Chapter 23
Heyy! So I'm going on a vacation for a week. I thought I'll update before I leave as I may not be write then. I'm leaving in 2 days so I'll try to write another chapter later today or by tomorrow. I'll try :)
Let's go on with the chapter!
<Lisa PoV>
"Jungkook! My left eye is twitching!"
"Mhmm" he said still sleeping.
"Wake up Koo" I whispered in his ears. No response. I forgot what a deep sleeper he is.
My phone rings.
"Lisa! Where are you? Come to the office we have practice today"
"Oh shit! I'll be there. WAIT!!" I yelled.
"What tell me?"
"Unnie keep a pair of dress for me. I'm with Jungkook" I blushed.
"Okay" she laughed.
"Who was that?" I heard a sleepy kook.
"Rose Unnie" I hugged him.
"I need to leave Jungkook. I have practice. I'll take a shower and leave" I said.
He got up as well. He went to make breakfast.
30 minutes later
"I'll leave Jungkook!" I yelled making way to the door.
"Wait doll eat breakfast" he yelled from the kitchen.
I blushed at the thought he made breakfast for me. How cute.
He had made eggs Sunny side up. Just the way I like. "what plans today?" I asked him.
"There's a meeting so I need to go back" he said smiling.
"Do you live here?" I asked him.
"Ani I come here sometimes. I still live in the dorm" he answered.
"Cute" I said as I ate.
"My left eye keeps twitching" I said again.
"V hyung says left eye twitching is like a warning for bad happening." He said and then mentally cursed himself.
"Of course it's not true" he said holding my hand.
"Okay" I smiled. I'm not superstitious so I'm fine.
The rest of the day was normal with practice. Unnies kept teasing me for arriving late. I'm always first and I showed up in Jungkook's sweatshirt. I blushed Everytime they teased me. I like it. I like him being mentioned.
"Such a big scandal" I heard my manager say.
"Lisa" he shouted.
"Yes?" I asked him.
"Are you and Jungkook together?" He asked me. He already knows this Right?
"Yeah" I replied shyly.
"Don't let the public know. It's not the right time. Definitely not. I would actually advise you to stay away from him at the moment"
"What's wrong?" Jisoo Unnie asked.
"Dispatch released a couple. It's Jungkook and"
"Sana" rose Unnie screamed looking at her phone.
"But that's not true" I said gulping with tears in my eyes.
"They'll deny it. Bighit will. But their fans are going crazy already. So if they decide to reveal the two of you instead. Deny it"
"It's a picture of Jungkook in JYP" Jennie unnie said sarcastically. "How can they make a dating rumour out of this?"
"Ani they have a picture of him holding her hand while she's having an attack" She continued with anger building inside her.
"But he isn't dating her" Jisoo Unnie told the manager.
"Whatever it is. It's not looking good for Sana. But she's quite popular so there's a fanwar going on" he said rubbing his forehead.
"Lisa cut contact with Jungkook until this is handled" he said and I nodded.
Before going out he pointed his finger at me, "Do as I say or your career will be in danger. They'll boycott you" he said with a Stern look.
I broke down. What just happened was so overwhelming. I couldn't think straight so I started crying.
"Lisa stop crying you know this is fake news" Rose Unnie patted my back.
"Bighit will deny it don't worry babe" Jen Unnie said kneeling in front of me.
"I wonder what he's going through" Jisoo Unnie sighed. "The poor guy can't take a rest I tell you"
"Unnie I need to see him" I cried.
"No Lisa I agree with the manager. It's better to keep distance till the while things cools down."
"Okay" I say wiping my tears.
"But Unnie doesn't BIGHIT have a deal with Dispatch? Why would they release this news without even contacting them? I mean they would have explained the pictures right?" I said putting my mind to work.
"That's exactly what I was thinking" Jennie unnie spoke.
"Unless something bigger than the deal happened" Jisoo Unnie spoke.
I wonder what. I have a feeling it's JYP. It doesn't matter now. I can't wait till Bighit denies the news.
"Switch on the news. Bighit press conference" my manager shouted. Jisoo Unnie turned on the television and we sat impatiently.
"So in regard to the news which was released an hour ago, Jungkook has decided to address it himself"
"Is he going to talk about you and him?" Jisoo Unnie asked nervously. "I don't know" I answered.
Jungkook stood up from where he was sitting with Namjoon Sunbae. None of the other members were present . Just them with managers and the CEO.
"Hey." He said cutely. "I know the news came as a shocker to you guys. But it's not true"
"Ahhh I knew it!" One reporter screamed.
"So Sana has been going through panic attacks. We are good friends. Just friends" He emphasized "I along with plenty other people were helping her in such a situation. That's all there is to it." He smiled.
Namjoon asked him to come back and he bowed before taking a seat.
Everything went smoothly. They were about to wrap it up. When there was sudden commotion. Then one tiny female came into picture. Sana.
"What the actual fuck" Jennie unnie screamed.
"Holy shit" Rose Unnie yelled.
Even the reporters looked puzzled.
"What are you guys doing here?" Jungkook said calm but his face was about to explode with anger.
"Do you know how unprofessional this is" Namjoon joined Jungkook.
"I'm sorry" Sana exclaimed.
"I think you need to see this" she handed over a letter to Jungkook.
"What is this?" Namjoon asked her impatiently.
"Read it" she stressed.
"DON'T!" Jennie unnie screamed.
"Stop shouting he can't hear you" I exclaimed. I was so scared as to what was going on. So scared.
Sana snatched the letter from Jungkook's hand. She began reading it.
"I'm really sorry Jungkook. I'm really sorry to have put you through this. I truly am. It's not a secret that I like you. You are the only one who can calm me in my attacks. Your presence is enough for me to stay happy. I know you don't like me that way. I'm sorry to have forced you to stay with me. I don't want to live anymore." She started crying.
"Such a bitch. Did she have to do that in front of the media" I yelled.
"Lisa calm down" Rose Unnie said. But even she was shocked at the level Sana had fallen.
"Unbelievable" Jungkook muttered.
"Jungkook go inside" Bang Pdnim said and he walked away. He kicked a chair on the way so hard it broke. He was that furious. Sana flinched but she continued to cry.
"That's it for today. You can leave" He said and the broadcast ended.
"She did that on purpose" my manager said.
"She's already gaining sympathy from a percentage of fans" Jisoo Unnie sighed.
"What are you talking about Unnie. Look at the other 8 hashtags. They are literally yelling at Sana for messing with Jungkook. She did one thing wrong. She made him look innocent. That's more than enough for BTS fans to support him" Jennie unnie said looking at me.
"LeaveJungkookOppaAlone is trending at #1 everywhere" the news lady continued.
"It was expected. Things like this should not be fine in front of the media. We as celebrities ask for privacy and we only end up making everything public" the lady continued.
"Jungkook don't feel pressurized. We're here to support you. Sana you're not well seek help" she said.
"Why did you turn it off?" I yelled at whoever turned off the television.
It was my manager. Shit.
"Lisa come with me"
I went into his office. He was thinking about how to say it to me. He then looked at me.
"I need you to end things with Jungkook."
"What?" I shouted.
"Lisa I know you love him. You don't understand. He's been the reason you're always worked up. Give it a rest. Even if his fans protected him. It's just showing how his fans will never support him and a girl" he sighed.
That did hit me. But hearing it from someone else was making it hard to stay calm.
"Your career is important. It's not being selfish. Your parents friends, your members are all dependent on you. You're still young. Don't give up everything for him."
He was making sense. I don't know what to do.
"I'm not asking you to hate him. But I don't think it's worth taking such a big risk. I'm sure even his management will ask him to stay away from you as he's on eagle's watch. I know he'll still try to reach you. I want you to break it off "
"I can't believe I'm saying this but he's right" Jisoo Unnie joined in.
"Unnie" I cried hugging her.
"Lisa please understand. Sana can handle this scandal. She's very popular in Korea. But it's not safe for us to test the waters" Jisoo Unnie continued. She was crying too.
"I'm not saying this as a request. It's an order. Break it off. I don't want to hear news of him and you again. Do you understand?" He yelled.
I didn't answer and he went soft. "Do this for your parents, for your unnies, for us. Please" he begged.
"Okay" I said as I totally broke down. Jisoo Unnie hugged me. Jennie and Rose had heard us. They cried with me as well.
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