Chapter 25
<Lisa PoV>
1 year later
"Baby?" I heard him calling.
"Coming" I replied.
I ran to the living room of his apartment. Yep I crashed here last night. Nothing happened, I was just tired.
"Don't you think you work a lot?" He asked.
It's true. Ever since the incident which happened months ago, I've kept myself busy. Very busy. I just wanted to focus on myself. I'm doing good so far.
So who's apartment am I in you ask?
Well it's my boyfriend.
SEHUN. Shocking?
It's not the same. This doesn't even feel like a relationship. He had been asking for months and I felt bad. Jennie unnie also convinced me it was time to move on. So I agreed. Just to stop all the advice I had been getting.
What happened to Jungkook you ask?
I don't know.
They are on world tour. They were hardly in Korea. So we never met. I had actually made up my mind to go talk to him but they had left. I then realized he seemed happy. Peaceful. So I gave up the idea.
Everyone in the industry know about Sehun and I so I'm not surprised if he knows.
But I miss him. A lot. I'll get over it right?
"What are you thinking about?" Sehun came into the room.
"Nothing just work"
"See? You work a lot. Let's go on a vacation" he held my hand.
"I can't I'm busy" I answered quickly.
"Is everything okay between us?" He crossed his arms across his chest impatiently.
"Yes I'm just busy" I gave a weak smile.
"You've been saying that for a month now. We don't even spend time together." He complained.
"I'll make it up to you" I smiled.
"Are we finally going to have sex?" He asked smiling.
"What? No I told you I'm not ready"
"Yeah right" he gave a sigh.
"I'm getting late I'll be back later" I left the room.
<Taehyung Pov>
"Jungkook?" I called out to the sleeping bunny in the hotel room. He was asleep with on the floor. This has become a routine. He has completely changed. It breaks my heart to see what a wreck he's turned into.
He just drinks when he's got free time. Other times he is working. I even tried to set him up with other girls, but no. Even Tzuyu tried to help, but no. He doesn't listen to anyone.
I wonder what happened between Lisa and him. Namjoon hyung told me about what he knew but I think something worse happened. I think she dumped him and he took it hard. He hasn't even mentioned her name after day.
I actually thought he was back to normal just last month when he was happy and laughing with us. But then Bambam told him about Lisa and Sehun. So he's back to his old ways.
I can't take this anymore. I'm going to bring the old Jungkook back.
<Lisa PoV>
"Let's begin practicing" I stood up.
"We've done it 5 times already" Jisoo Unnie complained.
I nodded and sat back.
"Lisa you'll meet Jungkook tomorrow. How do you think it will be? After so long" Jennie unnie came to me.
"Ahh MMA. We won't interact right? I'll be fine" I smiled.
"Yeah okay" she smiled.
Will I be?
Will he be happy to see me?
Why would he be happy after what I did to him?
I'm the same as Sana, not any different. He hates me.
The next day..
We are standing on the stage with a few other groups. BTS and EXO haven't arrived yet. Just then I heard Fake love play in the background. Army were going wild. It's been so long. I wonder how they look.
I look at them and immediately spotted him.Jungkook was behind RM. He looked different. His hair was colored. And tattoos on his hand?
He bowed to all the groups including us. He just never looked at me. Maybe he didn't see me.
After all the groups arrived we were in the sitting area. BTS was in front of us. Importantly, Jungkook was in front of me. I couldn't stop staring at him. I wanted to apologise if not get back.
Is it too late?
He didn't seem to be bothered by me. He didn't even care that I was behind him. He knows I'm here right? Oh wait he turned. He looked at the fans and waved. He definitely saw me but nope, he didn't acknowledge me.
After one hour into the performance, he went to the washroom. I felt the sudden urge to say sorry and I followed. I went into the restrooms area and before I could catch him. Someone held my wrist.
"Don't you think you've done enough?" I heard Tzuyu behind me.
"He's finally moved on and you want him back?" She said with so much anger that it scared me.
"It's okay Tzuyu, you can leave" I heard Jungkook behind me.
"But" she said.
I guess he made a sign and she nodded. She soon left and I turned to face him.
"Okay" he said as he began to leave.
"Wait Jungkook" I yelled.
"What is it?" He turned reluctantly.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I pleaded.
"It's okay" he said as he began to leave again.
"Wait" I cried. I held his hand and cried. I could see he was getting uncomfortable.
"Forgive me please" I cried again.
"You didn't even try to contact me. Now that I'm here you remembered you had to say sorry? But you did nothing wrong so please don't apologise" he fake smiled.
"I tried to-" people were staring at us. He realized it too. He was about to leave but he turned again.
"Oh hey congratulations" he shook my hand.
"For?" I asked my voice shaking.
"Sehun and you"
"Oh" was all I could say.
He left.
But there was someone who was watching us.
"This was the reason?" I heard Sehun coming into view.
"I'm sorry" I cried realizing I should have told him about Jungkook.
He was hurt but he still came to me and hugged me.
"Hey it's alright. I knew you never really loved me. But I was determined to make you love me. I'm sorry for coming between the two of you. You could have told me"
"It's not that simple. He hates me" I cried.
"Seeing the tears he had when he left, I highly doubt that. Maybe you've done things wrong, but get him back before you lose him for good" Sehun patted my back.
"I will" I said as I stopped crying.
"I'm really sorry Sehun. I was just tired of everyone telling me what to do so I just listened to Unnie"
"It's alright. I'll be fine" he said wiping my tears.
I went and sat back in the place behind Jungkook. It was our chance to perform so we went backstage.
I performed with all my strength. I've been practicing so much that I know all the steps byheart. After the song ended, I took the microphone.
"I'm determined to have you back" I said winking at him. And then I showed the finger hearts to the audience to not make it obvious. The shock in his face was evident. He was even about to smile but he controlled himself. Maybe I still have a chance. I smiled to myself as I left the stage.
"What was that about?" Rose Unnie asked me.
"It's time to make things right" I smiled.
They didn't know what I meant but smiled.
I've been a fool for over a year. I didn't believe in us. I didn't prioritize us. But I've realized my mistake. I'm definitely getting him back.
When we went back to the seating area BTS were going backstage. My eyes were set on Jungkook. He looked at me seconds later with a cold stare. It soon turned into a questioning stare when I smiled as we passed each other.
After their performance which was the last, we all went on stage. He was with got7 and I tried my best to go near him. But I couldn't. There was no way I could go to him without making it obvious. I finally gave up and was returning to my dressing room when someone pulled me into the janitor's closet.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked me. Jungkook. He pulled me into the closet. I'm smiling like a dork right now.
"Getting you back. I'm going to fight for you. Something I should have done a year ago" I smiled.
"You realized that a year later?" He left hold of me.
"No I just kept myself busy" I looked down feeling guilty.
"With Sehun I see" he smiled. It was a fake smile of course.
"Noo I just wanted you to be happy. You always used to worry about me. I felt guilty"
"I made your life miserable" he said.
"I lied. All that was a lie I swear"
"I don't believe you" he said honestly.
"I said I'll fight for you. I'm not giving up this time" I smiled sincerely with my eyes tearing up. "I really missed you" tears fell from my eyes.
His eyes were watering too but he looked up to cover it. "I'm not going to forgive you this easily" he shook his head.
"I don't expect you to. But please give me a chance. I know I didn't listen to you last year, please don't do that to me. I was a bitch for that" I said irritated with myself.
"It's understandable. I did cause so many probl-" before he could complete I placed my finger on his lips.
"Don't say that." He smiled, he couldn't hold it back. I smiled wider.
"Show me what you got Lisa Manoban." He said as he left the closet.
"Oh I will" I smiled to myself.
I felt bad after the cliffhanger. Couldn't leave you hanging there. So here's the update.
My flight is in an hour and me being me, I came too early. So I decided to write haha.
See you soon! xx
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