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Jimin got home dressed in the cloth he had worn for the after party.
Thank God he didn't miss the party cause it was so much fun, he thought as he began to limp towards the house.
"Jimin" On hearing Carmen call he turned in excitement and quickly went to hug her.
"You are back" He said feeling relieved.
"Did you miss me that much?" Carmen asked pulling away so she could stare at Jimin.
"I did and I have so much to tell you" Jimin told her.
A while later, after telling Carmen about the recent incident, she waited for Carmen reply.
"Well since he knows about your identity, there's nothing we can do than to let him in on it and join us in finding the culprit" Carmen gave her verdict.
"I thought the same too and I was going to suggest it cause Taehyung seems to be a good person, he could have....."
"Don't trust any one!" Carmen said firmly which got Jimin stopping mid way.
"He might be on our side and all but don't trust him, he might betray us later on" Carmen said looking very serious while Jimin nodded in return.
"Tell him the basics. Why you are pretending to be Jimoon and other stuffs but don't tell him about Jimoon's death. We can't trust him to keep that a secret" Carmen added and once again Jimin nodded in reply.
"You can ask me whatever you want to know" Jimin told Taehyung who sat on the opposite seat watching him.
"You told me you couldn't say a thing because of a vow you made" he said.
"And that's true but I can now" Jimin said smiling at him.
"Fine then, the reason why you are doing all this?" Taehyung asked and the smile on Jimin's face disappeared
"To help Jimoon get Justice" Jimin replied.
"Why? Is Jimoon dead?" Taehyung asked.
"I can't tell you that but I...."
"Why can't you tell me that? Are you and Carmen trying to hide the fact that he's dead because you two did it?" Taehyung asked more slowly.
"Of course not! Neither I nor Carmen killed him, it's some one from this school" Jimin replied hotly but more silently so others wouldn't hear them though they were seated at a place where their voice could hardly be heard.
"So am right! Jimoon is dead" Taehyung pointed out while Jimin let out a sigh.
Taehyung had made him tell him the truth by accusing him to be Jimoon's murderer, Carmen will definitely be angry once she knows about his mistake, Jimin thought.
"He is, Jimoon is dead and some one in this school did it not us" Jimin replied vindicating himself and Carmen.
"How are you so sure that some one from this school did it?" Taehyung asked.
"I read his diary and he sent a weird text to Carmen before going missing" Jimin replied.
"He went missing, so how on earth did Carmen knew that he's dead?" Taehyung asked.
"I assume that some one called him about it or some thing" Jimin replied shrugging since he never asked Carmen about it.
"Why would they call Carmen and not Jimoon's parent, don't you find that odd?" Taehyung asked which got Jimin thinking the same thing.
"And there's the call I received from Jimoon. If I never received that call, I will still keep on thinking you are him" Taehyung added while Jimin kept thinking about it.
"Maybe some one found his phone and called you" Jimin pointed out.
"Some one might have but then did Carmen take you to Jimoon's grave, did she let you see him or did she show you some sort of proof that Jimoon is really dead?" Taehyung asked while Jimin shook his head.
"Then Jimoon isn't dead" Taehyung concluded.
"But she wouldn't lie" the trusting Jimin defended.
"You haven't been with her for long to know that and I always thought she seemed a bit off" Taehyung replied wrinkling his nose at that thought.
"So every thing she told me is a lie?" Jimin said to no one in particular.
"Part of it might be the truth, like Jimoon getting hurt cause I strongly believe that Jimoon must be hurt and he's been kept some where by Carmen"
"Does that mean am no longer needed since the real Jimoon is alive?" Jimin asked.
"You are needed, if you weren't Carmen wouldn't have lied to you. Like you said, you read his diary and his life was threatened and so definitely the person who tried to kill Jimoon will surely come back thinking you to be him" Taehyung said giving Jimin goosebumps.
"They will try to harm you again and that's what Carmen is probably waiting for. She's trying to use you to get this person" Taehyung added.
"This sounds like an action drama to me" Jimin muttered.
"More like a tragedy drama" Taehyung rephrased which got him screwing up his face in fear.
"Hearing you say that, I feel scared, I wanna go home" Jimin said in fear.
"You can't do that. Not when everyone thinks you are Jimoon and also just like you want to help Jimoon get Justice, you can still do it but it will be with me and not Carmen" Taehyung declared.
"What will I do about Carmen then?"
"Keep on pretending to be on her side, I will keep some one on her tail and also don't tell her about the call I received and keep on doing your best to be Jimoon " He replied while Jimin nodded.
"You did well by putting those bullies in place, we only have to find out who threatened Jimoon before he left two months ago" he added.
"I have some people in mind " he said as he list out the names he could think of.
"They are all students from our class" Taehyung replied.
"That's because Jimoon wrote in his Diary that the person threatening him is some one from our class" Jimin informed.
"We can't stick to that alone, we will have to broaden our horizon. The person who threatened Jimoon might be some one who isn't even in our class" Taehyung pointed out.
"Since we know where we stand, I think it's time we head back to class" Taehyung said getting up but he took hold of his hand, stopping him mid way.
"Have been meaning to ask you this, why did you never help Jimoon? I mean Jungkook is your brother, you could have...."
"He refused, he told me to mind my business and that I should stay away. I really wanted to help him but since he drew the line, I did as he said" Taehyung replied and Jimin could see the sincerity in his eyes.
"Have I answered your question?" Taehyung asked and he nodded in return.
"Then it's time you answer mine"
"What is it?"
"How do you plan on getting out of the engagement you have with Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.
"Well to be sincere, I don't know but am hoping that Jimoon will return before anything else is done" Jimin replied while Taehyung let out a smirk.
"Your hope is about to be dashed cause our family are meeting tonight and the main topic is about your engagement which will be taking place soon" Taehyung said
"What! "
"You heard me shortie. Get ready cause you will soon be married in place of Jimoon" Taehyung said airily before walking off.
Jimin thought about the marriage thing and screw up his face in disgust, he definitely can't marry Jungkook.
"You don't mean it right" Jimin asked dressed up in a purple suit.
"It's been decided and besides you told Jungkook's family that you want the engagement to be done soon" Jimoon's mom replied.
"That's because I was feeling too happy. You guys shouldn't have taken me seriously" Jimin complained even as they got into the car which the chauffeur had opened for them.
"We did, we took you seriously and have picked a date for the engagement party, so stop fussing about it" Jimoon's mom snapped at him.
All through their ride to the Taehyung and Jungkook home, he kept thinking of ways to get out of the engagement.
Jimoon might have wanted it but he's not Jimoon and he definitely won't get married to a jerk like Jungkook.
As soon as they got to Taehyung and Jungkook's home, they were ushered to the dinner room where they were told to wait for their guest.
Jimin felt uneasy and the only way so he excused himself using the rest room as his shield.
Since it isn't his first time around the house, he was on his way to the rest room when he heard some one talking in anger.
Wanting to know what was happening, he slowly trailed the voice and what he saw got him gasping inwardly.
Taehyung stood in front of his father while his father kept slapping him on the cheek while Jungkook and his mom stood watching.
If it hadn't been for Jungkook who intervened, his father would have kept slapping him.
"You've been useless to me since the day you were born! All I ever asked of you is that you stay away from trouble but you keep causing me trouble for me and everyone in this family!" Jeon yelled at Taehyung.
"What exactly were you thinking when you went to an hotel with that guy?" Mrs. Jeon demanded in return.
"I told you that I only went there to see him, why won't you believe me!" Taehyung yelled at his parents.
"Do you take us for fools? The guy you went to meet is surely your lover! Am not asking you to be celibate, you are an adult and can do what you want but you should have done it more discretely. Do you know how much I had to pay those lousy reporters to keep their mouth shut?" Jeon asked.
"How much did you pay them exactly?" Taehyung asked taunting his father.
"Don't make things worse, Taehyung" Jungkook admonish still holding onto their angry father.
"You really need some beating" Jeon said as he tried to pull out of Jungkook's hold.
"Then do! That's the only thing you've ever given me! If dad doesn't hit me then mom insults me. In your eyes I will always be the useless son while Jungkook be the good son. Where as you don't know the last thing about him" Taehyung added glaring at Jungkook.
"You damn kid, you won't learn from your mistake" Jeon said moving towards him but Jungkook's hold on him stop him from doing a thing to Taehyung.
Taehyung walked off, feeling hurt by the way his parents treat him.
He got to where Jimin stood watching the whole scene.
Jimin had a sad expression on his face and when he move towards him wanting to comfort him, Taehyung walked on leaving Jimin staring after him.
Jungkook was still trying to calm his angry father along with his mother, no one was going after Taehyung which got him following even though his injured foot prevented him from running.
He saw him going into a room and followed him in.
It wasn't until he look around that she realized that it was his room.
"Why did you follow me? To gloat?" Taehyung asked not turning to stare at him.
"No" Jimin replied realizing that he needed to be alone.
"Then why are you here? " He asked still not looking his way.
"To give you this" Jimin said putting his mp3 player on the bed where he was seated.
"I always listen to it when am feeling down or confuse, I can assure you that it's soothing. Listen to it and cheer up" he said wanting to say more but since he didn't reply, he left his room closing the door for him.
Taehyung who was finding it hard to hold back his tears picked up the mp3 and began playing the music.
Jimin's voice wafted out through the mp3 before a song of BTS (LIFE GOES ON) Began to play from it.
"How is this soothing?" Taehyung muttered as he kept listening and a while later a soft smile splayed his lips even as he laid on the bed to keep on listening to Jimin's source of happiness.
"You shouldn't have come with me" Jimin said to Jungkook as they went into Jimoon's home.
"And get reprimanded by our parents. Never and besides I also came to see Wu, he must be in his room right?" Jungkook asked as he took the stairs up while Jimin shook his head silently following him up the stairs.
When he had told Jimoon's mom that he wanted to leave, what he didn't think of is that they will ask Jungkook to take him.
He limped up stairs and was heading to his room when he saw Jungkook standing in front of Wu door with out going in.
"Aren't you going in?" Jimin asked walking towards him only to stop when he heard the moans coming from the room.
"It isn't what I think right?" Jungkook asked Jimin who also wanted to believe the same.
Moving towards the door, he opened it and what he and Jungkook saw got both their eyes widening......
To be continued ✌️✌️✌️
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