, Ruby, that would have been so nice, hehe," He smiled to her while looking back to the window also seeing the child waving, "Too bad I'll never get a chance to meet him." He took another swig as the plane began to turn to get ready to get off the runway.
Ruby's smile faded for a moment as she looked to her boss with a strange look and confusion filling her eyes, "What?"
Her ears then caught the sound of a faint noise as a bright red and orange came rushing forward and covered the runway. The glass from the windows broke and the explosion sent her flying back against the wall, causing her to hit her head and blackout, but not before the sight of the blown-up plane was in her line of vision.
"Ugh....Jonas!" She yelled, but she was pulled back by hospital workers who looked very scared and nervous.
"Miss Song we are afraid to tell you this...but your son and husband are both dead," A doctor spoke holding out a clipboard that Ruby quickly grabbed, "Your husband's office was blown up the same time as the plane...your boss said something of you failing your last mission and this being a punishment."
Ruby was dead silent as the clipboard fell from her hands with tears flowing from her eyes. She was silent lowering her head with the coolness and calmness vanishing from her eyes as it was replaced with hatred and bloodlust. Her vocal cords began to vibrate as she shot her head up and began screaming so loud that the doctors and nurses around her fell to the ground dropping like flies and blood dripping from their ears. Her throat became raw and numb as she got up from the bed and made her way out of the hospital screaming at anyone who got to close. The bloodlust in her eyes grew as she returned to her home walking straight to the bar where she chugged about five different bottles of alcohol that were just saved for little parties or for special occasions. She laid on the floor for a few hours letting the alcohol do most of the work of killing her liver, but it wasn't enough.
The bloodlust took over once again as she walked slowly to her bedroom finding her red jumpsuit and the rest of her hero outfit. Once it was on she called a cab to pick her up and take her straight to her hero agency. From there she set up her own explosives around hidden parts of the building only she knew about thanks to her husband. It took maybe three hours before she was done and she walked outside letting her coworkers and boss go in while she sat smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. When the pack was empty, she walked to the gate entrance of the agency with a trigger in hand as her thumb pushed against it with the explosives going off. In the background screams and cries went off while Ruby turned watching the building burn with a smile forming on her face as she began to laugh with tears falling from her eyes once more.
"After that I...I was caught and put in prison...but I was let go thanks to another agency and put on house arrest," She explained gripping her hands together as her body shook while her jaw was clenched tightly.
The three males stared at her with wide eyes and mouths opened so wide a nest could start forming. Aizawa was the first to move walking to Ruby slowly placing a hand on her back causing her to flinch at the sudden touch, but she still managed as soft smile as she stood to hug the older male tightly hiding her face in his chest. He was taken aback for a moment before his arms wrapped around her tightly his rough hands rubbing her back carefully.
"Shhhh, I've got you, it's alright." He whispered softly trying to calm her down.
Denki was the next one to rush over hugging Ruby tightly as he cried into her shoulder. Shinso had set the cat down on the counter before also joining in on the hug that was needed at that very moment. As the four of them embraced one another Shinso felt another presence in the room and so did Aizawa. They both turned seeing the cat was gone and now on the counter sat the girl with dark brown hair and shape pink eyes watching the group with a curious look. She smirked when she noticed Shinso staring at her as her flurry ears twitched up and her tail swayed back and forth.
"κύριε, ποιοι είναι αυτοί οι άνθρωποι," The girl spoke tilting her head with her lips curving into a mischievous smile.
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