Chapter 27
4 month later
"Happy birthday Lisa!!" I heard my unnies coming into my room. I was a blushing mess. They had a cake and they were wearing birthday hats. It was so cute.
"Thank you so much Unnie" I hugged each of them.
"Did kook wish you?" Jen Unnie asked. I shook my head. "Ah don't stress over it. It's only 12 am plus it's not even 12 where he is" she continued.
That's right. He's not even here. I'm so happy that their getting more and more successful. But he's always busy. I'm not complaining. We Skype every alternate day when he isn't here. The other days we crash at his place after practice. It's really going well so far.
The best part is. We are so understanding about each other. We do fight but we make up. We can't stay apart and both of us know that. You understand right, like a domestic relationship? It might sound boring but we're happy.
"Get some sleep Lisa. Don't wait for his call. You know he won't call at night, he's performing now" Chae Unnie said handing me the blanket. I nodded.
Unnie and Jimin are dating too. But you already knew that. Guess what else! Jisoo Unnie and Taehyung might date anytime. They speak all the time. By that I mean, they flirt with each other all the time!
Back to my baby, I miss him so much. What if he's not here, I can still talk to him. I took out my phone and clocked on one of his pictures.
"Hey Jungkook! You know it's my birthday right? You better wish me. Or there will be major consequences. I'm not kidding. " I glared at the picture for 3 seconds.
"But here you go, kiss from bae" I blew a kiss and locked my phone.
And I drifted to sleep.
The next morning..
"Guess who's here!!" I heard Jisoo Unnie yell from the living room.
"Who?" I yelled back.
"Me!" She squealed as she entered my room and hugged me.
Guess who?
Try again.
Tzuyu! We're friends now. Well, to be honest I don't consider her my best friend or anything. But she means something to Jungkook, so I befriended her.
"Has Jungkook wished you?" She asked giving me a present.
"Not yet" I answered looking into the nah she just gave me. "Tzuyu you didn't have to" I exclaimed as I saw the expensive handbag she had gifted me.
"I definitely had to. It's my way of saying sorry for all the chaos which happened long back" she smiled. I smiled back and hugged her again.
"Does oppa know today is your birthday?" She asked taking a seat on my bed.
"Well, He's never asked" I said thinking hard.
She shot her head to my direction. "Should I mention it to him?" She asked.
"No. I want to see if he'll wish on his own" I said and she nodded in agreement.
"Okay then. I'll leave , have a great day!" She got up and left after another hug.
What if he doesn't remember my birthday? It's okay right? It's not like he's doing it intentionally if he doesn't know. But I'll be angry for sure.
"Are you ready Lisa? We need to go to the company!" Unnie shouted.
"Coming" I lied as I ran to take a shower. I took my own time to get ready. I'm the birthday girl after all.
I maybe working but it's my day.
The rest of the day was going so slow. It was last lunch time and Jungkook hadn't wished me yet. I was so angry. If he doesn't wish me by 5 I'm going to call him.
I was a little full and people were noticing. They were trying to cheer me up. Bambam came to visit me. He brought another cake and I munched down the whole thing. Eating relieves stress and I'm stressed.
"What is the time now?" Jisoo Unnie asked me.
"It's 4. Let's practice" I got up. I wasn't dancing today. But I worked on my rap parts. It was a pretty relaxing day.
"You don't have plans for the evening right?" Rose Unnie asked looking up from the phone.
"I was actually thinking of going out. Bambam suggested we all go. It could be fun" I answered trying to sound interested.
"Oh Lisa. Unnies and I have already planned the evening. It's a girl's night! Unless you don't want to?" She asked nervously.
"I'd love that Unnie" I answered genuinely and she smiled.
I was going to call Jungkook at 5. Be angry till 10. Then we'd Skype till morning. Yep, that's what I want for my birthday. To see him. Feel him. No scratch that, no use thinking about what isn't possible now. But maybe when he's back.
I sighed thinking about him. You know what? I'll give you time till 6. I thought to myself.
I tried to keep myself busy and it was soon 6. I dialled his number preparing my angry lecture.
"The number you are trying to reach is currently not reachable."
What? Where is he?
I'll try again.
"The number you are trying to reach is currently not reachable."
I tried 10 more times with a gap of 5 minutes. But no answer. If I was full before, I was totally depressed now. I gave up and went back to the practice room.
"Where's everyone?" I asked no one in particular as I stood in the empty dance hall.
"They are waiting in the car" my manager spoke. I nodded and ran downstairs.
My phone rang. I picked up hoping it was Jungkook. But it was just Unnie.
"Lisa what's taking you so long? We had some things to buy so we left. Come with Jonathan okay?" I hummed and cut the call.
Jonathan was the company driver.
I got into the SUV and closed my eyes to rest. I soon drifted to sleep. I was tired from everything. I just didn't realize it.
"Ma'am were here" he said and I woke up.
I thanked him and got out of the car. And he drove off.
Wait a minute, where the hell am I? I was standing in front of a very nice looking hotel. But why did he drop me here. Maybe Unnie is inside I thought to myself as I went in.
The guy buy the door handed me a bag and smiled. "What is this?" I asked and he said he didn't know.
Inside the bag was a dress, a room key and a note.
"Get dressed and join me for dinner."
Me as in us? Is this really Unnie? Nevertheless I went to the room and wore the beautiful dress.
I texted Unnie about everything that's happening. She replied with Don't worry so I'm not scared anymore. I really think it's them trying to play my boyfriend's role. It's cute but I still miss him.
No. I won't think about him tonight. It's about me. Yes.
I made up my mind and walked to the dining hall. It was almost empty with a few tables filled.
"Who am I looking for?" I murmured to myself.
"Me of course" said a voice from behind me.
I broke into a huge smile.
"Jungkook!" I exclaimed as I turned and saw the live of my life smiling like a dork. I ran up to him and hugged him. How much I had missed him.
"Happy birthday doll" he whispered and kissed my temple.
He then took me to a table.
"But how?" I asked.
"I came here directly from the airport. I had this all planned a week ago" he smiled like a bunny.
"I thought you forgot" I face palmed.
"How could I?" He smiled and I couldn't help but blush.
We talked about his tour and what I'd been upto. And suddenly he got a little nervous. He reached into his pocket and took out a velvet box. Is he proposing?
Oh my what thensjjzkanAhejsnnsns
"Lisa?" He said and I snapped back to reality.
"I bought this promise ring. We maybe too early for marriage but I really want you in my life. Permanently. This is my way of telling you I'll always stay. I'll always be there. Do you accept it?" He asked as he held the box in his hands.
"I'd love that" I said in a shaky voice. I had gotten teary from everything. It was overwhelming. But in a good way. I took the ring out of the box and wore it on my left ring finger. I don't care if anyone suspects a thing. He's my baby. That's permanent.
He came to me and we kissed. It was a loving kiss which lasted for a minute. After which I leaned into his chest and he held me like that.
In short, it was a beautiful night.
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