Chapter 8
Heyyy! 120 reads ! Thank you !
I know it seems like I'm confused with what to do with the characters but no, it's all good! From this chapter, the real plot begins! I hope you enjoy!
And hey, I purple you all! 💜
Back to the story yay!
One month later
A week after Jimin advised Jungkook, being the respectful maknae that he is, he listened to his Hyung. He didn't text Lisa. She never did and he didn't approach her. Rose and Jungkook went on three more dates. Jungkook did open up to her finally. He can talk to her about anything. He thinks of her as a charming person and reminds him of V hyung who brought him out of his bubble. The only thing that bothers him is that Rose still thinks he's an introvert but he's really not. He flirts with girls and he's confident. It's just when foreigners or new celebs interact with him he gets overwhelmed. He's trying to make her see that. He hasn't seen Lisa after that day and he thinks of her as an instant crush that faded with time.
Whereas, our baby Lisa has been talking to Sehun but nope, no romantic feelings. She even cringes at the way he flirts but of course she didn't tell him that. She has made progress by completely blocking everything that reminds her of Jungkook. When he came to pick up Rose, she planned ahead of not being in the dorm to witness anything and Jennie unnie has helped her get through this. But when Rose talks about him, she does feel sad.
Our Jiminie and Lisa have become good friends. Their friendship began with sharing sorrow but now it's strong. They care about each other and Lisa shares her feelings about Jungkook only with him. Because he being in the same state, won't judge her.
As far as V and Jisoo are concerned, V took the wrong step and directly asked Jisoo to be his girlfriend without any warning. It was too put of the blue for her and she said no. V has decided to ignore her for the time being.
Present Day
<Lisa PoV>
"When do you have to leave, Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked.
Elle magazine wanted to do a photoshoot with just me and YG said yes. It's in New York and I have to leave tomorrow.
"Can I come with?" She asked.
"I'd love that Unnie! Can you?"
"I asked manager and he said no. We have to prepare for our solo recording. Yours was done early because of this photoshoot" she said in a sad tone.
"I'll be back in a week Unnie" I said laughing.
"Yeah I'll miss you babe. Even BTS is in NY right now. They are going to be there for the whole month. I thought I could hang with Jungkook when you were working."
"Oh" I said.
"Can you do me a favor Lisa?" I nodded and she opened her drawer to reveal a present. "Can you give this to him? I planned on doing it myself but I won't be meeting him anytime soon."
"I don't know if I should Unnie. You can give it to him when he's back?" I suggested hoping she'll agree.
"No Lisa. It'll be late by then. Please"
"Okay Unnie I'll give it to him"
She smiled and I got up to leave. "Start packing, will ya?" I nodded and left with a chuckle.
'What have I gotten myself into' I thought to myself.
The next day
I finished packing and I'm all set. I'm excited about this photoshoot! It's a great opportunity! The only thing I focus on is meeting Jungkook. I've successfully avoided him for the past one month and I think I'm doing good. I would have preferred seeing him after a month or two. Maybe I can take Jimin's help?
"Lisaaaaaa" Jisoo Unnie screamed.
"I'm coming Unnie. I'm ready"
"Have a safe flight Lisa, take care of yourself!"
"Yah! Lisa, don't forget the gift and be safe. Call me every day"
"Call me if you need help with anything Lisa, jennie Unnie is always by your side" and she hugged me.
"Yah! You're talking like she's going to get married" Jisoo Unnie laughed.
I laughed and hugged them all goodbye and made my way out of the dorm. This is the first time I'm traveling so far without my unnies. "NY please take care of me".
After a 14 hour flight I'm so exhausted. I wear my mask and make my way out of the airport. I can see blinks everywhere and I wave to them! They always fills my heart with joy! I'm taken to a black SUV and then to a five star hotel. I enter my room and crash on the bed. That's how tired I am.
The next morning
I slept all afternoon through evening and couldn't sleep at night. But I managed to relax so that I don't have dark circles for the photoshoot. I woke up in the morning after my so called sleep and took a shower.
I ate a bowl of cereal and now in thinking if I should text Jungkook about the gift. Unnie said I need to give it to him by August 31st. Today is the 28th and I can give it to him tomorrow. I only have one shoot today and another on 31st. And then I'm leaving on 3rd of September. I decided to spend sometime in NY before I leave. But they're on your probably and he won't be free. I need to text him to see when he's available. But it's weird after so long. After lots of thinking I check my phone and he's online. I'm going to text him but this will be as formal as it can be.
Hey Jungkook!
Lisa here.
He's online but he hasn't opened my text. Is he texting Rose? Ugh I'm interrupting. But nope, Rose isn't online. Just when I was about to keep my phone down, he replies and I smile automatically.
Hey Lisa, how are you?
I'm good! You?
I'm fine
So um listen, Unnie wanted me
to give you something. So
when are you free after today?
You are in New York?
Yes I am.
Um we are booked for the
next two days. How about
Friday as in 31st?
I have a photoshoot.
What time?
4 to 8pm.
Can you meet before?
Or maybe after?
Yeah anything.
I'll text you.
Alright, see ya.
See ya :)
Is it just me or did it feel like texting a stranger? I felt sad but I understand he has a girlfriend now.
After texting Jungkook I headed to Elle head office. They were happy to have me. We did some of the shoots on one theme. The photos came out really good.
After that I decided to stop by somewhere for lunch. I passed by a place which Jungkook had visited the last time he was here. Well j stalked him for a month remember? I went inside of course. Everyone were sitting with a bunch of people and I suddenly felt alone. I thought of texting Jimin Sunbae but Jungkook mentioned they are busy for the next two days so I didn't.
I took my order and sat on the farthest table from the counter. The person from the next table came to me.
I knew this voice. It's Jimin Sunbae.
"Sunbae!" I got up and hugged him. I was so happy to see him. I was missing my unnies so badly and I was feeling very lonely. He was happy to see me too. "What are you doing here?"
"Elle magazine. And please join me Sunbae, I'm lonely right now."
"Jungkook is here, is that okay?"
Didn't he say he was busy? Did he lie to me?
"Hyung! I've been searching for you"
I didn't have to turn to know it was jungkook. His Angelic voice. Snap out of it Lisa. He's your unnie's boyfriend.
"Hi Jungkook" I looked at him. "I thought you were booked"
"You asked when I was free after today. I said I was booked for the next 2 days" he said explaining.
I didn't believe him and I checked my messages and he was right. Now I'm embarrassed. "Sorry"
"It's alright" he smiled.
I sat down and so did Jimin. I asked Jungkook to sit with us as well. It would be rude otherwise.
We ate in silence. I was done but they were still eating. I was watching Jungkook eat. He eats so adorably. He was too busy concentrating on his food that he couldn't tell i was staring and I was glad. Jimin Sunbae noticed and coughed.
"So Lisa, how's rose? Jungkook here is probably dying to know." Jungkook snapped at that and so did I.
It brought me back to reality.
"She misses you, jungkook" I said with a weak smile. I think he caught me because he's studying me now.
I tried to look away and started talking about random things but I knew he was looking through me. I'm not good at acting. But I'm glad he didn't say anything.
"I'm going to buy some cake for later. You want some, Lisa?" Sunbae asked.
"Aniyo. I'm good" I smiled. And Jimin walked to the counter after wearing his mask.
"So how are you?"
"I'm good Jungkook. I'm really good. I know you're good too. Really good I mean of course. We're both good I know" I hit my forehead after I said that.
"Yeah. So you and Sehun huh?"
"Wha-" I looked at him.
"Rose mentioned it once"
"We're just friends"
"Oh" he said.
Then an awkward silence took over us and he was looking at nothing in particular.
"I didn't know I would run into you or I would have brought the gift" I said suddenly remembering about it.
"No biggie. Friday is still on" he said looking me right in the eye.
I was going to say 'okay' but I was now staring at him as well. I couldn't look away and he didn't either. We just sat there looking into each other's eyes. It felt like our eyes were conversing what our hearts couldn't. We sat like that for a good five minutes but it feel like hours. And I didn't want it to stop. I didn't want this to end. I know I can't have him and I just want to savour every moment.
I don't know about him but just looking into his eyes made me realize how much I had missed him.
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