Chapter 26
Im all set to win my man back. What's the plan you ask?
Um I'm working on it.
It's easy said than done.
I really love him but I don't know how I'm going to prove that to him. I really don't.
Maybe I can call him and tell him how much I love him? It might work.
I dialled his number.
"Hello?" He said unsure.
"Jungkook! I love you!" I yelled.
"Thanks" he responded. It's not going to be so easy alright.
"So I was thinking, are you free today?"
"What do you have in mind?" He asked.
"It's a surprise. Can you pick me up in one hour. Or should I pick you up?"
"Um I'll do it" he responded.
"Okay don't be late" I said before cutting the call.
I Googled ideas for a couple and came up with this. First we'll watch a movie then go to the beach.
Will this work?
After one hour I got ready, and waited for him. It had been a little more than an hour since I called him. Did he forget?
I waited patiently for another hour when I heard honking. He's here. I ran outside yelling a small goodbye to Unnie.
"What's up" he said coldly. He had sunglasses on so I couldn't see his eyes. He didn't even get inside the car.
I went to the passengers seat and someone was already sitting there.
"Hi lisa" she said and I recognized her voice even without looking out the window.
"Tzuyu?" I said annoyed.
"Yes. Hop in" she said and I sat at the back frowning.
"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked looking at me through the rear view mirror.
"Movies. But I only booked two tickets" I answered hoping Tzuyu will get the hint.
"That's fine. I can buy another one" Tzuyu said happily. I was clearly annoyed and Jungkook didn't look at me.
He didn't speak till we reached. Neither did she. Great.
We got down and Jungkook went to the parking lot.
"Are you surprised?" She asked smiling. "That I'm here" she continued.
"Uh kind of. Only because I didn't know" I replied with a fake smile.
Before she could reply Jungkook came into view and she ran to him. I walked behind them. It seemed like I was third Wheeling. They went to the counter and I was waiting just a little away.
They managed to get the seat next to the ones I booked. Now I really hope Jungkook sits in the middle. But unfortunately he didn't. Tzuyu was in the middle. What a waste I thought.
It was a boring movie. I mean a romantic movie. If I was next to Jungkook it would be amazing. But here I am next to her. I looked at her and realized she was resting her head on his shoulders. What the hell? I looked again and she was sleeping? Wow. Fine.
Jungkook was looking at me throughout the movie. He seemed guilty for a second before he turned away. She woke up at one point, I could hear her speak. But she remained in the same position.
Why did he ask me to prove my love and humiliate me like this? He could have just said no. I'm leaving after this.
Will you give up so soon?
Um no.
But I'm so irritated. Ugh.
The movie soon ended and I followed them outside. I was thinking out my plan. If we went to the beach with her, I would third wheel and they would have so many moments. What do I do?
Should I suggest boxing?
That's a good idea right?
I was waiting for Jungkook to ask me what next. But Tzuyu beat him to it. "Should we get something to eat, I'm hungry" she whined. Jungkook smiled and nodded. I just tagged along.
They went to order and asked me to find a table. I told them what I wanted and decided to sit on a table for four. Now I'm going to see where Jungkook sits. Next to me or next to her.
He saw where I was seated and turned completely to the cashier. They were fifth in line. I was looking around when I felt the sudden need to go the restroom. It was just around the corner. I looked at them hoping they'd see but they didn't so I went to the restroom.
I looked into the mirror, "Does he really not like me anymore? He seems really comfortable with her. Like really comfortable. He isn't even affected by the fact that I'm here." I put my head down as I thought about how things were before the incident.
"Excuse me are you okay?" I heard the cleaning lady ask me.
"Yes why" I wiped the tears I didn't know had formed.
"You've been standing there for quite sometime."
Oh really? Shit they'll be worried. I didn't even tell them I'm in the restroom. I speed walked to the table. They were sitting next to each other. And they were looking into each other's eyes. They were having a moment.
Why did I come? Why did I think Tzuyu was third Wheeling when it was clearly me?
I walked up to the table and collected my things. I must have ruined their moment as they were shifting nervously.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Jungkook stood up when he saw I was leaving.
"No you can have it. Thanks for coming today. Just-" I paused not knowing what to say, "Bye" I said as I walked out of the place. I ran towards the exit and then I realized I didn't bring my car.
I took out my phone to call Unnie when someone took the phone out of my hands. Soon I was being dragged into a car.
"What are you doing here? Go to your precious girlfriend" I said totally annoyed.
"Shut up" he said in response.
He drove out of the parking lot.
"Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't respond. I asked a few more times and gave up when he didn't answer.
I guess I drifted off to sleep as the next thing I remember is waking up on the sand.
I shot up when I realized I was at the beach. Jungkook was sitting by the water just a few distance away and he was staring at the sunset.
I joined him. "I wanted to bring you here" I said. He didn't reply.
"Why did you bring Tzuyu?" I asked.
He looked at me and turned away without answering.
"You hurt me Lisa. I'm not joking. You really hurt me"
"I'm sorry Jungkook" I said as I held his hand. He didn't protest.
"I was so lonely and I don't even know what I did for the whole year. It went by a blink" he sighed.
"I'm really sorry"
"Why did you do it then" he asked finally looking at me.
"I -I" I cleared my voice "didn't want to be a burden anymore. You were going through so much. I was pulling you down"
"Did I make you feel that way" he asked firmly gripping my hand.
"No but" I stopped not knowing what to say.
"I don't want to forgive you so easily but I'm not able to stay mad at you" he sighed. "You were getting all worked up looking at Tzuyu I just wanted to pull you into my arms and reassure you"
I smiled. "Then why didn't you?"
He looked at me and returned my smile. "Don't you think this is weird? Just last month we were having different lives with different people. And here we are, back to a year ago. It doesn't make sense."
"When has our relationship ever made sense Jungkook? It's always complicated. I'm not going to let that spoil everything. Again" I smiled squeezing his hand.
"When you said you missed me-"
"I really did. So much. I came to you in the beginning of the year to take you back and forget all the risks. But you were gone and I saw you on TV you were happy. I didn't want to spoil be that" I said with tears flowing down my cheeks.
"I missed you too" he said and I pulled him into a hug. He tensed at first but then eased into it. He held me tighter.
"Promise you won't leave me" he said. "I promise" I replied.
"What about Tzuyu? She might be" I replied breaking the hug.
He pulled me back, "oh she was just trying to make you jealous. She said I could forgive you after she-"
"When do you get so close" I pouted. "We were always close Lisa. She helped me a lot when you were gone. She's just a friend" he smiled.
I jumped into him, "I'm never letting you go again". He hugged me tighter and kissed my temple.
Shitty chapter i know.
The book is almost coming to an end! :(
I didn't proof read oops
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