A.N.- Yes, this story is about Max and Noah's adopted son JJ ;DD [Let's Get One Thing Straight: I'm Not]
I tacked up the final poster on my wall and smiled a little. Now the walls felt a little homier in my new house. My dad had set up my bed in the corner of my room and my desk in another. There were still several boxes on my white carpet though. Mostly clothes and books.
I began unpacking my clothes and hanging shirts in my closet. I found my favorite shirt and my favorite pair of jeans. I set them aside to wear to school tomorrow.
A new school. I was excited and terrified at the same time. What if the other kids didn’t like me? What if they picked on me? A few kids in my old school picked on me, and boy was it cruel. I really hoped people around here were at least a bit nicer.
I finished filling my closet and realized it was getting late. I’d unpack the rest of my stuff tomorrow after school. I didn’t want to be too tired for my first day.
I set my iHome to wake me up at 5.50, more than enough time to get ready for school. I packed my bag with a notebook, a folder, and a few pencils and pens. I drank a citrus flavored Marley’s Mellow Mood to help myself get to sleep and laid down.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I assured myself that tomorrow would be fine and that people in the school would be nice to me. Maybe I could make some really nice friends! Oh, I had friends at my old school, sure. But I just never felt like I truly fit in there.
Sometime later, I drifted into a slightly uneasy sleep. My iHome went off in the morning, playing Words by Between The Trees. My hand weakly slapped around on the iHome until I knocked my iPod off it and it shut up.
I rolled out of bed, my body thumping onto the floor and let out a slight groan. I had a bad habit of doing that. I used to have a much bigger bed that I could roll over in for ages without falling out of. I had gotten a smaller one to get more space in my bedroom, and now I was regretting it.
I pushed myself off the floor and sleepily moved over to my clothes. I stripped out of the basketball shorts I was wearing and pulled on my jeans. I looped my belt through and pulled on my shirt.
“Milo, are you ready for school yet?” My mom’s voice floated upstairs to me and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. “Yea mom!” I called back and listened as I heard her footsteps retreat into the kitchen, probably making me toast or something.
I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs after doing my hair. I pulled on my shoes and made my way into the kitchen. Mom slid a plate of toast over the counter and I sat down and hurriedly ate it. I drank some milk before brushing my teeth and anxiously looking out the window for the school bus.
“How are you feeling Milo?” mom asked nervously, offering me a small smile. I shrugged. “Like I’m going to throw up.” She frowned. “Don’t say that. Everything will be fine.” She smiled again and I saw the bus turn onto our street.
“Bye mom,” I called as I walked out the front door. “Bye Milo! Good luck!” she called to me before shutting the door. I knew she was watching from the window though, making sure I got on the bus and found a seat.
I stepped onto the bus and looked around. There was an open seat near the center and I moved towards it. A few kids looked up at me. The rest just seemed too tired to notice. I slid into the seat and pulled out my iPod.
I stuck my headphones in and listened to music until the bus pulled up to the school and let us off. I pulled the schedule they had sent me in the mail out of my pocket and glanced at it nervously.
I entered the school and saw kids standing in the halls talking. I looked at my locker number, nodded to myself, and began to look around the school. I entered a hallway randomly and looked at the locker numbers. Wrong hall.
I left it and felt myself growing panicked. I had 8 minutes until the warning bell would ring, but what if I couldn’t find my locker? This school was huge!
Mustering up courage, I walked over to a boy standing alone. “Excuse me,” I said politely. He looked up at me with incredible blue eyes. “E-yuh?” he asked, which I took as “yea”. I held out my schedule nervously. “Um, I was wondering if maybe you could tell me what hallway this locker would be down? I’m new here and I have no idea.”
He took the schedule from me and handed it back after a second. “Sure I know where that is. Come on; I’ll take you there.” “Thanks,” I said, relief coursing through me as I followed him.
“So what’s your name new kid?” he asked casually. “Milo,” I answered. “Milo Jensen.” He nodded. “Nice to meet you. I’m River. So since your locker is down the junior hallway, I’m assuming that you’re a junior?” I nodded at him.
“Alright, we have a few classes together. I’ll help you get to know this place. I know it’s hard to get used to a school when you’re the new kid, especially this late into high school.” He stopped in front of a locker and nodded at it. “We have arrived.”
I thanked him again and put in the combination. I opened it and put my jacket in there before shutting it again and turning to River. “I’ll warn you who to stay away from as they come along. There’re some bad people around here,” he said with a shrug.
He led me to my first period class and introduced me to the teacher. He led me to the back of the room and nodded at the corner seat on the far side of the room. “Sit there,” he said, and I did. He took the seat next to me.
Class started and I loved it. The teacher was hilarious and River seemed to come more alive as class went on. He laughed with the rest of the class and the exhaustion drained from his face. By the end of class, he was much nicer and very lively.
“I love that class so much! The teacher’s great, isn’t she?” he said in excitement. I nodded and smiled. “Yea. She was really funny.” He started laughing. “Yea!” He led me down a hallway and explained that it was the math hallway.
“Okay, this is your classroom. Mine is down the there and I’ll meet up with you at the end of the period. Just wait outside this room, okay?” I nodded and entered the classroom. The teacher directed me to a seat and I made myself comfortable.
A girl sat next to me and got to work on the bell ringer (the teacher told me I didn’t have to do it since I was new) and ignored me. Not ignored, exactly. She just seemed very shy.
I heard laughing from behind me and saw the teacher frown. “I hope you boys are working, JJ and Pat,” she said, raising an eyebrow at them. “Yea JJ, shut up and work!” a kid sitting 2 seats in front of me said with a snicker.
“Oh blow me Felix,” the kid behind me, JJ apparently, said. “No thanks,” Felix said. “It was a fuck you, not an invitation,” JJ said and Felix laughed.
Papers were paced back and I spun to hand the JJ guy behind me his. I looked at his face as I moved to give him the paper and found myself looking at the most attractive boy I’d ever seen in my entire life.
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