~Chapter 5~
It had been a month or so since you and Dan got together. Phil's face was sooo much better and Amie,well she was usually annoying and sarcastic but you two have grown close. You were surprised that your Ex hasn't bothered you again....but you knew he would sooner or later.
Today was sunny and you all decided a day at the beach would be fun.Aka sitting in the backyard while the guys pour icy cold water on you. You jumped up with a shiver as you ran around and Dan chased you while Amie sat down on the lawn chair, updating her wattpad account. Phil and Dan walked up to you two and stole Amie's phone while Dan poured icy cold water on you both. You laughed and Amie frowned as her new shirt was wet. "I...Am going to kill you..."She mocked as she ran inside to dry off. You Dan and Phil both excitedly chased eachother around as Amie was no where to be seen. You guessed she probably was going christmas shopping considering it was the 1st of December.
It has been hours since you guys have been playing. Dan and PHIL had just begun drawing cat whiskers on your face with a sharpie when Amie called.
A:listen girl. What should I get Phil? I am so confused and I don't even know what to get and I don't know how why UHhh.
R:Hey hey hey! Don't worry he will love it any ways! We are going to their place for Christmas too, ya know the kitchen is rebuilt so I will be moving back in with them and stuff sooo.
A:ok. Keep me updated. Your my best friend! See ya.
That was the first time she actually called you her 'best' friend. That's like Dan stage! You shut off your phone and began walking to your room to pack your stuff. You were gonna miss this place! After you said goodbye to the couch and the baby bird nest in the tree. You asked Dan to drive you back to their apartment. You began to tear up as you drove nearby. You saw a couple of cop cars and some people crying but you were used to it. You ran into the apartment and fell to the floor. Suddenly the carpet didn't feel as soft and the aroma wasn't as planty. I ran to the couch and flopped on top of Dan on the couch. I snuggled into his chest as he sat up and pulled me into a hug. We sat there for what felt like hours but was only a couple of minutes when we began to hear arguments. "Alright PHIL! Just shut the f**k up! I don't need your crazy Bull
Sh!t right now!" You heard Amie yell and surprisingly, Phil yelled back.
"Well don't be such a
B!*ch and I will shut up!" Before you heard a loud smash before Phil pushed past you and Dan. Dan pointed to Phil then himself. You nodded and You walked up to Amie. She was cradled in the corner grasping her hand gasping. You looked down and saw blood and bits of smashed pots. You knew what the loud smash was. PHIL threw one of his house plants in anger and Amie probably tried to catch it. You pulled her into a hug which she melted into. She began to cry as you got a call from Dan.
D: Ok I got Phil to calm down. What's going on with you and is Amie's arm alright?
R:Yeah. She's calmed down too. She's almost cried herself to sleep. I feel terrible.
D:Omg same. Ok Do you think it would be alright if I stayed with Phil tonight? He's at Amie's house.
R:No that's fine. Just get him to bed and I will talk to you in the morning. Night babe xxx
You put down your phone and saw a sleeping Amie on the couch. You and Dan had argued but only about stupid things. Never this violent. You grabbed your blanket and threw it over Amie. She smiled in return and went out cold. You needed some rest as well. You walked into Dan's room and laid in his bed. The smell of him lingered in his clothes as you put on one of his shirts and fell asleep peacefully, with only Dan's scent to comfort you...
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