Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
Regular text is English
Italicized text is supposed to be Korean
After the plane landed and all the passengers were ushered out you checked your phone for any messages and internally groaned when you saw one from your music professor.
"You have got to be kidding me!" You yelled in frustration. The seven boys who sat behind you took notice and J-hope, in particular, came up to you.
"Are u all right? What's the mattur." His english was very rough but acceptable seeing that you were in a non-english speaking country.
"My professor, back in America, said they failed to book a place for me to stay until next month. That means I need to rent my own hotel room or short term living place until then."
"You can stay with us!" V smiled at you.
"That's what I was going to say until you stole my lineu." J-hope protested.
"Really, I'm flattered by your kindness and generosity, but we've only known each other for a day and it would be very rude of me to impede on any of your families." You gave them a sad smile. Namjoon took notice of the two stragglers in their group who were talking to you, and walked over to you.
"No! No! Is okay! We all sleepu together." J-hope smiled again, waiting for your response.
"That's not what he meant, (y/n). I promise you that we don't all sleep together." Namjoon laughed nervously. "You see we all live in the same dorm and share rooms."
"Oh! So you guys are all roommates?"
"Exactly, so as long as it's okay with everyone else you can stay over for as long as you like." You blushed like crazy with all of their kindness.
"That's really nice of you guys." V and J-hope got the rest of their group to comeback and you asked each one of them if you could stay with them, of course they said yes. You smiled as you walked along with them, but started to feel awkward when a bunch of people crowded around you and the seven boys.
"What's up with all these people taking pictures?" You asked hiding your face from the press.
"We're popular over here. We make up a group called BTS." Jimin stated as you picked up your pace to stay with the guys.
"So you guys are famous!?"
"Well ya. You could say we're kind of a big deal." Suga said in a cool-guy voice.
"Then why are you guys letting me tag along with you? I'm just some nobody from America, studying so I could possibly make something out of this career that I've chosen." J-hope turned to you and looked right in your eyes.
"Music is your passion, right?"
"Uh... yeah." You were caught off guard by his question.
"(y/n), don't call yourself no one. You are very important, to many people, and you did choose a good career. Don't be so hard on yourself." He looked at you with real care and concern on his face.
"You can't say that I'm good at singing or songwriting if you've never even heard my music."
"Then you'll just have to show your work to me." You caught yourself blushing again and tried to hide your warm face from his sight.
All eight of you continued to walk through the airport until you found a two dark cars with tinted windows waiting outside. Rap Monster, Jin, Jungkook, and Suga got into one car while you, V, J-hope, and Jimin got into the other one. You could tell that the driver tried to protest, but one look from three other guys in the car shut him up right away.
"You guys must be pretty popular if you need special driver's and security guards."
"Yeah, we recently won a Billboard award which made all our fans go nuts, but I think it's calmed down a bit." Your eyes widened at V's statement.
"You guys won a Billboard award?"
"We won a bunch of awards. We have a trophy case back at the studio." Jimin smiled proudly.
"(y/n)? You look a bit pale. Are you okay?" J-hope placed a hand on your arm.
"So you people aren't just regular famous. You're internationally recognized?!"
"Yah! International playboy, Park Jimin! How's that sound?" Jimin placed his hand on his chin, faking a cheesy smile you would see on the cover of a Times magazine.
"Questionable if you ask me." V shrugged and Jimin looked offended.
"Burn!" J-hope yelled.
Before you knew it the cars arrived at the destination and everyone piled out of the cramped vehicles.
"We've returned!" V said dramatically.
"Welcome to our home, (y/n). You get settled once we're inside." You simply smiled and followed the guys while tugging your luggage behind you.
'This is going to be interesting.' You thought as the guys invited you inside.
~Hey! Thanks for reading this far! More to come and I hope you enjoyed it.~
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